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20.7% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 59: Kanto

Capítulo 59: Kanto

Ash grinned as his friends thanked him for the song, he was actually happy he didn't stutter on stage. That would have been mortifying, his mother had even hugged him complimenting him on having his late father's talent. Ash's goofy smile became sober at that and he half wondered if the Ash in the anime always dived in head first into trouble because it was literally in his blood. It would explain some of the crazy things he got into sometimes during his journey. Jameson looked like he wanted to say something but Jessilina shook her head. He pursed his lips lips and scowled, he knew it was not his place to interfere but he has grown attached for sanity's sake. Ash might just as well be his own kid with how much he worried about him and vice versa, he cared about him and the rest of the kids, it's hard not to after spending so much time together.

Gou, "Ah, it's shaking!"

Ash looked at the egg in Gou's hands, "Alright, everyone give them space. Beedrill, Butterfree, your egg is hatching."

Beedrill, "Bzzzzzz!"

Butterfree, "Creee!"

The group moved as one to one side of the table and watched as the egg started to hatch and shine. Out of the egg came out a baby Caterpie who looked at Gou first before looking at Beedrill then Butterfree before giving a chirp. The little fella then sniffed the air before jumping on the table and eating all the food before chirping and joining Gou again falling asleep.

Ash laughed, "Congratulations!"

Gary, "You are a father!"

Misty, "So adorable!"

Chloe, "Congratulations!"

AJ, "I think the little guy got beedrill's colouring."

Gou, "One sec!"

Rotomphone, "Caterpie a bug type Pokemon. It has a voracious appetite and can devour food twice it's size. For protection it releases a horrible stench from it's antenna. Note, this Caterpie is not a Shiny, but rather inherited his mother's colouring which will soon fade to its natural colour."

Ash, "Awww! He looked really cute in yellow and black. Like covered in black and gold."

Misty, "Yeah!"

Jameson mumbled to Jessie, "The boss better start talking to them soon."

Jessilina whispered back to James, "Patience James, the boss just started to have a non hostile communication with his eldest. It will take time before he approaches the youngest, besides have you not seen how much of an overprotective Ursaring the Champion is?"

James sighed, "Fine, I will not interfere, however if things turn south."

Lucario who heard their conversation turned to Meowth, -They truly care.-

Meowth spoke quietly, "It's hard not to get attached. And Jessie and James, they may not look like it, but they have a heart bigger than a gigantamax Wailord."

Milotic, -Mmm... I hope Ash is able to be happy as well. He always does his best to make us happy.-

Beedrill nodded, -Bzzzzzz.-, 'I agree!'

Primeape hit his chest, "Ape ape, pri primape!", 'We could always battle him, if he looses he returns home to Ash.'

Butterfree sighed at his battle ready brother, "Creee cree!", 'It's not that simple.'

Starmie agreed, "Haaaaaa!", 'Nothing that includes stronger humans ever is.'

Cloyster, "Clo cloyster!", 'Our trainers are strong.'

Lucario shook his head getting up, -Humans have a different idea of strength.-

The aura Pokemon joined Ash as he went outside for some cool air, while the rest of the Pokemon bantered. It was getting stuffy inside and the stares coming at their table from the other passengers was starting to get to him. Ash smiled softly as he leaned against Lucario and gave a sigh humming a tune that was carried away by the wind. Lucario half wondered if that was a song from his trainer's previous world, it was a curious thing, reincarnation. Their moment was disturbed by a very familiar Elevtivire approaching them.

Lucario, -Master Elevtivire, enjoying the ride?-

Elevtivire nodded looking at Ash, "Vire?"

Ash, "I'm okay big guy, just was getting stuffy inside."

Elevtivire, "Vire, electivire."

Lucario, -Surge was worried.-

Ash nodded, "I'm fine, I promise. Just reminiscing the past. It brought back memories of when I first met Lucario as an egg."

Lucario hugged him, -Best thing that happened to me, Meema.-

The larger Pokemon nodded and sat down beside them and quietly enjoyed the cool ocean breeze, "Vire vire electivire vire."

Lucario smiled at the older Pokemon, -We will, don't worry.-

Roserade approached them after a while, "Ro rose."

Ash looked at the flower Pokemon, "Oh hello, is this for me? Thank you, you are really sweet."

Roserade blushed, "Ro ro roserade."

Ash smiled, "Thank your trainer too and tell him I accept his friendship. I'll even dry these flowers before storing it. That way it'll be with me forever."

Roserade smiled, he knew giving Ash the two flowers was a good way to ask his friendship, Drew better thank him, "Ro roserade."

Drew, "Roserade! There you are! What are you... Oh! I'm sorry my Roserade tends to give flowers to people he likes insisting I should try and have friends."

Ash chuckled, "Sounds like he worries a lot about you..... I accept by the way, this token of friendship."

Drew was surprised, "Really? I mean, you don't have to."

Ash smiled, "I don't mind having more friends... I'm Ash, my dream is to travel the world and open up my own blog channel one day. Which will hopefully be cheaper, more affordable and easily available for everyone."

Drew smiled, "I'm Drew, my dream is to become a Top Coordinator and surpass Wallace one day and become a Champion."

Ash, "Great to meet you."

Drew smiled, "Same!"

The two boys grinned as they talked about everything and nothing as they stayed outside enjoying the cool breeze. After a while they ended up exchanging their numbers with each other. Gary came looking for Ash and told him they were calling it a night. Gary nodded at Drew before leaving the two of them and joined the others frowning a bit.

Misty saw him, "What's wrong?"

Gary, "Huh? Oh it's probably nothing!"

Gou, "You are frowning, it must be something."

Chloe, "Talk to us."

Gary looked around and saw the adults were busy elsewhere, "Well, I saw Ash and Drew together outside... Ash was holding yellow and white roses, from Drew I guess."

Misty blinked and blinked again, "Holy Mew!"

Gou, "I knew he would attract attention soon, but not this soon."

AJ sweatdropped, "Come on you guys, those flowers mean friendship and hope. Together it means hoping for a good friendship."

Chloe, "Still... They are flowers."

Misty, "Okay, okay! Calm down.... We are probably jumping to conclusions here. Let's not look like dumbasses infront of Ash okay?"

Gary snorted, "He'll not let us live it down, if we did. Well I'm turning in for the night. Smell you later!"

Gou, "Me too, it has been an exciting day and this little guy needs sleep."

Scorbunny was looking at Caterpie with bright eyes, "Scor scor scor!"

Chloe, "I think I'll turn in too, Yamper and Nickit are knackered out."

Yamper was sleeping, "Yam yam purrr!"

Ash was wishing Drew good night, "I better get going, I can see my Pokemon waiting for me. I'll be heading to Saffron city next, what about you?"

Drew, "You have very protective Pokemon and I'll be heading to Celadon city."

Ash nodded before holding out his hand, "Let's win both of our ribbons."

Drew smirked taking his hand and kissing the back gently, making Lucario bristle, "Of course Ash I have to battle you again in the future."

Ash was pink in the face, "Oh! Ah! Drew I think I should tell you I'm not interested in relationships right now, well not outside of friendship that is. I want to establish a career path for myself first before even thinking about it."

Drew smiled, "Career first huh? I can get behind that actually. Hey after we both have established our careers, do you want to try?"

Ash laughed, "Sure if you are still interested in me that way by then."

Drew, "Of course I'll be why would I not?"

Ash shrugged, "Because seasons change, times change and people change so it's only normal for feelings to change too. It could be the feelings became deeper or it became platonic. You never know."

Drew laughed, "You are something else, but hey a guy can dream right?"

Ash, "Of course, after all a dream is a wish your heart makes~"

Drew lifted his eyebrow, "I'm missing something here, aren't I?"

Ash simply smiled walking away with Lucario being followed by an amused Electivire, "Who knows? Good night Drew, I'll watch you live on TV and cheer you on."

Drew, "Same Ash! Good night!"

Ash and his Pokemon moved towards the hall to wish the others good night before going to their rooms. Elevtivire had rejoined Surge at the gym leaders table getting a curious look from Koga which told Surge he wanted some gossip which was not work related. Ash was walking to his room when Lucario grabbed his hand and led him towards Red's room. Ash watched flabbergasted as Lucario took out a key card and opened the door entering the room.

Ash, "When did you?"

Lucario, -Big brother Red gave me an extra so I can bring you here Meema. We know you have trouble with small spaces.-

Ash, "I... Thank you Lucario."

Lucario, -No thanks needed, why don't you get ready for bed instead?-

Ash nodded and left to prepare for bed while Lucario decided to meditate and calm his emotions down. Red came in half way with Blue and was not surprised to see the Pokemon already there like Blue was. Lucario took the chance to rant about Drew to Red and Blue watched the whole thing amused although he had no room to talk as he was pretty protective over Gary as well. Ash came out after finishing washing up surprised to see both his older brothers in the room.

Red, "Ash, come here for a sec, baby bro. We need to talk."

Ash walked to them, "Is this about Drew? You don't have to worry about it, he is a gentleman and agreed to remain friends."

Blue, "No it's not about Drew kiddo, we know you have it handled, Lucario told us just now."

Lucario grumped like a petulant child, -I don't want some new person trying their moves on Meema. I don't like it.-

Ash laughed softly hugging him, "You don't need to worry Lucario. I'm not going to have a lover so soon, perhaps one day but definitely not now nor in the next few years."

Lucario, -Okay Meema!-

Ash, "So what is it you want to talk about?"

Red looked at Blue who nodded before turning to Ash, "I overheard what you talked about with your Pokemon and Mewtwo when you returned home after Vermillion City."

Ash looked down, "Oh! You did? I didn't notice you."

Blue, "And he then told me about it."

Ash nodded looking down, "Are you taking my liscence away? I know I sound crazy saying all that, but I promise I'm not making it up. I don't remember everything but I remember certain things. I'm not lying, please believe me."

Red sighed and placed his hand on Ash's head making him look up, "We know you were not lying Ash, and we are not taking away your liscence. You are a decent trainer."

Blue smirked, "Mewtwo can detect lies, a very blessed ability when it came to cracking down on abuse cases."

Ash sagged in relief, "Oh, thank you! So if that's not it then what do you want to know?"

Red, "The song you sang tonight, it was from your world wasn't it?"

Ash nodded, "I don't remember the details but yes, it was a song created for Lugia or was it Lugia's song. I'm not sure at this point."

Blue, "It felt like it was calling us home and talking to us. Very beautiful, even the trainers who would not give a cent about music was listening to you as you sang."

Ash, "Huh? I didn't notice, I was busy trying not to mess up and sing for my friends."

Red gave a wry smile, "I would not be surprised if some of them already uploaded it online. I want you to avoid being alone as much as possible when you get off the ship. Stay close to your friends."

Blue, "We noticed you got some obssessive fans who were born today."

Ash sweatdropped, "I think I rather worry about what my Pokemon will do to them if they try anything."

Red chuckled, "Perhaps but better safe than sorry. So Lugia's song huh..... Can you tell us about it? Whatever you remember."

Ash brightened up nodding before launching into a story telling about the second Pokemon movie that was created. He explained the legend of Lugia and the Chosen one to his audience of two humans and eighteen Pokemon. Red and Blue's Pokemon had joined them curious about the story, and Mewtwo made comments on how it was absurd of them to depend on a ten year old to solve problems. Ash gave him a small understanding smile and explained it was an anime and not everything in anime is logically correct. In the anime Mewtwo never found out about his parents and reason of creation like he did, Mewtwo in the anime only knew he was the strongest Pokemon in the world, nothing more.

Mewtwo, -Well I'm happy, it's not true. Do you plan to go there?-

Ash, "There? You mean Shamauti islands? Yes actually, I need to know why Lugia sent Articuno with one of their feathers."

Red, "You are not going alone. Either myself or Blue or Gold is going with you."

Ash blinked, "Gold?"

Red smiled, "He may seem like a goofball but he knows more about Lugia than anyone out there. He trained specifically to battle Lugia one day."

Ash, "Ah! I see, well he better not think about capturing Lugia, this one is necessary for our economy to stay stable, especially our food."

Blue, "He won't, he knows better. Wait does this mean you will go in search of Ho oh as well?"

Ash shook his head, "No I won't, in fact I'm pretty sure they'll come to me should it be necessary. Ho oh certainly didn't bother hiding themselves and showing off on my first day."

Lucario snorted, -No they didn't.-

Red, "At least I won't have to worry about you going after one Pokemon."

Ash, "I'm only going to the island out of curiosity nothing more. And also to make sure no one disturbed them."

Blue, "Well it could be worse. Well I'm gonna let you two sleep and see you tomorrow. It's late almost midnight actually."

Red, "Guess so, see you Blue!"

Ash, "Good night Blue."

Blue, "Smell you later!"

Ash giggled at that, "Good night big brother."

Red smiled as Ash made himseld comfortable in his bed, "Good night baby bro. Sleep well."

Red went to the bathroom and took a shower first before changing into night clothes and joining Ash, Lucario and Milotic on his bed along with his Pikachu and going to sleep. The next day they woke up and got ready to deport from the ship at Porta Vista, they would take another boat from there to Hubert port before heading to Saffron city. Ash had a pit stop he had to make at the island of Maiden's peak, hopefully everything would work out for the best.

Ash waved farewell to Drew who was taking another ship for Celadon and Gary who was returning to Vermillion city with Gou and Chloe. Gary would travel to Celadon from Vermillion with his old group like he normally did. In the meantime, Ash would enjoy the sights of Porta Vista especially the amusement park filled with giant Pokemon with his group. The owner spent quite a lot in the park and it was truly well thought out, Red joined Ash after putting on a disguise toake himself look like a normal teen and enjoyed the rare time relaxing. Red could admit his father was a good business man now if only he would drop Team Rocket completely, he may just forgive him.

[A. N.: tactless91 a little fluffy Ash and Drew moment for you.

As you requested it, I'll write the others with time so be patient with me. ;)]

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