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57.52% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 65: Chapter 65:

Capítulo 65: Chapter 65:

The three tails attacked in a fit of rage using its tails, attacking from a distance. The beast gave a mighty roar having remembered being attacked by the Raikage and B. Fuyōna was quick to avoid the assault from its tails, dodging and flipping across the ocean's surface as the waves grew larger and larger.

"Calm down Isobu!" Fuyōna tried to shout.

However, the three tails had become lost in rage and attacked anything in sight, Even preparing a tailed beast bomb as it gathers an intense amount of chakra.

"Not good!" Fuyōna said as he flipped back, and dashed across the raging surface of the ocean, still doing his best to avoid the three tails attacks.

The sea had become rough, with titanic waves that crashed down. A truly monstrous sight to behold. Fuyōna was glowing across the water, as he avoided the beast's attacks, riding the huge waves before he decided he had to counter-attack

"Ice style! Giant ice trap!" Fuyōna shouted as he quickly formed the hand signs as he flipped through the air over a giant wave.

Giant pillars of ice suddenly burst from the ocean under the three tails, covering the beast in a prison of ice, while Fuyōna tried his best to distract it. But, the three tails wasn't playing games this time and launched its full-powered tailed beast bomb, breaking the ice to pieces as it glided along the surface of the ocean towards Fuyōna.

"I don't think so!" Fuyōna said as he quickly formed a large number of hand signs before clapping his hands together.

"Giant ice mirror!" He said, forming a large ice mirror that blocked the path of the huge blast of chakra.

The tailed beast bomb was giving off such a powerful aura that it burst across the ocean and kicked up powerful winds that could be felt by everyone nearby.

"Get down!" Mei shouted as they all watched from the top of the cliff. Knowing they wouldn't be able to do anything against such a force of nature.

The chakra blast flew towards Fuyōna's huge ice mirror and to everyone's surprise, became absorbed by the mirror, passing right into it and disappearing.

"Secret technique. Ice mirror sealing Jutsu." Fuyōna said to himself as he formed a few more hand signs, causing the ice mirror to suddenly flash as it sealed the blast inside of it, trapping it there.

The three tails roared as it realised its attack had been stopped, suddenly crashing down into the ocean, disrupting its surface even more as even larger waves started to form, until one huge tidal wave came to life, heading right towards Fuyōna.

"I don't have a choice this time..." Fuyōna said as he closed his eyes for a moment, remaining still as he drew in the natural energy around him.

Fuyōna's hair suddenly turned white starting from its roots while two Kaguya like horns grew on his head, the markings on his face changing and taking from to signify he had entered sage mode.

"Sagejutsu! Frozen graveyard!" Fuyōna suddenly shouted as he made the hand signs and placed his hands onto the surface of the water.

The surface of the ocean suddenly froze, freezing even the huge wave in place as the ice spread at a rapid rate, stopping it in it's tracks. Thanks to his sage mode Fuyōna could freeze even something like the ocean in place. However, the three tails wasn't done just yet as it burst through the frozen wave, crashing through the ice as its massive body shattered the frozen ocean, heading towards Fuyōna with a mighty cry.

"RROOAARRRR!!!" The monster cursed in its rage as it attempted to crash down upon Fuyōna with all of its power.

Fuyōna was impressed as it was putting up a much greater fight than last time, but he didn't want to let it drag out too long and risk getting anyone hurt. With a strong burst of his own, Fuyōna leapt from the surface of the ocean, reaching his hand out towards it.

"ISOBU!!!" Fuyōna roared as the two of them came face to face, allowing Fuyōna to place his hand onto the three tails head, and with the help of Saiken enter the beats mind so he could talk to it.

Fuyōna slowly opened his eyes, standing to his feet as he came face to face with the three tails in its own inner world, taking it by surprise.

"At last we can talk, Isobu," Fuyōna said, getting a strange look from the beast as he said it's name.

"How... How do you know my name human!" The three tails roared as it prepared to expel Fuyōna from his mind.

"Wait Isobu!" Saiken suddenly shouted as Fuyōna let the six tails take form from his body.

The three tails was most certainly shocked now, halting its attack for the time being.

"Saiken? what are you doing here?" It asked a little confused.

"I am here at the request of Fuyōna... He does not wish to fight with you and only wants to talk." The six tails said, trying to convince it's brother.

The three tails looked at Fuyōna and then back to Saiken, taking in his appearance now that he had calmed down a little.

"You... I know you..." The three tails said slowly as he looked Fuyōna up and down.

"That's right... You killed Yagura." It then said, becoming a little sad.

"I didn't wish to. But it was the only way to free him from the genjutsu that had enslaved you both." Fuyōna said, jogging Isobu's memory.

"Yes... I remember now." Isobu said, calming down now.

"What is it you want to talk to me about?" The three tails then asked, looking at both Saiken and Fuyōna.

Fuyōna took a breath before he looked at Saiken and then at Isobu.

"I don't know how else to say this, so here it goes... I need your help to save someone who is special to me." Fuyōna said.

Isobu could tell his words were true and continued to listen as he cocked an eyebrow.

"I know this might come off as a selfish request... But please. I ask that you allow me to seal you inside of his body."

The three tails was shocked and looked at Saiken as if he was joking.

"Do not mock me human! Why would I allow you to seal me away after I have just gained my freedom? Do you think we tailed beasts are simply here to be used as tools!" The three tails shouted.

"It's not like that Isobu..." Saiken said.

"Fuyōna is different than the others... I believe he is the one father spoke of." Saiken said, trying to calm the three tails down.

Isobu looked at Fuyōna, seeing that his blue eyes were full of conviction and determination, unwavering in his request, no matter how unreasonable it sounded.

"But why would sealing me inside of this person save them? What good would it do for either of us!" The three tails then said.

"Why would I allow you to seal me inside of someone just so you can save them! Surely you do not care so much about them if you have to seal me away in their soul."

Fuyōna looked down with a heavy heart.

"He's sick... He is but a boy, who I consider as a son. He has a world of potential. However, limited by his illness that is eating away at his chakra and his body! I believe that it would require a massive amount of chakra to eliminate such an illness, the kind that only a tailed beast possess..." Fuyōna said.

Isobu could tell Fuyōna was not going to give up, seeing the determination in his eyes as he spoke about this child.

"And what if I say no? What is your plan then human?" Isobu suddenly asked, looking at Saiken too.

"Do you plan to force me! Seal me away like all of the others before you!" Isobu shouted as the memories of all the times it had been sealed away over the years passed through its mind.

Fuyōna remained silent for a moment as he broke eye contact and looked at the ground.

"I said to myself that if you didn't agree I would be prepared to seal you away by force..." Fuyōna said before he looked back into Isobu's eyes.

"But I also made a promise to Yagura that I would protect you. So, I guess I have changed my mind." He then said.

"I will not force you Isobu... The pain and suffering that has been inflicted upon your kind by humans ever since the great sage passed away has been nothing short of an atrocity, and can not be forgiven." He said.

"But I know, Hagoromo believed that one day someone would come who you could trust," Fuyōna said, using the sage's name this time. Taking Isobu off guard and causing him to remember his father's last words to all of them.

"I believe I have been chosen to fulfil that wish... And as the Mizukage and a friend of Saiken, I ask you. Please help me." Fuyōna said, not breaking eye contact with Isobu.

Isobu looked hard at Fuyōna, studying him as a glimmer of the sage of six paths suddenly took his place, before Fuyōna's image returned to normal. Causing the three tails to do a double-take.

"You see it too, Isobu," Saiken said, remembering the first time he saw it happen.

Isobu frowned for a moment but then gave in and sighed. Knowing there was no denying it now.

"Very well... I will agree to be sealed." The three tails said.

Fuyōna smiled.

"Thank you Isobu. I promise you will not regret this." He then said.

"We will see." Isobu then said, seeing the sage one last time in Fuyōna's place.

"Alright, I'll make the preparations!" Fuyōna said before he looked back into Isobu's eyes with a large smile.

"I won't forget this Isobu. Thank you." He said.

Isobu felt a little flustered by his flattery but quickly batted it off as he pretended not to care.

"Ok, let us get on with it." It then said.

Fuyōna and Saiken also nodded before they ended their chat inside their inner worlds, returning to the physical one where they were still about to crash into the ocean.

The three tails body smashed into the ocean and all of the surrounding ice shattered, disappearing and causing the others to worry that Fuyōna had been defeated.

"We have to help him!" Mei shouted as she lost sight of what was going on behind the huge waves.

Even Ao couldn't see what was happening properly with his Byakugan.

"Hold on... Is that?" He said as he finally got a clear picture of what had happened.

Fuyōna was stood on the three tails head with his arm crossed while the three tails calmed the ocean down. Fuyōna hopped off from its large body and allowed his sage chakra to leave his own body, causing his hair to turn back to black and his horns to vanish.

"So where is this child you wish to seal me inside of?" Isobu asked, looking down at Fuyōna who stood on the water.

Fuyōna smiled and created an ice mirror with his right hand, only waiting for a moment before young Kimimaro stepped through looking at Fuyōna before he sensed the massive chakra behind him.

Kimimaro slowly turned to look and Isobu was impressed that he remained calm, even smiling at the beast before him.

"So this is the boy..." Isobu said taking a close look at Kimimaro.

"Hello... It's nice to meet you." Kimimaro said as he smiled at Isobu, taking the beast off guard.

"Yes. This is Kimimaro. Kimimaro, meet Isobu, the three tails." Fuyōna said making the introductions.

Isobu could smell that the boy was sick and realised Fuyōna was speaking the truth about his illness indeed.

"Come closer child," Isobu said, looking at Kimimaro.

Kimimaro looked a little surprised but didn't hesitate, stepping closer to the three tails.

"Is that enough?" He asked, not sure if he should get closer.

The three tails looked to Fuyōna and nodded.

"I'm ready." It then said giving him a nod.

Fuyōna smiled and placed his hand on Kimimaro's shoulder.

"It's going to be alright now." He then said as he smiled at him.

Fuyōna smiled as he started making the hand signs, knowing he had already used a large amount of chakra to begin with.

"Lend me a hand Saiken." He said sheepishly in his mind.

The six tails laughed and Fuyōna's body suddenly burst to life with a single-tailed chakra cloak before he put one hand onto Kimimaros stomach and another onto Isobu's body.

"Sealing Jutsu! multilayer tetragram seal!" Fuyōna shouted as Isobu's huge body suddenly compressed and travelled into Kimimaros body all at once, making it quite the sight.

Kimimaro was suddenly knocked back onto his back, splashing into the ocean as if he had been punched in the chest. Fuyōna quickly stopped him from sinking into the water and created an ice mirror that took them to the others who had rushed down the cliff to the beach, having been alerted to what was going on by Ao.


"Lord Mizukage!" The others shouted as they got closer.

Mei could see that Fuyōna was holding Kimimaro in his arms and she quickly rushed in to check on him.

"Oh, Kimimaro are you ok!" She said, noticing the seal on his stomach.

Ao also noticed the seal and was impressed, expecting no less of Fuyōna at this point.

"It's a multilayered tetragram seal, Mei. This way the three tails chakra will leak out spreading through each layer of the seal and blending harmlessly with his own chakra. This way it should cure his illness." Fuyōna said.

Mei looked into his eyes with tears in her own before looking back at Kimimaro who had fallen unconscious from the sudden strain put on his body. Nodding as she stroked his head.

She had become close with the child over the time they had all spent together, seeing him as one of her own along with Haku.

The others remained silent, knowing it was not their place to question Fuyōna, even if it was to do with one of the Tailed Beast's.

"Alright then, I guess that's mission complete," Fuyōna said as he looked all of the others in the eye.

Everyone nodded, feeling a sense of bewilderment due to Fuyōna pretty much doing all of the work. Still, though, they cheered and gave a nod.

"Come on all, let us return to the village, and worry not. Leave the report to me." Fuyōna said as he creates two ice mirrors for everyone to walk through, surprising some of those who had never experienced the jutsu before.

With that said and done, everyone walked through the mirrors that lead back to the Mizukages office. Fuyōna let Mei take Kimimaro home so he could rest, while he and Ao remained to sort out the paperwork. Fuyōna also dismissed the others, granting them some well earned time off missions, also making the arrangements for the two that had been killed in action.

All in all, it had been a tough mission, facing the Raikage was no easy feat and Fuyōna was sure it would cause unwanted trouble in the future. But for now, he had other things he needed to concentrate on.


Ok, that's the end of that chapter! Thank you for reading and thank you for your patience!

Remember to check out my P.a.t.r.e.o.n page out for more content and quicker release times!

Have a great day!

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