Suppressing his discomfort he caught up with him and said, "She never told me anything about you. She didn't raise me either."
The man halted his steps and glanced over with a blank expression. He had some idea why she didn't raise him. Who told her to be disobedient and start a life on earth without completing her mission?
When he figured out he could get access to her despite the curtain between the two worlds he made sure by the time he was done with her she would have no choice but to return to Niuq. He just didn't think the person who was ultimately going to open the portal would be his grandson. This was truly unexpected.
"She must have had her reasons," he said before he started walking again. Ji Yao felt the resentment in this man's voice but he couldn't help swallow down the words at the tip of his tongue as he followed in his steps.
"Do you know how I can get out of this place?" asked Ji Yao as he walked behind him.
Hello guys. My apologies I just had my booster shot today and my arm hurts like crazy. I am really sorry.
Normal uploads will resume tomorrow. I am so sorry.