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55.29% Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies / Chapter 45: Mom-Son talk

Capítulo 45: Mom-Son talk

When I woke up the next morning, I found that Mom was still laying at my side. She's already awake though. She was the one at the center, with me on her left and Celine on her right. Celine was still sleeping and Mom didn't want to wake both of us up so she stayed.

"Good Morning, You're up early today." Mom said

"Big Sis is still asleep?" I asked as I sat up, rubbing my eyes

"Don't wake her up" Mom pointed to Celine who was attached to Mom like a koala

I smiled at the adorable sight before getting off the bed.

"You can stay there with Sis, I'll cook for today~" I said to Mom before going out the room

"No, wai-" Mom didn't want to, but I was already out. She can't move that much since she doesn't want to disturb Celine's sleep

Once downstairs, I went to the kitchen before starting to cook breakfast. While I was cooking I thought of what I'm gonna be doing,

Although, I had ample preparations for last night, but thinking about it now, there can never be too much preparation. So for the next few days atleast, I plan to really solidify the 'good kid' image I have. I will especially highlight the amount of trust I have on my mother, I mean, it's not like she has a lie that she used multiple times to get me to do certain things.

After all, the more you see that someone has expectations or complete faith in you, the more you want to meet their expectations or atleast not betray it. Especially when they're someone so close and precious to you.

After about half an hour I was done, I was surprised that Mom and Celine still didn't go downstairs. Did Celine really oversleep that much?

I put my hand on the wooden wall, as I started to have a small 'talk' with the gigantic tree in which our house was built. I was able to know that the Celine was already awake and was actually talking to Mom about something. Their exact conversation I couldn't find out, but they finished their talk as they head downstairs as well.

"Good Morning" I greeted them

They greeted me back as we then had our breakfast.


I decided to spend most of the day with Mom as I tried to help her in various works. Of course, I also tried to have some fun of my own. During times when Celine was nearby, I would ask

"Mom, you haven't drank my- Mm?" I was gonna say milk, when Mom quickly covered my mouth with her hands

"Uhm... Riel, I told you right? We don't do and talk about that when others are nearby." She whispered to me in an urgent tone

"Uhm... okay" I said like I didn't really understand, but still decided to follow anyway

Of course, like the good kid I am, I won't ask questions like 'Why'. Mom looked at me with hesitant eyes before saying-

"I'll tell you about it soon, okay?" She said to me as she hugged me softly

During the times when I'm not with Mom though, Celine would come to talk to me about how Mom talked to her about it. And what I should do so that I wouldn't slip up and be obvious that I already knew about what Mom would be talking about.

"Okay, so when Mom says about what our private parts is actually used for, what should be your reactions?" Sis asked

"Uh... Wow?" I said like I was unsure

"Ugh... No, you should be more embarrassed and shocked. Like 'I didn't know that!', that kind of a reaction" Sis explained

"Ohhh, I see... 'What? I didn't know that!'" I nodded before doing what she said almost perfectly

I didn't want to seem that much of a dumbass to my Sister, after all I am pretty talented in magic. I'm 'innocent' and 'pure', not stupid. There's a difference...

"Good, good" Celine nodded in approval

"Also do you really dream of being able to play in the capital?" she then asked

"Uhm... Teacher said I can earn money that way, and I want to help Mom. So yes, kind of" I answered

"Oh, I see... That's good. Remember, no matter how kind someone may seem to you don't get blinded by it. No one loves you like I, no, like we do." Sis smiled at my answer which still puts my family first

The days passed on as usual and since I no longer have classes, I just spent the whole day at our home. So I continued showering Mom with my love and affection.

Whenever I see her a little down,

"Mom, what's wrong?" I would go up to her and ask

"Nothing's wrong sweetie, I'm fine." Mom would smile at me like that

"If you say so, but please tell us if there is okay? We will do our best to help you" I'd say before kissing her lightly

"Okay then." She would giggle lightly as she said so

Whenever she's tired from doing house chores,

"Mom, I'll be the one to cook this time okay? So just teach me from the side again" I told her

"Really? It's nice that you're helping me out a lot lately." Mom said

"Usually, I would be out of the house around this time. I rarely got to do this stuff with you Mom, so I'd like to enjoy it as much as possible"

Funnily enough, the more affectionate I got. The more I would find her looking down and lost in her own thoughts.


The following day, Celine finally thought that it should be fine by now to let me have the talk with Mom. She was feeling pretty confident that I wouldn't accidentally slip up and inform Mom about our relationship.

The day went on as usual and when we finished eating dinner, Celine went to her room this time to sleep. So it was just me and Mom who were in our room. Just like the time before with Celine, I went out for a bit to go to Sister's room. I went just outside her door before casting

"Deadly Bloom – Slumber" this time I actually just left the pot with a seed in there already, so I didn't need to enter.

However to check if she was really sleeping, I had to enter her room after a few minutes. After which I called out to her multiple times, and of course she didn't wake up this time as well.

Feeling pretty safe, I went back to Mom's room where I found her sitting upright waiting for me.

"Riel, why don't you sit next to me for a few minutes?" She asked weakly

Though she tried to hide it, I can feel the tension and nervousness in her voice.

"Un, what is it Mom?" I asked as I sat beside her before leaning towards her body as I looked up to her

Seeing me be all cuddly, I can see Mom bite her lips in hesitation before turning towards me as she spoke out anyway.

"You're already growing up, so I think it's about time we talked about your future sweetie" Mom said as she rustled my hair

"My future?" I thought Celine said it was the 'sex-talk' so why am I getting a talk about my future instead

"Yes... Be honest with Mom... is there still someone you like?" she asked

"Someone I like? Uhhm... I like Mom... Sister and Teacher too" I answered like it was obvious

"No, like... someone you want to marry when you grow up" she further explained

"Marry? Then... uhm... you, Mom." I answered after some consideration

"M-Me?" Mom didn't seem to expect that answer

"I mean, marrying means growing old with someone right? I want to stay with you Mom" I explained

"Heh... But you can't marry family, Riel..." Mom was pretty happy with my answer before explaining further

"The city is a big place Riel, so there's a lot of girls that might catch your attention" she smiled as she said so

"So for tonight I wanted to explain to you, the things that you need to know about relationships first okay?"

"What I need to know?" I repeated

"Yes, I think who you'll marry largely depends on your 'tastes', but I think I should tell you what kind of people you should avoid" Mom said

"My tastes?" I asked like I didn't know

"Well... what kind of girl do you think are most beautiful or you're most attracted to? Or the type of girl you want to marry." Mom explained

Now that is something I can answer truthfully. So after hearing Mom's explanation I thought for a moment before saying

"Uhm... I think it's nice when talking to girls who are older than me" Not grandmas of course, but you know the 'mature', MILF ones, also the Big Sister types

"O-Older ones? Why?" I can see Mom's face turn worrisome.

I don't know what she's worried about though, the fact that I like older women or the chance that she might be one of the reasons for my specific 'preference'.

"Well, it's not like there's someone younger than me around here" I said

"Ohhhh... I see. Also I already told you about this before right? But don't get involved with girls who can just jump from men to men like it's nothing" she explained

"Also you might not experience it right now, but once you have money. If you feel like she's only after your money instead of you then you should also avoid her as well okay?"

Mom continued telling me about 'bad' women that I shouldn't even think of getting myself acquainted with before finally ending it with a-

"Also if possible, then atleast have Mom be able to meet her so I can judge her myself okay?" Mom smiled before pinching my cheeks

"Un" I nodded

"Then let's continue with what I really wanted to talk with you about..."

"You're already at that age, so you might start experiencing things in your body that you might find strange" Mom said


"Yes, for example have you had any weird dreams? Or have you woken up and your trousers is wet with your, you know... 'milk'" Mom asked me

"Uhmm... No" So far I haven't gotten any, maybe it's because I'm pretty satisfied already?

"Oh... well even if you haven't experienced it yet, then atleast now you know. It's normal so don't worry about it okay?"

Now here is where I wasn't sure what Mom is gonna do. There's a chance that she gathered up her courage to willingly tell me about what we did, or she can continue what she already said to me before.

"Riel, when you were 'cheering' me up, you must've had urges right?"

"Urges?" I asked

"Well, when you were releasing... ehem, Milk. It must've felt really good for you right? So maybe you wanted to experience it again."

"It is completely normal to have such urges but just like everything, too much of anything will be bad for you. So you must not let yourself become too addicted with such pleasure, okay?" Mom then lectured me

"I understand Mom" I nodded

"Mom, do girls also get such urges?" I asked curiously

"Of course. You asked me before right? Where do babies come from? Well when..."


"No, you can't do such things with your Sister."


Her explanation continued pretty much similar to what Celine told me, however there were some differences. In the end, my innocent acts the past few days must've made her hesitate, as she made sure that her previous lies were all connected, so it would seem normal to me. Like-

"So Riel, until you have a wife. You mustn't do it with other people other than me okay, okay? And once you have one, then we must stop" she explained nervously

She even accidentally came up with such a hentai excuse of-

"I can do the other things to give you a rough idea so that you don't embarrass yourself with your wife okay?"

"However we can't do the finals steps of having sex okay? That's something only your wife has the right to" her chest was already rising up and down in an unnatural pace when she told me so

And to ensure her lies wouldn't fall out,

"Lastly, if you have any questions about adult-related matters. You should ask ONLY me okay? Other people might just feed you lies to take advantage of you"

I can already see beads of sweat forming on her forehead, telling me of how scared she is right now of possible holes in her story. However, I don't want our relationship to just end at blowjobs and I don't want to continue keeping track of so many lies. Originally, if things came to do this I plan on using the book but seeing her explanation she will probably just pass it off as 'perverted lies' that others wrote.

Thankfully Celine, decided to tell me how Mom told the story to her. So I,

"Uhm Mom... actually..."


Hearing me have further questions and the word 'actually'. I could see the nervousness in her as she clenched her arms with an uneasy expression while she waited for my question.

"Uhm... from what Celine told me..." I said like I wasn't sure which to believe

"...? Celine? .... -B-but I told her, she didn't need to" I can almost see the terror form in her eyes, as she realized what could've happened

"You said to her that it's called 'semen' and not milk, and it's not supposed to be drank in the first place" I pointed out

"And that, we shouldn't do such things with 'anyone' other than our partner" I pointed out another

"But you said to me, that I can do it with you..." I said bewilderedly

"W-what else did she tell you?"

"Uhm... the 'foreplay' thing... which is very similar to how you said I should cheer you up" I said doubtfully

"Uhm... why is it different from Celine?" I looked at her with questioning eyes

"A-ah... that..."

Hearing me point out the inconsistencies in her story, combined with how nervous and nerve wracking it must've been for her, she didn't know what to do. If it came from anyone else, another person, or a book, she can just shrug it off as lies and how it's her version that is correct. However these were her own words as well and I can practically see the light disappear in Mom's eyes, as she just weakly answered

I was waiting for what she was gonna do next, but she just stayed unmoving for some time while her facial expressions constantly changed. In the end, she just gave up on covering it up, as she teared up.

"it's over... it's all over... I should've just been honest" she would repeatedly mumble, like a criminal who just got caught red-handed

"Wha-? Mom! Why are you crying?" I said in worry while I shook her body, like I didn't know the reason

"NO, I'm sorry... Please, I'm sorry... I just didn't want you to be disappointed with me, okay?" She suddenly clung to me as if I was gonna disappear if she let go of me

"Yes, I lied to you but I promise I won't do it again. Just PLEASE don't hate me okay?"

"Mom, It's fine. It's fine. I'll never hate you." I would continuously ease her everytime she repeatedly apologized

"I was gonna be honest with you at first... but seeing you look at me with so much trust. I couldn't bear to betray your expectations" Mom rambled on

I thought she would at most just be shocked or guilty, but I didn't expect this much of a breakdown from her. I think I might've underestimated just how much this issue has been plaguing Mom's mind for her to have this sort of a reaction.

For quite some time, whenever she confessed something I would repeatedly eased her saying, how I'll never hate her, and how I understand why she did what she did.

"sniff... Are you disgusted with your mother?" she asked as she weakly rest her hand on my shoulder

"NO! Mom, how can I?" I firmly said to reassure her

While she's still an emotional mess from earlier, I said words that are almost too good to be true towards her. What I did was try to imagine this scenario with the roles reversed. A father who just got caught by his 'innocent' daughter and is now begging for her forgiveness. I thought about what words would sound the sweetest and drive such a person crazy right now, words that would sound almost dream-like for someone in such a scenario.

"Mom, you raised Celine and I alone for all these years, that's something I'll be eternally grateful for. I know just how hard you've worked and how much you love us." I said as I hugged while rubbing her back to calm her down

"....sniff... sniff..." Mom sobbed weakly as she heard me

"Such little things can never make me hate you." I said before kissing her in the cheek

"Little? ...No, you're still young after all." Mom widened her eyes when she heard me call what she did to me as just 'little things'

"No, Mom. I'm not some stupid kid, I can think for myself now. You were afraid that I'll hate you right? For lying to me all this time" I said as I looked at her

"You said it earlier, right? That women can also feel such urges? it's not your fault at all, isn't it natural?" when she heard me, I can see her stupefied face as she looked at me.

Considering how heavy this matter must've weighed on her mind, she probably prepared for a lot of scenarios. But having me just accept and just forgive her like that, as if it was nothing was something that she didn't even consider.

I actually don't mind even if Mom won't immediately agree or open up to me. The most important thing is that Mom no longer has to keep telling lies if she ever wanted to do such acts with me again.

"It's not your fault that a certain man, didn't do his duties as a father nor as a husband. So you had to do everything yourself" after I said so, I can see Mom bite her lips.

"Mom, even if you told me this earlier, I would still have done the same. This is the least I can do to repay everything you've done for me" I said before kissing Mom, who had a stupid look on her face, in the lips deeply

I then gave her my kindest smile before saying,

"Mom, I know that you said we can't do this. But if I can make you happy by having you do such things with me. Then I'll keep everything a secret, no matter what or how much you do it with me."

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