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76.19% Multiverse Hopping / Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Wizard Vs Devil Fruit User

Capítulo 31: Chapter 31: Wizard Vs Devil Fruit User

~Third POV~

Hades was seeing everything that has happened in the airship as his men were all defeated as he readies to fight against Seiya now that he meddled with his plans for reviving Zeref.

Hades is a tall, elderly man with long, slicked back, silvery-white hair, revealing his forehead. He also has a mustache, and a similarly long yet mildly thin and curly beard, reaching down to his lower chest.

He has some wrinkles on his face, as evident of his extremely advanced age; nonetheless, despite this age, his figure is muscular and well defined and his right eye is usually seen covered by a simple eye patch, hiding away his Demon's Eye.

His attire consists of a dark shirt paired with armored shoulder pads and shiny gauntlets, as well as chain-mail covering the parts of his arms remaining exposed, simple light pants with flames near the edges - held up by what looks like a light belt composed of two straps with the relative buttons, possibly part of the pants themselves, and dark, simple shoes/boots.

Over this outfit, he wears a large, dark cape, bearing Grimoire Heart's symbol on the back and sporting a mantle with a high collar, lighter-colored borders, and jagged lower edges.

Sometimes he's also seen wearing a helmet matching his armor, with a prominent metal plate protecting his forehead, with two lines of studs on the front, siding his face and jutting out in a protrusion on each side, and a darker rear part, adorned by a crest reminiscent of those seen on Greek helmets.

Hades prepares enchantment all over himself to have a better chance of fighting against Seiya since he already destroyed his Devil's Heart diminishing his largest magic supply, he had now with his own left to fight back but smiling Hades knew that to truly destroy the Devil's Heart they need [Devil Slayer Magic] to destroy it.

He unleashed his Demon's Eye to bring his magic power up immensely to have a better chance of winning and with his Devil's Heart but doesn't notice as the power is slowly being turned away...

As he gets up from his personal throne, he soon thinks to himself in an angered tone as he prepares a spell, 'That bastard! He not only killed my people but had to Gaul to throw them out like they were trash! I will make this person pay with his life, but I need time to analyze this person threat level time to use [Nemesis],'

With that Hades cast the spell [Nemesis] a living type of magic that allows the user to create demons out of rocks as Hades threw rocks into the air soon started to create demons that only bring despair from where they are born.

As he was preparing himself Seiya soon makes his appearance in his [Godspeed: Super Bolt Mode] as Hades says to him in a frustrated voice, "So it was you… you have meddled with my plan to revive Zeref Seiya… and that blast attack of destroying the R-System… tell me are you a demon of Zeref since I hardly feel any magic from you?"

Seiya looking surprised at Hades he soon analyzes his memories from afar and soon realizes that he was being watched by a Lacrima that he couldn't sense which made him grow a dark expression realizing how much he is underestimating how versatile magic really is.

Shaking his head off he replies to Hades in a cold tone while he uses his [Thousand-Mile Flight: Mastema] to create a weapon fitting for this fight, "I guess you know a lot than a normal person would, but no I'm not Zeref creation but you aren't exactly wrong about me being a demon I'm the Devil."

With that said Seiya quickly kills off all the demons created from the [Genesis] spell as he coated the wing blades with electricity enough to break the sound barrier destroying the demons in the process leaving Hades shocked at the scene of Seiya power up close.

Soon enough the feathers from his Teigu started to kill them all without much effort needed to destroy them leaving Hades sweating but didn't give up as he prepares his concentrated [Grimoire Ray] towards Seiya.

When Seiya foresaw the outcome with his [Observation Haki] future sight he quickly waits for the attack to happen as he was tearing through the demons that Hades created.

Hades fires off his [Grimoire Ray] to Seiya as the attack Hades extends his hand, all fingers slightly bent, in the direction of the intended target and gathers Magic in it, from which a beam-like bullet is fired towards his target.

Seeing this Seiya activates his Teigu Trump Card at the following attack as he was a bit disappointed with the attack, "Really is that the best you can do old timer. Sigh… such a disappointment man, [Trump Card: God's Wings]."

The [Trump Card: God's Wings] gives the wings the ability to reflect an opponent's attacks.

When used, the disks split into segments and the wings turn into what appears to be an ethereal substance, which allows them to be shaped into a protective shield and can also counteract Mastema's weakness in close range combat.

As the disc splits and the wings turn into ethereal substance wings it quickly reflected Hades [Grimoire Ray] going back to the user as Hades looked at the attack and quickly conjured up a magic shield to defend against the attack of his.

Seiya looking at this didn't waste any time to launch another attack towards Hades since he doesn't have much time to play around.

Using his other Teigu [Thunder God's Rage: Adramelech] it started to increase the speed of its piston-like attachments as it begins to generate a large amount of electricity as Seiya charges both his arms toward the direction of Hades.

Charging another attack at Hades Seiya smirks at Hades for standing up to him for this long when he was just playing with him at this point, 'Ok then old timer let's see you get through this one in one piece, using this attack, [Trump Card: Super Solid Shooter].'


Soon enough a ball of electricity was forming in between the golden infused electric gauntlets by charging huge amounts of electrical energy, which soon turns to the color of black lighting as it fires off a black-colored powerful electric beam!

Hades seeing this prepares to strengthen his shield to defend himself, but he was soon blown away from the sheer power of the attack as he was soon flown to the open sky with his clothes being burned and some of his body as well in the process.

If it was just the normal lighting it wouldn't have been that powerful but unfortunately for Hades, that amount of electricity generated came from a Super Bolt than a lightning bolt is literally a 1000x more powerful increase from the usual lightning bolt attacks.

When Seiya saw him outside he followed him to the open air for a sky battle with Hades flying with his [Floating Magic] and Seiya with his [Thousand-Miles Flight: Mastema] both staring at each other.

As they both stare at each other they both released their powers with Hades releasing his [Magic Power] to pressure Seiya assuming that the Devil's Heart would increase his power while Seiya releases his full power [Conqueror Haki] clashing against his own power.

However, Hades notices that his power [Magic Power] connection to the Devil Heart soul bound is weakening every second, 'Impossible!! How did this fool manage to disconnect me to my power of the Devil's Heart?! Even if I did see him destroyed it that item can't be destroyed by any normal means unless by a [Devil Slayer Magic] but why is it that it is losing its power to me!'

As Hades was thinking this Seiya hearing his thought was shocked as he now realized he was going to be in a bigger problem but now notices that his magical power is increasing somehow how!

Seiya confused by this soon uses his [Observation Haki] to detect the change of his life aura and to his surprise, another type of aura is fueling his magic Origin intake, and when he used his Rumble Fruit ability to see where it originated from he was shocked to see the Devil's Heart regenerate from his attack but not only that…

The Soul that was used to take this airship now bonded to Seiya's own soul thus making him the new owner of the Devil's Heart essentially getting a new magic power skyrocketing the more he fought with Hades!

Smiling at this Seiya finally says to Hades that the time of the fight was coming to a close if Seiya doesn't end him right then and there.

So Seiya says to Hades in a confident voice hiding his tired body as he commands the lighting in the air using his Rumble Fruit abilities awakening to prepare a final attack, "Well it looks like your Devil's Heart has left you Hades. How about we end this here and now otherwise you will die here and now."

Hades grits his teeth in anger as he was left no choice but to use his full power attack to end Seiya for destroying his plans to revive Zeref as he begins to chant his final spell against [Grimoire Law].

Seiya prepares to unleash his own final attack as the lighting clouds all over the mountain region of the Fiore continent are all converging into one point in one area as the lightning in the area soon change into Super Bolts.

As the two were staring down into each other the other Kingdoms and other continents seeing the change in the weather all around the world and those who study [Lighting Magic] noticed something wrong with the lighting in the air.

Those wizards were shocked to see that the very Ethernano change into lighting to someone else will…

As Hades see Seiya he yells at him as he moves hand motions using the spell to finally end Seiya with all the power he had with him, "You damn brat!! You ruined everything that I hold dear?! You have no idea how much I planned or how much I lived all waiting for the day to see Zeref… But you… you… YOU RUINED EVERYTHING I HAVE WORKED FOR SEIYA?!!!"

With his hand motions complete and all of his magic all towards his final spell completely fueling his rage to Seiya, "TAKE THIS TO THE YOU BASTARD! [GRIMOIRE LAW]!"

When Hades used his magic spell [Grimoire Law] is a Caster Magic and variation of Law that destroys and brings destruction to similar magics.

Appearing as a malefic version of Fairy Law, Grimoire Law is a Deterrent Magic.

With its power it can rival that of Fairy Law's own, when used it will destroy anything in its wake destroying the target magic.

As for Seiya he begins to channel all the Super Bolts that he wills to the area to transform into a giant dragon like serpentine floating in the sky hidden from the thunder clouds in the air.

When Seiya saw the spell [Grimoire Law] coming straight towards him he gotten serious as he released his attack towards the spell intending to collide against it saying in a serious voice, "Ok Hades let's see whose attack is stronger a Wizard from Mavis Era with his strongest magic attack or a Devil Fruit Awakened Logia user let's see whose attack is greater! [Super Bao Zakeruga]!"

The [Super Bao Zakergua] attack summons a large dragon-shaped manifestation of Super Bolt Lightning with enormous fangs that emit electricity and shining red eyes with the Tyrant eyes symbol on its forehead, and two lightning bolts in each of its hands!

The [Super Bao Zakergua] collided against the [Grimoire Law] clashing against each other trying to quickly overpower whoever is the weakest of the two.

As the two powers collied against each other Seiya channels another attack concentrating another attack finishing off the power struggle since the [Super Bao Zakergua] relies on the natural lighting in the area and not the user so that means that Seiya can still attack since the giant lighting dragon is just a construct for him to use.

Soon he charges another concentrated lighting beam attack using his [Thunder God's Rage: Adramelech] charging another electric attack creating the Super Bolt Lighting to be a black color as Seiya looks at Hades with a smile seeing that his [Super Bao Zakergua] was evenly clashed against Hades attack in the moment, "Hades… thank you for showing me where I'm at in the power scaling but this is the part where you die but I thank you for teaching me how strong wizards truly are… [Awakened: Thor Odinson]!"


The [Awakened: Thor Odinson] is basically a fully powered and advanced version of [El Thor] except using the concentrated power of using the [Godspeed: Super Bolt Mode] and Super Bolt Lighting all condensed to an energy beam attack!

As the [Awakened: Thor Odinson] attack merged with the [Super Bao Zakergua] attack the two lightings both turned into a black color as it was easily destroying the [Grimoire Law] spell leaving Hades shocked but worry as he puts everything he has into his magic in order to survive!

Hades seeing this trying to survive could only yell at his luck facing a power beyond what he can fight against, "I was so close… a few more years… a few more years till my plan was fully realized only to be stopped by a brat that is ruining my plans…"

In Hades final moment of life against the two attacks he could ask for forgiveness in his final moments to his goal, "Master Zeref… please forgive me…"


With that the blast consuming Hades obliterating his body leaving nothing alive the attacks from Seiya soon leave a giant dome of electricity destroying everything in its environment reshaping the land scape in the process.

As this was happening Seiya quickly made his way to the airship and used his [Dimensional Formation: Shambhala] to teleport the whole airship away too soon to be wasteland back to Rosemary Village surprising everyone that an airship has arrive.

When Seiya finally arrived at the destination while he was at the front of the airship his time was up using up all his Rumble Fruit abilities to his limit as he staggers a bit to see Esdeath quickly catch him.

Worried Esdeath asks about his health in concern on her face, "Darling! Are you alright what happen to make you this tired and also why did you get an airship?"

Smiling at Esdeath question he replies to her his response as he says to her and his group that soon arrives on the scene, "That airship is going to be our ride of transportation from now on in this world for a while plus I prefer to ride with a cool ride in the air to enjoy the view why is that wrong?"

Everyone from Seiya group sigh knowing he can be greedy at times when he wants to but when Ultear saw this she was shocked and asked her with a voice of shock, "H-how… did you take… Master Hades airship…"

Seiya having a hard time standing up and has Esdeath and Akame shoulder to shoulder of him to help Seiya up as he replies to Ultear with a grin, "Correction former Master Hades, from this moment onward this beautiful ship is ours now. As for Hades he bit the dust when he faced me and died in the process of our fight."

Hearing this Ultear was soon froze processing everything Seiya has just says as she thinks to herself, 'What kind of people did you make a deal with here Ultear!'

But soon a girl comes out from the airship as she quickly clings to Ultear shaking a bit as she was now behind her to hide from Seiya since she saw all the fight from the outside being extremely wary of Seiya power.

Ultear gets out of her frozen state as she holds her Meredy in a calm tone as she says to her in a calm voice, "Meredy what happen?"

Meredy looking at Seiya as he smiles at her just faints from that spot as he scratches the back of his head as he sheepishly says to everyone, "Woops? I guess I over did it scaring her from the fight with Hades my bad?"

Everyone sighs at Seiya response as it took 5 days for him to recover his full strength so for the time being, they stay at Rosemary Village for the next 5 days for him to recover.

Unaware to Seiya group his actions for fighting Hades managed to bring the attention of the Fiore, Alvarez Empire, and the other Kingdoms wanting to know who disturbed the Ethernano in the world to obey a single person.

And a certain Black Scaled Dragon noticed the change of the Ethernano as he smiles at the odd phenomenon happening.

The Black Dragon also known as Acnologia was very interested to know who has that magic power to change the very will of magic to their will.

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