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64.28% The Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 18: Marielle x Aela x Lydia x Mjoll

Capítulo 18: Marielle x Aela x Lydia x Mjoll

Winterhold was perhaps the most isolated city in Skyrim. It was definitely the coldest. It took three days to get there, as even though the four stuck to the main roads, once far north enough, the roads were covered in deep snow, enough that horses could only walk at a sedate pace. That meant camping in the bitter cold, and that resulted in the four cuddling together in one tent. Her three lovers were built for the cold, being that they were Nords and used to the bitter cold that sometimes enveloped the entire country. She was not. She rugged up warm, cuddled by her three lovers, and that meant absolutely nothing sexual happening once they left Whiterun.

The four were relived riding into Winterhold. Marielle had expected at least a city similar to Whiterun. She didn't know all that much about it, nor did her colleagues. Even Aela and Lydia, who had been born, raised, and travelled most of Skyrim, had never been this far north-east. To call Winterhold a city was a stretch of the imagination. There were, at most, a dozen buildings. Any city walls that may have existed were now little more than crumbling ruins. There was little life apparent, and considering the snowbound landscape, farming looked next to impossible, suggesting Winterhold must source their food from elsewhere.

After tying up horses, the four headed straight for the inner, wanting to warm themselves by the fire, enjoy a hot meal, a tankard or two, and hopefully a warm bed, agreeing upon arriving that they would head to the college the next morning. Or, more accurately, Marielle would head to the college, as although her companions had joined her, none of them had any interest in actually visiting it. Marielle had been surprised they had been completely unbothered during the entire journey, reckoning they would have been attacked by bandits, or at least stopped and questioned by either Imperial soldiers or Stormcloaks.

Aela and Lydia were giving each other the eye as they ate and drank, much to the amusement of Mjoll and Marielle. Once they'd finished their second drink, the pair made their excuses to leave the table, laughing away as Aela practically dragged Lydia to their room. Surprisingly, they barely heard them all night, no doubt fucking each other senseless but no-one would have known.

"Marielle?" Mjoll eventually asked.

"What's one thing you'd like right now, Mjoll? Regarding what we both know what we want, that is."

"I'd love to see you ride my cock."

"Good thing that's what I love doing too."

A few minutes later, Marielle of Wayrest was doing just that, the enormous cock of Mjoll resting inside her tight, wet pussy, leaning down to kiss her goddess as, despite her riding, Mjoll already had her hands caressing her arse, no doubt wanting to start pumping up into her within a few minutes. Marielle eventually pulled back just enough to watch the face of her lover, the gaze between the two showing all the feelings they shared.

"The day I tire of you, Marielle…"

"I hope that's never."

Mjoll chuckled. "I'm just glad you came back to Riften to get me."

"I obviously didn't know how well you swung a blade, but I needed your cock in my life, Mjoll."

She leaned up to kiss her. "The truth at last," Mjoll replied softly, "Though I'm certainly not complaining, considering I love being inside you, Marielle." She kissed her again. "And I adore you more than anyone I know."

Marielle returned the kiss as their lovemaking immediately reached another level, doing their best to keep the noise to a minimum, but in their desperation to please each other, but also enjoy their own orgasm, there's no doubt the innkeeper heard plenty of noise, while they both giggled later, figuring Aela and Lydia definitely heard them, particularly once Marielle ended up on her back, and the headboard was definitely banging against the wall as Mjoll pounded her pussy.

Cuddled up in her arms quite a bit later, and feeling a little tender between her legs, as Mjoll had definitely given her one hell of a hard fuck by the end, she couldn't help giggle. "You know, Mjoll. I think one day I'm going to end up pregnant no matter how many potions I take in the morning."

"Do you want to be a mother?"

"I've never really given it thought, to be honest. I've always taken precautions to prevent it. I know futanari can make me pregnant, I know that much."

"The way Lydia and Aela are fucking, one of them is bound to end up accidentally with child."

"Probably Lydia," Marielle whispered, unable to stop the giggle.

"Do you think they are in love?"

"Maybe. I know Aela is slowly changing her opinion regarding things, but what I am sure of is that their relationship will be open, particularly regarding me. They know I have no thoughts of settling down just yet." She immediately turned around in her arms, meeting her eyes. "Does that… bother you?"

Mjoll kissed her immediately, a gesture full of passion. "Marielle, we're simply having a lot of fun together. I'm not going to place any expectations on you." Then she leaned closer. "And I do enjoy watching you get fucked anyway. Seeing the joy on your face as you take one, two or three cocks… it's very exciting."

"I love what we share, just you and me."

"I know, Marielle. And I love it too."

After a good night's sleep, they woke together the next morning and headed out for breakfast, Aela and Lydia joining them within a few minutes, sharing those glances that suggested they had enjoyed a good night together too. Suggesting they were simply going to hang around the inn while she was at the college, after grabbing her furs and wrapping herself up tightly, she headed outside and towards the college. Apart from a few guards, there was no-one around. The city seemed to be completely deserted.

The bridge leading towards the college was only a short walk away, and was guarded by an Altmer, who immediately stepped forward to block her progress towards the college. Looking her up and down, she stated, "A Breton. Despite our reputation, we do get a few of you willing to risk the journey here. What is it you seek from the college?"

"I'm the Dragonborn and seek your aid in regards to the dragon crisis."

She snorted in disbelief. "Dragonborn, eh? Well, consider me the High Queen of Skyrim."

"Look, just tell me how I gain access to the college?"

The request given was to prove some sort of magical aptitude, which she passed relatively easily. Maybe Nords really didn't like magic and could barely cast even the easiest of spells? But having passed the test, the attitude immediately changed, asking if she truly was Dragonborn. After a quick example of her gift, she was led across the rather exposed bridge, one single mis-step no doubt leading to her death.

Once at the gates, she was told to speak to Mirabelle Ervine, who looked after anyone new wanting to attend the college. The Altmer introduced herself as Faralda, hinting at an apology, stating that anyone who arrived was given the same treatment, simply due to the locals not holding the college in high regard, and there was the occasional spark of trouble. Marielle simply smiled, assured her it wasn't a problem, she could certainly understand the need for caution.

Mirabelle was a rather attractive woman, a Breton like herself, and obvious an expert in all things magical considering her position at the college. She obviously thought Marielle was there to undertake studies, as she immediately and no doubt went into her usual spiel about what the college was about, expectations etc. Marielle had to cut her off and explain why she was there.

"I'm the Dragonborn and I need an Elder Scroll."

"Oh, well… um… an Elder Scroll? We certainly don't keep something like that here."


"However, there are certainly people here who might point you in the right direction. Perhaps our librarian, Urag, will be able to point you in the right direction."

"Thanks. I'll go see him immediately."

She was just about to open the door for inside when she was asked, "Dragonborn, a question?" Turning back, Mirabelle approached her. "You're gifted with magic, yes? You are Breton?"

She couldn't help smile at the halting questions. "Well, yes, I am Breton. I figured my rather small stature would give that away."

"I often feel tiny compared to the Nords and Altmer that wander these halls," Mirabelle joked.

"And I'm definitely gifted with magic. Rely on my bow more often than magic, but if necessary, I can cast a good spell."

"What's your forte?"

"Probably destruction more than anything, though that's simply due to what I've spent a few years doing before I arrived here."

"What brought you to Skyrim?"

"Fortune and glory. I only found out I was Dragonborn upon arriving. Life since then has been a little bit crazy."

"Would you ever consider returning to the college? Maybe test those skills you have?"

Marielle met her eyes and wasn't surprised there was a slight grin on her face. She was now used to the interest shown from both women and futanari. She couldn't figure out which Mirabelle was, but it wasn't really on her mind anyway. "I've never really spent too much time practicing magic. A lot of it just came naturally."

"Having someone like yourself would be a boon for the college."

Marielle grinned. "Any other reason for the invite, Mirabelle?"

The slight grin spread further across her face. "As I said, I don't get to see too many of my fellow Bretons here," she replied quietly, stepping until they were rather close, "Particularly one as cute as you."

Marielle definitely felt her own grin broaden. Seemed to be the word to describe her. As for Mirabelle herself, she was definitely attractive herself, though more than likely quite a bit older than herself, possible up to a decade or more. And any women or futanari that showed an interest in her always perked her own interests. "Might have a reason to venture back here one day. One question, are you…"

Mirabelle leaned down to her ear, warm breath on her neck. "I'm all woman, Marielle. Though if you like cock, there's obviously that on offer here too."


"A couple. That's what I prefer if I can't get some good pussy."

Their eyes met, and there was no doubt colour was now in both their cheeks. Marielle felt that usual spark, the urge to kiss her. But she didn't want to be distracted, not then and there. "Definitely have a good reason to return then. Might satisfy my desire for pussy and cock at once."

"I'd best leave otherwise…"

"Yeah… Not the first time."

Mirabelle laughed lightly. "I'm not surprised. I'm sure you're propositioned constantly because of who you are alone."

"That does gain some attention once people learn. I'll see what happens, Mirabelle. As I said, I now have a good reason to head back here in the future, if you're interested."

"Oh, I'm definitely interested."

Marielle stepped forward and kissed her. It didn't take long until it was hot and heavy, and Mirabelle's desire was immediately apparently in her kiss. When they finally broke apart, they were both grinning like fools. "Imagination is definitely going to be running overtime later," Mirabelle whispered, before she took a deep breath and stood back, "Attraction confirmed though. Hell of a first kiss."

"Wasn't going to walk away without doing it. But I'd better go."

"Good luck, Marielle. Hopefully Urag will be able to point you in the right direction."

Heading into the library, she was surrounded by bookshelves that towered over her, filled with books and dusty tomes that would and probably were hundreds of years old. Urag turned out to be an Orc, something she definitely didn't expect to find. He was still as gruff and relatively unapproachable as any Orc generally was, but once she explained who she was and what she wanted, after he laughed at her when asking if they had an Elder Scroll, he turned out to be relatively helpful.

He provided two books that provided to be completely incomprehensible, at least to her eyes, so he was able to at least explain what they meant. "Guess I should speak to the author," she stated, "Can you point me in his direction?"

"Septimus Signus is… was… He's not here, Dragonborn."

"Where is he? He's not dead, is he?"

Urag chuckled. "I don't think he's dead. No, he disappeared a while ago, said he was heading into the frozen north. He was obsessed with the Dwemer and their secrets. Apparently found some artefact north of here so set out to research it."

"And he's not been back since?"

"I haven't seen him, but apparently supplies are sent north to him every month or so, and there's been no report sent back that the delivery man or woman found a dead body."

She couldn't help sigh. "Well, guess I'd better go find him them."

"Look, kid. An Elder Scroll is… beyond our understanding. I can't even begin to tell you what they actually are. But will an Elder Scroll help you? Yes, I'm confident that whatever Elder Scroll you seek, and knowing what you likely need it for, it will certainly do the job. All I can suggest is that you remain cautious when eventually coming into contact with one. And whatever you do, don't try and read it. Only those who prepare themselves are capable of comprehending."

"Thanks, Urag."

He returned a respectful nod as she headed straight downstairs and through the courtyard. No sign of Mirabelle so it was a relatively quick walk back to The Frozen Hearth, where there was no sign of her three companions. "Did they say where they were headed?" she asked the innkeeper.

"Aye. They were just going to be exploring the shore. They shouldn't be gone all day."

Thankfully, they walked into the inn only a couple of hours later. She'd passed the time by reading a book she always carried with her, nursing a lone tankard as she didn't want to be rolling on the floor upon their return. Seeing her back before their return, they were immediately full of questions, so she spent time explaining what she'd been told.

"I guess we should leave at first light, give us plenty of time to search for the cave he's apparently in," she concluded.

"Sooner you find who you need, sooner we can start heading back south," Aela muttered, "Never been anywhere so bleak."

"Aye, nothing along the coast at all. Just water and ice, far as the eye can see," Mjoll added.

"Any ideas what to do until then?" Marielle asked. Her three lovers all looked at her and smiles eventually formed. She couldn't help the girlish giggle escape her. "Seriously?"

"We were chatting about it while you were busy."

"Oh, you have ideas, Aela?"

"A few, but there were one or two that the three of us liked and hoped you would agree to."

"Aela, I think it's obvious I enjoy everything we share."

She was taken by the hand and led into the bedroom she'd been in the previous night. Door closed, her three lovers stood in front of her, and she could see erections under their skirts. She licked her lips, hoping she'd find one in her mouth rather soon. "We thought of two things you might enjoy, Marielle," Aela explained, "First, all three of us will eat your pussy through a couple of orgasms while you suck off the other two."

"Oh, I love that idea."

"Then we each take a turn fucking your arse."

"Were you thinking I wouldn't like that idea?" Her three lovers definitely grinned. "The only thing I haven't done is had Mjoll in my arse. But, by Dibella, I want to try!"

"So you like the idea?"

"Just one thing."

"Of course."

"I want to suck all three of you off right now and take a load of yours on my face first."

Her three lovers laughed… five minutes later, they were all naked, Marielle on her knees on the floor, one cock in her mouth, two others stroking themselves, all eager to cum on her face as quickly as possible, as all their dirty comments were in regards to how much they wanted to taste her pussy. That just made her pussy practically dribble on the floor below her.

The three obviously timed it well as they all came at nearly the same time, covering her face in what felt like an inch of their hot, sweet cum, all of them chuckling away as her tongue immediately darted out, eager to taste the mix of cum now on her face, and it was no surprise her lovers helped clean her face with fingers and tongue, finding various fingers gently inserted into her mouth.

Once her face was relatively clear, she was laid back on the bed, and for at least the next hour, she had her pussy well and truly attended to. All three lovers now knew what turned her on and what made her orgasm hard. Though she would have loved a cock inside her, she couldn't deny the expertise each tongue provided, and the fact that each lover made her easily orgasm more than once. They turned her into a gibbering mess by the time they were done with her, Mjoll the last to pleasure her as Aela and Lydia simply laid to either side, either kissing her lips or focusing on her nipples, soft fingers caressing her body otherwise. She'd been given attention and affection before, but even she felt this was another level entirely. There was little doubt in her mind all three utterly adored her. Perhaps even devotion was the right word, particularly in regards to Mjoll.

The last orgasm practically knocked her out, her body crying enough for the time being. Mjoll kissed up her body before she gave her one hell of a kiss, sitting back on her knees, her enormous cock resting against her. "Fucking adore all three of you," Marielle whispered, "I want to say thank you, but that'll just sound corny."

"I think it's safe to say we adore you just as much in return," Aela whispered, nibbling at her ear lobe, making her giggle.

"Give me a few minutes then I want nothing more than to feel you in my arse the rest of the night."

"Are you sure?" Mjoll asked. Marielle could only smile. Despite the fact she knew Mjoll wanted it, she still worried. "I voiced my concerns to…"

"Mjoll, I think it's clear Marielle wants you," Aela said.

"Hell, I'd love to give it a go one day," Lydia added, "I mean, Aela likes to fuck my arse every now and then."

"Think it's a little more often than that nowadays," Aela retorted with a light laugh.

"Hey, your cock up my arse results in cum firing out my cock a lot quicker!" Lydia joked.

They gave her a few minutes before Marielle turned over, leaving her head on the pillow but lifting her arse up. They all carried oil nowadays, just in case the mood took them, and she was soon well and truly prepared to take the three of them. It was obvious the idea was to get her ready for Mjoll last, as Lydia was the first to gently slide her cock inside her, being the smallest of the three. Though calling her 'small' would probably be an insult at any other time.

As Lydia eventually started to fuck her, Aela and Mjoll sat at the table nearby, watching with grins on their faces, stroking their oiled up cocks, ready to fuck her. Though she would have enjoyed a spitroast most other times, this was purely about having her arse fucked. She'd only done this on rare occasions. As she'd often discussed, anal wasn't something she did often, but when she was in the mood, she loved nothing better than a night of just getting fucked hard. If she was going to do something, she wanted it done properly.

Lydia eventually came inside her twice, thoroughly enjoying her tight little arse, Marielle simply enjoying the feeling of her arse being given the treatment by her hoursecarl. Once Lydia had cum a second time, she had leaned forward, taking a few deep breaths, whispering some rather dirty but pleasant words into her ear. Though her affection for Aela was obvious, it was clear Lydia adored her as well.

As soon as Lydia pulled out, Aela slid her cock into her arse, leaning forward and whispering, "Ready?"

"Just… ruin me, Aela. I can't wait to feel you cum in me too."

That was just the right answer, as Aela remained crouched over her, cock at just the right angle inside her to feel as good as ever, her arse soon rising and falling as she pumped her. Mjoll definitely enjoyed what she could watch, quickly stroking her cock as quickly as Aela was pumping her. Despite having cum twice inside her, Lydia sat back and stroked herself as well, and there was no surprise when she eventually leaned over the table and Mjoll fucked her.

"If I cum in her, I'll last longer in your arse," Mjoll stated with humour.

"Plus I just wanted her massive cock!" Lydia added with a giggle.

Lydia had given her a good fuck. Aela was something else. Just… utterly, completely dominant. Marielle loved every second. Made her orgasm more than once again. By the time Aela came in her the first time, Marielle was almost in tears, begging her to keep going. Aela only slowed down to leave soft kisses on her cheek, letting her know how great her arse felt in return.

Marielle was then surprised when she felt Aela pulled off, feeling immediately disappointed, only for Aela to gently grab her as she rolled onto her back, Marielle straddling her lap. Grabbing the base of her cock, she quickly had it back in her arse as Aela didn't even have to say what the idea was. Marielle wasted no time riding her cock. Mjoll had cum in Lydia by this time, so the latter walked over, offering her cock to suck as she rode Aela.

"Marielle, just so you know, your arse is going to get fuck so hard soon," Mjoll almost warned.

"I can't wait to see it," Aela moaned, obviously loving what Marielle was doing, as she was riding her as hard and fast as she would have done if Aela had been inside her pussy.

"Fuck," Marielle murmured, before swallowing Lydia's cock again. She was moaning herself, suggesting she might be ready to give her a load to swallow, making sure, despite the overwhelming joy she felt riding Aela's cock, she wanted to take another load in her mouth at the same time. And, in the back of her mind, was the fact Mjoll was waiting to fuck her.

Aela eventually came in her a second time, though Marielle didn't stop riding her until Lydia left another load in her mouth, Marielle ensuring she swallowed almost every drop, only taking her mouth from around her cock to lean down and kiss Aela, earning a giggle when Aela realised she was sharing the gift Lydia had just given her. Lydia collapsed onto the bed next to them as Aela gave her a tight hug, running her fingers up and down her spine. "Ready for Mjoll?" she whispered into her ear.

"I honestly can't wait."

Lifting herself off Aela, she felt cum immediately start to dribble out of her arse. When she got back into her original position, both Aela and Lydia chuckled. "By Talos, that is a good gape there, Marielle. Properly fucked already and I do wonder how it'll look once Mjoll is done with you."

With head resting on the pillow again, she glanced back to see her goddess rise tall, walking over to the bed, getting onto her knees behind her. She felt Mjoll slap her thick cock against her arse cheeks, making her giggle, as Mjoll spent a little time teasing her. She understood why as she would be the biggest cock she'd ever taken in such a manner. Part of her mind knew it was going to hurt, but it would be worth any pain to finally have Mjoll inside her in such a manner. She'd thought of it often but knew Mjoll would always worry. Just taking her cock in her pussy was sometimes too much.

Feeling her cock press at her arsehole, Marielle would admit she made a short prayer to Dibella before releasing a light moan as she felt Mjoll's cock spread her as wide as she'd ever felt. Mjoll's hand rested gently on her lower back, Aela and Lydia moving to lie side by side with her. "Divines," she cried quietly.

"Okay?" Mjoll asked, Marielle nodded her head urgently as she didn't want Mjoll to stop just yet.

"Keep going. I can handle it," she murmured in return, "I want this so much."

She glanced back to see Mjoll smile as she could see even more of her enormous cock disappear inside her. "By Talos, your arse is ridiculously tight, Marielle," Mjoll muttered.

"Told you," Lydia added with humour.

One Mjoll stopped sliding her cock into her, Marielle couldn't help wonder if her entire length was inside her. That's when Mjoll leaned forwards, just like Aela had done, and that move alone made her moan loudly. Feeling Mjoll's lips by her ear, she heard her whisper, "My entire cock is in your arse, Marielle. By Ysmir, it feels wonderful. How does it feel for you?"

"Please fuck me," she pleaded quietly, "I don't care how much it might hurt. I just want it so much."

Mjoll gently kissed her cheek before whispering okay, Marielle feeling her get comfortable. Then there was a few seconds when anticipation built before Mjoll gave her a hard thrust. Marielle groaned loudly. It felt better than she expected. Another hard thrust, and she immediately whispered she was definitely going to orgasm when Mjoll got started.

"Fuck her, Mjoll!" Aela cried.

Mjoll built it up slowly, her thrusting slowly but surely getting faster. Some made Marielle groan or moan loudly. Others made her simply grunt. She loved each and every one though. Then Mjoll seemed to make a decision… and Marielle of Wayrest had her tight little arse well and truly fucked by Mjoll the Lioness. Even Aela and Lydia whispered their appreciation of what they witnessed. Marielle was soon almost sobbing in pleasure, pleading for Mjoll to simply not stop. Mjoll continued to kiss her cheek, whispering sweet nothing into her ears, making sure her lover wasn't in pain. But Marielle assured her it was perhaps the greatest feeling ever.

It was too much for Mjoll. She came quicker than she ever had. Like Aela and Lydia, though, Marielle wanted her to cum again. The orgasm had obviously been intense for Mjoll, as she needed a couple of minutes before she started fucking her again. She lasted a lot longer the next time. By the time she was finished a second time, Marielle was practically jelly. After she'd cum, Mjoll picked her up and laid her down on her side, Mjoll holding her back to her chest as Marielle was almost asleep, despite Mjoll's cock still being buried in her arse.

"Wow," Lydia whispered.

"Lydia, we should give them time together," Aela added quietly.

"Thank you," Marielle murmured, "Thank you for tonight."

After a kiss on her cheek from both of them, she was left alone with Mjoll. She made to pull out more than once, Marielle begging her to stay inside her. "Are you not sore?" she asked quietly.

"A little bit, but the feeling is… I don't really know how to describe it."

It did eventually get uncomfortable, so Mjoll did eventually pull out. Marielle did wonder, so Mjoll gently rolled her forward and had a look. "Marielle, you have the most well fucked arse I've ever seen."

"Good." She immediately turned over and cuddled into her goddess. "I adore you."

She heard Mjoll's breath catch as she opened her eyes and looked up. She might not have said the word itself, but the meaning was obvious. Mjoll leaned down and gave her a soft kiss that told them both everything she felt. "I adore you more than anyone, Marielle Dragonborn," she whispered in return.

Both of them slept rather well that night, Marielle waking up to find Mjoll already awake, gazing at her with a slight smile, her hand lightly caressing her back. Within five minutes, Marielle was on her back, Mjoll gently sliding her cock inside her as they started the day making love. They didn't say a single word to each other, each knowing how they were enjoying it by the endless kisses, the soft moans, constant caresses. Lydia and Aela walked in to see them making love, then disappeared. Mjoll and Marielle barely noticed them enter or leave, their focus entirely on each other.

Once Mjoll came inside her, she rolled onto her back, cuddling Marielle against her chest, continuing to gently stroke her back, something she'd learned Marielle loved. It was only when Marielle lifted her head, gazing into her eyes that she finally said, "Good morning."

Bursting into giggles, Mjoll kissed her before returning, "Good morning yourself."

"Good way to start the morning."

"I'll certainly be lighter on my feet when we head out later."

Heading out for breakfast, Aela and Lydia were already tucking into some warm stew and bread, the innkeeper walking over with a bowl for Mjoll and Marielle. As they started to tuck in, Aela asked, "How are you feeling this morning, Marielle?"

She knew what the question was in regards to. "I'm a little tender, I'll admit that much. But when three futanari fuck my arse hard for a couple of hours…"

"It was very enjoyable," Lydia stated with a grin.

"I was impressed," Aela added.

Marielle cleared her throat. "Anyway, I'd love to talk about it all morning, as it will live long in the memory, but I want to keep a clear head. This Septimus fellow we're looking for is meant to have a bit of a screw loose. It's not a case of approaching with caution, as I don't think he'll mean us harm. But he's a bit… out there, from how Urag described him."

"Long as he can tell us where to go for this Elder Scroll," Aela said.

"Agreed. So let's finish up breakfast, wrap ourselves nice and warm, and head even further north. Because Divines only know how long we'll be gone and what we're going to find."

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