There were spiders still in the woods to the west of Whitehill, but for the most part, they lurked in the shadows, and even after nightfall, they left us alone.
"So tell me what you told Guur." Uma told me.
"Huh?" I said. "I don't remember doing anything like that."
"He says you came to him in a dream and taught him to replace suppressed traits with valid ones."
I blinked. "Is he certain that was me? I mean, I only just learned of that technique a few days ago."
"He swears it was you." she said. "Called for his armor one day, and he's training to be on the front lines again. It's all he talks about."
"That certainly doesn't sound like me." I said. "But who stands to gain by pretending to be me? And why teach Guur how to... to do something... Damn it."
She smiled at me, that predatory smile that carnivorous teeth were so good at.
Yes, it's been that kind of war. The victors have emotional scars that change them for life. I was going to go into that in depth, but I feel that would disrespect the people fighting in the Ukraine, people who are going through that level of horror and stress daily.
And, if you've been reading closely, you already know how the Tidelands is going to fight such a massive force. But no spoilers from me, I'm trying not to think I've overdone the ground work, given everything away already.
Gift shouts- Most Recent: The_mage1zansabar, Largest single gifter: The_mage1zansabar.
Daily shout to Hopehard, our top daily power stone donor for today.
As always, thank you for your readership! It matters to me more than I can put into words.