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18.24% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 52: Kanto - Vermillion City

Capítulo 52: Kanto - Vermillion City

Red was honestly a bit reluctant to let Ash leave, he had cornered James at one point and questioned his intentions and informed him he knew that James was part of Team Rocket before. James assured him Team Rocket was no longer a criminal organization and the ones creating trouble were those who defected and refused to give up their selfish ways. Red knew Ash trusted James and Jessie for some unexplainable reason, despite the fact his knowledge showed that they was not trustworthy, and should he or Jessie break that trust. James smirked and nodded saying he understood and not to worry, he would keep Ash safe.

Red was sceptical however, "Really? That man just dissolved Team Rocket? You expect me to just believe he would do that."

James nodded, "Yes Champion, he did, Team Rocket was never meant to go that far. We are more along the gray zone rather than actual criminals."

Red lifted his eyebrow, "Explain Mewtwo then."

James, "The boss wanted to recreate the Mew colony, it's the reason why he spent so much money on the project. He was hoping to add them to the park he built for hurt and abused Pokemon. I assure you, we do not just blindly target Pokemon belonging to trainers without reason Champion, only the abused ones who belong to abusive trainers."

Red looked at James like he grew a second head, "That's it? Are you serious?"

James nodded, "Yes, I am."

Red, "Mewtwo?"

Mewtwo's eyes were glowing, -He is not lying.-

Red, "Why would he dissolve Team Rocket? He spent years and money on it. Bringing it where it is."

James, "Because he was making enemies without it even being his fault, and that was causing more loss than profit, most of the time. There were also backstabbers selling the information to other teams who are more crazy and half the organization had turned their backs on the one rule boss always followed. Stay away from poaching and black market. We have been trying to track down these traitors and clean house."

Red's eyes widened in realization, "It was you who killed them in Vermillion."

James nodded, "Yes I did, they were looking for someone called the Chosen One. The one who can calm the angry legendaries and stop evil on it's tracks. If you ask me it's tauros shit really! Do they really think the adults would stand by and let a child tackle the problems of this world? Or stand by as a child fights against adults who are more experienced than them? Also they were targeting Ash, no they don't know Ash's real identity only the female disguise that he wore but point is they have a profile on 'her', already."

Red gave a dark frown, "Are they now? Did they find them? Or suspect who they are?"

James looked at Mewtwo, "No, they do not know who this Chosen One is, however they did choose a few teens, and were grooming them. If they failed to find the Chosen One, they would restart the Mewtwo project and create more."

Mewtwo glared, -What does that mean?-

Mewtwo was livid and when he asked what James meant by that, the blue haired man explained, what the truth, they had found out about him was. The reason for his creation, the distraught parents just wanted their child back, unfortunately a few selfish and greedy people killed them and stole Mewtwo before he could wake up. To say Mewtwo's world view was shaken was an understatement, he was not meant to be a weapon like the scientist had told him but rather someone's child. James apologized to Mewtwo for what the scientist did to him and his family but Mewtwo shook his head and asked for his original files and now the three were headed to the base in Vermillion.

James, "This way, come!"

Mewtwo, -I would not have suspected a high class restaurant to be your base.-

James smiled, "Boss is a businessman before he's anything else."

Mewtwo contemplated that, -I see, no wonder he never bothered to search for me like most power hungry lunatics were expected to do.-

Red sighed, "It makes sense why he was shocked when I accused him. Man you got some fucked up people working for you."

James, "Would you give him a chance then?"

Red, "What do you mean?"

James, "The boss, would you give him a chance to prove that he's not the horrible man you think he is?"

Red was quite, "Perhaps, but time will tell. He really hurt mom, you know?"

James gave a small smile, "It's a start."

Mewtwo turned to Red, -I wish to visit their graves, at least tell them I'm alive and well.-

Red looked at Mewtwo with a soft expression, "Of course, Mewtwo anything you want."

James led them to the base much to the surprise of the others but they didn't interfere, of anything goes wrong it would be on his head no one else. James left them to the main control center and sent a word to the boss about what he was about to do. Giovanni was surprised when he saw the message but agreed, he didn't want to fight with his kids anymore and he had business to run. James was given permission to access Mewtwo's files, the real ones and hand them over to Red who took them quietly and teleported out of there with Mewtwo. They had a lot to think about and the past to go through and Red needed to consider how to approach his father.

Ash and the others on the other hand were training for their third gym battle, he was helping Misty's Pokemon raise their endurance against electric attacks. Pikachu in turn was learning to control the intensity of his attacks by shooting his thunderbolt at different levels of power. He had even learned how to paralyse a Pokemon not matter their type using a certain amount of electricity, which made him look at Graveller smugly when he was unable to move. Ash had congratulated him on learning and mastering static before showing him the move called volt tackle.

Jessilina, "Tomorrow is my gym battle, hopefully I will win."

Chloe, "Of course you will, you, Sandshrew, Wobbuffet and Seviper have been training real hard."

Misty, "Yeah, Jess, no sweat, I on the other hand really need to come up with a strategy, outside of Oddish having an advantage against electric types, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do."

Jess, "I'm sure you will come up with something. By the way Ash how was your meeting with Surge today? You don't have to tell us of course, only if you want to."

Ash smiled brightly, "The meeting went better than the last time. Charmander still has anxiety yes, but it is not as bad as before. He can now stay separated from me for half an hour at least. It's not much I know but it's a start. Going home and introducing him to mom was a great idea. Not to forget having his mother, Red's Charizard around helped as well."

Misty grinned, "That's awesome Ash, I'm glad he's getting better."

Gou grinned, "Lt Surge is really cool, not only is he awesome at battling, he really knows what he is doing when it comes to hurt Pokemon."

Brock, "I think, I will join you in your next meet if you don't mind. Can I actually?"

Ash, "Sure, as long as you don't interfere, Surge says it's fine."

Brock, "Great. Your next meet is tomorrow evening right? I will join you not only to observe and learn but also as support."

Ash, "Sure."

Jameson met up with them after their training ended, "Hey everyone."

Ash smiled, "Red finally let you go?"

Jameson, "You got one overprotective big brother, not that it's a bad thing. He cares about you a lot."

Ash grinned brightly, "I know he does."

Brock, "Welllllllllll, to be honest, as an older brother I can understand where he is coming from. Red has met Misty, Gou and Chloe before and he met me during the Gym leader meetings so he knows us. You and Jessilina are unknowns to him, but he probably respects for what she did back in Mt Moon so that left you as the only unknown in the group."

Jameson sighed, "Yeah, I can see that actually. But I think we got a bit of trust going between us now."

Gou smiled, "That's a good start right?"

Jessilina, "I'm happy you made it."

Jameson gave a grin, "Wouldn't miss your battle. Shall we get dinner? I bet you are all hungry."

Everyone cheered as they went to the stake house that Vermillion City was famous for and got their famous stakes. The next day they went to the gym to cheer Jessilina on her battle against Surge for a badge. Chloe had even skipped class to watch her battle that surprised everyone but they didn't comment and cheered for Jessilina instead.

Ralph, "This is an official Gym battle between challenger Jessilina and Gym leader Surge for the Thunder badge. This will be a three on three battle, the first one to win two matches is the winner. Battlers pick your first Pokemon."

Surge, "Let's go Magneton."

Magneton, "Magne!"

Jessilina, "Time to shine Wobbuffet!"

Wobbuffet, "Wobba!"

Ralph, "Let the battle begin!"

Surge, "Magneton, thunder wave."

Jessilina, "Mirror Wobbuffet."

The attack hit the mirror move and got returned to Magneton who absorbed it back.

Surge frowned, "Tackle."

Jessilina, "Mirror again!"

Magneton hit the invisible wall and shook her head annoyed by the Pokemon infront of her.

Surge, "Clever choice of Pokemon. Electric terrain."

Jessilina, "Thank you. Be careful Wobbuffet."

The terrain move covered the battlefield making Wobbuffet look around warily as Magneton looked like she got a power boost but he was not backing down either.

Surge, "Magneton, full charge thunder shock break through the mirror."

Jessilina bit her lip, "Wobbuffet Safeguard and mirror together followed by Charm."

The thunder shock hit the mirror and safety and despite the double defense broke through shocking the Psychic Pokemon although the affect was lessened a bit.

Surge, "Electro ball! Magneton?"

Jessilina, "Good job Wobbuffet you charmed her into lowering some of her strength."

Magneton however shook herself before she started to charge up a powerful electro ball.

Ash, "Pikachu observe Magneton carefully as she uses that move."

Pikachu nodded, "Pi pika pikachu."

Jessilina but her lip Wobbuffet was affected by the attack from before and would not last long, "Destiny bond!"

Magneton released the attack just as Wobbuffet launched his move and hit Magneton. The electric ball hit Wobbuffet who was unable to create a defense and knocked him out which in turn knocked Magneton out as well.

Ralph, "Both Magneton and Wobbuffet are unable to battle, this match is a draw. Battlers pick your second Pokemon."

Surge laughed as he returned Magneton, "Very impressive young Lady. Interesting choice in Pokemon too. Let's go Elekid."

Jessilina grinned returning Wobbuffet, "Thank for the praise. Your turn Sandshrew."

Ralph, "Let the second battle begin."

Jessilina, "Mudshot Sandshrew."

Surge, "Dodge followed by thunder punch."

Jessilina, "Dig to dodge!"

Elekid dodged the mudshot before going in for a punch which Sandshrew dodged by digging into the ground.

Surge, "Discharge down the hole."

Jessilina, "Sandshrew come out and use metal claw."

Elekid used discharge and forced Sandshrew out who retaliated with metal claw making the electric type hiss in pain.

Surge, "Elekid mega punch."

Jessilina, "Gyro ball."

The two attacks collided against each other creating a dust cloud.

Jessilina, "Now roll out like we trained."

Sandshrew began to roll around Elekid hitting him over and over again.

Surge, "Wait for it now ice punch!"

Jessilina, "Metal claw with tackle roll out."

The two Pokemon collided against each other and the metal claw neutralised the ice punch leaving Elekid open to be hit hard by the combined tackle and roll out knocking him out.

Ralph, "Elekid is unable to battle, Sandshrew wins the match. Gym leader please call your final Pokemon."

Surge, "You did great bud, get some rest. Let's go Luxray."

Jessilina returned Sandshrew who was panting, "Great job Sandshrew, get some rest. Let's go Seviper."

Ralph, "Let the battle begin."

Surge, "Thunder shock Luxray."

Jessilina, "Iron tail to the ground, let it pass then use poison fang."

The thundershock hit the snake Pokemon and thanks to training with Pikachu, he was able to stand against the attack before launching into his own attack. Luxray however dodged the attack by jumping up high.

Surge whistled, "Very impressive, he was able to take Luxray's attack head on."

Jessilina smirked, "Thank you. Seviper poison tail."

Surge, "Night slash!"

The two attacks collided against each other hard, the Pokemon noticed backing down and glaring at each other before they separated.

Surge, "Fire fang."

Jessilina, "Poison fang!"

The two dodged the others attack and managed to bite the other causing them to separate because of the pain. They hissed and growled as they were both affected by the attack.

Surge, "Let's finish this, take down."

Jessilina, "Sword dance give it all you got."

Seviper went in and started to fight with the electric type in close combat while Luxray used a final move. The two Pokemon clashed one more time before they separated and glared at each other. Then they both fainted in the battlefield.

Ralph, "Both Luxray and Seviper are unable to battle. However since Jessilina still has one Pokemon standing she is the winner of the Gym badge."

Jessilina, "We won, barely."

Seviper woke up, "Seeeeeee Seviper."

Jessilina hugged him, "We won handsome, we won."

Seviper lifted his head proudly, "Se Seviper."

Surge walked to her, "Well done Jessilina, as proof of your victory here, take this a Thunder badge and of course three tickets for the ship Nautilus, per winner."

Jessilina took the badge and the tickets, "We won and even got the tickets. Here Jameson, Brock take one each."

Jameson smiled, "Thanks Jess."

Brock grinned, "You are just as kind as you are beautiful, you touch my hearrrrrk."

Zubat, "Zu zu."

They laughed at Brock's predicament, he never seems to learn to not make his Pokemon jealous. Surge snorted at Brock's comedy act before turning to Ash and reminding him of his appointment later in the evening. Ash nodded and promised to be there in time and he would bring Pidgeotto and Togepi along as well this time. The group left for the centre together before going separate ways to either train like Ash and Misty or do class work like Chloe or get back to work like Gou, Surge, Jessilina and Jameson. Brock decided to tag along with Ash and Misty to play referee in case they decided to do mock battles again.

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