Race to the
Chapter 325: Is he dead (2)
"How can he die?" Shi Bi asked her princess Hao Tai.
Hao Tai didn't understand the reason for her question, she asked her "What do you mean?"
To this, Shi Bi smiled and said "My princess, Don't forget that we are talking about my lord and as far as we 5 shadows know about him, he is unpredictable. Surely, death is an eternal truth and no one can run away from them, still, we can stall it.
My lord is no simple man who will accept his death with no fight back. For sure, there is something big going on. So, right now, all I can say is ask you to keep calm and don't think anything negative. Maybe, my lord is planning something big and he is only faking his death"
Hao Tai didn't believe in the words of Shi Bi, after all, she still don't know just how worthy Shi Bi is to be believed.
ah, the reason why the updates of chapter has gone one update everyday from two chapters is because we are coming to the end.
Also, i will be leaving for somwhere, so... i might rush things in the end (in the end, not right now) Sorry.
Also, thanks for reading my novel so far
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