Finally, when the rounds were done, and Caroline was walking alone with Morpheous towards her chamber, she decided to corner him. She was done staying in the dark.
"Morpheous, wait!" And her voice stalled his pace.
"How did you know it was IHD?" Even her eyes demanded an answer from him.
"What?" He turned towards her, acting all surprised.
"Please, now, don't act up. I saw it in your notebook. You had written IHD even before I had explained about it. A generic nursing graduate wouldn't know that." She snapped, and his jaws twitched.
"Answer please?" Her eyes were narrowed now.
"Oh! That. It was just a lucky guess. Last night before sleeping, I found some unused cardiology books in the dorm. I had picked up one to read."
"So that was just a lucky guess?" Her tone was dismissive, and he plainly nodded.
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