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24.21% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 69: Kanto

Capítulo 69: Kanto

The group watched amazed as a flock of Butterfree flew above them scattering their sparkling pollen all around. It was truly a beautiful sight and to make it even better they had ran into Ritchie, Gou and Gou's childhood friend Horace. Ash and the others were happy to meet them and invited them to join them on the sight seeing. Ash, Lucario, Phantump and Pikachu who had rejoined him were on Fearrow's back, Ritchie was on his Charizard, Zippo's back, while Gou and Horace were riding on Ash's Pidgeot. Gou had released his Butterfree just like Misty and Ritchie had and they were getting along well with each other. Gou's Butterfree had seen the two older Butterfrees a few times during the video calls and was very curious about them.

Ash hmmmed, "Looks like you and Misty or you and Ritchie might become in laws Gou."

Gou spluttered, "Oi!"

Horace laughed, "He's not wrong."

Ritchie groaned, "Please don't joke about this, we don't even know if they'll be together."

Misty and the others who were on a rented balloon just watched the migration before they noticed her and Gou's Butterfrees flying to the ground. Misty had over heard what they were talking about and snorted in amusement, she would not be against it if her Butterfree got together with Gou's Butterfree. The young female was very healthy and lovely to look at with the large wings and bright eyes. Pidgeot and Fearrow flew down towards them as they realized they were making the other Butterfrees a little nervous. Ritchie was still on Zippo's back with Butterfree who was still looking around, Misty and the others joined the two Butterfrees on the ground after a few minutes.

Lucario, -They decided to be together.-

Ash blinked, "Really congratulations!"

Misty, "See! I knew you would find someone."

Meowth, "Dey don wanna leave da two of ya tho."

Gou blinked, "Oh... But you need to fly across the ocean to be able to have babies right?"

Butterfree shook her head, "Cre creee!"

Lucario, -They need a water body yes, but the Cerise park also has a large one inside it.-

Meowth, "Same fr Cerulean."

Misty was touched and hugged her Butterfree, "I love you too, Butterfree."

Gou's Butterfree nuzzled him as well when he hugged her and turned to Misty, "Maybe we can come up with something for them?"

Misty nodded, "Yeah, we could."

Ritchie soon joined them, "Guys Happy found his mate. Isn't she pretty?"

Ash blinked, "Holy macaroni! She's a shiny, Ritchie you got really lucky."

Ritchie ^ω^, "I know right, how cool is that?"

The shiny Butterfree blushed before looking at the Butterfree that caught her eye, "Cree creeee?"

Happy just eye smiled and pushed her forward, "Cre!"

Lucario smiled, -Welcome to the family.-

Meowth, "Yea!"

Brock, "So are you gonna capture her or release your Butterfree, Happy?"

Ritchie got a serious look, "I think I should talk to her about that, I have run into more poachers than I am comfortable to just let them go."

Jessilina, "We'll be here."

Jameson looked at Jessilina, "Actually we are going to check this place out, we'll be back for dinner."

Ritchie blinked, "Sure."

Ritchie walked off a bit further to talk to the two Butterfrees while Gou and Misty decided to sit down and come up with a plan for their Butterfrees. Misty didn't mind taking the two Butterfrees for half a year then on the next half letting Gou take them, they could even do a quarterly sharing. Gou hummed a bit before agreeing to the quarterly share, three months at Cerulean with Misty then three months at Cerise park, with him. The two Butterfrees didn't seem to mind as long as they were together, plus Cerulean and Vermillion city were pretty close to each other if you flew instead of walking. Ritchie joined them with another pokeball in his hands, it looks like the Shiny Butterfree agreed to be caught after all.

Ash, "You caught the shiny, Ritchie?"

Ritchie nodded, "Yes but she still wants to fly across the ocean and see the world."

Misty nodded, "Ah, you are letting them go?"

Ritchie gave a sad smile, "It'll make them happy and it's not like someone can just catch them. They are mine officially, I'm not going to release them, just let them go and mate."

Ash hugged Ritchie, "We get it Ri."

Misty got up and hugged him too before Gou joined them pulling Horace along. Brock smiled before shrugging and joining the group hug followed by the Pokemon. Ritchie laughed and thanked them before turning to the two Butterfrees who were watching them while waiting for him. Ritchie sat down and talked to the two and the others gave him space to say his farewell to his Pokemon both old and newly caught, while Misty called Cerulean and told her sisters about the latest development. To say Daisy was delighted was a big understatement and readily agreed to have both Butterfrees sent to her.

Meanwhile Ash had taken Brock to train with him and his Pokemon. They started simple, running then push ups and sit ups before Lucario decided to check on how long Brock can go by increasing the exercise. Brock did well during the extra and lasted for two whole hours before starting to feel the exhaustion, that was when Lucario stopped their exercise and motioned at the time. It was evening already and they needed to set up camp and prepare dinner.

Brock, "Is all our training gonna be like this?"

Lucario, -Till I feel your aura getting strong enough to be used without putting you in a coma, yes.-

Gou meanwhile rounded on Ash, "How, when and where did you learn to use Pokemon moves? I'm sure those were Pokemon moves you were using, don't try to deny it."

Ritchie pulled Gou back, "Calm down Gou, I'm sure Ash will explain."

Ash sweat dropped as Ritchie got Gou to calm down, "Well Gou to answer your questions, I trained alongside Riolu and now train with Lucario. I started training with him after a few months, give or take, he was born from an egg because I wanted to understand him better. As for where I started from back in Pallet town I guess....."

Horace, "So if humans train alongside Pokemon it's possible to be able to use moves."

Ash hmmmed, "In simple words yes. That's one way to do it."

Gou looked curious, "There's more than one?"

Ash nodded, "There's another way but I don't recommend it, unless you are insane."

Horace, "What's that?"

Ash, "Become a lab rat for Team Rocket."

Gou blinked before he blanched, "So the rumours were true, about the experiments and kidnappings?"

Ash nodded grim, "It's how Mewtwo was born."

Misty shifted uneasy, "Also learning how to use these moves have it's own dangers. From what we understand, there are organizations like Team Rocket, who search for these people. It's never a happy ending for both sides."

Ritchie, "Yet you learned how to use these moves? Are you crazy?"

Lucario, -Not by choice no, if we had the chance, Ash would have been able to use his abilities after two more years. Unfortunately life doesn't always work out as planned and he was forced to use it.-

Horace looked at Ash, "When did it happen?"

Ash, "Back at Mt Moon. I didn't even realize what I was doing till I fainted from exhaustion and Lucario explained what happened."

Gou, "Are you okay?"

Ash nodded, "I'm fine, just wish my abilities had not awakened so early. It's like everything got dialed twice as much. It's not unbearable but sometimes crowds like the one back in Nautilus can give me a headache."

Brock, "Which is why we are taking my training slowly, I rather not be overwhelmed all of a sudden."

Ritchie rubbed his chin, "What about Agatha from the Elite Four? Do you think that she is also able to use Pokemon moves?"

Ash got a look, "Well now that I think about it, she was able to move around just like a Ghost Pokemon... So yeah definitely."

Misty, "Does it mean it depends on which type we train with then?"

Lucario nodded, -A little yes, just like Agatha who's adopted Ghost type moves, Koga is almost immune to every type of poison. It's just a question of whether or not he has come in contact with the Pokemon or not.-

Ritchie brightened, "And Sabrina is a known Psychic user and she trains with Psychic Pokemon."

Gou looked at Scorbunny, "Do you think if I start training with Scorbunny I'll be able to do what he does?"

Scorbunny looked at Gou surprised before turning to Lucario, "Scor?"

Lucario, -Not everything no, humans have a limited amount of energy unlike Pokemon but yes you can do some of the things.-

Scorbunny's eyes sparkled before he jumped on Gou, "Scor scor scor scorbunny!"

Gou giggled hugging the bunny Pokemon, "I would like to be able to do a few things if not all of them. It might even help me understand my Pokemon better than I do now."

Ash smiled gently, "It does!"

Pikachu climbed his shoulder and nuzzled him, "Pikapi pikachu!"

Ash grinned, "I love you too buddy!"

Misty who was holding Dewpider was thoughtful, "Is this why most water trainers are naturally good at water sports?"

Brock, "It makes sense in a way, if they adapt the Pokemon traits, besides who knows how to move in water than water Pokemon?"

Misty looked wistfully, "That's pretty amazing, I wonder if I'll be able to manipulate water like they do?"

Horace smiled, "Probably not, but you probably can move around in water like it's your backyard blindfolded."

Misty laughed, "I hope so!"

Fearrow stopped at an opening, "Row!"

Brock, "This looks like a good place to camp."

Gou, "You guys really do follow Fearrow's lead, I think I'll try doing that too and see where it leads me."

Ash grinned, "If your Pokemon is the leader of the group then they probably know the region better than anyone out there."

Ritchie looked at them incredulously, "Are you serious? You don't even use your map?"

Misty looked away laughing sheepishly, "Don't freak out but yeah we don't?"

Horace, "That's weird but it's a cool weird."

Ritchie shook his head, "Only you Ash, I can't believe you agreed with him Misty."

Misty, "In my defense we reached cities faster following Fearrow rather than the map. So it worked out well in the end."

Gou snorted, "At least it's not cheerleaders like Gary."

Ash ducked his head and mumbles, "He's probably still annoyed I left him behind to them."

Lucario snorted, -Good thing too, he's not traveling alone, right?-

Horace laughed, "You guys are a riot!"

Brock, "I know."

Jessilina and Jameson joined them a little dusty and dirty from whatever they had done while they were gone. The two explained they had run across a poachers camp and had snooped around a little before realizing they were catching the Butterfrees. They or rather Meowth had talked to them and asked them to help out to escape. Ash and Misty had taken out his first aid kit half way through their explanation and started to clean the scratches on them and wrap them up.

Misty berrated them, "Why didn't you ask us for help?"

Ash nodded, "That could have been very dangerous."

Brock nodded from where he had started to prepare dinner, "Yeah, what if they had caught you?"

Ritchie sighed, "You told the authorities at least right?"

Jessilina nodded, "Don't worry Misty, we are fine, nothing dangerous happened Ash, Brock we stayed safe. And yes Ritchie we told the authorities. Speaking of which Red said he wanted to talk to you once you reach Celadon city Ash."

Horace, "Champion Red? Oh yeah, you once told me they were siblings, Gou."

Gou nodded, "I wonder why he wants to meet you."

Ash, "We'll find out once we reach there... Do you guys want to come along?"

Ritchie, "Definitely especially with poachers around."

Horace, "Yeah sticking together would be safer."

Gou, "Strength in numbers, they say."

Brock, "Well dinner is ready."

Horace, "Thank you for making us dinner Brock."

Gou, "Yeah!"

Ritchie, "It smells awesome."

Brock, "No problem!"

Ash and the others took out their own dinner and started to eat as the Pokemon sat around them and ate their food. Gou was looking around with sparkling eyes, seeing so many different Pokemon in one place was always a delight to look at. Jameson explained they were simply looking around the area when they accidentally ran into the poachers camp and decided to act as some of their esteemed customers. Brock frowned in hearing that and Jameson reassured him, they got those people in camera and gave it to the rangers worry they can keep an eye out for them. It was not much of a proof but it was a start, Ash grumbled about how much they sounded similar to Damien for his liking. Jessilina pat his head and gave him an understanding smile and explained they would watch out for people like them.

Later that night Ritchie watched exasperated as Ash and Misty cuddled with their Pokemon in their tent and his own Pokemon wanted to do the same. He gave a sigh before taking out a sleeping bag after reminding his Zippo his tent was not big enough for all of them. Zippo had grumbled a bit at that but nodded to sleeping outside, it didn't look like it would rain anyway so it was fine and cuddled next to his trainer with Sparky or Pikachu, Lily who was a Treeko, Jumpy who was an Aipom and Sleepy who was a Snorlax. Gou and Horace were in their own sleeping bags with their Pokemon, a Pinsir, Dugtrio, Wigglytuff and Sobble who were Gou's while, Venomoth, Vileplume, Growlithe and Pidove were Horace's Pokemon. Ash looked at the Pokemon his friends had with them and couldn't help but marvel at how very similar yet different things were before joining his Pokemon to sleep. Tomorrow would be another day and he half wondered if his friends would join in on their morning training as he fell asleep.

[A. N.: Sorry for the late updates but it's the marriage season out here. Between handling orders for more items and attending marriages I'm honestly exhausted by the time I return home.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.]

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