Ji Yao was like a little girlfriend throwing a tantrum because her boyfriend got swindled. The only difference was that his tantrum was anything but sweet and cute.
Actually, calling him a little girlfriend was a little far fetched. To be precise he was like that aunty who sent her husband to buy bok choy at the market for a specific amount only to have him come back with shrivelled up bok choy that spent the entire day basking in the sun like salted fish for double the amount.
Yes, he was a rich little young master whose father robbed the affluent and chased legendary treasure but he couldn't tolerate Rui Fei being swindled.
Crouching down on the ground his palm hovered a few inches above the soil. A curious Rui Fei caught up with him and asked, "What are you doing?" crouching down beside him.
Hello guys, I was traveling today so there might be errors. I look through at soon as I reach home.
Happy reading