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0.99% THE LAST ASSASSIN(Rinleigh's Legend) / Chapter 2: CHAPTER 1: Sold to Hell

Capítulo 2: CHAPTER 1: Sold to Hell

"It was never my enemies I had to watch out for. It was the ones

screaming: I LOVE YOU"

- Unknownymous


They are fighting yet again. It seems that dad is having a hard time again. Dad just remained silent after hearing such hurtful words from my mom, and decided to just slum the door open and went out of the house without saying a single word.

I know Mom doesn't mean all of her words, and I know that she was only swayed by her anger from seeing dad going home drunk. I knew that she knew that Dad is not the type of person who doesn't care about us. It is also not in his character to get himself drunk. We all knew that the only reason why he would drink alcohol was because of that drunkard in our place who loves to bully people going to across their direction. They love picking fights with those people who will refuse their offer of drinking with them. And in my father's case, it seems that his problem is because, he didn't get himself paid by his boss, because of his history of being an ex-convict. His effort, time, and honesty were always disregarded from their work, by his boss.

It may sound painful, but his being an ex-convict is not his fault. He was only accused of the crime he never did. He was accused of killing a minor five years ago. He was sentenced to three years in jail for the crime he never did. Jailed for the crime when all he did is to be a good Samaritan and ask for the help of the authority. He helps and yet he was the one being accused of the fault that he never did. And now we are the ones' suffering. Me and my Mom can't do anything to save him from being jailed. And save his face from being accused by those rich people from our place who deepened him on the crime which I have the hunch, that they are the one who killed the minor. They said they are also there when my father killed the guy. And that they were blackmailed by my dad whom I doubt would ever happen since we all know that my father is a good guy. Even the people in our place could not dare to believe the news when they heard my father killed someone.

But as a kid, I have no say to that. I also have no evidence to prove my hunch. As a young kid, at the age of seven, all I can offer that time is my tears of sorrow. Tears that keeps on falling because of my sympathy on my dad's innocence. In addition to that, no one would ever defy those rich students. Who wouldn't? All of them are from a well-known family, while we are broke. And even though, the government has given us a lawyer to defend my father, I could say that everything was useless. Because all he did was stuttered on the court, and can't even defend my father's innocence. So in the end, all we could ever do was pour our eyes out, cry as much as we can while my father was sentenced to be jailed for years.

Because of his record, my father, I, and my mom were always bullied by those people who don't have even the slightest idea about what happened five years ago. And after my father was discharged from jail, mom and dad often fight. Mom blames my father for what happened five years ago.

The small amount of money that my father save from his construction work was always given to me for my studies in secret. I am 12 years old now. And even though I am a full scholar from a prestigious school, there are still so many payments and projects that is need to be paid for my compulsory studies.

I peek from our small window near our small wooden table, that we use as our sink in the morning and evening, and saw my father walking away, with heavy footsteps, a wrinkled forehead and eyebrows knitted together. It is already obvious that he is fuming mad, just by the way he stood and walked out.

These past few months, my father is no longer giving my mom money for our budget and me for an extra allowance that was used for my studies, which I completely understand. It is really sad to think that my father is experiencing such a huge problem that he's keeping to himself this past few months. I think that those people from the construction site are bullying him too much. And even though it would be a good idea to just leave such a terrible workplace, it will never be good for him, since that is the only job that can still choose to accept him, disregarding his records. That construction site is the only job he was able to get so he could feed us, and all he can ever do is to swallow every bit of pride, ego, and self-esteem he has to keep his job and feed us all three times a day.

Three weeks passed by so fast, and dad doesn't show up again at the door of our house. Three weeks and yet he's not returning home. It is also on those three weeks where I consistently see my mom waiting late at night in the outdoor of our house waiting for my father's return. It was really funny how my mom will choose to pretend that she's not waiting for her father whenever she saw me looking at her. She will just remain silent, act as if nothing happened, and return to their room, like I didn't saw her waiting outside our door, patiently.

The next day, I decided not to go to school and look for my father's whereabouts. I started to go to the construction sites where he was working and decided to talk to their foreman. Where I found out, that my father was fired because he was accused of stealing money from their boss's office last week.

My blood immediately boiled as I hear the news, feeling all the heat in my face that makes me want to punch the old hag straight in the face. Because I know my father is not that kind of guy who will steal something from someone. He was raised with pride and dignity as a human being, and yet his dignity was being tainted by false accusations and ideas about him, because of his criminal record. That is why, as much as I want to hurt the old hag in front of me, I just can't bring myself to do so, for I still need something from him.

I ask him casually where I could get in touch with my dad, which he answered fast. He said my father is staying in his friend's house. I was shocked and happy at the same time after knowing that my father has a friend now after five years of being in hell. I ask him where I could locate his friend Lito's place and found out that his place is just three kilometres away from our place.

I was excited and happy at the same time to tell him the good news. Mom said she is no longer mad at my father, and that he can go back to our house again. And also, mom is really worried about him.

When I reach my destination and saw my dad for the first time in three weeks, I couldn't stop not to throw myself at him, because I miss him so damn much. My father hugged me back so tight that it made me feel that he is also longing for my presence. I love my father, more than anyone else in this world. For me, my dad is the best dad I could ever know in my entire life.

After our heart-warming reunion, I look at him and recognize his red eyes. It looks like a simple sore eye to me, but because of his dropping weight, he is now looking like an addict. What the hell is happening to my beloved father? Is he not eating three times a day? Are his eyes sore? Is he taking drugs? I am really worried about his condition, that I couldn't stop myself from getting a bit overreacting because of his look.

" Are you ok Dad? Are you eating three times a day? Do you have sore eyes?" I asked worried while cupping his face with my small hands.

" I am fine sweetheart. You don't need to be so worried about me." He said smiling from ear to ear.

Even though, father told me he's fine, still couldn't get myself not to feel worried about his condition. I am still bothered by how red his eyes, and how his weight dropped in just three weeks.

" Dad, why are your eyes red?" I asked, with a hint of worry.

"Ah! Eh... N-nothing s-sweety. I just scratch it a-accidentally a-awhile ago." He answered stuttering with his own words while looking elsewhere.

I disregard his looks and the topic, even though I'm still worried about him, and decided to just tell him my good news, about mom being worried and that she's no longer mad at him. I am all smile while telling him all my story, on how I aces all our exams last week. How mom, use to wait for his return patiently every single night, and how much I miss him. I am so happy to see and talk with dad like this that I couldn't get a hold of the time, as my father remained silent listening to all my stories. It was already 8:00pm when I realized that we still have to go back home.

Father peeked on the small window inside his friend's house and saw how darkness swallowed the light from the sun. I got excited telling him stories that I didn't get the track of time. My father seemed bothered throughout my storytelling, based on his expression from his wrinkled forehead and his red and almost stick-on eyes.

"I think it would be better if we spend the night here Ayesha dear since it's already dark outside if you don't mind. I knew your mother won't mind it too anyway, since it is already dangerous outside if we still go home at this time around." He said smiling.

But because of the way he looked right now, I can't help myself not to get creeps out of him. He fucking looks like a freaking addict now. And so, I decided to just discard the thought since I know my father would never be that careless. Taking drugs is just so not him. And it is out of character, that's why him being an addict, is very impossible.

When a tall and skinny guy with white skin showed up, my father immediately welcomed his' presence and introduce him to me as his friend. I give uncle Lito my sweetest smile as he smiled at me too, returning mine. I gave him my greatest gratitude for keeping my father sheltered for three weeks, which he only answers with a laugh and a welcome. He then asked me and my father to join him for dinner, eating the smoked chicken that he bought home.

The next day, I greeted uncle Lito and Dad a good morning happily, as I saw them laughing while talking, enjoying each other's company. But this only made them stop laughing and look at each other. What the hell is happening here?

Later that day, dad talked to me about having Uncle Lito to drive us home. He said uncle offered us a ride since he has his tricycle. I immediately agreed with the idea since it would be convenient for us to have someone take us for a ride home.

But while we are inside his tricycle, I noticed that we are taking the wrong route. The route is far from the direction of our home. I panic as the thought cross my head and noticed that my father seems not to care about it.

" Dad? What's happening? This is not the right route to our place!" I exclaimed as I start poking uncle Lito. My heart drummed inside my chest. I don't want to think bad about my father and uncle Lito, but my hunch is telling me, I am doomed.

" Uncle! We're heading in the wrong direction! Our place is on the left side of the road, and not here!" I almost shouted to my uncle, because of panic.

"D-dad?" I call out my father's name with terror.

I was terrified. Really-really terrified as I saw my father and uncle nod to each other before my father pulled me close to him and cover my nose and mouth with a white cloth. I felt dizzy as the smell of that tiny cloth consumed my whole system. My eyes became blurry, while my head is spinning. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and my body felt so numb.

" I'm sure we can sell your daughter at a high price Peping! I was hoping that we can get not just one pack of ecstasy from selling her out!" I heard my uncle said while laughing. He seems too excited about selling me out.

" You said that right Lito! I'm pretty sure that our boss would love this daughter of mine! She's pretty and smart. And to sum it all up, she's still young and a virgin! Bwahahahahahahaha" my father's laugh echoed inside my ear. That's the last thing I heard from them before I was eaten by darkness.


When I open my eyes, light consumed my whole system. My head feels so light, and my vision is blurry. I could feel my head spinning for some reason, but I don't feel anything. I look side by side to see where I am, only to find out that I am inside a cell made up of stone and metal railings. The place looks like a cave or something, because of its stone-like form.

I look at the people who's looking at me intently, that is also inside the cell with me. Many of their populations are native kids, at the range of 4-12 years old like I am. All of them are just silently looking at me. Some are standing, some sat on the cold block of stone, while some sat on the cold stoned floor. No one dares to talk, as well as no one dared to take their eyes off me. But their eye seems to tell me, that this is already the end for us, so be ready.

I don't feel comfortable with the way they look but since I couldn't make any good thing to say, I just let them stare. I tried to open my mouth, but still fail to utter a single word, so I just remained silent. It seems as if I swallowed my tongue for some reason. My throat felt sore as well as my head.

It did not take too long before two armed men enter our cell. Both are full of tattoos on their body including their faces. One with a short hair, while the other has a long one. They have pierced in their ears, nose and mouth. They both look creepy as their eyes roamed around the kids inside the cell. Their body is huge, with so many scars on it. The kids inside the cell seems to feel very uncomfortable. They all look nervous and terrified at the same time. The two men didn't utter a single word, all they did is drag the three kids near the metal bar, including myself. Then they dragged another kid who is standing near my place.

The two armed men dragged us by force. I felt like my bones will come off my body by the way they tugged me. They pushed us hard to get us out of the arena. The noise is getting louder as we get to the metal gate even closer. As soon as we reach the metal bars, the two armed men pushed us out in a very harsh way.

My eyes were filled with light from the sun above us, while my ears were filled with the deafening noise from the crowd. I decided to close my eyes for a moment, since my sight is still blurry. And as soon as I open my eyes again, three boys whom I think we're the same age as I am caught my attention. They have this weird emo look and get up. All of them have fair and white skin. The guy in the center has red hair, he's wearing black earrings on both ears and a black jacket and black pants. While holding two dagger knives in his hands.

Even the guy on his left is wearing the same as the guy in the center. He has green hair, and an earring in his left ear, with a cross design. He is holding a gun, in both hands too. While the guy on his right, wears white sando, a black jacket, and black shorts. He has a black hair and he's wearing a gold necklace with a skull pendant. Also, he's holding a baseball bat in his one hand. Compare to the three kids in front of us, we are all short and skinny, and we are all wearing handcuffs on both of our hands and feet.

If we were to fight these three kids inside this arena, it would be too obvious that the five of us are at a disadvantage. Anyone who ever thinks about this bullshit is a fool and an asshole. And still, they are putting bets on us? How could they? Do they think we're animals who are meant to be killed for fun? FUCK THEM ALL!

As soon as we heard the gong sounds, the four kids who are with me started running on the table with so many weapons. Each of them starts taking different weapons to protect themselves. Some took daggers, bow and arrow, lance, and even guns, but still failed to kill the three. They were all killed mercilessly by those rock star punks, not even after they get the chance to point their weapons at them. The three kids are on the hunt. All of them have fast movements and intent to kill.

While the four native boys are being killed, I just stood there watching. Watching as how they were killed by the three hunters. Watching, and waiting for someone to wake me up from this nightmare. Standing there doing nothing, with my heads spinning, while my body felt so numb for some reason, even I doesn't know. Watching with a confused look all over my face, asking what did I do in my past life to deserve all these shits? What did I do in my past life to be in this kind of situation?

"Is it my time to die now? Are they done killing the four native boys, so I am next?" I ask myself while watching the three punk, walk-in my directions with these creepy grins, and smirk plastered on their faces.

I fell off my knees, as I felt the warm liquid osmoses from my leg. It seems that someone shot me, but I still feel numb. I'm not even on the right mind to even think about the pain.

"Am I no longer loved by my father? Why did he sell me out for a pack of ecstasy? Am I not his daughter?" I felt the warm liquid start falling from my eyes, as I remember how I got here. My demon of a father whom I thought all my life is my guardian angel hides his horn from all of us for a long time. How dare he do this to his blood? How could he put me inside this hell?

I let myself stay lying on the cold floor of the arena, as I continue crying my heart out, wishing that all of my pain can be wash out if I do so. I cried so much, asking God, what did I ever do to be in this kind of situation?

"Is it the end of me?" I ask myself again while crying, as I felt another pain from my shoulder.

I touch my left shoulder using my right hand to know, why I suddenly felt pain on that part. I pulled the dagger on my shoulder without a second thought, not minding the excruciating pain that I felt on my left shoulder, and my legs. I started to stand on my feet, while holding the dagger, with my blood dripping on its tip. I look at the dagger in my hand emotionlessly as I look at the three kids approaching my direction.

I felt as if, someone is going to hit me something in the head. So I grab the guy's necklace and stab him with the dagger in my hand absentmindedly in his neck. Bit by bit, my situation began to clear inside my head, and the loath for my father started to build inside my heart, that I never felt for him before. I want him dead. I want him to experience hell too. I want to bring him to this hell, where he brought me, and burn him alive together with these jerks who are treating us kids like toys and animals who are only meant to be killed.

The death of the four native boys begun to get clear in my head, and how they were killed. I gave the two hunters a death glare as I saw the green head guy point his gun in my direction and start shooting. I use the guy with the baseball bat's body as a cover, in his every shot. I run as fast as I can to reach the table with different weapons and get a pair of guns too.

I left the guy with a gold pendant on the cold floor as I started pointing my guns at the green head hunter, and start pulling the trigger. I showered the green head guy with my bullets before I saw him fall on the floor, receiving five shots on his stomach, three in his chest, and one on his forehead.

Two down, and one more to go. I look side by side to see where the redhead guy, but seen no one. 'WHERE THE FUCKING HELL IS THE REDHEAD ASSHOLE ANYWAY?' I ask myself completely piss off, for I couldn't find the red head hunter. Only the shocked faces of the audience are all I can see, but not the last hunter. Damn! This no fun at all!

I was shocked for a moment, as I felt another excruciating pain on my back that made me let go of the gun I was holding just awhile ago. I touch my back and saw another dagger stabbed on it. The red head hunter tries to stab me for the third time, so I use the chain on my hand to dodge his attack by coiling my shackles in his arm, and together with it, I also coil my shackles in his neck. Choking, until he lost the life out of him.

I stood at the center looking at all the shocked faces of the audience. I took a deep breath and thought my war is done. But the ten armed men proved my speculation wrong, as they start getting inside the arena, and beat the hell out of me until I lost consciousness.

Xien_xien Xien_xien

HALLLOOOUUU! This is Xien xien on your screen!

So far, how do you find my first chapter? I would really love to know whats on your mind. How do you find the story?

Do you find it strange too? For someone like Ayesha, the MC in this story to be such a good fighter at the young age, and how her father sold her? It's not really normal, but I really hope you like it, anyway...

PS: there would be few changes in my chapters, since I tried to apply my readers suggestions for the improvement of my story...

So I am really sorry, for the inconvinience, no worries if you were able to read the old version, the flow of the stories are still there.

I really tried my best in editing my grammar and spelling, so I really hope it's already fine...

And if this is your first time here, I wanted to welcome you, in this story and I hope you enjoy your stay. ^ ^.


UP NEXT: First Encounter

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