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85.29% Treasure! / Chapter 29: Medusa’s Final Battle

Capítulo 29: Medusa’s Final Battle

Pit and Jared rushes to the door to start the adventure. Jared's eyes glowed blue as he got a vision of the near future.

Jared's mind palace...

Jared and Pit start the adventure without the Three Sacred Treasures, the power of Gurren Lagann and the Evangelions, and the magic of the Puella Magi Holy Quintet.

Pit pauses at the Three Sacred Treasures Case while Jared pauses at the case filled with magic and mechs and stares at them for a moment.

"Uh...I'm all set." Pit said.

"Same…" Jared said.

Pit and Jared leaps through the door into stormy skies.


Jared's eyes stopped glowing blue and it went back to the brown hue it was before. Pit and Jared start the level with the Three Sacred Treasures, the power of Gurren Lagann and the Evangelions, and the magic of the Puella Magi Holy Quintet.

Pit kicks open the Three Sacred Treasures Case, equipping him with the Three Sacred Treasures. Jared kicked open the case and he found a pendant where it contained the power within, Palutena told him the chant, and it equipped him with the power of the pendant within.

"Equipped!" Pit said.

"Ant-Man features built in. Sweet." Jared said, pressing a button on the console of his mech to go from four stories high to five feet and eleven inches high.

"I can't believe you got a mech before me!" Pit said, annoyed.

Pit and Jared leaps through the door into stormy skies.

"You'll get your chance someday, Pit. This is so cool!" Jared said.

"Are you ready for the final battle, Pit, Jared?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"It's now or never!" Pit said.

Jared's eyes glowed blue as he got a vision of the near future.

Jared's mind palace...

If Pit is not equipped with the Three Sacred Treasures and Jared is not equipped with the power of the Evangelions and Gurren Lagann, along with the magic of the Puella Magi Holy Quintet.

"Oh! Pit, you won't be using the Three Sacred Treasures?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"The Sacred Treasures look cool, but I'm going with my weapon of choice!" Pit said.

"Just in case, though, let's take the Pegasus Wings too." Palutena said, telepathically. "And Jared, you won't be using that mech?"

"I love mechs. I do. But nothing beats that suit powered by magic in my book." Jared said, happily.


Jared's eyes stopped glowing blue and they went back to the brown hue they were before. Pit is equipped with the Three Sacred Treasures and Jared inside the body sized mech equipped with the power of the Evangelions and Gurren Lagann, along with the magic of the Puella Magi Holy Quintet.

"For this final battle, Pit, you're equipped with the Three Sacred Treasures. And Jared, you're equipped with the power of mechs and the magic of Magical Girls." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Using the Pegasus Wings and power of flight at the same time seems like overkill." Pit said.

"Who knows how reliable the Pegasus Wings are after all this time? I've turned them off." Palutena said, telepathically.


"And isn't using Gurren Lagann and the Evangelions at the same time overkill?" Jared asked.

"It is. I turned off the Evangelions for the time being." Palutena said, telepathically.

"There sure are a lot of Underworld enemies around here." Pit said.

Jared's eyes glowed blue and he got a vision of the near future.

Jared's mind palace…

If Pit is not equipped with the Three Sacred Treasures and Jared is not equipped with the power of the Evangelions and Gurren Lagann, along with the magic of the Puella Magi Holy Quintet.

"Well, we are getting close to their turf." Palutena said, telepathically.


Jared's eyes stopped glowing blue and they went back to the brown hue they were before. Pit is equipped with the Three Sacred Treasures, and Jared is wearing the mech shrunk down to his height that is powered by magic.

"Yes, so even though the Arrows of Light and using magic do a lot of damage, don't get cocky." Palutena said, telepathically.

A ravine comes into view.

"Me cocky?" Jared asked.

"Deflecting 32 missiles by yourself in 2009." Palutena said, telepathically.

"That is true. But that was a rough year for me."

"This ravine leads to the Underworld. I'm taking the both of you in." Palutena said, telepathically.

Palutena sends Pit and Jared inside, where they encounter a hoard of Trailtails.

"Look at those Trailtails drawing lines." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Or...trails, right?" Pit asked.

"Maybe." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Probably." Jared said.

"I don't advise shooting for a little bit. The Shootflies here will react to your fire." Palutena said, telepathically.

Jared's eyes glowed blue and he got a vision of the near future.

Jared's mind palace...

If Pit and Jared start shooting after the previous line.

"I think they're onto us!" Pit said.


Jared's eyes stopped glowing blue and they went back to the brown hue they were before.

If Pit and Jared refrain from shooting.

"There's a whole bunch of 'em! Just gotta keep quiet…" Pit said.

"Have to remember not to be trigger happy…" Jared said.

"Fingers crossed…"

"I think we're out of Shootfly territory." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared refrained from shooting while near the Shootflies.

"Good. 'Cause I'm ready to start shootin' stuff!" Pit said, happily.

"Same! I want to slice and dice too!" Jared said, smirking.

Palutena sends Pit and Jared into a narrow, crystallized cave.

"The entrance to the Underworld should be up ahead." Palutena said, telepathically.

"I hope the gem from Thanatos works." Pit said.

"Watch out for Ornes ahead."

"I hate the Orne theme. I can hear it in my head. Just shoot it, Pit." Jared said, letting out a sigh.

Pit shoots an Orne with his Arrows of Light.

"Did you see that?" Pit asked.

"They were no match for your arrows." Palutena said, telepathically.

"The Three Sacred Treasures have still got it!"

"And I haven't need to use the different modes of the mech yet!" Jared said, smiling.

Pit and Jared approaches a bright light at the end of the cave.

"Thanatos's gem is shining!" Pit said.

"That means we're good to go. Get ready!" Palutena said, telepathically.


Pit and Jared goes through the light and enters the Underworld.


"The Underworld." Palutena said, telepathically.

"We finally made it!" Pit said.

"I still can't believe we're exploring the Underworld." Jared said, happily. "I'm still jealous that the SAO Survivors went to a version of it first. Before I could actually come to the real one. Anyway, that's a whole lot of enemies."

"Well, we ARE on their home field." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Home or away—we fight to win!" Pit said.

"In your past adventures, the Underworld was where you died the most, right?"

"Oh, absolutely. The difficulty level was just brutal." Pit said.

"It really was. I tried playing through that and I kept dying a lot back then. Still bad at platformers now." Jared said.

"Glad you know my past adventures. We'll brace for the worst!"

Boogities begin appearing.

"The metal backs on Boogities resist everything, even Arrows of Light. So be careful!" Palutena said, telepathically.

Dark Pit and Clara Oswald suddenly flies in.

"Waah! Pittoo!" Pit said.

"What did you just call me?" Dark Pit asked.

"What are you doing here?!"

"The same thing you're doing. Pummeling Underworld fools. I'm just way better at it." Dark Pit said.

"Maybe you also sensed that Pit could use your help." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Don't make me laugh. Now, enough talky talk. There's fighting to be done! I'm out of here!" Dark Pit said.

Dark Pit flies away.

"Clara, I still can't believe you're here." Jared said, looking at the brunette.

"I'm not the original Clara. The one you'll meet after Victorian London. I'm…" Clara said.

"One of her echoes. Y'know, it's kinda weird being around a self-aware echo of the woman I love."

"It was nice of you to show up, Pittoo. You too, Clara. But I can handle this on my own!" Pit said.

"You're not on your own, Pit. You have me and Jared." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Of course! What would I do without the both of you?!" Pit exclaimed.

"You would probably be as reckless as me or Jared." Clara said.

"Clara. Question." Jared said.

"What's up?"

"Are you only self-aware due to this being Kid Icarus Uprising?"

"Of course! You promise to take the original me on adventures in Remnant and here, right?"

"Yeah. I promise."


Pit and Jared fly over a wall and comes face-to-face with Medusa's projection.

"So, you two have made it this far." Medusa said, telepathically.

"You'd better watch your back!" Pit said.

"You won't know what'll hit you!" Jared said, looking at Medusa.

"Isn't that just...precious. Guess it's all that hot air that keeps you flying. You are darling. But you'll need more than bluster to defeat me!" Medusa said, telepathically.

"This isn't bluster! In the name of the goddess of light, I will defeat you!" Pit said.

"And in the name of my friends, I will help in Pit defeating you, Medusa!" Jared said.

Medusa disappears, and the Underworld Gatekeeper appears before Pit and Jared, engaging them in battle.

"What is THAT?!" Pit exclaimed.

"That's the last line of defense keeping us out of the Underworld Castle." Palutena said, telepathically.

"It won't be keeping US out!" Pit said.

"God! I don't have any ideas to defeat this thing!" Jared said, rapidly shooting arrows at the boss. "Clara, think of something!"

"I will! I'll be right back!" Clara said, flying away using her fairy wings.

"Why aren't our attacks doing more damage?" Pit asked.

"Well, it IS a boss." Palutena said, telepathically.

"It's SO annoying!" Pit said.

Dark Pit and Clara suddenly dropkick the Underworld Gatekeeper, dealing the finishing blow.

Clara's power of flight ran out and she began flying down towards the ground, at rapid speed.

"Jared. Run. You and the Doctor. Run, run, you clever boys. And remember." Clara said, telepathically.

Clara closed her eyes and she died, dying on the ground of the endless abyss that is the Underworld.

"Hi-yah!" Dark Pit said.

"Pittoo!" Pit said.

"And THAT'S how you take out a boss!"

"For future reference, face kicking isn't usually this effective." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Get a move on before more defenses show up!"

"Pittoo's right. We should go, even if it means taking orders from HIM."

"Thanks, Pittoo!" Pit said, happily.

"PLEASE stop calling me that." Dark Pit said.

"We really appreciate you helping us!" Jared said.

"Pit, Jared, get ready to go in." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared goes flying through the entrance of the Underworld Castle.

Underworld Castle...

Part 1

Pit and Jared arrive inside the Underworld Castle.

"We're finally here." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Look at these boss statues." Pit said.

"It seems that each statue has a corresponding door."

"Yup. I don't know where this leads. I can't know everything." Jared said.

Pit and Jared goes through the Twinbellows door and winds up in That First Town.

That First Town…

"This looks like where we had our first battle." Pit said.

"The two of you have really come a long way since then, haven't you?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

Jared took out his phone and immediately called Team RWBY on it.

"Jared!" Ruby said, her voice over the phone.

"We all reunited and you flat up left us!" Blake said, her voice over the phone.

"Sorry. I went back to Earth."

"And doing what?" Weiss asked, her voice over the phone.

"Adventuring. Saving the world."

"Really? You have to come back to us!" Yang said, her voice over the phone.

"I will! Or did!" Jared said, crossing his arms. "Time travel is ever so complicated."

Jared ended the call and put his phone back inside his pocket. Pit and Jared enter an alleyway, where a Clubberskull appears.

"Uh…" Pit said.

"Watch out, Pit, Jared! It's a Clubberskull!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Yeah, I figured that part out. Got any other ideas of what we should do next?" Pit asked.

"The two of you will have to defeat it to advance. Dodge to avoid getting hurt, and go in for melee attacks when you can!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Aye aye, Lady Palutena!"

"Y'know, it's kind of sad that this adventure is almost over." Jared said, sadly.

"Tell me about it. We didn't spend a lot of time together." Pit said, looking at Jared.

As Pit and Jared proceed, they encounter a second Clubberskull.

"Another Clubberskull!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"We'll handle this!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared defeat all enemies within the area.

"Piece of cake!" Jared said, smirking.

"All RIGHT!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared heads into the coliseum, encountering Twinbellows.

"Twinbellows! Here, boy! Old Pit's gonna teach you even MORE new tricks! And if you're good, I'll take you for a walk and give you a bath and a treat. We're going to rack up some serious Nintendogs trainer points together!" Pit said.

"Focus, Pit." Palutena said, telepathically.

"That was a hot dog!" Jared said, happily.

Pit and Jared defeat Twinbellows.

"Good dog!" Pit said.

Underworld Castle...

After the first boss has been defeated, Pit and Jared arrive back in the castle's main hub area.

"Oh. We're back at the castle entrance." Pit said.

"Look, a statue has crumbled." Palutena said, telepathically.

"I feel bad for that watchdog. But what can I do?" Jared aired.

Pit and Jared heads through the Hewdraw door and wind up in That Burning Town.

That Burning Town…

"Oh, this place again." Pit said.

"This looks like where you fought the Hewdraw." Palutena said, telepathically.

"So this whole town is some kind of illusion?" Pit asked.

"Illusions are becoming a bit of overkill in this fan fiction book." Jared said, frowning.

"It's as real as I am. I built it myself using both of yours and the Hewdraw's memories." Medusa said, telepathically.

"That's because you don't know what the original town looked like." Palutena said, telepathically.

"No matter. You're in my domain now, and you'll play by MY rules!"

"Yeah? Well, some rules are meant to be broken!" Pit said.

"Speaking of rules…" Shirabe said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"Hi!" Kirika said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"We thought we needed an appearance in this fan fiction book." Maria said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"Girls! Man. Looks like all of the Symphogear wielders have appeared in this fan fiction book now." Jared said, happily.

Pit and Jared arrive in an area with enemies and Aether Rings.

"There are Aether Rings. Why don't you try it out?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

Pit and Jared hop into the Aether Rings.

"This Aether Ring is pretty convenient." Pit said.

"Yes. Like the Exo Tank, it's a vehicle of the gods. The handling is a little soft, but it has a force field to protect you from enemies. Tap the icon on the Touch Screen to activate it." Palutena said, telepathically.

"What do you think of this part of the fan fiction book so far?" Jared asked.

"It was a bit slow in the middle." Shirabe said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"He couldn't control that! Rooster Teeth went on a bit of a hiatus." Kirika said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

Pit and Jared defeats the enemies.

"After everything you've been through since Manhattan. You needed a lighthearted story." Maria said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"I'm glad that this was it. I wouldn't know what to do if it was gen:LOCK." Jared said, letting out a sigh.

"Head into that well." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared enter the well.

"All's well that ends well." Jared said.

Pit and Jared are still in the Aether Rings.

"You can use the Aether Ring to traverse gaps in your path. If you can make your way across all the gaps underground, you'll find a little prize." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared take a Jump Pad out of the well.

"Whoop!" Pit said.

"Let's do this!" Jared said, smirking.

"The Hewdraw is behind that door." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared heads through the gate, encountering Hewdraw.

"I love how things are flowing together." Jared said, looking back at Pit. "I need a break after this is all over."

"Hewdraw! Your chances of winning are lower than your belly button! Which is really low!" Pit said, angrily.

"You're pretty pumped up, huh?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"Of course I am! If we defeat Medusa, we save the world!"

"Death!" Jared said, happily.

Pit and Jared defeats Hewdraw.

"Redefeated!" Pit said.

Underworld Castle...

After the second boss has been defeated, Pit and Jared arrive back in the castle's main hub area.

"OK, next!" Pit said.

"Just one more to go before Medusa!" Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared heads through the Pandora door and winds up in the Labyrinth of Deceit.

Labyrinth of Deceit…

"Now this is one place I wish I could forget." Pit said.

"Tell me about it. This place gave me a massive headache." Jared said.

"The Labyrinth of Deceit." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Which means a second helping of crazy. Ugh." Pit said.

"Girls? How did you go through labyrinths and not go insane?" Jared asked.

"I don't know. We just did." Sayaka said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared heads through a wall of fake spikes.

"The hell? We didn't just do it." Kyoko said, telepathically. "We were forced to."

"We were." Homura said, telepathically.

"Going through labyrinths." Madoka said, telepathically. "How did we cope?"

"Together." Mami said, telepathically. "We did it together."

"It'll take more than some fake spikes to stop us!" Pit said.

"Yeah!" Jared said, smirking.

Pit and Jared step over a circle, arriving on the ceiling of a room.

"Whoa-oa!" Pit said.

"I'm kind of glad that I helped you guys get the bonus route in the fan fiction." Jared said, smiling. "And that it happened after the events of Magia Record."

"Tell me about it." Sayaka said, telepathically. "We needed this."

"We owe you." Mami said, telepathically. "Like a lot."

The camera flips.

"Uh...what just happened?" Pit asked.

"I think the two of you just used a warp of some sort." Mami said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared heads through several more warps.

"Pokémon much?!" Jared exclaimed.

"Evil base and gym puzzle. Bad mix." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"I'm all kinds of turned around." Pit said.

"You both seem to be passing between the floor and ceiling. How very strange." Palutena said, telepathically.

"You're telling me!" Pit said.

"Uh…." Jared said, kicking his foot back and forth. "How's it going being an idol?"

"It's hard competing with the likes of Tsubasa Kazanari and Maria Cadenzavna Eve." Mami said, telepathically. "Those two are good. Like really good."

"And they defeat Noise with the rest of Symphogear." Kyoko said, telepathically. "I get Grief Seeds to my heart's content these days."

"Jared, how do you feel about Clara?" Sayaka asked, telepathically.

"About Clara Oswald? For the win? Oswin? I don't know. I love her." Jared said, smiling.

"Why not ask her out? You know you want to."

"On what? A date?"

"Yes. That's exactly it. I did it with Kyosuke."

"So what? I leave out Danny Pink after he dies to Cybermen." Jared said.

"Whoa! Whoa! I didn't say anything like that!" Sayaka said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared waits around a couple of minutes in the room with the second set of fake spikes.

"Shit. All of this telepathic talk made us a little lost here…" Jared said.

"Hmmm...oh, I know! Remember that old saying about spikes?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"Uh... 'Don't count your spikes before they hatch'?" Pit asked.

"...No. The saying is 'If you can't go around them, go through them.'" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Easy for you to say. You and the Puella Magi Holy Quintet don't bruise like we do." Pit said.

Pit and Jared goes through the fake spikes.

"My Aura takes a while for me to use. Just to heal my body." Jared said.

"Hey, a secret area!" Pit said.

"The two of you are one step closer to getting out of this place." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared heads through a door, encountering Pandora and Oktavia von Seckendorff.

"Pandora! Ready for round two?!" Pit exclaimed.

"Seems Medusa couldn't make her talk." Palutena said, telepathically.

"What do you mean?" Pit asked.

"I mean that's not Pandora."

"But it looks just like her!"

"And copying Sayaka's Witch? When the girl is wide awake! How low are you to copy one of my best friends?" Jared asked.

"That's just a soul dressed up to resemble Pandora and she made a copy of Oktavia von Seckendorff." Palutena said, telepathically.

"How clever of you, oh goddess of light." Medusa said, telepathically.

"I can't believe you'd stoop to recycling nothing sacred to you?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"Well, you're in for quite a treat, Medusa. Now watch in amazement as I slay Pandora for the SECOND TIME!" Pit said.

"Sorry about defeating you, Sayaka." Jared said, sadly. "Even if it's just a copy."

Pit defeats Pandora and Jared defeats Oktavia von Seckendorff.

"Slaying complete!" Pit said.

"It's fine. So, you predicted my Witch's moves with Foresight?" Sayaka asked, telepathically.

"Well, yeah. Train wheels? I knew when to dodge them. And it's really predictable."

"Plus you watched us to death." Kyoko said, telepathically.

"Right. We were an anime series in your universe." Madoka said, telepathically.

Underworld Castle...

Part 2

Pit and Jared arrive back in the castle's main hub area.

"Nicely done, Pit, Jared! The two of you have destroyed all three statues." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Then it's time to destroy Medusa!" Pit said.

"I'm ready to finish this!" Jared said.

"The path to Medusa is back the way you both first came in." Palutena said, telepathically.

"How is that even possible?!" Pit exclaimed.

Pit and Jared heads through the door and encounters a Collin and Phil.

"Make your way to Medusa." Palutena said, telepathically.

"We're on it!" Pit said.

"Meleeing the little enemies into the big enemy will make things easier for you." Palutena said, telepathically.

Shootflies and a Suit of Skuttler appears.

"Ugh. A lot of enemies today!" Jared said, annoyed.

"Just like in air battles, these Shootflies respond to shots being fired. Also, that statue-like enemy is a Suit of Skuttler and can only be hurt from behind. Get rid of the Shootflies first so you can take your time with the Suit of Skuttler." Palutena said, telepathically.

"What now?" Jared asked.

"You might want to try getting behind the enemy. Just keep your reticle on your target and dash left or right. Stay close to the enemy, and keep your stylus on the Touch Screen."

Pit and Jared defeats the Shootflies and Suit of Skuttler, and heads into another room.

"I find it very ironic that you would call yourself the goddess of light. After all, it was you who turned me into a monster. It was you who hunted me down." Medusa said, telepathically.

"You shouldn't blame me for that. I only reflected in your appearance what I saw in your heart." Palutena said, telepathically.

"And what about YOUR heart? I can only imagine what resides there."

"Why just imagine it? Don't you have the power to make it a reality?"

"There's no point. We all know it would be some sort of hideous creature."

"You shut your mouth, Medusa! Lady Palutena is nothing like you! Who turns people to stone and poisons the rivers? Who reduces cities to rubble? And who is leading the Underworld destruction of the land and heavens? Not Lady Palutena. YOU'RE the one responsible for all this, Medusa. But what I don't get is how you managed to resurrect yourself in the first place." Pit said, angrily.

"...I suppose I don't really understand how that happened either." Medusa said, telepathically.

"Don't play dumb with me!"

"I...I don't remember what happened. My memories aren't what they were."

"You're slipping, Medusa. Your mind isn't all there anymore. And I can sense that your life force is weaker than it used to be. Twinbellows, Hewdraw, Pandora, and Thanatos have all been defeated. But if you withdraw your army and promise to stay in this castle, I will spare you." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Don't be ridiculous. Besides... It hardly matters HOW I returned. What matters is WHY. To exact revenge on you! Turning your little angel and this ally of justice into stone is a nice first step." Medusa said, telepathically.

"Threaten all you want. You don't scare us! We will put an end to you. We'll return to Skyworld victorious!" Pit said.

"Well, Well, Well, Well…listen up, Medusa! I'll only say this once…undefeatable, untouchable, with no regrets! Never looking back, never wavering! You can't win against this man's will! Team RWBY's Jared Shay will be your opponent! Believe it!" Jared said. "And yes, I did rip off a speech from Kamina from Gurren Lagann!"

Pit and Jared approaches a Grind Rail.

"I set up a grind rail, but I had to get creative. It's going to be a wild ride, so good luck." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Don't worry...I'm ready!" Pit said.

"Same." Jared said.

Pit and Jared takes the Grind Rail further into the castle.

"I can sense you getting closer, Pit, Jared." Medusa said, telepathically.

"There's nowhere left for you to run!" Pit said.

"Ready or not! Here we come!" Jared said, excitedly.

"Y'know, I'm very much looking forward to your arrival. I feel like Rapunzel waiting for her prince." Medusa said, telepathically.

"Sorry to break it to you, but those aren't exactly golden locks on your head." Pit said.

"And you're not exactly brave heroes. Yet somehow the thought of our confrontation fills me with anticipation. So hurry to me, Pit, Jared. I'll strip the two of you of your wings and sever you from the heavens forever."

"I don't think so!" Pit said.

"You won't waver my path, Medusa. Not you!" Jared said.

Pit and Jared enters a room with a switch and no obvious paths.

"Where are we supposed to go?" Pit asked.

"There's a path somewhere. Step on the switch and use the lights to guide your way." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared heads into another room with no obvious paths.

"There are hidden platforms nearby that you can jump on. First, reveal the platforms, then dash up to a ledge to jump." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Well, that's easy!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared doesn't proceed immediately.

"Face the direction you want to jump, then flick the Circle Pad forward. Give it a try!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"I'm still bad at platforming…" Jared said, sadly. "Especially using a mech."

Pit and Jared still doesn't proceed.

"First, make sure you're facing the direction in which you want to jump. Then take a deep breath and flick the Circle Pad forward! And that's that!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Get in position, stay calm, then dash. Got it!" Pit said.

As Pit and Jared makes their way over the platforms, they arrives at a larger platform and encounters a Tempura Wizard.

"Huh? What the heck is that?!" Pit exclaimed.

"It's a Tempura Wizard!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"A Tempura Whatzerd?"

"If he deep-fries you, keep your distance. One bite, and you'll be finished!"

"This is taking Member-shrimp literally!" Jared said, angrily.

"Well, that's a step up from eggplant, I guess. No...not really." Pit said.

Pit and Jared heads into a room with no path and several Monoeyes.

"We're getting close to Medusa. Be careful not to fall." Palutena said, telepathically.

As Pit and Jared defeats enemies, paths begin to appear, taking them deeper into the castle. They arrives at a platform with an Orne and an Eggplant Wizard.

"This appears to be the final guard." Palutena said, telepathically.

"The last step before Medusa's defeat!" Pit said.

"Woohoo!" Jared said, happily.

An Erinus appears.

"There's an Erinus nearby. They split into two halves that you can take out one at a time." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared attacks the Erinus, causing it to split apart.

"Uh, it looks like the bottom half lost its pants…" Pit said.

Pit and Jared defeats the Erinus, then heads through the boss door.

"Final boss time. I really do need a break." Jared said, frowning.

Pit and Jared arrive in a large room, where they're confronted by Medusa.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha. So we finally meet again, Pit, Jared." Medusa said.

"Sh-she's huge!" Pit said.

"Be careful!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Hey!" Asuna said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"We're watching the final battle." Sinon said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"This is the battle of battles." Leafa said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

Pit and Jared look at Medusa with determination and begin to strike several poses.

"Listen well, all you demons of the Underworld! In the name of the goddess Palutena, the defender of all that is good...those who hide in the darkness will be made to face the light!" Pit said.

"We will defeat you no matter what! And we will win to protect everyone! To the bitter end." Jared said.

"Fly, Pit, Jared!" Palutena said, telepathically.

Medusa attempts to crush Pit and Jared as they narrowly fly out of the way, and the battle initiates.

"I'm going to try to get the two of you closer!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Thank you kindly!" Pit said.

"We really appreciate it." Jared said.

"But...Medusa's using her powers to hold you both back." Asuna said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"Argh!" Pit said.

"Are you kidding me?!" Jared exclaimed.

"I know it's tough, but don't give up!" Sinon said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit. "You've got this! You and Pit do!"

"You two are still too far away." Leafa said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"She's so big that it's hard to get a feel for which shots will hit her." Pit said.

Pit and Jared fly in closer, and Medusa teleports a short distance away.

"Damn it!" Jared said, annoyed. "Why do that?"

"Wow! Warping that huge body must be a real pain!" Pit said.

"Who are you calling huge, you insignificant little thing?" Medusa asked.

"Let's get you and Jared closer." Palutena said, telepathically.

Medusa teleports away and appears behind Pit and Jared, slashing at them with her claws.

"Watch out!" Leafa said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"Yikes!" Pit said.

"This is so annoying! Doing air battle." Jared said, scoffing.

"Do you like that?" Medusa asked.

Pit and Jared fails to inflict enough damage by this point.

"Jared, want us to come?" Asuna asked, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"No. Asuna, Sinon, Leafa. Stay where you are." Jared said, clenching his fist. "Stay in 2026. I don't want you guys to get yourselves hurt."

"But you sent us weapons to try and help you!" Leafa said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"Not with this battle!"

"He has a point." Sinon said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit. "If Jared wanted us to come. All of us. He would have."

Medusa uses her powers to force Pit and Jared back.

"Urghhhuoaa!" Pit said.

"Pit, Jared, are you all right?! I'll try to get you both close again. Hold on!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"She keeps throwing stuff at us!" Pit said.

"Which I hate a lot." Jared said.

"Try using a Special Attack. You can build up your gauge faster by deflecting attacks." Palutena said, telepathically.

"How do you stay so calm?" Pot asked.

"Panic isn't good for a goddess's image. Now just focus and wait for an opening."

Medusa forces Pit and Jared away subsequent times.

"Urghhhuoaa!" Pit said.

"Pit, Jared, are you all right?! I'll try to get you two close again. Hold on!" Palutena said, telepathically.

Once Pit and Jared deals enough damage against Medusa, Palutena binds her in place.

"Now's your chance!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"I'm glad that this is almost over." Jared said, happily. "Nine fan fiction chapters is enough for Kid Icarus Uprising."

"You sure you want this to end?" Asuna asked, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"I think he doesn't want it to end." Sinon said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"It's like he wants to retire after all this." Leafa said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"The good news is that I've chained Medusa's legs in place for you. The bad news is that you two will have to get up close and personal with her." Palutena said, telepathically.

"You'll pay for that!" Medusa said, raising her hand and releasing a poisonous mist from it. "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ugh! Nasty!" Pit said.

"Medusa is as disgusting as some Grimm!" Jared said, frowning.

"Is there any part of her that ISN'T a weapon? I guess it's to be expected." Palutena said, telepathically.

After Pit and Jared deals more damage against Medusa, her face transforms into that of a cycloptic monster.

"Uuuuuuuuuugh…" Medusa said.

"Her head!" Pit said.

"What the?!" Asuna exclaimed, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"I wondered why we never encountered Medusa when we went to the Underworld." Leafa said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"Now we know." Sinon said, her voice coming out of Jared's suit.

"I loved this story. Such a shame that I won't see it continue." Jared said, looking down for a moment.

"Now THIS is the Medusa I remember." Palutena said, telepathically.

Medusa detaches her head from her body, and begins chasing Pit and Jared through the air.

"She's hideous!" Pit said.

"She's more hideous than Salem!" Jared said.

"I can't believe she's still fighting like this. But this is a battle we cannot lose. You must overcome the darkness of the Underworld with light!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"The fight against evil ends here!" Pit said.

"It does! And I want a nice rest and relaxation after this!" Jared said.

Once Pit and Jared deals enough damage to her monstrous form, her head reattaches to her body.

"Now, Pit, Jared! The eye!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Raaaaaaaawr!" Pit said.

"Booyah!" Jared said.

Pit and Jared defeats Medusa.

"You did it!" Palutena said, telepathically.


Medusa reaches out, but she freezes in place and her body withers away into dust. Her castle then begins to break apart, and its remains are drawn up into the sky.

"All's well that ends well." Jared said, smiling.

The screen goes black, and 8-bit credits begin to play.

"We did it! We really did it!" Pit said.

"Yup. We actually did it, Pit!" Jared said, hugging Pit.

"Congratulations! I know it wasn't always easy. Especially for you, Jared. Dealing with you're needed to go to while traveling with the Doctor and whatever Salem throws at you." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Aw, but it was so worth it! With the world at peace again, even the sun feels warmer." Pit said.

"Aw, you're so cute, Pit."

"You two are acting like Hibiki and Miku!" Jared said, looking at Pit.

"Ahahahahaha!" Pit, Palutena, and Jared said, at the same time.

"Now wait just a second." ??? said, telepathically.

"Huh?" Pit asked.

"Did you hear something?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"I said wait just a second." ??? said, telepathically.

"I've got to be hearing things." Pit said.

"Please no! Not now!" Jared said, worried.

A giant hand emerges from off-screen and rips through the credits.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" ??? said, telepathically.

The credits are torn down, revealing the source of the voice to be Hades.

"Hades?!" Palutena exclaimed, telepathically.

"Hades? I forgot he exists in this universe!" Jared said, crossing his arms.

"Who's Hades?" Pit asked.

"The true master of the Underworld. Who happened to show up when the Pandorica was opening." Jared said.

"Sorry to keep YOU waiting. But now that I'm here, let's get this party started. Welcome to MY Underworld, Pitty Pat, Flash Gordon. You too, pretty Palutena." Hades said.

"I'm...honored you know who I am." Palutena said, telepathically.

"So this little angel and little human took down big, bad Medusa all by themselves. What an accomplishment! Goodness, you should put this on your resume!"

"Uh, what's with this guy?" Pit asked.

"Pit, Hades is like this. Whether it's this counterpart or the Disney one." Jared said, rolling his eyes.

"But before you do, you should know that I whipped up that Medusa especially for the three of you." Hades said.

"Wait, how?!" Palutena exclaimed, telepathically.

"Add a pinch of memories from a crazed fanboy to a ton of souls. Put them in a blender, and hit frappé!" Hades said.

"Explain yourself!" Pit said.

"Why the hell is everyone after my memories these days?!" Jared exclaimed. "For the Pandorica. And now Medusa!"

"Her thirst for revenge was so great, it seemed a shame to let it go to waste. Oh, pretty must have done a real number on her." Hades said.

"I won't deny that." Palutena said, telepathically.

"But she's old news, and old news bores me. We must look to the future, and that future is me, the true leader of the Underworld! Next to me, little miss Medusa's going to look like a sweet, cuddly bunny."

"No! This can't be happening!"

"I must bid you adieu."

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