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18.94% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 54: Kanto - Vermillion City

Capítulo 54: Kanto - Vermillion City

Ash spent the next few days till the gym battle training and battling other trainers that had come to Vermillion city. Just like he had remembered the closer the date was to the cruise day, the more trainers came to challenge Surge. Luckily he had already booked his battle two days before the cruise started so his Pokemon will get time to heal and enjoy the leisurely journey. It also interested him as Surge had told him there would be a contest being held on the ship for a ribbon. Ash and his Pokemon had doubled down on their training after learning that tidbit of knowledge. They were getting on that ship no matter what now, right now however they were taking a break from training and enjoying doing a bit of shopping.

Gou, "Ash, check out these models, you can even rotate your Pokemon."

Ash, "Those must be the costlier ones."

A voice came from behind, "They are Devon corps and Silph Co latest models made via joined effort."

Gou's eyes widened, "Steven Stone."

Ash, "The eleven year long Championship holder of Hoenn region."

Steven grinned, "That's me, although I'm an ex Champion now. Let's keep the fact I'm here a secret."

Misty nodded, "Oh yeah, the new Champion is Ruby, isn't it? He's one of the Gym leader's son, isn't he? I'm Misty."

Steven smiled, "Yes, Norman's eldest kid. A very talented young man, if not a bit of a loner. Nice to meet you Misty."

Ash smiled at him, "I'm Ash and I'm guessing you are here for the cruise."

Steven, "You caught me, Ash. So are you going to be there? I noticed two of you have the Thunder badge, which means you have tickets."

Jessilina, "We will be there, after Ash's battle. I am Jessilina."

Brock, "Brock and definitely."

Gou, "My name is Gou. We are waiting for our friend, Gary to return from Saffron."

Chloe, "He plans on winning a fourth badge first. Hello I'm Chloe."

Jameson, "And I'm Jameson. I can't wait to relax."

Steven, "Oh my, you sound like a tight group of friends. You are battling Surge Ash?"

Ash, "Two days before the cruise starts, which is two days from now. I'm giving my Pokemon a break today and we will pick up the training again tomorrow."

Steven nodded, "It's smart to pace yourself while training to get the best results."

Ash grinned, "So back to what we are doing, since you know these products best. Which one would you recommend?"

Steven looked at the pokenavs infront of him, "I would suggest the silver lined ones. They have a private and official contact saver which can help you save the numbers separately for friends, family and official business. It's even easier for the League to contact you if you have a separate official contact."

Misty looked at it thoughtfully, "Is that so?"

Brock, "Yeah, it could help during the times we can't be at the centre and need to call the Professor or someone else."

Jessilina, "It does sound useful. I think I'll get one too."

Misty, "Me too!"

Brock, "Count me in as well."

Steven smiled, "Well then, if you buy four of these pokenavs together, you get a twenty percent discount on the products."

Ash brightened, "Truly?"

Steven, "Yes, indeed. So will you fine folks be interested in buying them?"

Ash, "We definitely could use these to help us out a lot during our journey and in the long run would no doubt be very beneficial."

Steven smiled, "Very well, Mr Harvey, if you would."

Harvey, "Of course sir! Would you like to add the maintainance as well?."

Ash, "Yes please."

Gou, "I already have a phone so I don't need one."

Chloe, "I'll buy one when I get my pocket money. I still don't have enough."

Ash put his on his wrist and activated it, "Cool, I can now keep in contact with mom and Red now."

Steven, "Red? Wait you are Red's brother Ash?"

Ash blinked, "Yeah, I am."

Steven, "Good to finally meet you, he talks about you sometimes, during the Champions meet."

Ash blinked, "Whatever it is, I hope it's nothing embarrassing."

Steven grinned eyes twinkling, "Oh now that you mention it I have to ask him for those stories. And he did not say anything embarrassing, just stories about how you gifted him his first pokeball and how he met his because of you Charizard."

Ash, "Ah! I see. Ehehehehehe! It was an unplanned lucky accident."

Steven looked amused, "Very lucky. Now I need to get going, I was just taking a break from all the meetings I have been attending."

Ash, "I get it, Red does it sometimes."

Brock looked sheepish, "Yeah, I'm guilty of doing it too, when I was a gym leader before."

They left after saying goodbye to the Steven, they had decided to go to the park to have a bit of relaxation time and released their Pokemon so they could play around with each other. Seviper, Lickitung, Victreebell, Onix, Graveller, Lucario and Cloyster decided to relax while the rest of the Pokemon ran around playfully. Misty decided to Chloe about something that bothered her after a while.

Misty, "Hey Chloe, don't take it the wrong way but I have been wondering."

Chloe, "What is it Misty?"

Misty, "I have noticed that you skip classes and join us. Not that I mind honestly, but I need to know, is someone bullying you in school?"

Chloe shook her head, "What? No! No! No one is bullying me, I promise, it's just... Well, how to say?"

Ash blurted, "You have fangirls and fanboys."

Chloe looked bewildered, "What??? I have what?"

Misty sighed, "Couldn't have been more blunt myself... You have fans Chloe, who like what you did, but do not know who you are."

Chloe thought a bit, "That.... I guess... It's a little weird the way they act around me like they want something that I can't give. Not to forget awkward when they start asking questions I can't answer."

Gou, "You know you don't have to answer them right? We are not exactly allowed to speak details about what happened."

Brock, "Gou is right, if they get too nosy talk to one of your teachers. They can help you out."

Chloe nodded, "Yeah I know but it doesn't seem to stop them from pestering me. I was considering taking Yamper with me tomorrow."

Jessilina, "I'll ask Seviper to go with you, my handsome boy is terrifying when he needs to be."

Seviper smirked, "Seeeeeee."

Chloe, "I don't think we need to go that far. Anyway let's just enjoy the day."

They spent the rest of the day relaxing after that and the next day Jessie made good on her promise and Seviper had a bit too much fun, in Chloe's opinion, in getting her classmates to back off. Ash meanwhile got back to training his Pokemon and preparing his A game. Lucario was definitely a must as well as Pikachu, and Pidgeotto wanted to battle in the gym battles as she had enough of contest. Ash didn't mind and slotted her for Gym battles only group along with Togepi who agreed with her although he wouldn't be battling for now. Soon the day of the battle came and they were joined by Gary who showed off his fourth badge, the Marsh badge. Charmander sat next to Krabby who Ash decided should watch the battle to have an idea of what he was getting into.

Ralph, "This is an official gym battle for the Thunder badge between challenger Ash and Gym leader Surge. It'll be a three on three battle, the first one to win two battles wins. Battlers choose your first Pokemon."

Surge, "Let's go Raichu."

Ash, "Let's do this buddy."

Pikachu, "Pi pikachu."

Gary sweatdropped, "Pikachu really took the idea of becoming the strongest of his line seriously, didn't he?"

Misty chuckled, "Yeah, his goal is to defeat Red's Pikachu, who beat him in, under one minute."

Ralph, "Let the battle begin!"

Surge, "Quick attack!"

Ash, "Dodge Iron tail!"

Pikachu dodged Raichu at the last moment and hit him on the side with Iron tail making him skid on the field. Raichu got up holding his side and wincing, the younger had gotten a lucky hit.

Surge, "Raichu, you okay? Clever move kid."

Raichu got up, "Rai!"

Ash, "Thanks, agility Pikachu!"

Surge, "Double team!"

Pikachu used agility to move around the field while Raichu used double team to confuse Pikachu.

Ash, "Use your nose. Iron tail!"

Surge, "Thunder punch!"

Pikachu sniffed around the field before finding the real one and using Iron tail, Raichu had seen it coming and retaliated using thunder punch. The two electric types pushed against each other before separating and standing ready to keep on going.

Surge, "Thunderbolt!"

Ash, "Iron tail and prepare to Surf and electrify."

Pikachu slammed his tail to the ground letting it absorb the electricity while he gathered his strength and focus. The moment Raichu stopped he released his own attack taking Raichu by surprise. The older mouse Pokemon spluttered and gasped as the move ended and looked at the younger mouse bewildered. Even Surge looked surprised, he knew the Alolan Raichu could use that move but did not expect to see it. The shock however cost them as Pikachu used Iron tail on Raichu before shocking him with a powerful thunderbolt. Pikachu panted as he saw his evolution faint from the triple combo move.

Ralph, "Raichu is unable to battle, Pikachu is the winner. Choose your next Pokemon."

Pikachu lay down exhausted and dehydrated, the triple combo move was not exactly easy to pull. Surf being a water type move really drained him from fluids and add a steel type and electric type move to it, he was done and out despite the win. He felt Ash picked him up and he sleepily snuggled up to him, he could feel Ash run his aura coated hand over his fur helping his muscles relax a bit. It was a neat trick Lucario showed Ash and Ash loved using it, as it didn't take much strength.

Surge, "Not bad, I didn't expect the little guy to use Surf of all things. Gonna evolve him into the Alolan Raichu?"

Ash grinned, "That's the plan, but it'll be when I decide to go there. Till then, Pikachu is gonna train to be the strongest Pikachu in the world."

Surge smirked, "Of course, now then let's go Luxray!"

Luxray stood tall, "Lux!"

Ash lay Pikachu next to Charmander and Krabby, "Get some sleep bud, you are knackered out after pulling that move! Take care of him."

Charmander, "Char!"

Krabby, "Bibi!"

Pikachu, "Chaaaaa!"

Ash, "Let's go Pidgeotto!"

Pidgeotto, "Otto Pidgeo!"

Ralph, "Let the battle begin!"

Surge, "Thunder wave!"

Ash, "Steel wing to the ground followed by Steel ace!"

Luxray's thunder wave hit Pidgeotto but she bore it as it passed through the steel wing to the ground. Luxray was no doubt powerful, she would have to be careful. She shook the effects of the electricity off before launching into the combo of steel wing and aerial ace. The attack hit Luxray directly pushing him back by a few centimeters and despite the stubborn stance she could see the other Pokemon was affected.

Ash, "Pidgeotto roost!"

Surge, "Don't let her finish roosting hyper beam!"

Ash, "Mirror move!"

Pidgeotto opened her eyes and replicated Luxray's move and sent a hyper beam back the two attacks hitting each other.

Surge, "Tackle followed by thunder bolt!"

Ash, "Steel wing and hit him with toxic!"

Pidgeotto hit Luxray with the toxic move just as she was hit by thunder bolt. And boy it hurt despite managing to use the steel type move at the last second. It looks like she would have to consider increasing her endurance training no matter how boring it was. The two Pokemon panted being affected by the poison and electric attacks.

Ash, "Pidgeotto let's go one last time Steel ace! Give it everything you got!"

Surge, "Luxray, volt tackle!"

The two Pokemon rushed forward and did one last move hitting each other and creating a dust screen. When the dust settles both Pokemon were found out cold.

Ralph, "Luxray and Pidgeotto are unable to battle. This match is a draw. Choose your last Pokemon."

Surge, "Not bad! Using poison and steel type moves to counter the weakness your Pokemon have against electric types."

Ash, "Thanks, this battle isn't over yet! Let's go Lucario!"

Lucario, -Ready!-

Surge gave a smirk, "Oh ho! I better bring out my A game then, Electivire!"

A very strong Electivire stood in the battlefield, "Vireeeeeee!"

Brock gasped, "That Pokemon is from Surge's original team. I didn't think he would use one!"

Misty's eyes widened, "Really? I thought Surge refused to use them during gym battles because most trainers couldn't move past his already present Pokemon."

Gary whistled, "He looks pretty tough too."

Jessilina, "He must have been impressed by Ash to agree with his request then."

Gou, "This is so cool Chloe, we'll be watching one of Surge's original Pokemon battle!"

Chloe, "Stop shaking me Gou!"

Jameson, "Well, can't say we didn't see this coming. Didn't you say that Surge had him battle a trainer that got cocky enough to disturb them during the meet, Gou?"

Gou scowled then grinned, "Yeah, he was pretty arrogant and rude, Ash put him in his place though, using Jigglypuff of all Pokemon."

Misty, "Pfffffft, do you have that recording? I'll buy a copy."

Gou grinned, "20 pokedollars per copy good?"

Jameson, "It's a steal!"

Gary, "Give me a copy too!"

Ralph, "Begin!"

Surge, "Thunder punch!"

Ash, "Reflect followed by Force palm!"

The thunder punch hit the reflect mirror before Lucario used force palm. Electivire defended himself by putting his hands infront of him like a shield.

Ash, "Power up punch!"

Surge, "Mega punch!"

The two attacks hit each other sending a wave of power through the field that made the audience neck hair stand up. They shivered as they watched the two Pokemon go at it without any command from either Surge or Ash. One punch after another five times before they separated breathing hard.

Surge's grin was feral, "Body slam!"

Ash, "Dragon pulse!"

Elevtivire attacked Lucario and at the last moment was hit by a powerful Dragon pulse that sent him backwards. Lucario looked at the older Pokemon with respect, to be able to stand and still fight after getting hit by one of his powerful attacks. The canine Pokemon grinned excited, he rarely was able to go all out, only when big brother Red or Blue or Gary battled him, he let go.

Ash, "Meteor mash!"

Surge, "Earthquake!"

The meteor mash and earthquake hit each other creating a rumble that was felt through the city as a small tremour.

Surge, "Ice, fire and thunder punch!"

Ash, "Metal CC Sword dance!"

The two Pokemon fought against each other with elemental punches flying at Lucario and Elevtivire getting hit by metal type attacks in close combat. When they separated the two Pokemon were panting hard and were exhausted.

Surge, "Thunder punch everything you got!"

Ash, "Metal force palm! Full power!"

The two Pokemon rushed with their final attacks and hit each other. After a while Elevtivire fell to the ground fainting when Lucario got down on one knee panting hard.

Ralph, "Elevtivire is unable to battle! Lucario is the winner!"

Ash rushed to hold Lucario, "You won, Lucario you won!"

Lucario leaned against Ash smiling despite the exhaustion and pain, -We both did! We won!-

Ash laughed as he hugged him, "You were amazing!"

Surge walked up to Ash with an exhausted Elevtivire by his side, "Well done Ash, as proof of your victory, I present to you the Thunder badge! And of course the three tickets."

Ash grinned, "Thanks Surge! You were our toughest challenge. Thank you for agreeing to my request!"

Surge ruffled his hair, "I knew you give me a worthy battle! I never saw Elevtivire look more alive."

Elevtivire held out his hand which Lucario took and got up nodding his head in respect to the older Pokemon. Pikachu nuzzled Lucario in congratulations while Charmander and Krabby were looking at him with awe, the two young Pokemon had an idol. The others joined Ash and group hugged him as they congratulated him on his win.

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