Kornath circled to my right, away from my shield. "You'll not win by backing up like that."
"Haven't lost yet." I said. "Shouldn't you have won already if you're the legendary axe hero?"
He shrugged. "The combat portion of this is going to be boring." He swept his axe between us, whether for his own benefit, or to intimidate me, I would never know.
I blinked. "That sounds different than a normal axe cutting the air." I said.
"Indeed. But watch this." The axe shifted in his hands. Not the way the genuine article shifted in Rakkal's, but it was close.
I squinted. "I've seen..."
He came in low, and swung upward. It wasn't Flash Step, but it was close enough. I was able to get my shield in the way, but the force knocked me back a step.
[Your shield has absorbed 16 points, and taken 10 points of damage. 20/30 Condition remain.]
I debated just how much of the axe lessons from Lavin Buscala to bring here in flashback; I think zero was the right amount. Having flashbacks during battle is a good way to kill off characters.
And I was originally going to have Malkin pull Rhishi out of the menagerie, but then realized that he would plan for Rhishi to do the escaping part for him.
Gift shouts- Most Recent: MPod, Largest single gifter: The_mage1zansabar.
Daily shout - Hopehard, our top daily power stone donor for today.
As always, thank you for your readership! It matters to me more than I can put into words.