Boone eventually walks out and the girls eye him up and down, eventually nodding at his outfit. "Alright, you fit the part at least. Until you start talking, that is."
Boone shrugs, he wasn't much of a talker to begin with, so mimicking the posh and pompous dialect of the Ultra-Lux staff wasn't something he thought possible. Regardless, he leans against the cane and questions them, "Why're you here doing this anyway? What's your goal?"
The taller one crosses her arms, "Revenge. Apparently I was asking too many questions while I was here, so they elected to try and kidnap me. I'm guessing you saw the bastard in the bathtub." she states.
Boone nods, "Revenge. I get that, just try not to involve innocent folk while you're at it." he says.
"That's the plan."
Boone continues to question the girls on what they intend to do. Apparently, they'd already been in the Ultra-Lux for a couple days, they hadn't intended to stay so long, but the Ultra-Lux's actions against them required some form of retribution.
Not that Boone blamed them, he was more in touch with his vengeful side than most. If it could be called that, the plan was to infiltrate the VIP area's to see what the casino was up to. judging by the fact they'd been trying to kidnap folk, it must be for a reason.
The two women had already mapped out most of the place, the upper floors didn't have anything damning, nor did the publically available areas. So, that just left out some rooms behind locked doors, and the kitchens, which the girls hadn't yet been able to gain access to.
Without further adieu, they quickly begin scouting the place. Boone was forced to leave ED-E in the hotel room as it'd be entirely too easy to spot him out from the crowd. It takes a couple hours to map out the staff placements and movements, but eventually, they see an opportunity.
The staff that was guarding the door to the kitchens left for the toilets before his shift ended, giving them time to slip past and through the door. Once through they found themselves somewhere that looked entirely different to the rest of the Ultra-Lux... No marble or white stone, just clinical grey tiles leading as far as they could see.
The lights above them were dim as if they'd not been changed in years, and the eerie sound coming from further ahead gave them the chills... Boone, with his well-honed senses, could hear bursts of flame and the sizzling of flesh, "There's something up ahead... Stay quiet."
They sneak through the grey and dreary hallway until they reach a room illuminated by flamethrowers that two Ultra-Lux staff were using to cook Brahmin carcasses that were hanging on hooks.
The two men didn't seem to hear the group, instead just continuously charring the meat for whatever purpose. Boone's about to direct the girls but stops as they'd already begun approaching the men.
He's quite surprised to watch as Johanna slams her cane into the left-most man's head, shattering the cane and most likely instantly killing them.
Christine reals back and delivers a heavy punch to the other before they can react, sending them to the floor unconscious. Boone walks up and glances at the two, "Er, good job..."
Johanna stomps on the neck of the unconscious man and finishes him off before looking at Boone, "Well, Squinty? Got any idea's where we should put the bodies?"
Boone looks around the room for a moment and spots some kind of waste disposal. They most likely throw bits of unwanted meat from the Brahmin down there, might as well do the same with the unwanted bodies they possessed.
Once they'd disposed of the corpses, the group continues to make their way through the hallways. They have to stop occasionally due to a few patrolling men, but they make swift progress.
Soon enough, they come across a door leading to some kind of kitchen... Ovens, sinks, and everything else a cook would require was here. The only thing that was missing was the chef themselves.
Boone notices movement from the corner of his eye, the walk-in fridge wasn't as empty as he'd initially thought. He walks over to it but is forced to throw himself backwards as a man with a cleaver comes out swinging.
"YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" he exclaims while continuing to cut him apart. Boone eventually falls onto his ass after dodging a litany of strikes, he wasn't one for melee combat, and this was especially so without a proper weapon.
He prepares to defend himself from another onslaught but is relieved to see a can of beans striking the man in the face. He reels back and grabs his face, not noticing Johanna launching her self forward and headbutting him while grabbing the cleaver.
The force of the strike sends the man stumbling backwards without his weapon, Johanna isn't quite done yet however, stepping forward and burying the cleaver in the chef's shoulder.
"AAARRGGHH!" they yell out in pain, dropping to the ground and quickly holding his uninjured arm up.
"S-stop! STOP! I surrender!"
Johanna kicks the man in the stomach a couple more times, "Oh? Sorry! I must not have heard you while you were trying to stab my friend!" she says in a mock-apologetic tone while still kicking.
Boone gets up and dusts himself off, checking for any cuts he may have gotten in the brief melee. Aside from a few small nicks on his forearms, he was relatively unscathed however. "Hold up, we need him awake to answer our questions." he says, and Johanna pouts under her mask as she stops beating the man.
"Y-yes, yes... Just don't hurt me!"
Johanna shrugs and glances over at Christine who was currently watching incase any more staff walk by the kitchen. "You know how to interrogate, Squinty? All my methods include slicing and dicing..."
Boone gives a light chuckle "Applicable for a chef, but no, we need him alive for now... I'll handle this." he says, remembering all the 'interrogation' sessions he'd watched Afton perform.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Boone glowers down at the chef, "You will answer all my questions, or I will punish you... Do you understand?" The chef quickly nods and Boone continues, "Who are you, and what group do you belong to?"
"P-Philippe... My name is Philippe and I belong to the W-White Glove Society."
"Huh, so that's what they're called..." Christine mutters, "People were awfully cagey about actually speaking their name..."
Boone nods, "There's good reason for that... Apparently they engaged in cannibalism." he turns to Phillippe, "You wouldn't happen to know anything like that, would you?"
The man pales, "I-I D-D-Don't know what you're talkin-"
Boone interrupts him by turning on the gas hob of the grill and dragging the man to his feet, despite his protestations he's unable to stop Boone as Philippe's face is pressed against the fire, severely burning his cheek.
Christine has fortunately shut the door, otherwise, the man's screams of agony might've been heard throughout the Ultra-Lux...
Boone tosses the man to the ground again and kneels next to him, "Do I have to remind you? You are in no position to lie to me... I can tell when you're lying, Philippe, so unless you want to find yourself castrated and hung on a hook along with the Brahmin carcasses, you will speak, Truthfully... Do you understand?"
"Y-yes! Sir!" Philippe yelps, completely terrified at this point.
Boone nods, thanking his past self for observing Afton's interrogations up until this point. "I will ask again. And you will answer, correctly, this time. Did the White Glove Society engage in cannibalism?"
Boone's look soured at this, and he was sure Johanna and Christine weren't looking so great under their masks either. "Have they practised cannibalism recently?"
Philippes eye's flitter to the side for a moment as he answers, "N-No..."
Boone scowls and sends a glance to Johanna, he kicks the man in the face and pulls his arm taut, resting it on the counter. Johanna wastes no time and slams the cleaver down, severing four fingers in one fell swoop.
Yet again, Philippe screams. But by this point it'd become background noise for them, somehow less annoying than what tinnitus was supposed to be. "I will ask again, and you will answer again, differently, unless you like having stumps for hands." Boone growls out, "Has the White Glove Society recently engaged in cannibalism?"
"Who? Was it everyone, or just a single person?"
"And?" Boone asks, knowing that there were probably more.
"I-I... A chef needs to taste his food to-"
Johanna kicks the man in the ribs, "You sick bastard. Eating PEOPLE?! You're monstrous!" she exclaims.
Boone himself feels slightly green at this, but shakes his head and recomposes himself, "Who have you eaten?" he asks, wanting to know who the victims are.
"O-Only one person... Mortimer wants to bring back cannibalism to the rest of the Society, but he and I are..."
"Who did you kill?"
"I-I don't know... He... Bits of him are still in the fridge... He was quite a large man, too large for us to eat entirely..."
Christine has apparently heard enough, leaning over the sink and raising her mask slightly as she vomits the contents of her stomach.
"Show me." Boone asks, though you could audibly hear how sickened he was in his voice alone.
Philippe slowly gets up while holding is bloody hand and walks into the fridge, gesturing out a plastic box hiding in the corner which contained many plastic sealed pieces of flesh. If Boone didn't know any better, he'd say it was Brahmin or something similar, not human flesh... He'd never been more thankful to have eaten elsewhere at this moment.
Behind the plastic box was a jar with brine... Inside... Was a human head. Once Boone actually recognised...
"Major Lowell Thompson Jr... You killed, and ate, an NCR Major..." Boone mutters in disbelief, it just didn't make sense, if they were going to cannibalise people, why do it to one of the most conspicuous people in the Mojave?
"W-WHO?!?" Philippe yelps, clearly not having realised how much they'd fucked up.
"One of the most well-regar-" Boone stops himself at that, Lowell wasn't 'regarded' well perse... His tactics and methods worked, at the cost of his own men's lives. "Well-known people in the Mojave, and you butchered and ate him..."
"Oh god, oh god, oh god, OH GOD!" Philippe begins muttering while holding his head, not minding his bleeding hand.
Boone looks over to Johanna and Christine, "That leaves us with what to do... Should we kill Mortimer and leave, or bring Lowell's head to the NCR embassy?"
Both girls look thoughtful at this... Both would most likely lead to Mortimer's death, but the former option would make it so much more personal.
Of course, there was always a third option.
The two women nod at one another and explain their choice to 'Squinty', all the while, Philippe appeared to be having a mental breakdown.
Once the group decide what they're going to do, Johanna raises the cleaver and cuts down at Philippe's neck, killing the man instantly. No one had any sympathy for a cannibal, even if he seemed 'slightly' reluctant.
With the chef dead, all that was left was to deal with Mortimer. Boone picks up the jar containing Lowell's and covers it with a cloth. Once done, they make their way back up through the hallways and into the main Ultra-Lux venue.
After that, it isn't hard to find where Mortimer is... The man had very pale, white skin with a gaudy moustache and a huge top hat. He was currently sitting behind a desk, serving people who needed assistance.
The group walk up and Boone takes his mask off while addressing the man, "Mortimer, you are under arrest for the murder, and cannibalism of Major Lowell Thompson Jr, refusal to comply will result in your immediate execution."
At his words, the entire room goes silent and looks on curiously at what Mortimer might have to say.
Mortimer's eyes widen at this, "W-what? What evidence do you have? I don't think you are even who you purport to be!"
Hope you like the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to, I'd appreciate it.
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