Race to the
Chapter 139: myths
"What do you mean by nothing?" Hao Lei asked the soldier
The soldier replied "I meant what I said, my lord…
There was nothing left behind for me…
That place, the pond area where we all set our camp…. It was empty
No one was there… no camp… no horse… no campfire and no dead bodies…
It was all empty with no sign of life"
Hearing this, every single person present in the room is shocked
"Maybe you reached some different place or much more time has passed than you imagined and the enemy took everything and everyone with him" Hao Lei said to the soldier
The soldier replied "I was only away from the group for 10 seconds… so I don't think that the distance covered in 10 seconds by me is a lot…
Also, the time passed was not as big as you think my lord as the position of the moon had not changed much
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