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85.71% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 66: Weather Show Part 1

Capítulo 66: Weather Show Part 1

The 31st officers Macai, Rosh, Kanna, Sonna, Dade, Aiya, Hagenko, Dengo, and others meet in the Prompt Adjudicator's conference room. Macai leans over in his seat as Kavenda joins the meeting. Macai asks Hangenko, "Who asked Kavenda to join this meeting? She isn't authorized.."

Irina comments, "I requested she joined, she proved herself last time."

Macai looks Irina in her eyes, "I'm the leader and that means I call the shots. That's bold of you..."

Irina: "Then I will accept the punishment."

Macai sits back in his seat, "There will be no punishment, I'm just messing with you. But let me know next time you invite a guest, that's the formal rule."

Rosh looks at Irina, "Don't take Macai too seriously, he acts uptight sometimes but he's a good guy deep down."

Macai throws his hands up, "Aiya, what's the status with Zerrel's forces?"

Aiya pulls out her clipboard, "Intel doesn't know for certain, he must have already mapped out an escape route."

Rosh: "Of course he did, he's always two steps ahead of us."

Macai: "I know someone who could help even the playing field."

Rosh gasps, "Oh please don't tell me you're referring to..."

Kanna finishes Rosh's statement, "Azula!" The other officers gasp at the proposition.

Macai offers an alternative, "Or maybe Iroh, he's a seasoned veteran. He can anticipate the moves of Zerrel that I can't detect."

Hagenko responds, "We might need both of them on our side to win this campaign."

Rosh: "No way, Azula's out. I won't work with her Macai!"

Dade interrupts, "What about Kett? We have fallen out of touch with the United Way. We briefly teamed up for one good mission."

Macai answers, "The problem with Kett is he's trying to investigate some of the Disciples of Justice's actions in the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe. His hands are kind of tied right now."

Kanna: "But we already helped the Northern Water Tribe fight them. If we agree to help for a couple more missions against them, maybe Kett will help us stop him."

Irina asks, "So what should we do first?"

Macai presses his fist against his forehead, "I'm honestly not certain of our best first move."

A marine opens the door, "Sir, we have a visitor."

Rosh comments, "What are the odds?"

Macai responds, "It seems destiny has bestowed itself upon us. Let us meet this visitor." The Vindicated Avenger enters with two guards around him. One is a water tribe swordsman and the other is the earth kingdom spearman Konbo.

Dade smiles, "Konbo, how's it going man?!"

Konbo: "I'm doing well, how about you Dade?"

Dade: "Not so bad."

Kett takes his helmet off and briefly glances at Kanna, "I could use your help, Macai."

Macai jokingly says, "Oh really? The Vindicated Avenger needs my help? What is it, Kett?"

Kett: "Sada and Tyson were on an undercover mission investigating activity within the Disciples of Justice. They found out some very important information and now they are busy combatting a fortified enemy unit with assistance from the Earth Kingdom military."

Macai's face gets serious, "Are you requesting we support them?"

Kett shakes his head, "No, as much as I'd like that, there are bigger stakes at hand."

Macai asks, "Such as?"

Kett answers, "Zerrel has an ancient climate control weapon called the Weather Converter. It is said to be capable of manipulating the elements throughout the entire world."

Rosh marvels, "How does that work? Are you sure it's even real?"

Kett divulges, "Sada and Tyson found the information within one of the most important bases in the DOJ."

Dade: "They sure have a lot of bases for a faction that was seemingly nonexistent for so long."

Kett: "They've hidden their identities through corruption. But they also have only told a few people their true intentions."

Macai: "There's always a bigger fish at hand. But they could have left that information out as a distraction."

Kett explains, "Soon Sada and Tyson had an army of enemies after them but the United Way has committed much of its forces to aid them."

Macai: "I'm sure you had something to do with that."

Kett: "Well, of course, we've been through more than you might have guessed. Just as I've been through a lot with the 31st."

Dengo asks, "Why aren't you still fighting with them? You left them behind?"

Kett: "I was given important information about Zerrel's weather base. Their undercover mission was their means to find that information. We knew something wasn't right, that they were putting a lot of resources aside for something. The weather base is located in the Xinat region, which is located between the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Water Tribe territories."

Rosh shouts, "The Xinat region? There is little to no intel on how to navigate those regions."

Kett: "Then you better pray, meditate, and have faith in the journey before we travel out there. Because it's going to be a rough ride, but I know we'll find it Macai. You just have to believe."

Macai: "It takes more than blind belief to succeed, otherwise we'll unknowingly run into a ditch. What we need is some sort of direction."

Kett looks at Macai in his eyes, "I've witnessed a lot recently, but I'm grateful for all of it. I traveled to Nosaf's Island while investigating Zerrel's activity alone. I've seen things that would make you view the globe very differently. For all that we've been through, you should trust me."

Nosaf's Island is a legendary island where the old Earthbending Avatar battled against a Fire Nation mastermind who put the entire planet in spiritual turmoil.

Macai responds, "I understand, but this war has led to my unit sacrificing more than I can bear."

Kett nods, "I understand, but we will ALL lose much more if we don't commit and take a risk. Zerrel is strong, but he can be beaten. What happened to you Macai? You used to be one of the most confident men I knew, now you're hurting. I remember when I was hurting, not letting go of the pain that came from my childhood. Then one day, I realized that in order to move my life forward, I need to let the past of yesterday go."

Kett asks, "What pain is binding you up Macai?"

Macai grunts, "I think it's just been the war. I still haven't gotten over my mother's death and the severed relationships that came with me stepping away from the only life I ever knew."

Kett: "But you're making a new life. The uncertainty worries you and I understand. We are all like that to some degree. But I had to learn how to adapt growing up as a commoner in Nyarri, my life was full of a multitude of disappointments. You have no idea. Kanna knows."

Kanna nods in agreement, "But no matter what happens, we have to keep pushing. My parents always told me that life is what we make out of it. Even in the darkest hour, I will always be hopeful. Hopeful for something better. I always try to see the beauty around me in everything I do. I try to see the beauty in the people, places, and things that no one else cares about. Because when you're poor, you realize that even the little things can make a HUGE difference."

Dade adds, "But Kanna was never dirt poor, neither was I. For most of Kett's life, he wasn't either. We had families, roofs over our heads, and little things like that. But we saw people who were stuck in the worst forms of poverty when we traveled and visited the big cities. We saw people that you nobles never seemed to notice. Still, I haven't moved up in this life to just enjoy my luxury in solitude. There are so many people who are still hurting that I want to assist in the future."

Macai nods, "Thank you team, I needed this reality check. I've gotten too lost in my own worries. I'm fortunate to have such a remarkable unit. It allowed me to forget how important my own morale is. I apologize for not being the rock I needed to be for the company recently."

Aiya chimes in, "No one is perfect Macai. We appreciate you for all that you've done and WE WILL defeat Zerrel. One punch at a time."

Kett stretches out his hand, "So do we have a deal Macai? Will you help me find Zerrel and shut down his Weather Converter? Time is running out and he's been studying this thing for years. It seems he is just a step away from activating it."

Dade adds, "With that weapon, he can put the whole world at his knees. Especially since Aang has still been gone on his spiritual voyage. By the time he comes back, maybe he'll already be too late."

Macai stands up and shakes Kett's hand, "Of course, I'll go with you to Xinat. I'll go with you anywhere my friend, I'm sorry for being difficult."

Kett smiles, "No worries. So what's our next move? Most of my men are preoccupied but I have a few troopers who can still assist us."

Macai points at her, "Kanna stay with the ship, if anything happens we'll need someone to keep it intact. Rosh and I will go with Kett's team and shut down this weather weapon."

Macai, Rosh, and Kett lead three squads of troops as they advance across an arctic hilly climate as they move toward their destination. Macai has has Dengo, Kavenda, three swordsmen, two spearmen, and another firebender travel with him. Rosh moves with Irina, Hagenko, an archer, a swordsman, a swordswoman, a spearman, a firebender, and a warrior with a mace.

Kett travels with several United Way warriors. Kett has Konbo with him and a water bender named Duvenki. Duvenki is from the Western Water tribe. Duvenki has dark brown hair, thin eyebrows, a long nose, thin lips, light skin, and indigo eyes.

Duvenki wears dark blue robes with light purple markings. Kett's team also includes an Earth Kingdom spearman, a water tribe spearwoman, a waterbender, an earth kingdom swordsman, a water tribe swordsman, and an earthbender. Kett's squad moves on a destination to reach the right side of the temple, while Macai looks to move on the left side, and Rosh moves toward the center of the formation.

As the teams advance, they travel through a valley before they move into a dense jungle.

Dengo swats several leaves out of his face as Macai steps behind him. The plants are tall yet thin. The soil and bark in the jungle is light brown. The leaves in the jungle are yellow-green and the sky is blue with a yellow tint. Despite the look of the jungle, it is not hot. It is 16.7 Celsius (62 degrees) outside.

Dengo: "Why didn't we just use vehicles or animals to travel through this area?"

Macai answers, "The route is difficult, there is no easy way around it. We'll save more time traveling on foot. This jungle is very wide, but it actually doesn't take long to walk through it. If we follow the maps we should clear the path and make toward where the Weather Converter is."

Kavenda: "Honestly, this mission has me feeling uneasy."

Macai: "That's how I felt when we first went up against Zerrel's forces, but not anymore. I think I'm getting used to them and I'm starting to see their vulnerabilities. They are capable but not invincible."

Dengo: "And neither are we, unfortunately."

Macai: "Maybe not but if we stack up our best against their best, then I know we will emerge victorious." Suddenly, two archers with light grey uniforms crawl forward in the bushes. One archer raises his head and launches an arrow at Macai's team. The projectile flies into a marine swordsman. The arrow immediately explodes and pulverizes a spearman beside him.

Chunks of the man's disrupted armor flies against a spearman's back and one piece hits Macai's left shoulder. Dengo notes, "Welp, they've found us."

Mass Effect Soundtrack- Virmire Ride [Extended] (Youtube, Music Starts)

Macai sneers at his enemies, "Yeah, but to their own detriment. Code delta pink." Macai rolls forward and fires a beam of white fire into the left archer. The man flies three feet backward before exploding. Two trees horizontally fall from the mayhem. The other archer takes aim at Macai but Kavenda leaps in the air and fire a beam of orange fire into the man's upperbody.

Kavenda lands smoothly then looks at Macai. Dengo looks ahead of them, "More enemies incoming!" Three swordsmen glide forward as they swing from the vines of trees.

Macai comments, "Now they're getting creative." The swordsmen leap from the vines and land between Macai's troopers. One DOJ swordsman swoops down and diagonally slashes a 31st firebender.

The firebender moans, "Ugh." Another vine warrior horizontally swings at Dengo as he descends from above. Dengo rolls under the strike then looks at his enemy in the eye. The cultist charges at Dengo and vertically swings at him. Dengo diagonally shifts his blade as he butts the weapon away from his opponent then lunges his sword into the soldier's chest. Another swordsman diagonally lunges at Kavenda and slashes her left shoulder.

Kavenda moans, "Unnnune." Blood rolls down Kavenda's arm and she pivots right as the swordsman runs after her. The marine extends her left hand and fires an orange flame into the man's neck.

DOJ swordsman: "Ack!" A marine spearman runs forward and rams his spear into the remaining terrorist swordsman's gut.

Macai: "Good work people." Two DOJ spearmen and a firebender charge at Macai's team. The firebender kicks an orange rod of fire at the 31st commander. Macai crosses his arms and blocks the flames. Dengo charges at the left spearman. The spearman lunges his weapon at Dengo's chest. Dengo swings his sword right, knocking the spear away from him.

The marine leaps forward and vertically cuts his enemy down. Macai fires a beam of white fire into the firebender's chest, blowing a hole through it. A terrorist waterbender joins the battle and fires a volley of ice knives into a marine spearman. Marine spearman: "Ahhh!"

Kavenda notices the attack then extends her left leg, kicking an orange fireball at her enemy's left leg. The waterbender raises a wall of ice which intercepts the shot but shatters on impact. Kavenda spins forward and hurls a brick of fire into her enemy's chest. The brick explodes on impact and the man's body flips backward in the dirt.

Macai scans the area, "Excellent, advance. We should be getting close."

Meanwhile, Kett's team moves across a different part of the jungle. Several rocks litter the ground and a stream of water flows on the right side of his team's position. Konbo observes, "I've never been around such a unique area. The landscape seems to change every few minutes we travel."

Kett: "I know, it's beautiful and definitely spiritual. But don't let the weather distract you. We're not here for sightseeing, we're here to find the controls of that Weather Converter and to take it apart."

A voice interrupts Kett, "Well, that's some mission. Unfortunately, you won't make it there."

Kett looks ahead and notices a man with dark grey hair. The man is a DOJ officer who has furry light brown boots and mustard yellow armor that has several light brown highlights throughout it. The warrior also has a light brown wide-brimmed top hat. Two swordsmen, a spearwoman, an axman, a firebender, and an earthbender steps behind the officer.

Kett smirks, "If you fight as good as you talk, you might last two minutes."

The officer smiles, "I guess we'll see." The DOJ officer immediately draws two steel daggers and lunges at Kett with a spinning horizontal attack. The man moves so fast that the air swishes as he zooms forward. Kett spins left and backward. Kett unloads a barrage of four light orange flames at his opponent.

The officer rolls right and says, "You shoot fast, but I move faster!" Kett turns and pushes a beam of light orange flames into the man's chest.

Officer: "Yaaaahaaaa!!" Kett rolls his eyes at his fallen foe. An Earth Kingdom spearman slams his weapon into a terrorist spearman's neck then a DOJ axman horizontally slashes his blade into the spearman's stomach. The spearman flops backward and a water tribe swordsman rolls forward before thrusting his blade into the terrorist's chin.

Blood pours out of the man's chin as his body rolls backward. A marine swordsman vertically cuts down a DOJ duelist and another DOJ swordsman slices an earth kingdom swordsman's head off. Duvenki extends his right arm and fires an ice blast into the sword weirder; freezing his opponent on sight.

A firebender pumps both of his hands forward, firing a cascade of red-orange fire at the waterbender. Duvenki slaps his hands together and blows his own beam of water into the attack. The fire turns to steam. Duvenki pulls his hands low and shoots a volley of ice projectiles into the firebender's lower stomach.

An earthbender sinks himself in the ground then reemerges beside a United Way (UW) waterbender. The waterbender is leveled by a burst of rocks that scatter from the earthbender's emergence. Kett turns his body and fires a beam of light orange fire at the man. The earthbender raises his right hand and a wall of earth blocks Kett's shot.

The earthbender extends his left hand and fires a barrage of rocks into a UW earthbender. Duvenki stretches his arms and punches two rapid water torpedoes at his foe. The earthbender leaps in the air and punches two stones at his foe. Duvenki rolls right then elongates his right arm; spraying a stream of hot water into his opponent. The earthbender flies backward into several rocks before passing out.

Kett: "Alright, let's continue." Kett's team moves down the rocky pathway and across the stream until they exit the jungle and reach a coastal grassland. Kett looks up and sees several birds fly across the sky.

Konbo: "It's beautiful isn't it."

Kett: "What did I say Konbo? Focus on the mission. But yes, it's gorgeous." Kett's team travels down a hill until they make it to even ground. Then the team notices a flat platform with a steel ground. The platform has a bay right of it's position and the steel flour has several yellow and green paintings on it.

Meanwhile, Rosh's team moves across a more forest-like part on the jungle. Here, the trees are taller and are more spread out. Still the region has more vegetation than the average forest but less than most jungles.

Several insects crawl across the ground and flying bugs buzz in the air. Rosh notices a stone knife firing turret that is mounted about thirty meters north of his position. Two swordsmen, two spearmen, a firebender, an earthbender, and a waterbender wait behind the turret.

The gunner immediately opens fire and a stone projectile flies at Rosh's neck. Rosh ducks and the stone enters a marine swordman's neck behind him. Rosh darts right and a DOJ spearman chucks his weapon at the captain. Rosh dives right, and the turret fires another stone projectile into a marine mace warrior's left nipple, "Awwww!"

Rosh's archer pops an arrow through the gunner's nose. An earthbender emerges and launches two stones at a marine mace warrior and firebender. The mace warrior is nailed in his mouth by the stone but the firebender pumps a flame into the object. The firebender extends his left leg, kicking a flame at his foe's abdomen.

The earthbender rolls right then pulls his arms down, thrusting a shockwave of earth into his opponent. The firebender screams, "Ugggghhha!!" Rosh looks back in agony at the loss of his ally. The captain turns and shoots a beam of red-orange flames at the earthbender. The earthbender dives right then Rosh extends his left leg, kicking a flame into his enemy.

An earthbender rises from the ground and fires two bricks at Rosh's face. The captain ducks and opens his mouth as he attempts to spew flames out of it. Rosh is not adept with the technique. A small spek of sparks flows from his mouth then turns to smoke before it gets close enough to do any damage. The earthbender briefly chuckles at the teen's pathetic attempt.

Rosh's face reddens and he swirls his hands around. An aura of red-orange flames surrounds the marine as he extends his arms and blasts the man to oblivion. A waterbender moves across Rosh's right flank and directs a beam of water at him. Rosh extends his arms and a haze of fire evaporates the water.

Rosh pulls his hands back, creating charged-up fireballs that surround his hands. The young man pumps his hands forward, firing two explosive fireballs into the man. Two swordsmen charge at Rosh as they look to stop his momentum. Rosh rotates his body and pumps two red-orange flames into the men. Hagenko and Irina run towards two enemy spearmen.

One DOJ spearman slides forward and swings at Hagenko's stomach. Hagenko leaps in the air and extends his spear into the man's neck. Irina lunges at a spearman's chest. The spearman rolls left and lunges at Irina's upper chest. Irina rotates her weapon left, butting the spear away from her. The female marine inserts her blade into her opponent's upper chest.

The man gasps as the spear grinds against his bones. Irina pulls her blade back and her opponent falls limp. Rosh looks back seeing that a female spearwoman, archer, Irina, and Hagenko are still with him. Irina: "You just went beast mode."

Rosh: "I did what I had to because I thought our team was at risk. Now let's get into that base."

Beruto: "I'm sorry Rosh, but you're just a little too predictable." Beruto emerges with a water and firebender standing beside him. Two swordsmen, a spearman, and a warrior with a round shield and ax arrives behind Beruto's initial team.

Rosh comments, "You think that will be enough to stop us?"

Beruto: "I think it will be more than enough, but I only need to keep you at bay while Zerrel rips all his enemy's apart with one glorious motion. Zerrel has already sent letters to the Earth Kingdom, Water Tribe, and Fire Nation leaders. They have been warned to look out for an attack two hours after midday which is just about ten minutes from now. The time is coming, can't you feel it?"

Rosh: "All you people are nuts and this ends today!!"

Beruto: "Come then, show me what you're capable of." One of Beruto's spearmen chucks his blade into a marine archer's neck.

Rosh warns, "You'll pay for that."

Beruto: "A great many men have told me that, but I'm still running with debt. Come get me!" Rosh stretches his arms and hurls a stream of red-orange fire at Beruto. Beruto lifts his arms and a mound of earth intercepts the shots but also melts from the fire. The DOJ earth enforcer pumps two large stones at Rosh's gut and chest.

Rosh ducks and the high stone flies over his head. The seventeen-year-old extends his arms and fires a blast of red-orange flames into the lower one. Meanwhile, Hagenko and Irina notice a two blade swordsmen, a spearman, and a shield axman running at them.

Hagenko looks at his pulpil, "Follow my lead and stay close."

Irina nods, "Of course Hagenko." Hagenko leaps ahead and diagonally thrusts his spear in a swordman's neck. Another swordsman attempts to rush the exposed marine but Irina swiftly impales him. The spearman and warrior with the shield and hammer charge at them next. Irina stands at Hagenko's left side and Hagenko raises his spear.

As Rosh's team fights on, Macai's squad makes it to another part of the platform. They notice the steel floor but aren't close enough to see the bay that Kett's team noticed. Dengo: "I can't believe anyone would actually get behind a dark order like this."

Kavenda: "Well, some people are strange Dengo... Very strange." As Macai's forcefully steps on the platform, several warriors with black uniforms and masks leap close to them. The warriors uniforms seem to mirror Karanga's.

Dengo gasps, "What the?"

Macai explains, "These are Karanga's personally trained assassins. She calls them Karanga's Fist. They are among the best killers in the world according to some clasaified sources."

Kavenda: "Why didn't you brief us on them?"

Macai: "I didn't know they'd be here and I've had a lot of other things to focus on recently."

Dengo: "Fair enough." Two of the assassins have swords, one has dual swords, another has a spear, another has a chainblade, and another is knifethrower.

Kavenda: "I'm guessing these people would be agile and fast like Karanga too."

Macai: "I'd guess so, she only selects those that can live up to her hardcore standards." An assassin throws a spear at Dengo's neck but the marine swats it aside. A warrior with dual swords dives at Macai with a spinning diagonal attack. The young commander backflips then fires a beam of white fire at his enemy. The assassin leaps left and sparks fly as Macai's white flames graze the steel floor.

The warrior with the chainblade swings his weapon at Kavenda. The marine rolls right but the blade flies into a 31st swordsman's stomach. The warrior pulls his blade back and yanks the marine forward. The elite warrior tosses the marine into Macai. The commander flies a few feet back and the assassin swings his chain blade horizontally at Kavenda's neck.

Kavenda ducks and pumps an orange flame in the man's stomach. Macai pushes the corpse off him and the assassin with dual swords dives at Macai. The teen rolls right as the assassin slams his blades against the hard floor. Macai rises to his feet and fires a beam of white fire squares through his enemy. A spear-wielding assassin lunges at Macai and Macai spins right. The commander extends his right hand and shoots a beam of white fire into the assassin's chest.

A sword assassin lunges at a marine swordsman and thrusts his spear into the man's chest. The assassin turns and horizontally lunges at Dengo from behind. Dengo pulls his sword backward and blocks the strike then kicks the assassin down. Another assassin throws two knives at the marine. Dengo knocks back both knives and Kavenda blasts a beam of orange fire into the knifethrower.

The other swordsman lunges at Kavenda and vertically swings down at her. Kavenda rolls left then lunges forward and kicks the man in his face while amping her leg with orange fire. Dengo swings down at the assassin that is still on the ground. The assassin rolls right then leaps back on his feet and horizontally swings at Dengo's right side.

Dengo rotates his weapon and blocks the attack. Dengo diagonally slashes his opponent from the left direction. Macai looks at Dengo and Kavenda, "I'm impressed."

Dengo: "I can't believe you doubted us." Now Macai, Dengo, Kavenda, and a marine swordsman are all that remains of their squad. While Macai's team presses forward deeper into enemy territory Kett's team advances across the platform as well. Kett runs forward with Duvenki, Konbo, a spearman, and two swordsmen with him.

Kett notices a waterbender, spearman, earthbender, mace warrior, and a trooper with a morning star club patrolling the area. Kett shouts, "Quickly, attack!" Kett rushes forward and fires a volley of light orange fireballs at the waterbender and spearman. The spearman is blasted in his stomach but the waterbender fires his own water ball into Kett's shot.

Kett extends his right leg and kicks a flame into the waterbender's right leg. The waterbender collapses then Kett fires a beam into his grounded opponent. Duvenki launches a block of ice at the earthbender but the earthbender stomps his right leg and a enormous ball of stone emerges. The ice block shatters as it flies into the earth ball then the earthbender kicks his leg; acceleratinh the ball at Duvenki.

Duvenki rolls right then sways his hands left. A stream of water sweeps the earthbender aside. A mace warrior charges and thrusts his blade into a water tribe swordman's chest. An Earth Kingdom swordsman vertically cuts down the morning star-wielding terrorist. A water tribe spearwoman lunges forward and thrusts her blade into the remaining DOJ swordsman.

(Music Stops)

Kett looks forward and notices Zerrel with two sages beside him. The sages have brown hooded robes. Zerrel is holding a book in his hand and shouts a few baffled words. Zerrel stands before a mounted map of the entire world. The map is part of the Weather Converter. The Converter has several weather signs on it that are located around the map.

Symbols on the map include drought, forest fire, winter storm, thunderstorm, hurricane, flood, tornado, sand storm, earthquake, hail storm, and volcanic eruption. Several natural disasters are at Zerrel's fingertips. Certain spoken commands can create natural disasters after the device has been activated. Kett notices the yellow and green paintings on the floor suddenly become illuminated and the map lights up.

Zerrel shouts, "Yes, you're already too late. The revolution is now in full effect!"

Kett's eyes widen, "No!" Kett leaps forward and pumps light orange flames into the two sages around Zerrel.

Zerrel: "Canna vandicus!" A crackle of lightning flows in the sky and a loud gust of thunder follows. In the Fire Nation Capital, strong winds flow through the city. Citizens impulsively retreat back in their homes and one man flies three feet backward into a trash can.

Zuko waits in his chambers with General Mak, Ty Lee, Suki, and two Fire Nation guards. Zuko panics, "What's going on?!"

Ty Lee looks like a deer in the headlights, "We don't know. I've never seen a tornado in the capital, has this happened before?"

Zuko shakes his head, "Not like this." The palace shakes as the wind pulls it from side to side and several windows shatter.

Suki yells, "Get down!" Everyone gets behind cover.

Zuko looks around his chambers, "It must be Zerrel. I hope Macai, the United Way, Toph, or someone is on his case right now. Otherwise, we're helpless."

Ty Lee scolds Zuko, "Never say that, always have hope."

In one Earth Kingdom town, the ground starts to shake. People start running through the streets and King Kuei starts shaking, "What is happening?!" Toph emerges with her metalbending team. Toph's metalbending instructor team includes a group of young people that she has personally trained in a new form of earthbending that comes with the ability to control metal.

Toph: "Don't worry sir, we're on it." Toph's team includes a large tan man named Ho Tun; a pale and short girl with brown hair brown eyes named Penga; and a man with dark grey eyes, black hair, and light skin called the Dark One. The ground shakes and a massive earthquake erupts through the ground. Part of a building breaks off and flies toward Keui.

Toph's earthbending instructions lift their arms and direct the debris away from the earth leader. Kuei: "Thank you."

Toph looks up in the sky which has turned light brown, "You're welcome, but I don't think this is over."

In a Northern Water Tribe Capital, large hailstones fall through the city. Several people are crushed by the hailstones, and many are forced to flee into their homes. A water bender looks out of her window, "I knew it, these are the plagues on our society for our past wrongdoings."

The woman's husband responds, "Hopefully they'll come to a swift end. Let us reflect on it."

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