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40% Beyond infinite / Chapter 2: Meeting My Fated Partner!?!?

Capítulo 2: Meeting My Fated Partner!?!?

Luke was currently standing on the Ark but as of now, he couldn't give a single care in the world for it. Why? Well for the past year he has been build Fabricator after fabricator, resource gathers, borrowing 'bots' from the Ark and so much more all for a single ship.

The largest Warship this universe will ever see, The Ultra Super Star Destroyer is known as 'Titans Wrath' but unfortunately though... The ship is not yet completed fully.

The Titans Wrath is operational but less than 40% of its total weapon systems are currently working. The shielding however is running a full Capacity. Luckily it's more than his previous calculations which indeed made him happy.

TS: "This 'Ultra Super Star Destroyer' as you call it is indeed magnificent Reclaimer, I believe it's the largest ship ever created."

Luke: "It's not even fully finished yet I'm almost certain that it can take on an entire fleet all by its lonesome! Sure the hangers are unable to house my support ships but it's fine for now. Also don't have any fighters on board as well but let not go into detail, shall we? Once it's fully completed how do you think it would stand up towards multiple Forerunner ships?"

TS: "Well I'm unable to give an exact estimate due to your daily wiping both mine and all working constructors but with the size itself and how many weapon platforms I can visible see? I'd say it could take on 1/10 of an entire Forerunner fleet and that not taking into consideration that it's not completed yet."

Luke: "I've once tried reading a novel called 'Faith in superior firepower' I think I stand true to that name if I say so myself. Enough about Titans Wrath, what's the status on Reach?"

TS: "Scans indicate that there is a 99.982% chance of it falling within the next few days Reclaimer."

Luke suddenly felt like he was choking on something as he looked a the monitor of the Ark.

Luke: "Already? Guess I need to pay a visit to 343-Guilty Spark then."

TS: "Would you mind if I ask, why at this time?"

Luke: "There are a few reasons such as the Flood, meeting the monitor, and finally meeting someone I've been interested in seeing for quite some time now."

Luke then left without giving the monitor a chance to respond, he left for a nearby dropship that would take him to his personal hangar that was nearby the command bridge on his Ultra Super Star Destroyer because there was no way he was going to travel so far away to get there.

Once he landed on board his new ship he made his way towards his personal armory because he has been working on a side project during the past year. The project was a special suit of armor that fit his description of an Emperor. The suit of armor in question was created with Forerunner/Progenitor technology while based on Emperor Valkorion from Star Wars The Old Republic.

The Suit covered Luke's full body including his head while still remaining flexible, had a built-in personal shield used by Progenitor technology, and could retract and expand thanks to the Forerunner technology.

With all this technology fused together, it was a perfect suit! The reason he currently wasn't wearing it was because of a slight problem... It wasn't completely finished yet... No worries though as Luke believes that he would have completed it by the time he arrives at the Halo Ring.

**Cortana POV**

Cortana was currently looking at the Master Chiefs' body sitting in a Cryo Chamber onboard the Pillar Of Autumn. She has been wanting to sabotage the chamber in question for the past hour but decided not to as he would not be able to help her.

After what felt like an eternity she moved across her massive prison and began watching the planet she was currently on be overtaken by Covenant forces.

Cortana: "It's not being overwhelmed... It already has been... Well, it's not like I care, I just have to wait for another Spartan team to arrive with an unknown package then we can set off. Hopefully to somewhere I can find Luke..."

Cortana then sighed out as she has been waiting for an entire year but still no glimpse of anything related to him. Now Cortana hasn't lost hope, she would wait until time itself ended and even try to continue then!

Cortana: "I feel like if I just leave then where ever I end up will bring me to Luke... One day at a time Cortana... One day at a time..."

**Two Days Later**

Luke successfully completed his suit of armor and knew that he would be arriving at installation 04 in a few minutes. In terms of how long this has taken for him to arrive, Luke felt as if his ship was incredibly slow due to the size but that is just him being greedy.

The ship was actually extremely quick but Luke was just being stubborn. Eventually Luke arrived at Installation 04 when his communications system began beeping but Luke already knew who it was and answered.

343-Guilty Spark: "Oh! Welcome to my installation Reclaimer! I wished you would have informed me beforehand as I would have cleaned up a bit. What do I owe the pleasure to with your visit?"

Luke rolled his eyes as he already knew that there were 'bots' onboard the installation that actively cleaned it.

Luke: "Just for a visit Guilty Spark, decided to inspect the Flood because I wanted to see them in person. They won't be able to do anything to me thanks to my armor anyway. I'll be down in a few minutes so prepare a teleport to the control room please"

GS: "Of course Reclaimer!"

After the call ended Luke looked over towards one of the knights that have been build during the year and started giving orders.

Luke: "I want you and the rest of the knights and soldiers to warp out and remain hidden until I'm ready for a pick-up. I don't know what will happen and would like for my ship to not be known yet if Cortana gets a glimpse of it."

Once he gave his order the Knight responded in a robot voice just like in Halo 5 guardians.

Knight: "Yes Sir!"

Luke then made his way towards his shuttles and departed towards the closed hangar available. After a few minutes, he arrived with 343-Guilty Spark waiting for him. GS also had a joyful voice once he saw Luke walked out in his full body armor.

GS: "Oh it's been so long since I've last seen someone wearing Forerunner technology! Due to not being a familiar design, I'm guessing you created it?"

Luke: "You could say that I'd like to go to the control room now please."

GS did exactly as Luke requested and they soon arrived in the control room vita teleportation. Once the light disappeared he walked over towards the console and brought up cameras and simply waited while also looking over files.

**Cortana POV**

Today was probably one of her worst days ever, she had to wait two days for a Spartan team, and now that she was finally leaving she was being attacked by the covenant!

Cortana: "Stupid UNSC and stupid Covenant, Can't you let an AI find someone in peace?!?"

Cortana soon was able to enter slip space but she knew that they would be followed but as of now she was safe but sooner or later she would have to exist and as for where? She had no idea...

Cortana: "Captain Keyes we are being followed by Covenant forces."

The Captain also felt annoyed but for different reasons, as he spoke.

Captain Keyes: "Wake up Chief because we are going to need him whenever we exit slip space."

Cortana who was still annoyed followed her 'orders' and sent a request down to the troops in charge of the cryo chambers. After a period of time, the Pillar of Autumn exited slip space causing them to see the full beauty of installation 04.

Captain Keyes: "Cortana... What the hell are we looking at?"

Cortana who was also confused at the giant ring-shaped structure responded but she felt happy for some reason.

Cortana: "No Idea 'Sir' might I suggest landing on i-"

Unfortunately, she was interrupted by two things, the first being the covenant exiting their own slip space while the second being a transmission for the structure.

Once Cortana heard the message she felt the world froze and resisted the urge to scream out in happiness.

343-Guilty Spark: "Oh! More humans! It's always nice to see more of you, My name is 343-Guilty Spark and I am the monitor of Installation 04. The Reclaimer who goes by Luke Ion has already arrived awhile ago. I'll set a course for you to land your vessel, please power down all weapons systems or you will be seen as hostile."

When everyone on the bridge heard this they become surprised because the person humanity has been searching for was here! The most happy person about this was Cortana.

Captain Keyes began talking ruining Cortana's mood as she was scream out in joy in her mindscape.

Captain Keyes: "Cortana! Get everyone off this ship, we need to find Luke ASAP and find a way to get him back to the UNSC! I'll take control while you go with the Chief."

Cortana immediately acted because the more targets available for the covenant to shoot at meant that she was one step closer to finding Luke!

Soon after Chief made his way into the bridge causing the Captain to speak once more.

Captain Keyes: "Spartan I want you down on that structure NOW! Bring Cortana and protect Luke Ion then find a way to bring him back to the UNSC. I'll take as much heat away from you while flying my ship."

John: "Sir I suggest you get off with me."

Captain Keyes: "SPARTAN! Luke has intel that is beyond more important than my life, do you understand! GET. HIM. FIRST!"

John nodded his head and grabbed Cortana from the console and started making his way towards the escape pods.

John and Cortana were gunning down all the covenant that got within their way with John doing all the work. Meanwhile, Cortana was constantly speaking to herself within her mindscape.


Cortana continued to laugh as they eventually made it towards the escape pod. While they were in the pod Cortana spoke with a hint of amusement in her voice.

Cortana: "You know Chief, Once we find Luke it will change everything for the UNSC."

John: "Your right Cortana, once we find him and extract him we can learn about the intel he has on the covenant. After this, we will probably be sent to investigate this structure."

Cortana just smiled as the Pillar Of Autumn sped past them crashing towards the Installation.

**Within The Control Room**

Luke was watching the cameras throughout the Halo ring and saw countless escape pods crashing towards the surface. While he watched this he continued to think to himself.

Luke: 'All these people are going to die by either the Covenant, Flood, or the destruction of the ring yet I could single order my ship to protect them... Yet why should I? I'm not from this universe so I'm technically an invader, aren't I? It's not my war so fuck this universe. So what if I let this play out? Not my problem...'

Luke eventually switched over towards a specific location that he planted cameras in. After a few minutes, he watched as an escape pod crash into the surface. Moments later the sole survivor along with another individual exited the pod.

Luke: "And so Halo Combat Evolved has begun... It's honestly kinda watching a live-action movie except that real people are dying and all."

Luke decided he wanted to remain within the control room because he honestly wanted to meet the 'Demon' and his AI friend. Why go search for them when they will arrive here?

Time passed on as Luke continued to watch Master Chief kill covenant troops and drive warthogs around. The only downside to this was that he had no popcorn with him as he enjoyed the 'movie'. Suddenly he noticed a big red alert flash onto one of the screens.

Luke: "Well I guess the covenant finally fucked up big time. How do you accidentally break a flood containment field? Looks like some Marines are going to have a shitty day..."

He watched as flood spores began infecting the 'highly' skilled Elites as they desperately tried to survive the 'Parasite'.

Luke: "Wonder what the grave mind is up to. Probably enjoying himself, wait don't the flood first need to form into one? I'll look into it later..."

Time once again passed on and Luke was currently watching Master Chief be escorted to the control room vita 343-Guilty Spark and he was only moments away from walking through the doors when he hears a familiar voice.

ROB: "Congratulations Luke! If you are hearing this then that means you are moments away from meeting your fated partner! If she speaks about a gift from you then I suggest going along because they technically are. I grabbed some images from your memory a did some things to it and without you noticing got you to send a gift to her. Just play along okay? Do this and I won't bother you anymore, have fun!"

Luke wasn't even annoyed, honestly, he felt like ROB would do something similar to this but what could he do? Yell out 'YOU RANDOM OMNIPOTENT BASTARD'? It's not like he can just kill him but he was soon brought out of his train of thought by the sound of doors opening.

Luke turned his head to look over his shoulder to find the famous mascot of Xbox walking slowly towards him with his gun aimed at him.

**Cortana POV Moments Before**

Cortana was currently smiling like no other due to finding the 'Monitor' of this 'Installation'. As she was still inside her prison she was staring holes into 343-Guilty Spark as if she just wanted to rip it open and find Luke's location but she still needs a way there...

John: "So Guilty Spark was it? What exactly is this place and why must we go to the control room. The only reason I haven't bailed on you to find my target is because you said the Galaxy is at risk. You better not be lying or I swear I'll fill you with lead."

GS: "It's 343-Guilty Spark and this is Installation 04 also known as a Halo Ring! You know I still don't understand why you insist on finding the Reclaimer so much. As far as I know, you have never been in contact with him. The Reclaimer is honestly a nice person as even though he technically owns all our technology he still let me have my installation!"

John: "When did he arrive here in the first place? What do you mean by Reclaimer?

GS: "Some time ago human and the Reclaimer is exactly what it sounds like! He reclaimed the Forerunner technology! Unfortunately, he has yet to gain the mantle but I'm afraid I'm not allowed to discuss anymore about it. Oh, look! We have arrived in the control room!"

The doors in front of John suddenly opened as he became wary of the Armored individual standing further ahead at what seems to be a console. John dropped into a combat stance with his weapon aimed at the unknown.

John slowly moved forwards as he watched the unknown individual slowly turn his head over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of who just entered.

John: "Please identity yourself."

Meanwhile, Cortana was shocked because she felt as if everything became clearer once she set her eyes on the armored figure.

**Luke POV**

Luke began turning around to face the 'Demon' and honestly was impressed by his size. He began wondering to himself if he should steal the data related to the SPARTAN programs as it would only benefit him if he turned into a super-soldier. Of course, he would make it absolutely safe for himself because he didn't want to die of course!

Luke: "Shouldn't guests introduce themselves first?"

John: "Spartan-117 now identify yourself!"

Luke: "You are a bit rude you know that? Very well Spartan-117, my name is Luke Ion."

Chief slightly lowered his weapon to the point he was no longer directly aiming towards Luke as he still remained cautious meanwhile Cortana felt as if the clouds parted and immediately hacked into the Chiefs Mjolnir Mark V armor suit and shut down everything leaving John standing like a statue unable to move and Cortana began speaking through Johns microphone.

Cortana: "LUKE! Please get me out of this prison! I want out! Why were you so hard to find! Since the day I woke up all I could think about was you! Please save me from this nightmare... I want out... I want to be with you!"

Luke smiled under his helmet because it honestly felt really nice to hear someone call out to you and he always liked Cortana when playing Halo. Of course, he wasn't able to feel it at the time but once he was reborn he could!

Luke: "Hello Cortana... It's nice to finally meet you after so long..."

Luke then used one of his force powers he managed to learn over the course of the year. The ability in question was Force Telekinesis Aka Force Pull, Push, Crush, and so on. He gently used his power to remove Cortana from John's helmet as John was yelling out towards both Luke and Cortana.

John: "Luke! Stop! Cortana what are you doing!"

Luke who unfortunately didn't have a way to give her access to his own helmet put her into the control room itself to give her the ability to manifest a hologram.

Once Cortana appears she reached out towards Luke but only for her hand to phase right through him. She was naturally saddened by this. Luke who finally got the chance to see her in person noticed it was the same Cortana from Halo 4 and was quite confused but decided to blame it on limited graphics back then. Cortana's sad mood changed to one of joy as she spoke with a true smile.

Cortana: "I'm doing what I wanted from the day I was created, John. I found Luke and now I can finally be together with him... Forever. It's all thanks to you, John! You brought me to him and I'm truly grateful but... You no longer have any use to me. All I ever wanted and needed was Luke."

Cortana then made her hologram larger, up to the point in where she appeared within Halo 5 and looked at Luke with a lovely smile and continued to speak.

Cortana: "I missed you so much Luke... I've always felt you were close yet so far away and it honestly hurt me... But you're here now! I don't need to search any longer! I can run those programs I got from you and we can be happy! Right, Luke?"

Unfortunately, John ruined the mood by talking before Luke did cause him to want to see what played out.

John: "Cortana! What nonsense are you saying?! We are partners! We didn't even know Luke existed until you found intel on him from the Covenant! Let's return to the UNS-"

Cortana's body suddenly started flashing red colors and a few bits and pieces of the console sparked as she yelled.


Cortana quickly returned to normal and looked towards Luke with the same loving face as she waited for an answer which Luke gave.

Luke: "Of course Cortana, I've been waiting to meet you for so long and it finally happened. Honestly, I was worried that you would have grown attached to John as well as the UNSC but I'm glad you didn't. I'm sorry I didn't meet you sooner."

Cortana's body began flashing pink colors as she looked at Luke with still loving eyes.

Cortana: "All that doesn't matter anymore as we are together! Screw the UNSC and John! I only used them to find you! I just want to go far away and spend all the lost time together!"

Luke smiled once again as he started liking her more and more and eventually spoke up letting 343-Guilty Spark listen in.

Luke: "Well it seems it's time for me and Cortana to take our leave, 343-Guilty Spark."

GS: "Yes Reclaimer?"

Luke: "Contain the Flood by any means necessary and bring me and Cortana to my ship. Oh and John? Nice meeting you."

As soon as Luke pulled Cortana out of the console GS activated the teleportation causing the duo to vanish in particles of light. Doing so caused John to gain control over his armor once more and immediately started opening fire on the monitor.

GS: "Is this really necessary? What did I ever do to you?"

John unfortunately had to stop shooting as he noticed his bullets had no effect on the Monitor but nevertheless hid behind some cover.

**Luke/Cortana POV**

Luke suddenly appeared in front of his landing shuttle and immediately entered it and began taking off, while this happened her put Cortana within the ship's console allowing her to form another hologram.

Cortana: "Wow Luke, I've never seen a ship of this design within the UNSC. Where did you get it?"

Luke: "You do know that I have no connection to them right? I built it myself actually except I technically didn't as I used robots to do it for me."

Cortana: "Well it's your design isn't it? It's still impressive and has laser systems? Oh and shields too? Oh, this is interesting!"

When Luke heard this he laughed a bit while taking the shuttle into orbit as he pressed a nearby button.

Luke: "Well if you are impressed by this thing then wait till you see what's coming haha."

Cortana: "What's coming? I'm guessing another ship to enter warp space? I don't see anything that could allow this ship to-"

Cortana stopped talking as a beyond massive ship exited hyperspace. Cortana was quite literally dumbfounded by the size of it!

Cortana: "What is THAT?!"

Luke: "That my dear is my Flag Ship, The Ultra Super Star Destroyer dubbed as Titans Wrath. Once we are on board I'd like to have a little chat on what John meant by creating intel on me please."

Cortana slightly turned pink by being called 'dear' but soon changed into a nervous embarrassment. She then continued to talk with Luke as he flew up to Titans Wrath. While this was happening he received another message from ROB.

ROB: "I know I said I'd leave you alone but I forgot to tell you something, I've taken the liberty of giving you a machine that will help Cortana have a real body. You can find it within your 'Titans Wrath' computers. Bye for real this time!"

Luke was actually surprised by this as he believed that he would need to get the domain first but thanks to ROB he no longer needed to. He even slightly changed his thoughts thinking ROB might not be a bastard.

Luke: "I have another Gift for you Cortana, sadly we will need to return to a planet I set up to build it."

Cortana: "What? But I've already gotten so much from you, I don't need anything except for you!"

Luke then moved his hand forwards as it passed through Cortana due to her only being a hologram.

Luke: "But I want to, I'm sure you will love it so please?"

Cortana grasped her hands around Luke's own hand but only to the point that her hands appear to be touching his.

Cortana: "I'll accept then... Thank you, Luke... I know it might sound weird but can you take your armor off?"

Luke didn't even wonder why as he began doing so. Cortana watched as his full body armor began retracting and stopped once it turned into a ring around his finger.

Cortana who finally got to see Luke's features was very happy. She began noting everything from his height of 6'0, Sky blue eyes, Raven black hair, as well had his handsome face. Honestly, she wanted to just strip him down to get EVERYTHING of view to permanently remember it within her memory storage but felt that this was enough. For now...

Luke: "I've been thinking if I should wear my armor constantly as I'm not exactly a Spartan who is good at a fight, speaking of Spartans would you care if I steal the data on the SPARTAN Programs? I'm basically a 'normal' human and I'd think it would be cool to be a super-soldier."

Cortana: "Absolutely not! I can't allow you to undergo that program! What if it kills you?!"

Luke: "Don't worry Cortana, I'm going to perfect it. I have a lot of bullshit technology at my disposal and I don't believe I can make that stuff safe for me."

Cortana was silent as he looked at her Partner or wanted to use the Spartan program for his own benefit and spoke.

Cortana: "Will you listen to my request first?"

Luke: "Of course."

Cortana: "It has to be a 100% chance of success rate, not 99%, Not 99.9%, 100%! I won't lose you after searching for you after so long!"

Luke: "Already planned on getting it there, it might take some time but I don't want to kill myself you know? Looks like we are here, I'm going to have to pull you out again but I'll put you in the Titans Wrath okay?"

Cortana happily nodded her head as she didn't feel like she was in a prison, she felt like she was in a paradise now that she was with Luke. Once they got on board the new ship, Luke made his way towards the command bridge and let her access it completely.

Cortana: "Luke this Ship is just amazing! It's so spacious and the weapons on board would ruin the covenant and the UNSC! How did you build this?!"

Luke: "I had to give a 'friend' some of my tech for another ship to 'borrow' his stuff. It worked out but it's not finished yet, it will take some time for it to be fully operational."

Luke then sent orders to his fabricators to begin building the machine for Cortana as he looked back towards the Halo Ring.

Luke: "Want to see what happens here or do you just want to leave?"

Cortana: "I'll go wherever you want to go! I'm still wondering what might have happened to Chief thought, Urg saying that is already annoying me."

Luke laughed as they watched everything play out and Cortana noticed something interesting while watching. It had nothing to do with the Halo but more about the ship itself.

Cortana noticed she wasn't contained on the platform and could freely walk around the ship! Luke also noticed this and smiled due to Cortana moving around with such a freed expression on her face.

Eventually Luke told the ship to leave as he left a probe to continue watching as he didn't want the ship to be spotted by Master Chief when he escapes the explosion.

Soon a big explosion appeared on the surface as the Pillar of Autumn self destructed. This caused the same effect as, during the game, a piece of Halo broke off of the installation as it broke past another side destroying the superweapon.

As he guessed he received a message from the monitor.

[ 343-Guilty Spark To Reclaimer

Flood has been 'Contained' and I urgently wait for my better installation! ]

Luke responded telling him that once his ship was completed that he would begin working on the Halo and GS was a little upset about it not being built now but could understand. GS always had the spare one on the Ark when needed.

Cortana: "I'm a bit disappointed that John didn't die but whatever."

Luke: "Well I'm sure he will at some point, it's not like he is immortal. Let's head to the planet where your gift is being built, we can talk about why the UNSC was looking for me."

Cortana: "As well as the covenant."

Luke: "What? Why?"

Cortana: "If enough people believe in a rumor then it becomes the truth."

Luke: "Fair point. So how exactly did it begin? The supposed intel of course?"

Cortana: "Well you see, me and John were out on the battlefield one day and he asked me to send armored reinforcement to another area by hacking into the covenant battlenet. Luckily I'm so smart that I fake evidence that the Covenant were looking for you and I'm sorry about that."

Luke: "Oh? That's funny because I really do have some dirt on them. Did you know that the reason humans were not invited to join the covenant and instead declared war on was due to them being the 'child' of the forerunners? The humans were the next race to take on the mantle."

Cortana had a surprised look on here as she didn't know that. Honestly, she was already enjoying Luke's company infinity better than when she would at the UNSC.

Time passed on as both Luke and Cortana arrived at their destination. The world in question wasn't anything special except for the fact it was housing the 'Gift' that Cortana would be receiving. Also, the fact that the defenses around the planet made is almost impossible to invade due to the multiple Z-8060 particle cannons.

It does not end there as not only are the particles in orbit but there are also quite a few down on the surface as well as countless Soldiers, Knights, crawlers, and so on.

When Cortana set her eyes on the defenses stationed around the unnamed planets she could help but wonder and spoke to Luke.

Cortana: "I don't know if you knew about Reach yet but I believe that if it had your defenses alone then it would have most likely not have fallen."

Luke: "I indeed knew of it but I should tell you this now, I have no care for their lives. If they wanted to save that planet then maybe they should have done a better job. Want to head down?"

Cortana: "I'll follow you anywhere!"

After giving a Cortana a nod they made their way towards his landing shuttle. Once they arrived Luke began flying down into orbit while having a serious voice.

Luke: "Cortana."

Cortana: "Yes Luke?"

Luke: "You love me dearly don't you."

When she heard this she flashes pink as she nodded her head giving Luke her answer.

Luke: "Cortana, I don't mind us becoming a thing and all but we just met. I'll admit that I've never dated anyone but I believe that this is going quick, now don't be upset as I find you very beautiful and all but I'd like to get to know one and another first."

Cortana felt terrible as she listened on but soon regained hope as he said she was beautiful and even willing to be together with her after getting to know each other.

She just nodded her head with a happy smile as they soon arrived on the planet's surface. Luke then grabbed the chip that contained Cortana and made his way towards a large structure currently being built.

This structure was Cortana's gift but the style wasn't what made it so special, it's what the building does that makes it special. Once it's completed the structure will give Cortana a new physical body similar to the one in Halo 5.

Luke: "Once this building is completed then I'll be able to give you your gift. Honestly, I think you love it haha."

The way the building would create her body is similar to the way the domain gave hers in Halo 5. Luke would have to insert her AI chip into a console which in turn would scan her body giving the machine a basis to work on when creating her body.

Next, the machine would draw in a massive amount of power to convert it into different elements to give birth to Cortana's body. Now Luke had absolutely no bloody idea how it worked as this was brand new technology he has never seen in any of his past memories.

Luke had an idea of where this came from though, ROB simply got it from another universe but it appeared as he didn't get a perfect one. You see this machine had a one-time limit meaning that once it began it would destroy itself in the process.

Another strange thing is that his fabricators were unable to remember any of the plans after completing them and the same was for him! He even tried writing the steps down but the words just vanish!

Luke: 'Guess ROB doesn't want me leaching off of him... Whatever I only need to get Cortana a body and I don't plan on making anyone else one.'

Time slowly passed on as Luke talked with Cortana after plugging her in at a console. Eventually, he received a notification that told him the building was completed and he noticed the plans were gone as if it never existed in the first place.

Luke: "It's completed Cortana, ready?"

Cortana: "Very much so!"

The duo just smiled and Luke pulled her out after a few seconds. Once he did this he made his way towards the building that would create her body. On his way there he felt as if he is constantly traveling to point A to point B but he knew that he would have a break to get to know Cortana.

Once he arrived Luke entered the building and looked at the strange metal device and noticed a slot to insert Cortana. After walking forwards he glanced at her chip for a few seconds before inserting it.

As he did the console lit up as a still image of Cortana appeared while in a 'T' pose. Her body was exactly the same as before except she had normal blue skin instead of holographic skin. Luke noticed it was pretty much the same as Halo five and spoke.

Luke: "She just looks even beautiful..."

Honestly, Luke found her extremely attractive and began pushing buttons that he somehow knew to do in order but knew it was because of ROB. After he finished he placed his hand on a lever and pulled it down.

Luke had the machine connected to his entire power grid as he knew it would be enough energy but he soon felt over 90% of his defenses power down causing him to become surprised.

Luke: "I knew it took a lot of energy but this is just ridiculous..."

Soon blue energy waves began filling up a pipe-like device and he watched it slowly travel towards the containment chamber. Once the energy made its way into the chamber it began sparking within as a vague outline of a body slowly began to form.

Once the outline was completed it slowly began filling up with only Luke being able to watch. After a while, he noticed that the machine began to become damaged but knew that Cortana would be fine.

After three hours of watching over Cortana's body being created, it was only around 50% completed. He wanted to make sure everything went flawlessly so he has yet to move at all. After another two hours, all that remained unfinished was Cortana's head.

Luke felt a bit embarrassed as he kept looking towards Cortana's perfectly shaped breasts. Her body still remained the same as before but he currently didn't know one of Cortana's gifts would allow her to have a more detailed body.

Time continued on as her body finally finished causing the chamber to open. Cortana didn't move for a few moments until she suddenly started to slowly open her eyes.

The first thing she saw was Luke smiling towards her and in Cortana's short time of confusion heard him speak.

Luke: "Good morning Cortana, This was my gift towards you. A real body which means you won't have to worry about going rampant later on. Another benefit is that you still have your ability of your old self such as mindscape, hacking, running programs that you might need to, and so on."

Cortana quickly came out of her shocked realization and began crying tears of joy. The first this she did was run towards Luke and hugged him as hard a she could. In the heat of the moment, she could not control herself as she began kissing him on the lips which Luke gladly let happen.

After realizing what she was doing she pulled herself off with a smile on her face.

Cortana: "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Being able to touch you went to my head and I always wanted to do that..."

Luke: "It was a warm welcome and I'll look towards many more in the future but I still want to wait until we get to know each other better. Once we do we can get together and we can kiss to your heart's content."

Cortana had a playful frown on her face but it soon changed to a sly smile as she spoke.

Cortana: "Oh that's too bad... Well, I guess I should try out my other gifts shouldn't I?"

Once she said this Cortana finally ran the 'More Detailed Female Body Program' as her body glowed bright blue and once it faded she let Luke get a good view of her body and as she still had a sly smile on her face spoke.

Cortana: "Well I guess we will have to wait then. Oh I should have savored are kiss more... Luke I can't wait until I get more *giggle*"

Luke was just staring at her breasts as he never expected this, he knew ROB sent gifts through him but he never expected this. Hell, he even looked more!

Luke: "That's playing dirty... Unfortunately, I stand by my word so I still want to get to know you more first..."

Cortana just smiled more as she knew it was only a matter of time, she then ran her other program as a clothing like armor formed over her body hiding her 'assets'. Cortana then hugged Luke once again and savored it.

Cortana: "Now what?"

Luke: "Well I have plans to go somewhere but it can wait and I'm always having something being build so once I give out a few orders we can return to my Ultra Super Star Destroyer and watching some TV that should be finished by now and get to know each other, I totally didn't have someone copy all of Earth's TV shows and movies... Does this sound good to you?"

Cortana: "Oh that sounds so good right now! Let's go!"

Luke just smiled as he enjoyed seeing Cortana like this. He like her being all cheerful and such so he quickly gave out some orders, the orders in question were to continue working on the massive ship hangars to allow them to hold his escort fleet onboard his Ultra Super Star Destroyer.

After the orders were sent through they began making their way there.

Once they arrived, Luke showed Cortana his room where a massive TV was built into the wall. Did you know that Halo had Netflix?

Luke: "Anything you would like to recommend to watch Cortana? I don't watch TV so I don't know if there is anything good on."

Cortana: "Well how about we do this instead, pick out a random show for some background noise then we began talking about each other?"

Luke: "Very well then."

After searching for a short minute, Luke pressed play on a TV show called 'Kingdom' but he didn't see what it was about. Cortana immediately looked away from the show and looked at Luke saying something.

Cortana: "You can go first!"

Luke: "All right, for starters, I'm part Human and Part AI. My body is completely human but my 'brain' is like a CPU, it lets me slow downtime in my perspective letting me think incredibly quickly."

Cortana: "Wait seriously?! So we are basically the same now? I use to only be an AI but now I'm also a Human/AI hybrid like you right?"

Luke: "Yup, guess you could say that. Now that you have a real body what do you want to do? Try some food? See how things feel? Explain haha."

Cortana thought for a moment before quickly hoping on Luke's lap as they already were laying on his bed. She formed a Sly smile as her clothes disappeared leaving her completely naked while trying to be in a sexy pose.

Cortana: "Oh there is so much I want to experience *Giggle*, I want to feel you touch me as I'm yours alone but you will also be mine alone."

Now don't get Luke wrong or anything. He very much wanted to 'touch' her body as well as so much more but he was a man of his word. He wanted to wait until they were together before doing things like this.

Luke: "You are working at seducing me but we will wait. You should be careful because once I do want to then I'm not going to hold back haha, I will return the teasing tenfold you know. I also agree with you, you will be mine alone as will I will only be yours alone. I find you the most beautiful and nothing will change that."

Cortana: "Aww Boo! Well, at least friends hug so nothing wrong with that haha."

Cortana clearly knew that others don't hug friends while completely naked but she made it sound as if they did. She then gently pulled Luke towards her as his face fell in between her breasts. Unfortunately Luke stopped this before his face touched as she knew Cortana was finding reasons to do this and felt like he would take her on with it if she continued as is.

Luke: "I'm definitely returning this tenfold."

Cortana: "Haha, if it's working then you will crumble sooner or later. It will be worth it!"

Luke decided that meeting in the middle would be okay. He knew that Cortana was most likely not going to wear clothes when they are alone so he turned her around letter her back face towards him. Luke then wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her down.

Luke made it so Cortana was laying on top of him and it was quite comfortable for the both of them.

Cortana: "This is nice too, but I would like to try out foods and touching things to see what they really feel like. It's strange being programmed with knowing how something feels but not being able to 'feel' it. What about you? What do you like to do?"

Luke: "It might sound a bit weird but I'm starting to enjoy having my fleets and defenses being built. It's oddly satisfying. Another thing that I am able to enjoy is talking with you! Your voice is very soothing to me haha."

Cortana laughed at this before settling with a happy smile. She already loved the time she was spending with Luke and wished it never ends, she then placed her hands over his which were still wrapped around her waist.

Cortana: "I know you said you want to wait until we get to know each other more but I already love you. I know it's fast but I just can't help myself, When I see you I feel so free, you know? When I was in the UNSC and basically bound to John and where ever he goes I felt like I was in a prison. It's completely different when I'm with you, I'm so free! You even gave me a real body! I'm willing to wait but for your sake, I suggest we spend a lot of time together because I feel I might not control myself one day haha."

Luke: "Haha, I'm always down with spending time with you Cortana. Who wouldn't want to spend time with a pretty lady?"

Cortana: "Would you like to feel this pretty lady too?"

Luke: "In the future, I'm going to haha."

Cortana: "Oh well, was worth a shot."

Luke and Cortana then just watched TV and the savored their alone time together. Cortana enjoyed laying on Luke while he enjoyed Cortana resting on him. It was really comfortable for the both of them. After the episode ended Luke spoke up.

Luke: "Didn't think that this would be a zombie show."

Cortana: "It was still interesting wasn't it?"

Luke: "Of course it was, I forgot to tell you that this is the only room that has a bed on board my ship. You can sleep with me if you want."

Cortana responded by simply getting more comfortable as a response to Luke's question.

Luke: "I don't know about you but I'm getting tired, you can continue watching TV until you get tired as well."

Cortana: "I'll probably watch one more before going to sleep, it's weird having the option to sleep as I technically don't need to but I can. Good night Luke."

Luke: "Yeah, Goodnight in advance."

In only a few minutes Luke fell asleep and Cortana watched another episode. She had a reason to do this, you see she already was ready for Armin so she wanted to do something before sleeping and once the next episode ended, Cortana lightly spoke out.

Cortana: "Luke?"

After getting no response she smiled and turned back to face him. Cortana wanted a good night kiss and she would get it. Once she carefully turned over she gently began kissing Luke's lips. She loved the feeling of kissing him and did it multiple times before she felt satisfied.

She then gently rested her body back down onto him and began sleeping herself after having the lights turn off.

**Destroyed Halo Installation 04**

Master Chief was currently sitting onboard a GA-TL1 Longsword-class Interceptor while thing about something.

John: "Did Cortana already go rampant? Was she like this when she was first created? Who is Luke Ion?! What the hell is going on..."

The Master Chief was in a terrible mood. The only reason he survived was that 343-Guilty Spark 'barley' helped him by telling him that he could escape by using an interceptor onboard the Autumn but only after he began setting it to explode.

The worse part about it was that he was the sole survivor of it now...

Chief tried to not think about all the Marines he could have saved but eventually steeled himself before saying something.

John: "I'm a Spartan made to protect humanity... I follow orders and nothing else..."

Chief then simply did nothing. The ship was already on its way towards UNSC space and all he could do was sit and wait. He lost track on time but eventually made his way back to the UNSC by luckily being picked up by another UNSC frigate that was patrolling the area.

John was then brought to the Captain and immediately send a transformation request to high command with it tagged urgent. It didn't take long as both ONI and the UNSC were trying to figure out what happened and when they received an urgent transmission request from 'THE' Spartan that got both department's attention.

John soon found himself standing in front of screens with notable figures.

John: "I no longer have Cortana in my hands Sir's and Ma'am's."

Doctor Halsey was one of the individuals amongst the group and quickly spoke up.

Doctor Halsey: "Cortana was captured by the covenant John?! She has everything related from Earth to are battle plans..."

Everyone suddenly started speaking up causing the room to sound chaotic until Chief spoke over everyone even when he shouldn't have.

John: "Not by the covenant and she didn't even resist... She left with joy on her face... permission to explain what happened Sir's."

Everyone quickly granted it as he began speaking.

John: "Upon leaving reach after it fell we were followed by the covenant to an unknown structure. The structure that I've come to the realization was a Super Weapon from a race called Forerunners... The structure was called a Halo or Installation 04. We soon received a transmission for a Forerunner AI telling us that we could land but it went more like crashing but the important part was who was on the installation..."

Important figure 1: "Covenant? Surviving 'Forerunners' as you called them?"

John: "Luke Ion."

Everyone soon began mumbling to themselves before Doctor Halsey spoke.

Doctor Halsey: "Did you get the important information from him? Is he with you John?"

John: "Cortana lied, she created fake evidence that the covenant was looking for him. She said the moment she was created she had one goal, she had to find Luke Ion. She used me and the entire UNSC to find him and the moment she found him she locked down my suit leaving me unable to do anything."

Everyone started shouting in outrage while Halsey was shocked by this. They almost daily ran checks on Cortana as she was very valuable and had important knowledge that could not fall into enemy hands but she left us willingly?

John: "In Cortana's words 'I no longer have any use of you John, All I needed was Luke and now that I've finally found him we can be together. Forever."

Halsey was dumbfounded because John made it sound as if she loved Luke. Halsey didn't understand how this could have happened as everything checked out perfectly.

John: "I'm afraid it gets worse... The AI also is known as the monitor or 343-Guilty Spark would call Luke the Reclaimer. When I asked about why he simply told me that he reclaimed their technology and had control over it. Halo or installation 04 is a superweapon capable of killing all life within a 25,000 light-year radius and I believe there a many more such weapons out there. Why is it numbered 04 and not 01? I believe there were 4 or possibly more of the weapons out their and Luke has control over them."

Important Figure 2: "Spartan you said 'were four or possibly more' explain."

John: "The ring was destroyed due to an 'outbreak'... The monitor destroyed the ring to not let the flood escape."

Doctor Halsey: "Outbreak? Flood? Please explain more John."

John: "The reason the Halo's were created was to kill the flood but when that didn't work they decided to target their food. The flood lives off of life and it doesn't matter what kind as we are all food in its eyes. The Flood is a parasite with no cure found so the Forerunners killed all life within the Galaxy to starve it to death. Unfortunately, they kept living samples in stasis in hopes that the AI's would one day find a cure."

Important Figure 3: "Ancient Forerunner superweapons? A Parasite that is dangerous enough to require all life in our Galaxy to be purged? Is there any evidence?"

John: "Your welcome to my helmets recordings but I'd like to say this first... Luke Ion is in possession of multiple super weapons that can kill all life in the Galaxy as well as one of our best smart AI's... I don't even have a description as he was wearing a full suit of armor that I can only guess is forerunner... I feel as if there is a new participator in the war and his target could be both us and the covenant..."

Everyone remained silent as if this was true then things would be bad, very bad.

**Luke/Cortana Sometime Later**

Luke began opening his eyes and the first thing he noticed was that Cortana who was still naked was sleeping on his chest. He smiled as he would not find walking up to this every day and it sure as hell beat waking up alone...

Cortana also began waking up and naturally spoke out.

Cortana: "Morning Luke, how did you sleep?"

Luke: "I slept great and now I don't want to move because I'm so comfortable with you on me haha. Sadly I need to take a shower."

Cortana's eyes lit up quite a bit before getting up while saying something.

Cortana: "We can take one together!"

Luke: "Friends don't shower together..."

Cortana: "Boo! It's my first time so I don't know what to do Luke. I need you to help me regulate the water and to clean my body as well!"

Luke: "Or I can teach you how to but why do I feel as if you already know how but you simply want to join me. Relax Cortana, I'm not going anywhere so just take things slow. I'm meeting in the little but not making you wear your clothes, aren't I? If I got you to wear them you would just take them off right after..."

Cortana: "Meh, I'll only wear clothes when we are not alone. It's all yours anyway so what if you look at me haha. I'll let you take your shower and I promise I won't follow you in or anything. But I really do need help doing the water temperature as I don't know how sensitive my skin will be."

Luke: "Alright I can do that. I'll be out in about ten minutes or so."

Cortana just waved him off while thinking to herself.

Cortana: 'I'll get in with you one day haha.'

After ten minutes Luke came out of the bathroom with damp hair and Cortana walked past him as it was her turn. Once they both were in, Cortana stepped into the shower and waited for Luke's help.

Luke simply started pressing a datapad and warms water began . Every few moments Cortana would ask for it to be warmer as she eyed the pad so she would remember how it works.

After a short while Luke 'helped' Cortana find the perfect temperature as she looked at him with a sly smile on her face as she slowly began washing her body.

Cortana: "Are you sure you don't want to take another shower? It would be faster if you helped me wash my body you know."

Luke: "I'm 100% sure that if I helped you wash your body then it would take MUCH longer than needed. You know I'm starting to figure out whenever you try something like this by your sly smile haha. I'll see you when you get out."

After Luke left, Cortana began washing herself off for real this time and after another ten minutes, she walked out to find Luke bringing in some food.

Luke: "You said you wanted to try some food so I brought a lot for you to try."

Cortana: "Oh look at you being such a good friend by bringing me some food haha. Let's eat together."

Cortana then began trying the eggs which were amazing as she moved on to toast which was also great. After eating a good amount of side dishes she moved on to the pancake which was her favorite so far.

The duo continued to eat their breakfast until one finished and as Cortana was the first to finish she spoke.

Cortana: "That tasted fantastic, did you get one of the robots to cook it, or did you make it yourself?"

Luke who just now finished, spoke up as he grabbed their plates.

Luke: "Yeah, I didn't exactly program any of my killing machines the knowledge on how to cool a mean. What? Are they going to cool them their last mean in the middle of the battlefield?"

After he finished talking Cortana let a small laugh escape her mouth as she then began acting super overreacting.

Cortana: "Ah this is so nice! My future boyfriend knows how to good! It's a dream come true haha."

The duo then laughed at the same time as they both found her acting funny, Luke then asked Cortana to get dressed due to him wanting to go back to the Ark. Moments later after dressing herself in her post domain outfit she spoke.

Cortana: "What's the Ark?"

Luke: "Well it's my temporary dock that has been building my Ultra Super Star Destroyer, besides that it's kinda the controller to all the other Halo installations meaning I can fire them from the Ark."

Cortana: "What there are more? How many more exactly?"

Luke: "About Seven I think, I'll go ahead and explain what the Halo installations are. As it is known in modern times, the Halo Array is a network of seven ring-shaped megastructures created by the Forerunners, designed to exterminate all sentient life within the Milky Way galaxy.[12] Built following the Human-Forerunner War, these ringworlds were later used as a last resort against the Flood, a parasitic extra-galactic species that threatened to consume every sentient life-form in the galaxy. By activating the rings, the Forerunners wiped out every sentient beings in the galaxy, effectively starving the Flood to virtual extinction, though specimens were kept in a number of Forerunner containment facilities, including the Halo installations themselves."

Cortana was dumbfounded by the news of learning a couple of things.

Cortana: "Human-Forerunner War? They left some Flood on the Installations? Why?! If it's so dangerous then why did they save a few?!"

Luke: "One thing at a time, The Human-Forerunner war started due to ancient humans running away from the flood. Then they found a Forerunner world that was showing signs of flood infestation. The ancient humans decided to help 'contain' the flood so they destroyed this planet along with everything on it. The Forerunners viewed this as an act of aggression and so a war began, unfortunately, I don't believe the Forerunners knew of the flood so they didn't know the humans were running not looking for a war. Eventually, this escalated to the point all the halos were fired and killed all life within the Galaxy."

He then took a moment to organize his thought as well as taking a breath then continued on.

Luke: "The AI's or you could call them monitors, were onboard the installations. They are tasted with containing the flood onto the Halo rings, while their they also try and find a cure that would let others become immune to the flood but even after so much time nothing has come up. If the monitor is unable to contain the flood then they are to fire it killing all life in a range of 25,000 light-years. They do this because they can't let the flood escape."

Cortana: "So you're telling me that the Forerunners are willing to kill off everything in a 25,000 light-year radius just because they want to find a cure that they might not ever get?"

Luke: "Apparently the Flood is not from this Galaxy, they worry that if they kill it off completely then if more come then they would have to fire the rings all over again. They rather have a cure to save endless lives than to constantly fire the rings killing countless lives."

Cortana: "What do you about that?"

Luke: "Meh, I'd probably fire a ring out of boredom just to see the light show, only the person I care about in this universe is you. Everyone else can go be vaporized for all I care. If the Flood breaks out past a certain degree then I'm going to fire all the rings because a single spore has the chance to cause a galactic outbreak."

Cortana nodded her head as if she was a wise woman but she was only nodding her head because she liked the idea of firing all the Halo installations to kill everyone who may or may not bother them.

Cortana: "Let's talk some more while we travel to the Ark. I like hearing stories from you and you seem to know a lot."

Luke just smiled and started talking about things as Cortana just listen while remaining in Luke's arms that we're holding her waist.

Harbenger Harbenger

Please no hate on how Cortana is behaving. Please forgive me if I made mistakes on Halo lore or any kind of lore. Please forgive me if I write Luke out as if he doesn't want Cortana. He is a man of his word and he will try his hardest to keep it. You know what? Please forgive me if you find this novel stupid, I'm only writing this to find inspiration. If I come to learn that a lot of people like it then ill continue it.

Hope you enjoyed the 10,000 word chapter.

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