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47.36% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 135: Kanto - Indigo Plateau

Capítulo 135: Kanto - Indigo Plateau

The first day of one on one elimination matches ended with little fanfare by the time evening came around. The next day would be the second round and Ash got the ground battlefield this time, while Misty got electric field, Brock got water, Berk got lava field and Tally got the normal field. Trisha who had lost against Gary's Nidoqueen decided to stick around to cheer for her friends and help them train. Gou and Chloe banded together with her to create a cheer squad much to Misty and Ash's mortification while Brock, Tally and Berk laughed.

Ash, "A cheer squad? Really?"

Gou, "It looked like fun."

Trisha raised one blue pom pom, "It is fun."

Chloe, "Besides we want to cheer you on."

Lucario took one look inside, -You are on your own Meema!-

Phantump, "Phaaaa!"

Corsula, "Cor!"

Dewpider, "Ewp."

Gengar was waving his own pom pom, "Gen gengar."

Ash gave a huff, "Fine, I suppose it's helping Gengar out as well."

Gengar flew around making the young Pokemon squeal in delight, "Gengar geng gengar."

Ash hummed, "I think Gengar is more of a nurturer than a battler."

Brock nodded, "I observed the same thing."

Misty, "That's really rare for Ghost types, isn't it?"

Brock nodded, "Yes it is, Misty."

Misty grumbled about bitchy trainers under her breath, "Anyway, I'm up against one of the Poke Tech students, that goes by the name Risse."

Ash, "Huh, I wonder if Giselle and Mack are taking part in the League."

Tally, "Giselle and Mack?"

Misty, "They are cousins and part of Poke Tech school and a few friends we made on the way."

Trisha, "Cool! I would love to meet them."

Tally, "Well I better head over to the normal battle field, see you guys later."

Brock, "I should head over to the water field too."

Trisha, "We'll go with you to cheer you on."

Ash, "Yeah our matches are two hours later, after yours."

Misty, "Yeah!"

Brock headed to the water field as his match was one of the first ones of the day. The announcer introduced Brock and his opponent, a young girl who went by the name, Locket.

Brock, "Let's go Golbat."

Locker, "Let's go Beautifly!"

Announcer, "Begin!"

Ash, "His opponent is from Hoenn cool."

Lucario, -Wonder when we'll get one of them.-

Misty, "That's one beautiful bug type."

Dewpider, "Eeewp!"

Misty, "Of course you are the most adorable."

Chloe nodded, "Yeah! Go Brock!"

Gengar, "Gengar!"

Brock, "Supersonic!"

Locket, "Endure and rage!"

Beautify took the attack head on and attacked Golbat who dodged the attacks using quick attack. She would have to thank little Forest and his Scyther later for training with her when she rested at the Gym, while Brock travelled with the other Pokemon.

Brock, "Wait for it Golbat."

Golbat's eyes twinkled at that and she started to store her strength, "At at at!"

Locket, "String shot to catch her Beautifly."

Brock, "Agility to dodge Golbat and get ready."

Golbat flew around Beautifly frustrating both Pokemon and trainer when they were unable to touch her. Locket was secretly impressed by the poison slash flying type's speed. Golbat flew around till she came closer and closer to Beautifly which was a mistake on Beautifly's part.

Brock, "Now leech life!"

Locket, "Beautifly!"

Golbat bit down hard on the female bug type and started to drain her energy till she fell unconscious. Golbat caught her before she fell into the water however and flew to Locket dropping Beautifly in her arms.

Locket, "Oh... Thanks?"

Golbat nodded, "Gol!"

Announcer, "Beautifly is unable to battle, Golbat is the winner."

The crowd cheered as Brock congratulated Golbat and both were caught by the press who were asking him questions about his past. Brock answered them before acting like his usual self that made the reporter leave after a few awkward moments.

Ash snorted at that, 'It was super effective.'

Misty, "Looks like Tally won too."

Chloe, "Wao! Her Houndoom looks really cool."

Gou, "You guys should head to your respective battlefields. I think it's almost your turn now."

Ash, "Good luck Misty."

Misty, "Same to you Ash."

Ash walked to the ground type battlefield which was covered in sand, a few rocks and low growing grass, 'They should call it mix battlefield.'

Lucario, -This should be interesting.-

Announcer, "Welcome folks shall we start our next battle?"

The crowd cheered as the announcer continued, "Trainers please choose your Pokemon."

A green haired boy greeted him, "Been a while Ash! We didn't introduce ourselves the last time. I'm Clinton."

Ash grinned, "You are one of the students from Poke Tech. It has, let's see what you got."

Clinton, "Let's go Rhydon!"

Ash, "I choose you, Tauros!"

Announcer, "Let the battle begin."

Clinton, "Hammer arm!"

Ash, "Zen headbutt!"

The two attacks clashed and Ash had to hold his ground against the powerful wave coming from the two Pokemon. Tauros broke off before charging again with zen headbutt which was countered by Rhydon's hammer arm again. Tauros changed tactics after that and rushed to his opponent using take down instead. Rhydon was caught off guard by surprise but soon got up and grunted at his worried trainer ready to battle.

Announcer, "And we start off with powerful attacks from both sides. Looks like Rhydon and Tauros are evenly matched, when it comes to speed and strength. It'll be a battle of wills and stamina."

Clinton, "We are not going down that easily. Use Earthquake, Rhydon followed by rock blast!"

Ash, "Taurous use assurance followed by snore."

As the earthquake affected the battlefield Tauros stood his ground and used assurance on his opponent followed by snore. Rhydon who was hit by both started to get sleepy and yawned a bit causing the earthquake to come to a stop.

Clinton, "Rhydon snap out of it. Come on it's not the time to sleep."

Ash grinned, "Again Tauros make it bigger."

Tauros nodded and used the combo once again causing the opponent to fall asleep in the middle of the battle.

Ash grinned, 'It helps snore is a special move rather than an actual attack. Most Pokemon are not wary of it."

Announcer, "Rhydon is unable to battle, Tauros is the winner."

Clinton sighed as he returned Rhydon, "Thanks for the battle big guy."

Ash hugged Tauros who nuzzled him back, "You were awesome Tauros."

Clinton, "Great battle Ash, I didn't expect Tauros to know that move though."

Ash snickered, "My Tauros here is a Dad, he learned that move specifically to help his mate put their kids to sleep."

Clinton blinked, "No wonder it's very powerful. I am very impressed.... Do you think I could get a Tauros?"

Ash, "You want to do a trade?"

Clinton nodded, "I don't have a Pokemon to exchange with you right now but maybe later?"

Ash, "Why don't we talk at the centre and.... "

Clinton looked at where Ash looked, "Right reporters, let's go."

Reporters, "Hello trainer and Champion."

Clinton, "Sorry our Pokemon require the centre's services. Excuse us."

Ash snickered as Clinton bull dozed his way out of the arena, 'It's super effective.'

Nurse Joy smiled at them when she saw them and took their Pokemon for the customary check up, "Ahem Ash?"

Ash, "Yes, Nurse Joy?"

Nurse Joy, "Could you please control your friend over there?"

Ash looked at Brock and sweatdropped, "I got it Nurse Joy. Sorry about that."

Lucario sighed, -He is lucky Misty is not here."

Golbat bit Brock, "Gol golbat!"

Brock, "Golbat... Why.... "

Ash, "Oh Brock~"

Brock shivered on hearing that tone, "Ash... You are done with your battle already? Congratulations on winning."

Ash smiled sweetly, "Mmmm thank you. I hope you are not disturbing the Nurse Joys!"

Brock gave a nervous laugh, "No no! Of course not! I was just offer help as a future Doctor for Pokemon."

Ash, "Is that so?"

Brock nodded, "Yes!"

Ash smiled brightly, "Okay then! I'll let it go and won't tell Misty about it. This here is Clinton, he's from Poke Tech school."

Brock straightened, "Nice to meet you."

Clinton who was snickering nodded, "Yeah, hey isn't that your friend?"

Ash looked at the TV, "Alright we are in time for Misty's match. So that's the electric field."

Clinton looked at the field that held live wires, "She's up against my rival, Risse."

Ash, "What can you tell us about her?"

Clinton, "Risse is learning to be a Fairy type Master. I wonder how she'll do."

Ash, "Fairy? Huh... That's gonna be a tad hard to do in Kanto. We don't really have that many fairy types except for Wigglytuff, Cleffable and Togekiss lines, Eevee is we want to really push it."

Clinton, "Which is why she's studying as much as she can on other regions. She's here to get an idea about how strong her opponents can be, her first opponent was from Unova."

Ash, "Huh! This should be interesting."

Risse, "Let's go Clefairy!"

Misty, "Misty calls Cloyster!"

Announcer, "Begin!"

Risse, "Clefairy metronome!"

Misty, "Ice beam!"

Clefairy danced away barely from the attack before magical leaf came out of the metronome.

Misty, "Iron defense quick!"

Cloyster retreated and set up the iron defense which deflected the attack away. Cloyster opened his shell and smirked at his opponent challengingly making Clefairy bristle.

Misty, "Icy wind."

Risse, "Fairy wind."

The icy and fairy wind clashed causing the wires to freeze or get cut from the electric connection. Misty winced hearing the crackle of electricity, this field was one hell of an advantage for electric types but for water types however. She had one consolation though, it was a disadvantage for her Pokemon as well.

Risse, "Clefairy use metronome again."

Misty, "Oh no you don't, Cloyster icicle aurora shard water gun."

Cloyster grinned as he used his icicle attack on Clefairy who dodged that attack but was unable to dodge aurora beam. Cloyster then used water gun to connect Clefairy with the live wire which shocked him unconscious on contact. Misty winced at the brutal beat down before standing tall looking at the fallen Pokemon waiting for him to get up.

Announcer, "Clefairy is unable to battle, Cloyster wins the match. With this we have come to an end of the second round. See you tomorrow folks!"

Misty gave out a sigh of relief, she had been really tense ever since she pulled out the electric field. Cloyster joined her and nudged her a bit to which Misty smiled and hugged him mindful of the spikes.

Risse, "That was a good battle. I didn't expect you to use a water Pokemon in an electric field."

Misty, "Thank you, it's true electricity is one of water Pokemon's weakness but that's exactly why we want to battle here. To overcome the weakness."

Risse smiled, "You know you are really cool, we should hang out."

Misty, "Sure! We are having a girl's night out at the end of the week."

Risse nodded and left and Misty quickly left the arena following her to meet up with the others at the centre. She gave a sigh when she entered the centre, reporters were not allowed inside, thankfully. She joined Ash and Brock as Chloe and Gou joined them later and Misty introduced Risse to the others.

Chloe, "It'll be fun to have one more girl in our girl's night out ... Ash will you join us? It's been a while since we dressed you up too."

Clinton, "Eh.... You are a girl? Sorry I did not realize."

Ash waved his hand, "No I am a guy, I just like dressing up sometimes. It's a good way to relax and cool down after a busy week or month."

Ash, 'Not to forget I need to create a new persona too.'

Brock, "I am guessing Jessilina will join you guys."

Jessilina, "You bet I will."

Ash gave a bright grin seeing her, Meowth and Jameson, "I saw your battle Jessilina."

Misty, "Your Gyarados is powerful."

Meowth jumped into Ash's arms, "Nyarth!"

Clinton, "How cute!"

Ash grinned as the group went together to grab an early dinner together. Thanks to the battles during the day time most trainers were only able to squeeze in one or two hours of battle before or after dinner. Ash preferred to have an early dinner before going to train for two hours till curfew hour. It was one of the stricter laws that were implemented by the League for the safety of the trainers and Pokemon. Sabotagers were everywhere after all and jealousy is a powerful motivator.

The group talked about their adventures and battles so far before saying goodbye and heading towards their chosen training grounds. The League had plenty of training fields scattered around the stadiums which were equipped with normal and security cameras. The normal cameras could be accessed by the trainer ID and used by trainers to record their training and use. It was convenient and at the same time not as unlike the security cameras, the normal camera records would go public after the League was over. Ash preferred not to use it if possible and stuck to normal training instead.

[A. N.: My net connection is finally back, phew!

Here's the latest chapter.

I hope the battles are not too short or too long. I'm trying to keep it as realistic as possible.

But man! Pokemon facts keep changing every gen so it's a little hard and confusing.

Till next time!]

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