The group continued driving down the highway, it was a bumpy and rather dangerous ride but they were making good time. They were making days worth of walking within a couple hours, Afton didn't know if he'd be willing to walk anywhere again after building Dirt-Bird.
Of course, the Mojave provided them with obstacles to keep them busy, some raider thought it would be a smart idea to throw himself out from behind a rock and in-front of the bike. Maybe he thought that'd stop ti? If so then he was incredibly stupid. It was fortunate [Mechanicus] not only repaired but slowly cleaned things around him, that'd allow him to ignore the man's organs that were strung along the front of his bike...
As for what happened to the man's friends? They had shot at the ground but apparently weren't used to shooting a high speed target. All shots missing except one which hit the metal hull of the bike. After this happened Afton just scowled and glanced at the others, "Leave that one alive." he states, wanting to punish the bastard who'd touched his bike.
Boone and Karl easily dispatched the others, all the while putting a bullet in the shoulder of the guy who'd hit his bike. Spinning around they pulled the bike next to them, the others looting the bodies while Afton kneels down next to the guy after kicking his gun away.
"Yo." he greets simply.
"W-what? Fuck!" the man groans in pain from having gotten shot... You'd think a raider would have a higher pain tolerance...
"Don't 'What Fuck' me, Fuck you. Think I'm going to let you off for scratching my bike?" Afton growls.
"I'll fuckin' kill you!" he exclaims, trying to spit at him, Afton just backhands the man though, sending spittle and a tooth flying off into the opposite direction.
"Hm, I think I know what to do with you." Afton says, retrieving a rope from his backpack and trying it around the guys legs before dragging the squirming bastard towards Dirt-Bird. "Come on guys, time to go." he calls to them as they stop looting the bodies.
Karl raises a brow at the man, "We aren't taking him with us right? I ain't sharing a seat." he says.
Afton just shakes his head and ties the rope to the back of the bike, "He'll be riding behind us." he says with a morbid smirk.
The raider isn't even sure what was going to happen to him, when the bike starts moving he realises he's in a world of trouble. Being tied to the bike causes him to be dragged with it as it starts moving, almost immediately his trousers and shirt are torn off, allowing the concrete of the road to start shearing flesh from his body.
Afton drives along while humming, ignoring the pained screams coming from behind... Unfortunately, once they go over a relatively large crack in the road, they lose their additional member... No doubt someone will be confused when they find bits and pieces of him up and down the highway.
It was unfortunate that Afton was too preoccupied with driving to spot the notification that appeared in the corner of his vision...
[Scare a humanoid shitless. 14/50]
Afton glances down at his Pipboy, wondering what the sound it just made indicated. He stops the bike for a moment to check, he wasn't stupid enough to text and drive after all...
The sky was beginning to dim so they probably needed to find a place soon... But, he'd see to that after he checked what the notification was.
[Find parts to repair Bunkers ventilation systems] : Quest Updated!
Huh, he'd almost forgotten about that... To be honest, he could probably repair the ventilation system by just standing next to the broken components for a couple hours. He doubted they'd allow him to do that since, youknow, he was a traitor. Even if they did he was too paranoid to reveal that kind of ability.
Regardless, he'd find the parts and see to getting them back to the Hidden Hunker, maybe after that they'd forgive him for his abrupt theft and departure. Flicking a couple buttons reveals the Pipboy's map where a new location had just been highlighted.
Vault 11... Apparently a vault was only a couple miles for his current position. He'd heard many stories about vaults from those in the Brotherhood, adding that to his experience in Fallout 3 and he was incredibly wary to actually approach one... For all he knew this one could contain one guy and nine-hundred deathclaws... That would be funny, as well as horrifying.
"Guys, what do you think about checking out a nearby vault?" he throws the question out there, if neither objected then they'd take a look.
"One of them Vault tech death traps? I don't know... Heard some horror stories from some old friends of mine that were in-charge of cracking them open." Karl mutters.
Boone shrugs, "If you think it's worth doing then we might as well. Better for us to take what's left there than someone else." he states pragmatically.
Afton nods "Let's take a look, we'll be careful about it though. I don't want to end up as some sort of mutated abomination, trust me, some Vaults might actually try do to that do us." he says, starting the bike up again and following the map on his Pipboy.
Soon enough they are forced to diverge from the highway and drive offroad for half an hour. Eventually, they reach a cliff face that looks to contain some cave systems. Upon further inspection they find a single stray door blocking a smaller entrance...
"This the vault? Seems a little... Shoddy to be the entrance." Karl wonders aloud.
Afton nods, "Yeah, I wonder if this was set up before or after the Great war. Whatever, let's take a look shall we?" he says, hiding Dirt-Bird behind some rocks and locking access to its engine, aswell as the wheels... Only way someone was stealing this was by carrying it away, an unlikely thing considering how far they were from any settlement.
The other's nod as they push open the door and step into the cave, all on guard for what might be inside.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.
The cave was dark, the only light available was the beams streaming in from the shoddy door to the outside. Afton activated his Pipboy light so they could at least see where they were going.
The cave itself was more like an airlock for the vault, the large vault door sitting at the end of it already opened for some reason. Afton was expecting to have to hack a console to get in or something.
Though, he wondered why the door was open. There were only a few reasons why this would be this case. The residents could've been feeling from something inside, or the door controls may be broken... Perhaps they simply just forgot to seal it again when they finally left the vault?
"I'm not liking the look of this already." Karl says, wiping some dust off of the entrance with a finger to check how long it'd been open for.
Afton gives a light punch to his shoulder, "If we're scared of an open door then we might'as well just kill ourselves now."
Inside the vault entrance was the control panel for the door aswell as a lot of trash... Paper, metal scrap, as well as food and drink packages littered the dust-covered floor. Even the machinery responsible for resealing the vault didn't look operable due to the rust that'd gathered.
"Place looks abandoned... For a while too." Karl mutters as he tosses some spent ammunition casing away. "Looks like they were tryin' to fight somethin' as well... Or maybe some scavengers found trouble?"
Heading further inside Afton could vaguely hear the sound of something squeaking? As well as the pattering of many small feet. His signals the other's who ready their weapons as whatever it is approaches their position.
After thirty seconds they spot something coming around the corner... Well, more than just "something", as eight huge rat-like creatures spot them and start dashing towards them.
Afton scowls at the rats, if they were regular ones they wouldn't be much of a problem, but these one's had mangy-looking fur, bright turquoise eyes, and brutally sharp-looking teeth. Without a moment of hesitation, he draws Lucky and That Gun before opening fire on them.
Boone and Karl fire with their respective weapons as well, the hallway making it like shooting fish in a barrel. In a couple seconds the vault went silent, the sound of the rats ceasing just as the bullets stop flying.
"See? Not so bad, just a couple rats." Afton says as he holsters his weapons after reloading them.
Karl just shakes his head, "I still think this is a bad idea..."
Afton ignores Karl's apprehensions and continues onwards, going through the various rooms of the vault. There's a canteen, medbay, reactor room... As much as he'd like to dismantle the whole place for parts to experiment with, he knew it'd take a huge amount of time and effort to do it. The place was designed to survive a nuclear holocaust, so he'd need specialised tools to gain access to the more valuable components held within.
Not to mention he'd need a couple military-grade trucks to actually transport everything out... He'd probably need to blow the cave entrance open to allow him to pull the larger parts out. Shaking his head, he decides to just grab the ventilation component and any other interesting loot they might find.
As to what this specific vault was designed to do? Afton had no idea. Usually it'd be fairly obvious, but this place was fairly innocuous. Though, there was one thing that griped him... That was the ungodly amount of booby traps some bastard had hidden in this place.
If Karl wasn't travelling with him there'd probably be bits and pieces of him covering the staircase. Some chucklefuck thought it was a good idea to connect a tripwire with some grenades hung from the top of it.
Fortunately, Karl had been leading and managed to spot it before anyone tripped it. Allowing the group to gain a couple grenades to use or sell in future.
The place as entirely infested with giant rats, they'd somehow managed to get into the food stores and turned the place into a nest. Their teeth didn't seem strong enough to chew through the vaults reinforced walls though, preventing them from creating a complex tunnelling system... It'd be one hundred times harder to deal with them if they were able to just pop out of the ground or behind them at will.
The further they progressed into the vault the more rats they disturbed. Afton had lent Boone his sawed-off shotgun as his hunting rifle really wasn't suited for the kind of combat they were engaging in.
It wasn't all bad though, in most of the trapped rooms there were many boxing of ammo just layng around, allowing the group to scavenge quite a good haul. The ammunition they'd already found would be worth the trouble of travelling through this place alone, but Afton had also found a Pugilism Illustrated, a skillbook to be put simply.
[+3 Unarmed]
There were a few still active terminals placed around the vault that Afton had managed to hack into, his curiosity had gotten the better of him and he couldn't restrain himself from finding out what'd happened here...
Vault 11 was, a shit shot to put it bluntly. Apparently there was some sort of annual sacrifice that the residents were forced to do. They'd vote for the Overseer of the vault and that person would enter a sacrificial chamber after their term was done. Afton wasn't sure why they thought putting the person that'd eventually be killed in power was a good idea, but Vault dwellers tended to be somewhat stupid.
Obviously, this eventually devolved into some sort of political warfare where factions would slander the other's to make sure their preferred candidate was chosen. Judging by how many corpses were lying around the place, he guessed that violence had been the only answer in the end.
This would also explain the many booby traps, if the vault dwellers had been fighting with each other then booby-trapping places to prevent other factions from gaining access would be a relatively smart thing to do.
Shaking his head, Afton scours the terminals for some information on the location of the ventilation component before moving on, the other's had gotten bored enough just waiting around while he played with the terminal.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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