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New territory

⚠️ warning this chapter contains sexual content if you are NOT comfortable reading such things do not read this chapter! ⚠️


Tae walks into the living room and you and Jungkook look at him.

"So?" Jungkook waits for a response.

"How would you feel if I said they'd be at the office in 4 hours?" He said biting his lip scared. You and Jungkook look at each other and your heart races.

"I-" you are speechless.

"I guys we get ready and tell people to get a room set up for them." Jungkook says looking at Tae standing up.

"Come with me I'll help you get ready" Jungkook says holding his hand out.

"Ha- I- ok" you say placing your hand in his looking at Tae. You walk upstairs and Jungkook opens a closet.

"Why are there so many clothes in here...? Woman clothing" you look at him.

"I'm not sure that's a question for Tae but I don't think you want to know. People stay over a lot and accidents happen so ig the extra clothes helps" he says and you look through the clothes.

"Hmmmm.... what vibe am I going for?" You ask him.

"Something sexy yet business like, you are my assistant" he says and you nod.

"How about this black blazer and this skirt.... and these heels?" You ask looking at him and he nods.

"That works, do you need makeup or anything to do your hair?" He asks and you think.

"Just a little something light" you say looking at him.

"Okay I'll get someone to bring it" he says with a smile.

"I'll be back" he says giving you a kiss before leaving.

"Okay..." you say as you look through some more stuff in the room. You open a drawer to find fresh lingerie.

"Tags are still on... Tae has good taste." You say smiling at the pieces. You decided to take one. You take a set jet black with little sparkles on parts. The underwear have stings that wrap around your thighs just high enough to be hidden by the skirt. The skirt just slightly flowy. You put it on and look at yourself in the mirror.

"Hot" you smile put the skirt on then the blazer. You then out the heels on. Tall black stilettos. You walk out to find Jungkook. You walk downstairs to be met with a bag with your name.

"Ah perfect" you say grabbing it going back upstairs. You do a light brown eyeshadow and a wing, accompanied by a soft lash and mascara. You use some highlighter then use a soft red lip tint. You put in ear rings. You decided your hair looked fine and walked out of the bathroom. You walk downstairs and meet Tae.

"You look great y/n, we have to be at the office in 2 hours I'm heading out now to help set up and talk to some people. Jungkook will take you" he says cuffing his sleeves of his suit.

"Okay sounds good" you say as he heads out the door. You turn to a voice.

"Did he leave?" You look at Jungkook.

"Once again suits are a death trap on you" you smile at him as he grabs you by the waist.

"Don't even get me started on how beautiful you look love" he says eyeing you down. He flips out his wrist.

"We have time..." he says and you look at him.

"Are you nervous?" He asks and you nod.

"Very very" you say with a smile.

"Do you want to kill some of the nerves?" He asks and you look at him odd.

"How?" You ask as he smiles. A small laugh comes from him. He kisses you then moves to your neck. You inhale when he bites you. You laugh grabbing his hand moving him to the couch. You push him down so he sits on the couch as you lean down and kiss him. Your hand traveling down his chest to his pants. Then you travel your mouth down his chest. You make it to his crotch and place a kiss on his clothed member. You look up at him as you slowly unbutton his pants almost whimpering over the sight of him. You take him out and smile sticking your tongue out. You lick from the bottom all the way to the top feeling him twitch from you.

"Shit" he says with a smile looking at you. You then take all of him in. You slowly move your head and every time you go up you press your tongue hard against the tip. Each time earning a low groan from him. You come up for air and look at him.

"Mmmm..." he says rubbing your bottom lip.

"Touch yourself while you suck me" he says and you feel yourself twitch.

"Yes Sir" you say going back to him with a hand on yourself slowly rubbing circles. Making you quietly moan while sucking him.

"Fuckkkkk~" he says as you feel him pulse in your mouth. Knowing he likes it you start to speed up. You start to get impatient and insert two fingers in yourself making you moan.

"Shit-" he says grabbing your head moving it for you. As you moan to the feeling of your fingers he pushes your head up and down.

"I'm close-" he says as he pushes deeper. You feel him twitch as he releases into the back of your throat. You pull away smiling as he wipes your lip.

"My turn" he says pulling you to the couch laying you down. Kissing your neck down your torso. He lifts up your skirt and sees what you are wearing.

"Fuck.... this is hot" he looks at you as you smile.

"That's what I said" he laugh as he leans down placing a kiss on your inner thigh. Slowly moving in closer teasing you. He looks at you slowly rubbing his thumb over you. You whimper. He moves over the underwear and rubs two fingers over you easily slipping into you.

"Fuck your so wet baby" he says as he pumps his fingers, stopping a couple time just to move them up and down again your walls making you moan out. He then take his tongue and licks you making you gasp at the feeling.

"You like that?" He asks his voice vibrating through you.

"Jungkook- please" you say as he laugh going back. He pumps his fingers while he works his tongue. You moan out as he speeds up. You arch your back as you feel your high coming then he slips in another finger. As you reach your high you push your head back and moan.

"I'm cuming" you say as your body shakes but he doesn't stop.

"J-j-jungko-" you moan out.

"I'm not done yet" he says still going looking at you. His fingers working magic.

"O-my- fuck~" you say as he smiles at the sight of you shaking under him.

"Cum for me again baby" he says.

"I-I can't" you say shaking with whimpers.

"Yes you fucking can" he says going faster.

"Jung-k-ook- I can't" you cry out as he pulls his fingers out.

"I'm going to make you" he says without hesitation he slides his member into you making you gasp and grip into his arms. He slides in and out of you as you moan and shake.

"Do it for me baby- cum on daddy's dick-" he says going faster holding your legs on his shoulders.

"Fuck-" you moan out gasping for air as he pulls out.

"Help me finish again" he says and you obediently sit up as he stands in front of you. You open your mouth still shaking. You take him in as he throws his head back. You then force yourself to take him as far as you possibly can as he releases into your mouth as you pull away a little he pulls out from your mouth.

"Show me" he says breathlessly, as you open your mouth to show him.

"Now be a good girl and swallow" he says holding your chin and you do so.

"Good girl" he says with a smile buttoning his pants back up. As you fix yourself. He looks at his watch and sighs.

"We should leave" he says looking at you as you try to get control of your breathing still. You nod your head standing up.

"It's going to be hard not to think about what is under these clothes now..." he says pulling you close. You two walk out of the house and get into the car.

"Are you still nervous?" He asks and you laugh.

"Not as much" you look at him.

"Good" he says placing a hand on your thigh. You look in the mirror to make sure you look ok. When you get to the office Jungkook opens the door for you. You two walk into the building. You get into the elevator to the 5th floor and get out. You and Jungkook walk down the hall till you reach the room. You walk in and see cameras lights and snacks set up. Tae greets you and Jungkook. Then a guy walks up to you three. Jungkook places a hand around your waist.

"Hello Mr. Jeon, hello Ms. y/n it's a pleaser to meet you. My name is Jax I will be the photographer today, please get comfortable and if there is any questions don't be afraid to ask" the man says he seems really friendly. You point to the food and Jungkook nods as you walk away form the men. Tou grab a couple and walk over Jungkook.

"Tae is going first" he says looking at Tae standing in front of lights and a camera. Jax directs Tae on what to do and how to look at the camera. First it's single shots then it will be Tae and Jungkook then you and Jungkook then you and Tae then all three of you.

"Mr. Jeon, please come over here and stand where you like." Jax says and Jungkook walks to the layout and Tae comes to you. Tou watch Jungkook as he poses and looks at the camera. You can't help but smile at the sight. After jungkooks pictures it's you.

"Ms. Y/n, please come forward" Jax smiles helping you to the set.

"Shit-" you lowly say scared.

"Okay now look at the camera and do whatever feels natural with your face- okay now turn to the side, now look- perfect, beautiful, now give me a smile- yes yes!" He says as he snaps the camera and the lights flash. After a few more it's time for Jungkook and Tae. As they pose with each other and take a couple cute pictures it's time for you and Jungkook.

"Okay now I want you two- here Jungkook face the camera and y/n face backwards looking the opposite way from him, yes like that- perfect. " he directs you through even more poses then you and Tae. After a few pictures it's time for all three of you. You get comfortable with the pictures and start having fun as you take a few fun pictures and other serious pictures.

"Okay I think that will wrap things up" I will send the fishes products to you and let me know which ones you like the most and if there is any that you'd like to personally keep I'll be more then happy to give them to you." Jax says with a smile.

"Feel free to help yourself to the food" he smiles and you and the two man walk over to the food.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought" Tae says and you smile.

"No it wasn't I had some fun" you look at Jungkook.

"Definitely fun I'm looking forward to the finished products." He says as Tae nods.

"So what do we do with the day?" Jungkooks looks at you and Tae.

"Well I will help Jax here clean up and I need to sign some papers and go to my office to do a few things. So if you two have plans carry on with them" Tae says with a smile.

"Anything in mind love?" Jungkook looks at you.

"Hmmm.... I'm not sure" you say thinking.

"Well I will be here if you guys need anything" Tae says walking away.

"How about we go home and take a nap?" Jungkooks says and you laugh.

"I'm fine with that, let's go" you say as you two walk out of the office.

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