His body was sent flying and his back hit the wall with a loud crash. Qilin Kai quickly got up with his body engulfed in azure flames. He raised his hands in front of his body blocking an incoming assault but his arm was suddenly wrapped by chains shrouded in shimmering orange light.
His body was jerked forward and slammed onto the floor with his seraphic energy dying down like a candle flame blown out by the wind. From within the darkness, a pair of orange-coloured pupils glowed giving off an eerie feeling.
His nostrils flaring up in anger Qilin Kai sat up and yelled angrily, "Who the fuck are you?" with the veins on his neck protruding. But the shadowy figure didn't respond. Instead, his upper body was kicked viciously and he fell back to the ground with a thud.
Thank you guys for your ceaseless support. I really appreciate it.
Today this bunny is not feeling well and couldn't upload the other project. I truly apologize.