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33.68% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 96: Kanto - Cinnabar Island

Capítulo 96: Kanto - Cinnabar Island

Referee, "Magmar is unable to battle Charizard wins the match."

Ash cheered, "Alright Charizard! Great job."

Charizard roared in victory and happiness before turning to Ash and flying towards him and glomping him and Ash laughed. Blaine could not help but snort at the sight of a giant fire lizard jumping on a younger boy to lick him. He could see they were very close and Ash raised Charizard well, most Charizard's were proud creatures with a third typing that was only accessible during mega evolution. Pokemon with Dragon typing were one of the most difficult types to handle even the dormant ones.

Blaine, "Well done now let's go my old friend."

A Charizard with an X scar on his chest appeared and roared at them. Ash observed the Charizard, and half wondered if Charizard was Blaine's starter. He had requested to battle one of his top level Pokemon after all but he's not sure if Blaine agreed to it. The scarred Charizard looked Ash's Charizard up and down before huffing and turning, making the shiny Charizard bristle.

Blaine, "This Charizard here is the first offspring of my starter. But don't think he's easy to beat, after all my number one Pokemon trained him."

Ash rubbed Charizard's neck, "I see, it'll be an honor to battle him."

Ash's Charizard conceded and rumbled out a greeting to the older Charizard making Lucario chuckle. The fire lizard knew better than to insult someone older and more experienced than he was, last time he insulted his older nest mates, he had gotten his ass kicked by Jigglypuff of all Pokemon. Granted he was being an arrogant brat, after having evolved into Charmeleon so he probably deserved it. His mother had simply watched amused as Jigglypuff made quick work of him without hitting him even once.

Referee, "Begin."

Blaine, "Flame thrower."

Ash, "Mystical fire!"

The two attacks hit and both sides pushed not wanting to give an inch before the attacks stopped.

Ash, "Charizard steel armor go."

Charizard growled and attacked the older Charizard with metal claws, steel wing and iron tail. The older Charizard dodged most of the attacks although he got hit by one metal claw giving out a grunt.

Blaine, "Take down."

The scarred Charizard grabbed the younger one before throwing him in to the floor below like his weight was nothing. The Shiny Charizard looked up at the ceiling in a daze from where he lay before scrambling to get up and shaking his body to get rid of the sudden vertigo.

Ash, "Charizard you alright?"

Charizard rumbled in answer before moving away from the older one. He would have to be careful with him, he was definitely stronger than the other opponents he had faced. Then there was the fact he belonged to one of the strongest Gym leaders in Kanto.

Charizard grinned, "Rrrrrrr."

The older Charizard rumbled back, "Rrrrrrrrr."

Blaine, "Over heat."

Ash, "Fire blast!"

The two Charizard flew up, their attacks going towards each other but not hitting as they flew around. The two attacked each other using over heat and flamethrower over and over for five minutes straight before landing.

Ash bit his lip, "Charizard dragon tail and steel wing."

Blaine, "Wait for it."

Charizard roared and flew through an arc for Ariel ace before his wing glowed with Steel type energy and his tail with Dragon type. It was really risky using two powerful and completely different moves together but he was willing to give it a shot. Charizard flew closer to the older Charizard when Blaine gave his order.

Blaine, "Now seismic toss."

Ash, "Charizard!"

The older Charizard grabbed the younger one and threw him down with a powerful seismic toss. Despite being in a choke hold Charizard's tail was free and he used it to deliver dragon tail, although it was not as effective as hitting him directly. Charizard lost consciousness once he hit the battlefield hard from the seismic toss.

Referee, "Shiny Charizard is unable to battle, Charizard is the winner."

Ash returned the downed Charizard, "Get some rest buddy, you did great. Lucario, you ready?"

Lucario walked to the middle of the battlefield, -Ready!-

Blaine, "Another aura speaker..... Heh! I'm impressed. You are a Guardian, aren't you?"

Ash rubbed his head, "Not exactly, no."

Lucario, -Not yet! Perhaps when we are a bit older.-

Blaine, "I know of one Gaurdian, she was quite something. I wonder how you will turn out."

Ash, "She? Are you talking about Yellow?"

Blaine, "You know her?"

Ash nodded, "She's a family friend."

Blaine, "You'll have to tell me later, shall we?"

The referee nodded, "Begin."

Ash, "Lucario aura cloak."

Blaine, "Interesting flamethrower Charizard."

Ash, "Agility!"

Lucario ran around the battlefield dodging the flamethrower, he had battled with Red's Charizard and she would never let him live it down if he was beaten by a Charizard she had defeated. The Charizard threw flamethrower three times before stopping to rest a bit and observe the aura Pokemon.

Blaine, "To the skies, steel wing."

Ash, "Get ready with aura sphere."

Lucario created the aura attack and waited as his opponent got closer to him before Ash gave the signal. Lucario used agility to jump over Charizard before releasing the aura ball and hitting Charizard hard with it. The fire lizard grunted as he fell to the battlefield from the attack before getting up and stepping back.

Blaine, "Over heat."

Ash, "Dragon pulse."

The dragon pulse hit the overheat and the draconic attack dispersed the fire attack.

Ash, "Rain dance followed by sword dance."

Blaine, "Sunny day followed sword dance."

The rain dance and the sunny day clashed and although Charizard was affected a little by the rain Lucario wasn't. The aura Pokemon then attacked the fire lizard with sword dance and Charizard retaliated back with his own sword dance. Drew watched as the two powerful Pokemon danced around each other attacking the other and at the same time dodging.

Roserade, "Ro roserade?"

Drew, "Nothing, just I think it may not be a bad idea to take part in gym battles after all. I can see we never stood a chance against him in the coordinator battles."

Milotic nodded remembering the fight Ash's Milotic had, "Lo Lo milotic."

Drew, "We can take part in the gym circuit once we return home, what do you say?"

Roserade smiled, "Ro!"

Milotic nodded he wanted to impress the female he was starting to really like, "Lo milotic."

Ash, "Lucario aura sight and bone rush."

Blaine, "Thunder punch."

Lucario saw the punch coming and jumped before coming down hard on Charizard making him dodge the attack. Both Pokemon were panting hard from the battle before Lucario stopped using the cloak and used heal pulse. When Lucario stopped he was all healed and ready to go again getting an irritated look from Charizard.

Ash, "Aura shadow pulse combo! Go for it!"

Blaine, "Charizard use flare blitz!"

Charizard attacked using flare blitz and Lucario retaliated with an aura sphere and shadow ball combo before releasing the water pulse. The water pulse hit Chsrizard hard and he grunted from being hit head on by the water type attack.

Ash, "Now force palm!"

Lucario followed up the water pulse with a force palm which pushed Charizard back a few feet. Charizard was already exhausted from the previous fight and the two panted watching each other. Lucario fell to his knees panting but Charizard fainted.

Referee, "Charizard is unable to battle, Lucario is the winner."

Ash jumped onto the hanging battlefield and ran to Lucario, "Lucario! Are you okay?"

Lucario was panting, -Ye yes!-

Ash, "Hang on!", Ash focused and brought his aura up to his hands before sharing it with Lucario.

Blaine approached them watching them joined by Charizard, it never failed to amaze him everytime he saw aura in action. The scientist inside him had so many questions to ask but he knew better than anyone how secretive aura users were. He quietly waited as Ash and Lucario finished and stood up with Lucario reprimanding Ash on using his aura before he properly recovered.

Blaine coughed, "Ash, I must say you have me very intrigued but first. I present to you the lava badge as proof of your victory."

Ash smiled, "Thank you Blaine!"

Drew, "Congratulations Ash! You did it, that was an awesome battle."

Ash grinned, "Thank you Drew."

Lucario sighed, -You are going to do nothing but rest today and tomorrow! You are barely standing right now.-

Ash swayed laughing sheepishly as Chimchar and Phantump scolded him as well, "I'll be fine, I promise."

Drew, "You should not have forced yourself though."

Blaine, "Why don't you follow me this gym is actually connected to the Pokecentre. Come!"

Ash, "Thank you I appreciate it."

Lucario moved and picked Ash up, -You are resting.-

Charizard snorted hearing Ash's squeak while Drew laughed following them listening to them bicker. Blaine just smiled and led the way through an inner tunnel that went away from the gym. Blaine would not deny being curious, during the quarterly Gym leader meet a month ago it had been the reinstated Gym leader of Pewter to first talk about Ash, followed by the Cerulean gym representative who was holding the fort for her sister. Then Lt Surge of all people complimented Ash, the hard to impress Lt Surge complimenting a newbie, he half wondered if he was still dreaming that day. Sabrina spoke of Ash and his little book which he could admit he brought out of curiosity and she was right, the young trainer had quite the imagination.

Nurse Joy, "Gym Leader Blaine, how may I help you? Oh my! Are you okay young man?"

Lucario answered before Ash could, -No, he is not Nurse Joy, can you take care of the rest of the Pokemon while I get him to his room?-

Ash pouted, "I'm fine!"

Nurse Joy gaped before nodding, "Of course, leave them to me, I guess you won the match then. Congratulations young man."

Ash, "Thanks Nurse Joy."

Blaine, "Ash, I'll see you tomorrow at the lab, get some rest now."

Drew spoke as Ash nodded, "Don't worry Mr Blaine, we will make sure he gets rest."

Blaine smirked, "Just call me Blaine kid."

Drew nodded as he followed Lucario, Ash, Phantump and Chimchar upstairs Roserade and Milotic in tow. He had a lot of questions about what happened in the end, he had seen Ash's hands glow and Lucario heal because of it. Lucario gently settled Ash on the bed before going through the bag looking for his comfortable sleeping wear. Ash huffed in amusement as he watched Chimchar follow Lucario and help him, the little monkey Pokemon had started to pick up the over protective tendencies from him.

Drew, "So you are an Aura Gaurdian?"

Ash, "You know about them?"

Drew nodded, "According to my grandma our family are descendants of one of the main clans of Kalos who moved to Hoenn long time ago."

Ash's eyes sparkled, "Which means there is a high chance you can use it too!"

Drew shrugged, "I don't know about that, I mean sure I always dreamed about it but we'll no one has seen a Guardian born in my family since my grandma's grandma's time."

Lucario nodded, -Sometimes the line goes dormant, does not mean it's impossible, you need to train physically to be able to handle aura or your body might get destroyed.-

Drew frowned, "Oh! Is that why you train with your Pokemon, instead of just training them."

Ash nodded, "The Pokemon we train with specifically decides what type of abilities we will develop."

Drew got interested, "Oh? Really?"

Ash nodded, "Take our gym leaders for example, psychic type gym leaders trains with Psychic Pokemon and can use psychic abilities, water type gym leaders train with water Pokemon and can move around the water bodies like the back of their hands. Then there is Blaine who's physiology has adapted to high heat, like he was wearing full dress but he didn't break into sweat at all. Erika the grass type gym leader is very sensitive to the plants around her."

Drew, "So if I train with Roserade it is possible I will gain sensitivity towards plants... How does that help though?"

Ash, "Well for one you will instinctively be able to find the best berries for your Pokemon and plants will bloom and grow healthier around you. At least that's what I observed from Erika and her Pokemon, back at Celadon city."

Drew gave a whimsical smile, "That would be pretty cool."

Lucario, -Remember though it's not something that will happen in one day. Meema has been training with me before he turned ten. It was only a few months ago, he was able to access his aura.-

Ash, "I was hoping it would have been later though."

Drew looked confused, "Why though? A lot of people would kill to be able to use aura."

Ash, "As great as having aura is, it has it's down sides. One of them being audio sensitivity, everything is dialed up to double the amount of noise. It can seriously irritate your ears a lot. I have taken to avoiding heavily populated places as much as I can although sometimes it is unavoidable."

Drew hummed, "That does sound like a very troublesome problem, is that why you avoided most of the crowded shops earlier?"

Ash nodded, "Yeah, I'm sorry if you wanted to go to a shop but didn't because of my discomfort."

Drew held Ash's hand, "Don't apologize about that Ash! I knew you were uncomfortable so I didn't go there. Anyway what about the others, can they use aura like you?"

Ash, "Others? You mean Misty and the rest? Well I think Misty is developing her own abilities, you should see her in the water, she's so much more at home there than on the road. And I know for sure Jessilina is immune to a lot of poison, I have seen her being hit by poison sting, tail, smog, etc, yet she walked it off like a boss."

Drew chuckled at that, he recalled seeing her train in one of the trainer specific battlefield on the boat. It was crazy training that made the other trainers blanch and wince every time she was hit by the poison attack from her Pokemon, yet she laughed it off and went back for more. Drew had recalled some of the trainers call her insane and how could her friends just watch her do what she was doing as training. Misty and Duplica who he noticed were sitting with potions in their hands had just shrugged and told them to stop her if they could.

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