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67.85% The Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 19: Marielle x Olfina / Marielle x Aela x Lydia x Jenassa x Umana

Capítulo 19: Marielle x Olfina / Marielle x Aela x Lydia x Jenassa x Umana

Septimus Signus may have been a genius, but Marielle figured out within a couple of minutes that he was completely off the deep end. He may have been nuts before he'd left the college, but it was apparent his time isolated far away from anyone had well and truly done his mind in. Despite the madness, and the fact he made little sense, Marielle was able to learn two things. He didn't have an Elder Scroll, but could point her in the right direction to find one.

A place called Blackreach. An ancient Dwemer location, reached through one of their long abandoned cities known as Alftand.

Heading back to Winterhold and the inn, they opened a map and could see where Alftand was located. Aela was immediately shaking her head. "This is going to be one hell of an expedition, Marielle. Getting to there just from Winterhold will be a pain in the arse. Dwarven ruins are completely isolated, most of them well away from even minor roads. Then there's the fact most of them are enormous and can take a couple of days to explore. Then there is no telling how large this Blackreach could be, and what traps and creatures lurk within."

"What could we find?" Marielle asked.

"Falmer. They're a race of Mer that now infest their ruins. Vicious fuckers. Then there are their pets, Chaurus. Then there are the traps the Dwemer left for any unsuspecting adventurer."

"There are four of us. Should we perhaps take more with us?"

"Falmer numbers can overwhelm small groups. I would suggest returning to Whiterun, as we're going to need supplies. We could be gone for quite a while."

"Everyone agree with Aela's assessment?"

Mjoll remained silent but everyone recognised the look on her face, Marielle grabbing her hand. Mjoll squeezed it back. "The… scars you've obviously seen, Marielle…"

"We all have them, Mjoll. It comes with the life."

"Most of mine are from one incident. In Mzinchaleft. I haven't talked about it much as it's something I'd prefer to forget. I almost died."

"You don't want to come?"

"I'm not leaving your side, Marielle. Not any of your sides. It's just… It's a vivid memory."

The four agreed to leave immediately. It was a difficult journey back, primarily due to inclement weather, a snowstorm slowing progress to a crawl no more than an hour or two after leaving Winterhold. Camping that night, and the next night, as the snowstorm was relentless, was incredibly uncomfortable for all four of them, so when they woke to a clear sky the second morning away from Winterhold, they quickly had their horses galloping along, agreeing to not stop until they were back in Whiterun, no matter the time of day.

After dropping their things at Breezehome, the first thing Marielle wanted was to feel warm and clean, so they headed straight to the bath house. No thought of anything of a sexual nature. The steam room helped her feel completely warm for the first time in a few days, then a wash in the pool helped her feel cleaner. Once they had dressed, it was The Bannered Mare, a hot meal, and a few tankards, delighted to be in what felt like civilisation once again. The inn in Winterhold had felt completely deserted compared to any she'd been in before.

When Olfina was the one to serve their table instead of Saadia, Marielle figured out rather quickly why. Olfina didn't have to say a word, her eyes and body language said enough. Her three companions picked up on it quickly, and they barely said a word before they left, Aela simply stating that Mjoll would spend the night with them.

Finding herself sat there alone was unusual, but as soon as Olfina noticed, she wandered over and took a seat next to her. Marielle smiled as she grabbed her hand. "How have you been?" she asked.

"Busy as always," Olfina replied, "Where have your friends gone?"

"I have a feeling they were assuming things. You were giving me a certain look I recognised, but I think they did too." Olfina definitely started to blush, so Marielle simply leaned forward and kissed her, Olfina returning the affection. Breaking apart, they were both smiling. "I'll wait here until you're finished, then maybe you'd like to come to my place?"

"Won't have to worry about noise then, eh?"

"I hope you make a lot of noise, Olfina. Play your cards right, you can spend a couple of nights with me."

Olfina looked around the room. "I should be finished in around half an hour or so."

"I can wait here. You're worth the wait."

There is no doubt she went and talked straight to Hulda, as both looked her way, Hulda chuckling before she nodded to whatever question Olfina asked. Taking off her apron, she had a quick word with Saadia, before walking back to her table and taking her hand. Once in Breezehome, Marielle led her straight upstairs, the first kiss hot and full of want and desire.

Clothing was removed slower than either would have assumed, considering how much they clearly wanted each other, but once underwear was removed, Marielle found herself pinned down on the bed by her lover, wrapping her legs around her hips as their mouths barely parted. Feeling Olfina fondle her pussy made her moan softly into her mouth, and Olfina finally broke the kiss as she needed to smile. "Love how wet you already are," she whispered.

"Olfina, you're a fucking turn on. There are very few women I desire more."

That earned one hell of a kiss from Olfina before she broke the kiss and immediately lowered her mouth to her pussy. Marielle giggled as Olfina would usually tease her. Not tonight, it seemed. Marielle would happily admit she loved having her pussy eaten almost as much as she loved being fucked, but Olfina's talent was something else. Add to the fact she liked the damned woman a lot, and it was little wonder she enjoyed her first orgasm rather quickly.

Whispering she wanted to return the favour, all Olfina did was turn her body around, Marielle grinning at the bald, glistening pussy now in front of her face. She closed her eyes and simply inhaled her scent. By the Nine, she could eat her pussy all day, every day. She lost track of how long they ate each other out, and definitely lost track of the orgasms they both enjoyed. Each time with Olfina had been almost perfect, and this simply heightened the intimacy they so obviously shared. It ended with Olfina lying back with Marielle between her legs, feeling her juices dribble down her chin, Olfina a deep breathing, glistening with sweat, utterly turned on mess of a woman, whimpering and whispering all manner of thoughts and feelings she was currently experiencing. One last orgasm and Marielle had to relent, as her own jaw was feeling a little sore.

Kissing up her body, they kissed for probably the first time since they tumbled into her bed. Both of them seemed to realise, as they burst into giggles as they snuggled together under the furs. Olfina caressed her cheek as they relaxed. "Marielle, I have something I need to confess."

"I know," she whispered in return, "Trust me, I'm feeling it too. But… the others, I adore them just as much."

"Good thing everyone is so open minded, but I have to say how much I adore you. Every time we're together, I swear to Talos it's better. Next time, you're going to make me cum so hard, I will burst into tears. I almost did tonight, more than once."

Waking the next morning, they made love again… well, Marielle sat on her face as Olfina wanted nothing but to please her, running fingers through her hair as Olfina seemed intent on giving her as many orgasms as possible before needing to leave for the day. By the time they were dressing, Marielle could barely stand up her legs were like jelly, but the last kiss they shared before Olfina left both of them breathless.

The rest of the day was spent preparing for the expedition to Blackreach. Despite the serious nature, she did ask her three lovers about who they should take. Eventually heading down to The Drunken Huntsmen, she was delighted to find Jenassa, and asked if she would be willing to join them. As she'd managed to make a little coin, Jenassa agreed immediately, asking who else would be going. When telling her, Jenassa simply stated, "You're going to spend half the time being gangbanged." She paused and added, "By Azura, I love that thought already. When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow. No gangbanging tonight. Early to bed, early to rise. It's going to be a long few days."

She kept her word too. Aela and Lydia ended up going back to Jorrvaskr together, no doubt to fuck each other senseless. They'd likely spend half the next day dozing on horseback. Mjoll stayed with her as always, but they kept underwear on to ensure they didn't give into temptation themselves. Just being held in Mjoll's arms was enough to turn her on at times, but they managed to behave.

It took time to organise themselves at the stables the next morning, as they had plenty of supplies to take, as Aela was sure we could be gone for up to a week. Mounting up, Marielle couldn't help gaze at the walls of Whiterun as they headed towards the meadery before turning north, wondering what sort of condition their group would be in whenever we managed to return. She was confident all would be well.

It took three days to find Alftand. It was a day's ride away from even the most minor of roads, the hooves of their horses sinking deep into the snow. As much as the five enjoyed sex, that side of their life came to a halt as each day was spent riding, then eating, then sleeping. That day heading towards Alftand, all they agreed is that they would find the entrance and head inside as quickly as possible.

What they found upon finding a dwarven tower that suggested an entrance nearby were the remains of a camp. It had been destroyed by a recent storm, and they found the bodies of at least a couple of poor bastards who had frozen to death, another sign they should head in quickly. Leading their horses inside the entrance of the ruin, far enough that they would be kept warm, ensuring they had food in case they were gone longer than expected. As none of them had no idea how large this Blackreach was, they knew they were going in blind.

The entrance was encased in ice, with obvious signs whoever had come before had hacked their way through. What none of them expected was to find a deranged khajit, who immediately tried to attack them. It didn't work, and he ended up dead on the ground rather quickly, the group finding another dead khajit nearby.

Entering the ruins proper, they quickly ran into the first dwarven machines that infested such ruins. Having never been through such a ruin before, Marielle was happy to let Aela and Lydia take the lead, as they had explored similar ruins. Mjoll would have done, but even Marielle could sense her slight hesitancy. Jenassa covered their backs in the event they were surrounded.

Marielle was glad she had friends with her, left believing she would have just got lost on her own. Though each room seemed to have at least one or two dwarven machine, and there were also signs they were following in the footsteps of a previous expedition, finding evidence of campsites, treasure that had already been looted, and more than one journal explaining what they had found and what they hoped to find further in.

Deeper into the ruins, they found their first body, and the fact it hadn't particularly decomposed suggested that the expedition might have only arrived a few days before themselves. "Are they here for the Elder Scroll?" Marielle asked.

"To be honest, I doubt many would even know it was here," Aela replied.

"Treasure hunters," Lydia said, nodding her head in agreement.

"Aye, not the first, won't be the last," Mjoll added.

It was not the first body they found, the bloody remains suggesting the dwarven machines had shown no mercy, even Mjoll admitting she would be surprised if they found anyone alive, particularly if they found themselves face to face with a centurion. Marielle was going to ask what that was, but a look into Mjoll's eyes told her everything she needed to know.

Having been warned about the Falmer before entering, actually seeing one for the first time was something Marielle knew she'd likely have nightmares about the next time she closed her eyes. They were horrific creatures, twisted, evil looking monsters that prowled the empty dwarven built halls. Aela murmured where there was one Falmer, there would be more. Many more.

She wasn't wrong. The next few hours, or so it felt like, involved hacking and slashing their way through groups of the foul smelling creatures. That was when Marielle did find space and height if possible, using her bow to great effectiveness. An arrow fired always found its intended target, making sure she retrieved it if possible. They were a precious commodity in such circumstances. Taking more than one quiver from a dead Falmer, she quickly realised their arrows were tipped with poison, grinning to herself as she slid a few of their arrows into her quiver, intent on returning the favour.

More bodies were found, these killed by the Falmer, and what they had done to them caused blood to run cold. "By Dibella, what are these creatures?" Marielle whispered to herself.

"This is why adventurers avoid these ruins if they have any brains," Aela muttered, "I've taken on more than one contract to locate someone who has disappeared. Rarely do I return home with good news."

The group showed absolutely no mercy from that moment on, taking more than one Falmer by surprise, cutting them down, ensuring they attracted attention, cutting them down as well. They didn't take a single wound, though that was also due to warning about the poison tipped weapons wielded by the Falmer.

By the time they came face to face with the centurion, Marielle was utterly pissed off and simply used her Thu'um to kill it. What they did find afterwards was a surprise, as they located the last two remaining members of the expedition they had been following. When they suddenly attacked each other, Marielle signalled for them to wait and see what happened. As soon as one of them was dead, the male, the obvious female Redguard turned to face them.

"Who the fuck are you lot?" she asked.

"I'm the Dragonborn," Marielle replied.

"Oh… Why are you here?"

"We're looking for an Elder Scroll. I need it as we hope it has information that will help us defeat Alduin and prevent the end of the world."

She lowered her sword and shield. "Oh…"

"What were you doing here?" Lydia asked.

She gestured to the dead body. "He led us here, the fool. Divines, what we've witnessed, what we've had to do just to get here. The Falmer…" She trailed off and shook her head.

"You can join us, if you wish," Marielle suggested, "And whatever treasure you find is yours. We're only here for the Elder Scroll."

"You're hoping she's got a cock," Jenassa murmured from behind.

"You'll get me out of here afterwards? I just want to get out of here," the Redguard stated wearily.

"Join us and I assure you we'll get you home."

The sword was sheathed immediately as she stepped forward and offered her hand. "I'm Umana."

Marielle introduced herself and the others. It was obvious Umana had been through quite the ordeal. She looked exhausted. Crouching over the body of her former partner, she took a small bag that contained a few things they'd managed to already find. Once she was ready, the group found a set of stairs that led them into what they soon realised was Blackreach.

It was an enormous cavern, but even that didn't explain the sheer size and wonder of the place. Marielle knew they would have to return one day to explore every nook and cranny, but the first thing they agreed to do was make camp, as they had been walking and fighting for what felt like hours. Pitching tents, beds unrolled, campfire built, food cooked. As they finally relaxed, they could only gaze about in wonder.

Armour was eventually moved due to weary muscles and bones. Although Umana was a new addition to the group, she realised quite quickly that the group was rather close. When Lydia ended up on her knees before Aela, taking her cock in her mouth, while Jenassa had her fingers fondly Marielle's pussy, she asked, "So you all adventure together and… fuck?"

Marielle looked at her and smiled. "Added to that, I'm the only woman here."

Her eyebrows rose high. "So the rest of you are all… futanari?"

Marielle was amused when any remaining clothes were removed to show thick, long cocks. Marielle would have immediately got onto her knees and started to service them, but she was rather interested in what Umana's reaction. The Redguard looked around, shrugged her shoulders, and stood up, removing her armour before she stood before them in underwear. Removing her bra and panties, she revealed her own very thick, very long cock, a real reminder of other Redguard lovers Marielle had enjoyed.

"By Talos, Marielle is going to want you immediately," Mjoll stated with a chuckle.

"Told you it was all about the cock," Jenassa added with humour.

"So you enjoy our kind?" Umana asked Marielle.

"Too much, in all honesty. I find the four I'm with very distracting." Marielle shuffled over to the Redguard, gently grasping her cock. She could barely wrap her fingers around the shaft, so decided to run her tongue up it, provoking a gasp from her. "I love to fuck, Umana. How would you like to fuck the Dragonborn?"


"I'm always on the look for new lovers to enjoy. And, what can I say, I love that the stories of Redguard futanari are true."

That made Umana laugh. "So you've met a few of us?"

"And each one of you has been gifted, so to speak."

Umana sat down and gestured to her cock. Ready to use her mouth, Umana shook her head and made a gesture. Marielle could only smile as she positioned herself on her lap, the first kiss surprisingly soft and tender, definitely not a sign of things to come. "Need something sweet after all that," she admitted, "Though I was losing my mind for a while."

Marielle kissed her again, the rest surrounding them, both their faces and bodies being kissed and caressed. "We were hoping to find someone alive."

"Thanks for finding me."

Marielle lifted herself up and ever so slowly slid the thick cock inside her. She immediately remembered Saadia and Jonna. "By Ysmir, Marielle, we've known her a couple of hours and her cock is already inside you," Lydia stated with a giggle.

"Always enjoy a new, tight pussy to enjoy," Umana murmured as Marielle slowly started to ride her.

Resting her arms around the back of her neck, Umana let her take control. Marielle loved feeling her pussy being spread by such a thick cock, little wonder she needed more and more of it, riding her faster and faster. That, in turn, just heightened Umana's desire, the next kiss one of fiery passion, making Marielle whimper into her mouth as Umana's fingers ran down her back before grabbing onto her arse.

Then Marielle felt her eyes open wide as the orgasm that took hold almost took her completely by surprise. She felt herself shudder, her entire body seeming to tingle as she cried out something intelligible before collapsing against Umana's chest. She heard her newest Redguard lover chuckle as Marielle sucked in a few deep breaths.

"Wow, that was… intense," Marielle whispered.

"Okay, am I the only one here that loves watching her orgasm?" Jenassa asked.

"Well, I think we all do, but it's even better when you're the reason," Mjoll replied.

Marielle looked around to see four other cocks being stroked. "Umana, I want to feel you cum inside me, then I want to feel four others cum inside me too."

"Told you it was going to turn into a gangbang!" Jenassa exclaimed.

"I brought oil," Aela added.

"Gangbang and double penetration then," Marielle stated.

Umana was able to pick her up, carrying her to the nearest bedroll, lying her down, spread her legs nice and wide, and proceeded to give her a good, hard fuck. It was so good, Marielle came against before Umana finally erupted inside her, the usual load left by a Redguard lover in that, after she pulled out, Marielle felt cum flow out of her pussy.

For the next couple of hours, Marielle was fucked by all of them. Jenassa, Mjoll, Aela and Lydia all had a turn before the tempo was lifted further when a cock was added to her arse, and then another one to her mouth. With two free hands, she could also stroke a cock, so by the end, all five of her lovers were being serviced, one way or another. In addition to the copious amount of loads she took in her mouth, pussy and arse, she enjoyed what felt like one endless orgasm at times. By the time they were finished with her, she felt cum dripping out of more than one orifice, more cum was left dripping over her body and face, and her mouth was a little sore from having a cock in it for hours.

Her last two partners were Mjoll and Jenassa, the latter fucking her arse hard as always. After being fucked for so long, Marielle could only look back and beg her to keep going and go harder. That just made her Dunmer lover grin, finding the right sort of position to really give her what they both wanted. Mjoll was busy pumping her enormous cock into her at the same time, her other three lovers sitting back and simply watching in amazement.

"Is it always like this?" Umana asked.

"It can be. She loves to fuck and we love fucking her."

"Are you her only lovers?"

That made Aela laugh. "By Talos, not at all. Marielle makes friends and lovers everywhere she goes. But, then again, you have seen her, clothed and naked. She's fucking adorable, and we've enjoyed plenty of adventures together, but we all love a woman that knows what she wants, and loves to fuck and be fucked."

Mjoll came inside her a second time and managed to move out of the way, leaving Jenassa to fuck her alone. Crouching over her, she leaned down and whispered some very suggestive things to Marielle, most of them involving abusing her arsehole for a lot longer. By that stage, Marielle was practically delirious with pleasure and agreed to it all. That just made Jenassa chuckle as she fucked her for as long as she could before leaving one final load inside her.

Pulling out, she slid a couple of fingers into her arse and spread them. "Nice gape, right?" she asked, looking at her friends.

"Damn, how are you feeling Marielle?" Aela wondered.

"Wonderful… Spread me wide, Jenassa?"

"It's beautiful, Marielle," she replied softly, "Love it when your arse looks this well fucked."

"Umana…" Marielle whispered.

"Seriously?" Umana asked, "Marielle, I could…"

"Please…" Marielle pleaded.

Umana relented rather quickly, and once she was lubed up, she slid her cock inside Marielle's arse. She couldn't give her entire length, and there was no doubt Marielle struggled with what was inside her, but she begged for her new Redguad lover to pound her just like Jenassa had. Umana glanced at the others, who all nodded for her to do it. Taking the same position Jenassa had taken, Marielle felt soft lips on her cheek… then felt her thick cock start to slam into her arse.

"Oh Divines!" Marielle cried, "Oh gods…" She felt Umana start to stop. "Please don't stop!" she cried urgently, "You have to keep going until you cum!"

"Marielle," Mjoll started to say.

"Please," Marielle whimpered, "I just want… I just want to be pounded into oblivion."

As Umana practically abused her, the rest sat down around her, making sure she was okay. They were all thankful that Umana didn't last too long in the end, no doubt rather turned on by it all. But when she did cum, her entire cock disappeared inside Marielle, which caused her eyes to almost roll back inside her head… then she seemed to have such an incredible orgasm, she actually passed out.

She didn't exactly feel Umana pull out, but she did hear Jenassa exclaim, "Holy shit!"

"Bad?" Aela asked.

"No, not that. It's just no wonder she had such an orgasm."

Marielle finally collapsed to the ground, completely drained and utterly exhausted. She needed to wipe her cheeks. The tears were not from pain, not exactly, but more from the hours of bliss she'd just experienced. The likes of Mjoll naturally worried she was hurt but she quickly assured them she was nothing short of exuberant, though giggled, admitting she would feel sore come the morning.

She wasn't wrong. She'd had some hard anal sex before but the night before had been something else. As she sat down and winced, Umana and Jenassa showed immediate concern. She just met their eyes and said, "Worth it. So totally worth it."

After breakfast, they packed up camp and headed off. There were a few Falmer to deal with, and also one or two dwarven machines, but unlike the ruins they had spent an entire day passing through. Blackreach was nowhere near as infested, therefore the group could move quickly towards their objective. They knew they needed to find a tower, and there were only a couple around that fit the description.

The tower was empty of life. They did find a skeleton, no idea who it might have been. Retrieving the Elder Scroll involved trying to solve a puzzle. Marielle might not have known much about the Dwemer, but she'd always liked to think she had a modicum amount of intelligence. In the end, it didn't take the six of them too long to figure it out. She amused herself by wondering where the singing voices were once the Elder Scroll was revealed, but once she had it in hand, and making sure we carried out the request that Septimus made of us before giving us the information we had needed, we headed for the nearby elevator, heading up and immediately towards the exit.

Thankfully it wasn't dark when exiting the tower, though we were quite a distance from where we'd entered the ruins, so it required trudging through deep snow, only arriving where we had entered by the time light was starting to fade. Finding our horses were safe and sound, we decided to camp near them, dragging the two khajit bodies away, as Umana explained they had originally camped there, and she also knew the two khajit. "Pair of bloody skooma addicts. We had to leave them behind as they were more trouble than they were worth."

"One of them was dead when we arrived," Marielle explained.

"Both were alive when we left them here. No surprise they turned on each other. I was sure they were hiding skooma but Sulla just didn't care."

After dinner, Marielle made them all chuckle as she grabbed the bottle of oil, placing it down between them, before she stripped off, got down on her knees and leaned forward before reaching back, spreading her arsecheeks. "I want nothing but hard anal all night. I want to go nuts."

"I'll ask only once, Marielle. Are you sure?" Lydia asked, no doubt worried about her thane.

"I'm sure, Lydia. I want all of you just to fuck me all night, nowhere but my arse."

Lydia was the first one to slide inside her, and after a couple of minutes, she fucked her harder than she ever had. All Marielle did was reach back to fondle her pussy and clit as her thick cock slammed into her. It was very exciting for Lydia, as she came rather quickly. Soon as she pulled out, Aela slid her cock into her, immediately pumping her nice and fast. Marielle came hard within a couple of minutes, which was a relief as she could just concentrate on the thick cock pleasuring her arse.

Once Aela came, she was surprised Umana wanted to go next. It was perhaps a good decision, as it took her a couple of minutes to really be comfortable… then she was begging Umana to never stop within the next couple of minutes. The Redguard fucked her for quite a while before she came hard, Jenassa spreading her arsehole nice and wide with her fingers, exclaiming she was already gaping well, before sliding her cock inside her. She was probably the most brutal of it, causing Marielle to blink rapidly, grunting and groaning as her arsehole was almost abused, but she loved it. The orgasm she had during it caused her to nearly pass out, Jenassa slowing down enough to ask she was okay.

"I want this all night," she whimpered, "I love having my arse fucked so hard."

About time she just admitted it, if she was honest with herself. Ever since the first time she'd enjoyed anal sex, she had always wanted it again and again. Part of it was simply due to biology. If her arse was fucked, no chance of an accidental pregnancy. There was a slight taboo factor. A small woman such as herself should not enjoy being fucked so… brutally at times, but she loved it when a futanari could almost throw her around a room and just dominate her.

Jenassa had to cum inside her eventually, removing her cock and Mjoll slid inside her. Mjoll had fucked her hard the night before, but Marielle had sensed her hesitancy. She sat up once her entire cock was inside her, resting back against her chest. "Mjoll, I want you to fuck me as hard as you can tonight. Okay?"

Mjoll was silent a second d or two. "Okay."

"Trust me. I'm going to love it. Then you're all getting another turn. Ten loads in a night."

"You won't be able to sit on your horse tomorrow," Aela stated, laughing to herself.

"Don't care. I've wanted this for a long time. So it was time to finally give into my urges."

Mjoll crouched over her, leaving a soft kiss on her cheek… then fucked her harder than she ever hard. It was enough to make her eyes water, but it was nothing short of perfect, and considering her feelings for Mjoll, it just made those increase for the simple fact she was doing what she wanted. Mjoll lasted longer than the previous five, Marielle enjoying another powerful orgasm before Mjoll finally came inside her, leaving her cock deep in her arse, giving Marielle a moment to catch her breath.

The five then fucked her again in the same order, each one trying to fuck her for harder and longer than the previous one. But the time Jenassa was fucking her again, Marielle would admit it was starting to hurt, but the pleasure far outweighed any pain. When her Dunmer lover came inside her again and pulled out, Marielle whispered, "Spread me wide."

Feeling fingers stretch her arsehole, she rubbed her pussy so fast, she was sure she would orgasm just from that. She sensed her lovers gather around. "Damn, Marielle, aren't you sore?"

"Yes, but totally worth it. Just Mjoll to fuck me and then I can rest."

"We are totally doing this again," Jenassa stated, "I'll fuck your arse all night if you want."

"Taking you up on that offer," Marielle retorted with a giggle.

Mjoll didn't last as long as the first time as she admitted that she was rather turned on by seeing Marielle fucked so hard and for so long. When Mjoll came inside her and pulled out, Marielle finally lowered her body to her bedroll and smiled. "Thank you," she said simply.

"You are a tiny thing, Marielle. I simply wonder where it all goes," Umana said.

"The wonder of the human body."

"And it's something you'd like more often?" Aela asked, "Because if you do, trust me on this, you won't have any shortage of offers."

"Definitely. Nothing like an anal gangbang. Get all the futanari I know so far and you can fuck me for days on end." She glanced around to see cocks throb at the idea. "And I think you like that idea too."

"Ever tried two in your arse?" Jenassa asked.

"No, I'm generally content with one." Then she smiled. "But I'm willing to try new things."

"Definitely something to keep in mind for later then."

Marielle was definitely feeling it the next day, but still feeling euphoric all the same, hugging all her lovers before mounting up and heading towards the nearest road. Before heading south back towards home, they headed north for Winterhold, where she asked the rest to wait as she headed further north by herself. Handing the lexicon to Septimus certainly pleased the old man, but all she wanted was to get back to Winterhold, then Whiterun, as after a short rest, she would need to head back to the Throat of the World and, so she hoped, a climactic battle against Alduin.

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