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15.78% Naruko The Blood Reaper / Chapter 5: Show Them The New You

Capítulo 5: Show Them The New You

Waking up and getting a proper breakfast for once and getting ready and sporting one of her new outfits as she got rid of her old rags she used to wear seeing that they wear too small for her and just extremely ugly. She is dressed in a black ninja shirt with crimson lining around the collar area and it ends past her hips into a mini skirt look with crimson lining at the bottom of it. Underneath her shirt is wearing a pair of black leggings that go to her thighs, her arms are supported by black full sleeves that go up just short of her shoulder. Compete with a pair of black ninja sandals and a crimson colored sash tied around her waist leaving behind two mini tails behind her that goes halfway down her legs.

"Alright let's go and see what everyone thinks about my new outfit at the academy then. Then off to see the old man and see about my inheritance and then from there work on my chakra control the sooner I get that started the sooner I can learn some jutsu." Having finished what she needed to do Naruko quickly made her way to the academy wanting to get there early, her walk was much like yesterday's many of the citizens and ninja didn't even recognize her till she was already too far for them to do anything.

Being the first to arrive at the academy she decided to enter her mindscape to chat with Ahri for a bit and get in some last minute training, Ahri said that she would keep an eye out on her surroundings and alert her when everyone was here and class was about to start.

(AN: I'm not going to describe what the Konoha 9 look like that are in class with Naruko because you all should know what they look like and Naruko already knows who everyone is so ya and I'm lazy too)

The first to enter the room was Shikamaru. "Troublesome women wouldn't let me sleep longer. *Yawns* Well jokes on her I can still sleep here till class starts.'' While looking around he notices someone is here before him and curious who it is because he doesn't recognize her but when he looks at her blond hair he has a irking of who it was. "Troublesome" then he goes to his usual spot to lay his head back down getting as much sleep as he can.

20 minutes later all of the rest of the students start coming into the classroom, all doing much of what Shikamaru did when he saw her and wondering who this blond girl was that was resting if her eyes were anything to go by.

Choji didn't care much and sat next to Shikamaru eating his bag of chips that he somehow keeps magically pulling from thin air. Shino just stared at her from his seat and when he tied to send on of his kikaichū to figure out more about this girl his kikaichu actually said no to him stating that she was too dangerous to get close to, this piqued his interest because this was the first time something like this has happened.

When Kiba and Akamaru arrived they were already on edge for some reason and they couldn't figure out why till they focused and noticed that the person that was putting them on edge was the blond girl in the corner of the room. His instincts were telling him to stay away from her but his hormones were telling him to claim her as his seeing as how beautiful she looked. Akamaru just didn't want anything to do with her at all and hid in Kiba's hood.

Hinata didn't have much of a reaction to her and quickly lost interest in her and was wondering where Naruko was right now; she wasn't able to find her the other day to stalk, or in her words keep an eye on her. Sasuke only took a glance at her wondering who she was but soon lost interest and went to go sit by the window so that he could stare out of it during class and brood some more about his brother killing his clan.

The last two that entered the classroom that were worth making note of were Ino and Sakura flying into the room looking for where their Sasuke-kun was so that they could seat next to him. But while they were scanning the room they noticed Naruko sitting in front of him and couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful this blond girl was but soon put that aside when they saw their prize and to make it even better was that he still had a seat open next to him on his right.

"Don't even think about it Ino-pig, that spot is mine. I need to sit next to my true love Sasuke-kun, why don't you go sit next to the blond girl or something or better yet dog boy" Sakura yelled making most of the people near her wince at the volume of her voice.

"Oh not going to happen billboard brow, Sasuke-kun is mine and is my true love. Why don't you go sit next to that blond instead or better yet dog breath, I'm sure he would just love your company." Ino yelled back to Sakura while they gritted their teeth and rubbed their foreheads against each other trying to make the other submit.

"Alright you two that is enough, go and get into your seats so that we can start class now" Iruka Umino said to the two girls that were blocking his way to his desk. 'I don't understand why they do this everyday nothing changes' he thought. In the end Sakura ended up winning the spot next to Sasuke and Ino sat next to Naruko the row below them.

"Kit class is about to start you better get back out there, we can always train and talk later today but I'm in desperate need of a nap right now so off with you" Ahri then shooed Naruko out so that she could take a peaceful nap out in the field with the foxes.

Once back out in the real world she noticed that roll call was being done and she was the next one on the list given that Sasuke just gave one of his clan's famous grunts to answer if he was here or not.

"Now last but not least, Naruko Uzumaki is she present?" Iruka asked and did a brief scan and didn't recognize anyone that looked like her so he was about to simply mark her as absent.

"I'm here" Naruko said finally opening her eyes for everyone to see and many of the students were shocked that this was Naruko because it has only been a couple days since they last saw her but she changed so much. She was taller, more filled out and her face had some slight changes making her more beautiful but the thing that really stood out was her crimson colored eyes with slits for pupils, gone were the deep blue eyes that everyone knew her for.

You could hear the whole classroom break out into quiet whispers talking about the new look of Naruko and wondering what happened to her, "Shika can you believe that is Naruko?" Choji asked his best friend Shikamaru "Troublesome blond" was all he said then closed his eyes again.

'I'm glad that Naruko-chan showed up for class today' Hinata thought while she blushed on her face at the new look Naruko was sporting that really showed off her new and improved figure, something that Hinata could never do due to her confidence issues.

'This little hussy is trying to steal my Sasuke-kun from me by sitting in front of him and changing into the revealing outfit, well she can't have him' she thought while inner Sakura 'Cha we can just beat her down to show her place'.

'Wow is this really Naruko, I must say she definitely upgraded her outfit from her last orange jumpsuit that she used to wear. I'm glad that she is finally taking my advice and changed now. I just need to find out what's with her new eyes. I sense a good story behind it.' Ino thought while she really wanted the gossip on Naruko about her changes.

"Right, sorry about that Naruko, I didn't recognize you at all since you seemed to have changed so much since the last time that I saw you. Anyway we are going to talk about the history behind the 3rd great shinobi war so if you would please turn your pages to 40 we can begin." Iruka said to all the students noticing that many of them paled when they heard that they are going over history making him have a small smile at their suffering.

And like this the rest of the day went by until lunch time came around where they got an hour to go get food and be back in class where they will do taijutsu practice against Mizuki, Iruka informed them before he dismissed them all for lunch.

Standing up from her seat and about to head out to go see the old man she was stopped by Sakura and Ino, when they stood in her way to the door.

"Do you need something Ino and Sakura, because if not I really need to be somewhere before lunch is over." Naruko said making them know that she wanted to hurry and get this over with but said in a polite way.

Ino was going to speak but Sakura beat her to it "Ya don't think just because of your changes you are going to be able win Sasuke-kun affection. He is going to be with his true love me, so back off." she screamed out making everyone wince at her volume that she used.

"Please you can keep that duck butt emo-king all to yourself, I don't want anything to do with him. I've got better things to do than to waste time on someone that does nothing all day but brood 24/7, I'd almost rather hangout with Kiba and that is saying something considering he says like a dog all the time. Now if there is nothing else kindly get the fuck out of my way you pink banish bitch." Naruko then pushed past the two knocking them out of the way as she walked off to go see the old man.

Leaving behind a stunned room of students at what they just heard the happy go lucky Naruko say to someone. If there was one thing that everyone knew about Naruko was that she never talked back to others but it seems that not only did her outfit change her personality did as well.

Sakura had never been yelled at like that before and it stung a lot more than she was willing to admit and she had tears in the corner of her eyes that were close to falling down. When Ino saw her about to cry she quickly pulled her outside so that they could go to the restroom to deal with the damage that Naruko just laid on Sakura.

The rest of the class quickly went to handle their own business after they got over the shock and got/ate their lunches. When Naruko arrived at the tower she was greeted by a new secretary and when she saw who was here she immediately paled because she heard what happened to the last secretary and the reason that this position was open when she applied for it. She wasn't going to make the same mistake that her predecessor did by calling Naruko a demon of any kind.

"The hokage is waiting for you in his office already, so you can go right up." she said in a professional tone with a blank face so as to not give this demon brat a reason to get her fired or worse sent to the T&I department.

"I'm glad that you know how to do your job ms. secretary, I wouldn't want for you to just suddenly disappear like the nice lady before you. Well have a great day." Naruko said but the smile on her face was anything but nice. In her view it looked like a demon as she watched her go up the stairs to the hokage's office.

Not bothering to knock since she had an appointment, as soon as she entered she noticed that there was someone else in the office that looked like he was about to leave. Naruko saw a man that looked like a mummy holding a cane someone that she had never seen before but before she could question the old man on who this was he already bid his farewell and walked out but not before looking her over when he walked by her something that creeped her out a lot.

"Ah it is great to see you Naru-chan, I have everything that we talked about yesterday here in these two scrolls." Hiruzen said while pointing at the two scrolls on his desk one contained all her father's things and the other her mother's.

"Thanks old man, but I don't know how to use storage scrolls yet do you think that you could show me how to seal and unseal items in it real quick." Naruko asked trying to show Hiruzen that she still needed him when really she could of just asked Ahri to show her.

"Of course Naru-chan I would love to show you how to do it now. Watch it is like this." he then showed her the seals that were needed to seal and unseal items in the storage scrolls all with a happy smile on his face knowing that he is teaching his granddaughter something for once.

"Thanks old man, I'll look through these when I get home. Now I'd have to ask, did my parents leave a house behind for me or anything?" She really wanted to get out of the shitty apartment that she was in and go somewhere that other people didn't know where she lived at.

"Yes, there is a house that Minato and Kushina lived in together but it is on the outskirts of the village and very far from anything and before you ask I don't feel comfortable with you living that far and by yourself even if I know that you can take care of yourself." thinking for a several minutes on how to remedy this problem, it hit him how he could do it.

"I know of two young female chunin that are looking for a place to stay at and since I can't in good conscience have you living alone in your parents house, how about you allow them to live with you at least until you graduate from the academy?" Naruko got to thinking when she heard this.

'On one hand I get out of that shitty apartment and into my parents house but then I have to worry about the other two roommates seeing things that their not supposed to what to do' Naruko thought when Ahri threw in her own opinion on the matter 'Take the deal kit, there are ways to get around them finding things out about you that we can implement and this might be the only way to get into that house before you graduate. Think of all the jutsu that your father and mother have laying around in the library that is most likely there.'

'Your right Ahri, I'll just deal with those two when the time comes. This is too good an opportunity to not take' she said back after processing what Ahri said.

"I agree then old man but can you tell me who the two chunin are that are going to be living with for a while?"

"Of course you have already met one of them Anko Mitarashi and her friend Kurenai Yuhi" he said with a smile on his face to which Naruko matched as well because he got along with Anko and didn't mind her at all.

"Then I don't see any problem with this arrangement at all old man, well when can we move in then?"

"We can do it tomorrow if you want, I need some time to explain to them the situation and one of them is currently outside the village till tomorrow morning. I will also ask them to help train you when they have free time as well Naru-chan. Now I do believe that lunch is almost over so you better hurry and get something to eat before time is up." He said in a grandfatherly voice to which Naruko nodded and went back to the academy to finish the rest of the day.

After making sure that the two scrolls were safely secure on her person she entered the classroom right before both Iruka and Mizuki came in, "Alright class Mizuki-sensei here will be testing you all in combat with a spar and I'll be watching from the sidelines to grade your performance, anyone have any questions?" Seeing that no one raised their hands Iruka told them all to go outside to the sparring area that they had set up.

Once outside the testing began and it went how you would expect all the civilian family kids did poorly since they don't have anyone to really teach them while all the shinobi family kids did rather well all except Shikamaru that is who just gave up as soon as the fight started.

Then it was finally time for Naruko's turn to battle Mizuki in the ring, "Remember just try to last as long as you can Naruko" Iruka says while holding up his clipboard with a stopwatch in the other hand.

"Of course Iruka-sensei" She said then got into the academy style taijutsu stance, if you're wondering why she is still using this style the reason is simple she just hasn't had the time to study another style yet. All she could do was practice it in her mindscape on her downtime with Ahri watching her pointing out the flaws that she noticed. So while she is better with it, it won't be enough to overcome Mizuki with him being a chunin even if he is one of the weakest one's around.

"Come at me whenever you are ready" Mizuki said with a smug smile on his face 'I've been looking forward to this fight all day, really need to blow off some steam and then long and behold the demon brat is here' thought Mizuki while he waited for Naruko to charge at him.

"Kit be careful I sense malicious intent coming from this trash" Ahri said making sure that Naruko was careful with this human.

'I understand Ahri, I will be careful then' she said back, and then charged forward with impressive speed for an academy student almost as fast as Sasuke. Looking at Mizuko's stance that he had taken, she figured that it would be best to attack him low, forcing him to jump in the air, limiting his movement.

Attacking him with a low kick on his left side, Mizuki did exactly what she thought he would do. He did a light jump into the air throwing a punch toward her head. But before he could make contact she performed a quick spin and using the momentum from it kicked with her other leg into the side of Mizuki ribs sending him a couple feet back stopping him from following through with his attack.

After standing back up and holding his side because of the amount of power that was behind that attack he decide to rush forward this time so using his full speed to launch a straight punch at her chest so seeing this Naruko knew she couldn't dodge this attack so she crossed her arms in front of her chest and jumped back to help dissipate some of the force in the blow so while it connected and make her grunt because of the power behind it she had effectively halved the power behind it by jumping back.

Shaking her arms to get some feeling back into them she could already feel her body healing a bit slowly, so rushing forward again Naruko did a spinning jump kick aimed for his head. Seeing this Mizuki held up both his arms and caught her leg but it didn't end there. Using her other leg she kicked Mizuki in the head from the other side. Not thinking that she would do something like that and him not having a free hand couldn't stop it.

When she hit him it dazed him for a moment but that was all she needed using her leverage that she could muster in her legs and the fact that he was dazed she leaned back throwing him behind her with a leg throw. He was able to recover in the air before he hit the ground but he had a bruise starting to form on his head where she kicked him.

Not wanting to give him a chance to make a full recovery from the attack and throw she dashed forward aiming a full powered straight right for his chest. Sadly before she could hit him he recovered enough to put up a defense and he side stepped her attack and using the arm that was used to attack him, he grabbed it and lifted her up in the air and slammed her down on the ground hard. Knocking the air out of her lung due to the impact, not wanting to take it easier on her he did it two more times before he threw her back to the edge of the arena where she impacted the ground hard.

Not wanting to give up so easily she forced herself up with shaky legs and gave a full on glare with her eyes toward him making him shudder for a moment before he calmed down and took a defensive stance waiting for her to attack him this time. Seeing this she dashed toward him again and went for another chest attack but this time when he tried to catch it with his hands she performed a faint and attacked with her other arm and did an uppercut hitting his chin dead on rattling his brain.

Capitalizing on the successful hit she elbowed him in the gut making him bend over from the impact, making him low enough to where she could grab his head and she brought his head down lower while she lifted her knee up to meet his face hard. This last attack was so hard you could hear his nose break from the impact and when Iruka heard this he dashed toward the two thus ending the taijutsu.

"Alright that is enough you two, Mizuki please go see the medical nin in the school so that they can do something about your nose." Iruka said and then turned toward Naruko "Do you need to go see the medical nin as well Naruko?"

"No Iruka-sensei, I'll be fine you know me I always heal quickly" she said with a small smile on her face, mainly because she was happy she was finally able to do something that no one else was able to do beat their sensei in a strict taijutsu fight if only because it was a fluke didn't matter to her she still won.

Iruka nodded his head to this and gave her his grade on her perform and was surprised that she finally got a decent grade for once on it, the students that watched the fight were shocked to say the least they all knew how strong their sensei was and for someone to beat him was nothing short of a miracle to them. Not even the genius of the class Sasuke beat Mizuki-sensei yet, granted he has come close sometimes but he still hasn't done it.

All of the Konohana 9 were impressed and a little scared of Naruko right now but some had different reactions. Sasuke was pissed that someone did better than him and he wanted to know what her secret was and was almost tempted to demand that she tell him but he held back for now. While Shikamaru just mutters troublesome blonds, Ino and Sakura thought that she only tried so hard to impress their Sasuke-kun. Hinata was proud of her and wished she had that kind of confidence to just keep getting up and trying. Kiba was raring to go a round with her, while Shino knew that she was dangerous already but with this display of skill he was wary of her even more. Choji was impressed but soon stopped caring, going back to his bag of chips sitting next to his best friend Shikamaru.

Shortly after that class was dismissed for the rest of the day and the students were free to go home, not wanting to waste anymore time Naruko quickly left before anyone else could talk to her.

"I'm impressed by that kit, even if that trash was incredibly weak he was strong compared to you right now so for you to be able to beat him even if by a fluke is still worth something." Ahri said with a small smile on her face looking at Naruko.

"Thanks, I know I got lucky there but I'll take what I can get. So we still have some daylight, we should practice some chakra control exercises near one of the training grounds. What do you think Ahri?" to which she agreed that it was the best thing to do for now, saying that they can look at the scroll when they get home for the night.

Once they reached one of the many training grounds that weren't being used Naruko grabbed one of the many leaves on the ground and proceeded to practice her chakra control with it.

"Alright kit you already know what you need to do with the leaf so hurry and get to it I'll give you some advice if I feel that you need it okay so go wild." Ahri said while she laid down in the house in the mindscape.

After training for several hours with the leaf sticking exercise it was finally time to go home because it was getting late and the sun was starting to go down. Naruko was able to get a leaf to finally stick to her forehead for a solid hour before she would lose concentration and it would fall off but she didn't give up. She kept trying even when she started walking home getting in as much practice as she could. After waving at the girls working the street she stepped into her home ready to see what was left behind for her by her parents.

Once she ate and got a quick shower from her long day she sat down on her worn out couch and table and looked at the two scrolls, performing the seal to unseal the contents on her dad's scroll she was kind of surprised with the things that she saw.

In it had the deed to the house of her parents, a letter addressed to her, several scrolls on various jutsu's mostly wind based with all of them ranging from E rank to A rank. Two of which being on how to perform and create the Flying Thunder God Technique (Hiraishin) and his other famous technique the Rasengan and the steps needed to perform. There was even mentioned that it was technically an incomplete jutsu, something that she was going to have to look into later. Other than that it just mentions that some of the land that he owed around the village something that she was definitely going to have to look into as well because owning land in the leaf village is very expensive and hard to do if you are not part of a well known clan.

The letter basically stated that he hoped that she would understand why he did what he did and hoping that she wouldn't hold it against him for turning her into a jinchuriki. He hoped that the village would honor his one request of his and treat you like the hero that you are for keeping the nine tails sealed within you. She cursed when she read that part because they have been doing the extract opposite of that. He ended his message stating that he will always be proud of her and the choices that she makes in the future and that he knows she will become a strong kunoichi even stronger than him.

"Ahri are you mad at my father and mother for sealing you again?" Naruko wanted to know because they never really talked about it.

"I am still upset with them but I can understand why they did what they did, it isn't like they can kill me or could have lured me away given the state I was in. Now all of my anger is directed toward the one that controlled me and made me go back to attack your village that ultimately ended up with me being sealed again." she said with clear anger in her voice thinking about that person.

"I understand and I made a promise that we would find this guy and you will get your revenge on him. No matter how long it takes we will get the person that controlled you, okay." Naruko said back reassuring her friend that she has her back on this matter.

"Thanks kit, I knew I liked you for a reason" Ahri said back happy to know that she has a partner in her quest for revenge.

"Now let's get to my mother's scroll and see what she left behind for me" doing the same thing that she did for her father's scroll she unsealed everything in it and looked through it all.

The things that she found was the complete history of the Uzumaki clan, scrolls talking about their unique traits such as a large chakra reserves or their bodies natural ability to heal quicker than others. Not to mention the fact that they are extremely long lived, seal master, kenjutsu master, and great sensors as well.

She found several scrolls on the various different types of kenjutsu and taijutsu styles that the Uzumaki used. Books on Uzumaki sealing and how to create your very own seals as well when you get a high enough level. How to see if you are a sensor and how to train in it if you are. A whole lot of scrolls on various water jutsu, ranging from E rank to S rank.

The last couple of scrolls were about the bank account that her mother owned here in Konoha and the titles to land in a country called Wave country something to look into later she thought. Overall Naruko got a lot of jutsu of every type basically and after seeing what the current balance mentions on her father's and mother's bank account she could literally do nothing for the rest of life and still maybe only use half of it and we're talking about 500 years here of sitting and doing nothing.

She had that much money but when you think about all the missions that her dad did and the fact that he was hokage it makes sense with the amount that he had and her mother was the heir and sole survivor of the Uzumaki clan meaning all of the clans wealth went to her, you can imagine how much that was and that isn't including the missions that she did herself when she was active. Yup she was loaded and set for life no more worrying about not having enough to eat, get clothes, or weapons in the future.

"Wow I have a lot of things to study now if only there was a way to be able to study all of these books at once otherwise this is going to take me years to get through all of these scrolls and to practice all of these skills and techniques. If I want to be a legend then I can't just master one aspect of the shinobi I need to be a master at several different fields. Hmm what to do, what to do" Naruko then went into a thinking pose trying to figure out what to do here.

After waiting for 5 minutes and seeing that Naruko hadn't come up with a solution to her problem Ahri spoke up with a possible solution "Naru-chan I know what you can do to help yourself so that you can study many different fields at the same time. I saw when you were checking all of the jutsu scroll from your Uzumaki clan, there was a scroll titled blood clone. If memory serves me right, when I was sealed inside Mito and Kushina there was once a famous Uzumaki that created a technique where they used a person's blood to make a copy of themselves that while weaker than the original it had the ability to transfer it's memories to the original when cancelled." Ahri said making Naruko's eyes open wide at hearing a jutsu like this exist.

"Wow Ahri, that should be amazing but if it is so powerful why doesn't anyone else use it then?" she asked back wanting to know if there was a catch or not for this strong jutsu.

"I don't know the complete details but I think there was a special requirement for you to be able to do it but you would have to read the scroll yourself and see what it is." Ahri said back to which Naruko nodded her head because it would be weird if there wasn't one for a jutsu like this.

"Well no time like the present then now where are you" after looking for a couple minutes she was able to find it on the bottom of the pile of scrolls, seeing that she found what she needed she quickly sealed up the rest of the scrolls again so that she can focus on this one for now.

Cr1ms0nReader Cr1ms0nReader

Last one for the day, I spent two days pumping out like 18000 words so that I can be voted on so please vote for me.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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