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47.05% Soul-Mates / Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Capítulo 7: Chapter 7

The rest of the week flew by until my alarm went off at 5am Friday morning. I was nervous as hell but I needed to do this for Aden so he didn't lose most of his life because I died. I showered fast and dressed fashionably and ran downstairs at 5:45am to place my bag by the stairs and heard a light tapping on the front door. I looked out the window and saw Aden's beautiful smile so I opened the door. He kissed me right away passionately and when we separated he said "That may be the last kiss I get from you until Tuesday so I wanted to make it good." I laughed and he then said "Ok, where do you want the bite babe? It's best on a major artery like in the groin and neck but we can't use the neck for this. Other places will work but will take longer but it's up to you." I looked at him blankly and said "You just want to get to my groin" and laughed. He replied with a laugh "No, I'm telling you the truth but that is an added bonus for me." I sighed and said "What's the difference in time between a groin bite and an arm or ankle bite in the way of time?"

He called his dad on his cell and put it on speaker with low volume but I was standing right next to him and could hear it. His dad answered "Hello?" Aden said "Hey dad, I'm at Ryan's to start his transformation and he wants to know how much longer it will take if I bite his arm or ankle versus the arteries in his groin." You could hear shuffling around and then pages turning and he finally said "AhhA, ok it says 'An ankle, leg or arm bite takes 4 and a half days but a groin bite completes the transformation in 4 days flat because it is closer to the heart and will be pumped toward the brain more rapidly and will disperse through the body faster from the main arteries into all adjoining veins." I sighed and said "Well, I'd rather not have to go through an extra half a day of what you said would be misery so groin it is." His dad chuckled and said "Have fun boys, see you after school." I grabbed Aden's hand and led him to my bedroom, closing the door behind us and said "Don't get any bright ideas, keep your hands to yourself during this and I'll sit on your lap at lunch today without giving you a hardon or I will try my best not to because a stiff breeze makes you hard." He laughed and agreed.

I pulled down my jeans and laid back on my bed. Aden got to his knees in front on my spread legs and twisted my leg slightly outward before rubbing my thigh gently which caused goose bumps to rise all over my body and my heartbeat got much faster. He smirked and said "That's exactly what I needed to happen. Now, I'm going to try to raise your heart rate a bit more and then bite without warning so prepare yourself as best you can." I nodded and took a few deep breaths as he kissed a spot on my thigh and it took all I had to not moan. My thighs have always been sensitive. He slid his hand up and pushed my boxers out of the way so he could reach the right spot on my groin without exposing my little friend down there. He ran his nose along the line barely skimming the skin and my heart was pounding just as he bit. I stuck my hand in my mouth and pulled my pillow over my face because that hurt like hell. He kept his fangs in, I'm assuming injecting the venom or whatever he called it and finally pulled back and licked the wound shut which was REALLY pleasurable for both of us it seems if his soft moan was any indication which made me blush.

When he was finished I got up with his help and pulled my jeans back up and as I opened my bedroom door I felt a slight wave of dizziness and had to grip the wall. Aden said "Yea, that's just the beginning babe, I'm sorry but afterward you'll be stronger, faster, heal much faster, live way longer, hear better, be able to shift into a wolf and you'll always have your wolf in your head to speak to no matter what, a constant companion." I replied "Just help me through this as best you can." He said "Of course babe, I'll be right here." I smiled weakly and then tried to take a step away from the doorframe and wobbled a bit but managed to make it down the stairs ok. I sat at the table and Aden started the coffee pot and began cooking. I drank most of the first pot of coffee before my mom made it downstairs so Aden made another pot.

I tried to hide that I wasn't feeling well but she could tell I felt horrible by my grimace of a smile and pale complexion. She immediately walked over and put her hand on my forehead and said "Oh my god Ryan! You're burning up baby boy! You are SO not going to school today. I'm calling Mrs. Pope to see if she can sit with you while I'm at work." I sighed and said "Mom, I am fine, I can go to school." She scoffed and said "You'll go back to school when I say and not a moment sooner son." I groaned and put my head down on the table. I said almost in tears "I'm so sorry Aden. Our first Friday as a couple in school and I can't go. I feel terrible; I want to cry right now." Den kissed my temple and hugged me to his chest before saying "Next Friday will be just as good as today babe. Relax and try to relax so you can feel better as soon as possible." I whispered to him "It feels like it's already getting worse. My bones hurt, my muscles all feel like they're ripping apart, I'm freezing and nauseated." Aden said "That's normal babe, just try to rest and drink plenty of fluids and if you can stand to eat, keep your stomach full because your body will burn many more calories now more than ever while your body transitions."

Aden finally finished breakfast and I forced myself to eat and drink plenty of orange juice for the nutrition. Jodie's mom showed up as breakfast was served so she ate with us. Aden made enough for an army but I knew why and ate until I could eat no more and drank tons of orange juice. Mom suddenly gasped and said "Oh my god Samantha!" Jodie's mom Samantha asked "What?" My mom said "Well, we both know what Aden and his family are right?" Mine and Aden's eyes nearly popped out of our heads as Samantha replied "Yes, werewolves but what does that have to do with anything? I mean we know these two are mates but…oh, he's transitioning." I asked "How do you know about werewolves?" Samantha said with a giggle "Your mother dated one in high school and being best friends our entire lives, she told me and even convinced the wolf to show me." I was shocked that my mom dated a werewolf but stayed quiet. Mom then said to Aden "You're the next Alpha aren't you?" Aden said "Yes ma'am I am. Once Ryan and I mate, I'll become Alpha and he will become Luna. Mom said "OH! His wolf will be detectable as a Luna won't it?" Aden nodded yes. Mom then said "Aden, call your father and ask him to come over immediately with your mother and tell him he may want to call the school to let them know you won't be going today." Aden did as she said without a word and mom called the school to tell them I wouldn't be back until Tuesday and told them that she would be over later to get forms for a change of address later.

A short while later Aden's parents arrived and were sitting across from us. I had my head on Aden's shoulder feeling miserable. His parents looked at me with sympathy and my mom said "So, my son is transitioning and his Luna wolf will be here in full by Monday or Tuesday, I'm assuming he will be in danger from the rogue wolves my ex boyfriend used to tell me about." They both nodded sadly yes. My mom asked "What do we need to do about this because I want my son safe. I've been pretty understanding in all of this but now I'm worried somebody will find him and hurt him to hurt your pack." Mr. McGowan said "You both need to move onto pack territory as soon as we can get you there if I'm being perfectly honest in order to keep you both safe. I have an empty house about a thousand feet from the pack house. It's 4 bedroom, 3 ½ bathrooms and even has a home office for Ryan to start to take on some of the Luna duties in order to prepare for the day our sons take over." My mom sighed and looked around at the house around us and said "I hate to leave all the memories we've made here behind but for Ryan's safety I'll do anything."

Mr. McGowan dazed out and Aden said "He's mind linking the pack to send crews to clean the house and to come get your stuff moved into your new house. I said "I feel too badly to pack my stuff right now, can't we wait until I'm better?" Aden's mom ran her fingers through my hair and said "No honey. The second your wolf emerges at all, any wolf within miles will know you're a Luna and we are prime targets for anyone wanting to bring a pack to their knees. Don't worry, we'll get you trained for wolf combat once you shift and I hear you already know how to defend yourself pretty well in human form." I smiled and said "Yea, I don't regret kicking their butts though, they deserved it." She laughed and my mom said "Well, I'm going to go at least go take care of my undergarments before strangers start packing everything else. I jumped up and wobbled and said "I'll be right back, I'm going to stuff mine in my backpack and just give my books to Aden to carry." They laughed and I slowly made my way upstairs and got my underwear all into my backpack along with my few dirty magazines and a few videos I managed to get my hands on…don't ask. I grabbed my laptop, tablet and kindle and got Aden to take that and my backpack to my car for me and slowly made my way back down to the sofa. Mrs. McGowan ran over and helped me because she saw me sway a bit trying to get over to the sofa and once I was seated I thanked her.

When Aden came back in and my mom came back downstairs I said "Well, this will certainly cut down the work commute for me." They all laughed and my mom said "Mine will be a bit longer but if it keeps you safe then it's worth it." Mr. McGowan said "Why don't you hire your mother as your personal assistant Ryan? You'll be Luna soon and you'll need one anyway to keep you organized and on schedule." I laughed and said "How do I do that? All I have is the money I make from working in the kitchen at your house." Mrs. McGowan chuckled and said "You'll be Luna in training as of Tuesday which means you get a salary from the pack for the work you'll be doing and once you take over everything the pay goes up. Aden will take care of whatever you need but your money is for you to buy whatever you might want like a new car or the newest cell or game systems or creating your own library. You get an allotment for staff salary as well. Your assistant as a training Luna will make roughly $3000 monthly and when you take everything over it doubles. Who would you trust more than your mom to keep you on track?" I smiled and said "You make a good point and that sounds like reasonable pay but I have to wonder where all that money comes from. Haha. Mom, how about it? Want to be my personal assistant?"

Mom gave me a long look and seemed to be deep in thought. Mrs. McGowan then said "My assistant will train you for a few weeks while her assistant will handle my office since my workload will be cut as I send more and more of the work Ryan's direction. Both my assistant and her assistant are ready to retire so they're ready to train so you'll need an assistant for your mother as well Ryan." I asked "Can I offer that spot to Jodie or Samantha here?" Samantha said "Jodie doesn't know about werewolves but I'm ok with it if Janice is going to be my direct supervisor. Granted taking orders from Ryan will be odd but things change and you have to change with them or get left behind." My mom was still watching me and not taking her eyes off me which made me uneasy. I finally asked "What's wrong mom?" She smiled and said "If I do this you better not be a bitchy boss because I'll take you over my knee whether you're 18 or 80." I gulped as everyone else laughed because I knew she meant every word. I said "Mom, as long as you did your job I would never say a negative thing to you and besides, I have Aden to take things out on." Everyone laughed aside from Aden who said "HEY!!!" I smiled sweetly and said "If I have to be a pregnant man…you get to be my punching bag in EVERY way." He sighed and said "I guess that's a fair tradeoff considering you'll be giving me pups." I rolled my eyes and hugged him and said "That's right you big butthead so don't fight me on anything or you won't have sex again until you're 90." He gulped and everyone else laughed hysterically.

So, mom is my new assistant and Samantha aka Jodie's mom is her assistant. The crew arrived like a swarm of locusts with boxes, tape and bubble wrap and within an hour our house was empty and we were standing in the empty living room. I went up to my bedroom and looked through the now empty room and actually cried a little. Aden walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me while whispering sweet nothings in my ear to calm my tears. I went through moms room and once I made sure there was nothing left upstairs, I went back downstairs with Aden right behind me and thoroughly checked the kitchen, living room and dining room. There was literally nothing left, they were even scrubbing the house down after it was empty. It was like they were removing any possible trace of us ever living in this house. It didn't even smell like home anymore. There was even a painting crew coming in to repaint the entire interior and I was told the outside was being repainted tomorrow.

We finally left and when we arrived at our new house the crew was already moving furniture in and putting things away. There was a crew in the kitchen washing and putting away all of the dishes, another washing all of our clothes and linens took it all to the pack house to wash it all at once. Within 3 hours, the only rooms not setup were the 2 extra bedrooms and my home office that I had no furniture for. Aden said "We're going to move your bed into one of the spare bedrooms tomorrow as well as your moms and we'll buy brand new beds for you two along with any other furniture needed for those bedrooms and your home office. The small foyer in front of your home office will have a desk for your mom as well for her to use until you take over as Luna completely. Mrs. McGowan handed me a catalogue and told me to mark the desks and beds I liked best so my assistant/mom could pick out what to get tomorrow while I was at school. She took me to start a checking account and setup a direct deposit of funds weekly to the account and even put $5000 in it to start. I put all my saved up money from my job which added up to another $15,000 over the last month. I got a debit card for my account with my name, one with my mom's name and one with Samantha's name. When we got back home I gave them each their cards and Mrs. McGowan told them if I asked them to make any purchases to use that card, including buying the furniture tomorrow but to make sure to balance the checkbook which she gave to my mom. My mom opened it and her eyes bugged out seeing the opening balance. I said "I put all my earnings in there since I started working.

I asked Mrs. McGowan "Will I still be able to go to college or pursue my music career or college while keeping up with my Luna duties?" She smiled and said "Yes, you can do most of it anywhere and whatever you can't, can be prepared by your assistants so all you have to do is approve and sign the orders when you get back into the office." This all seems so crazy and overwhelming but I've got to get used to it because this is my life now. Ugh I wish they would finish bringing everything in because I really want to go lay down in my bed and just sleep. Mom ran off to work and was putting in her 2 week notice. Samantha and Mrs. McGowan stayed to keep me company while the crew finished moving everything. Aden knew I wasn't feeling well and started grabbing my stuff specifically out of the truck and setting up my room as fast as he could. I smiled as best as I could at him and thought 'I could easily fall in love with this man.' I turned to his mom when he went upstairs and said "You raised a pretty great son even if he was a bit of a creeper at first." She laughed but said "Thank you. We raised him just for you." I smiled and laughed a little as I said "Thank you. I appreciate that very much."

Aden then came downstairs and said "Ok, your room is all set up aside from what's in your backpack. I even set up your bathroom for you so you're all set babe. I said "Thank you baby, you have no idea how much I appreciate that. Now, I'm sorry if this is rude but I'm going to go lay down. Please let everyone who has helped know how grateful I am for their help." I then gave Aden a quick kiss on the cheek and Samantha helped me upstairs to me new bedroom. It was much bigger than my old room and had beautiful a hard wood floor, a fairly large bathroom with a separate shower and Jacuzzi bathtub and even a vanity area separate from the sink area. I had a set of French doors that opened onto a balcony that faced the pack house and there are 2 windows on another wall that look out over the forest. I walk like a zombie straight to my bed and plop down. Samantha covers me from the waist down with a blanket after stripping off my shoes, socks, jeans and shirt to make me more comfortable and gets me an ice pack to place on my head. Soon after, I fall into a deep sleep.

As I sleep, I suddenly am in a dark space that seems to go on forever and then I come face to face with a wolf almost as large as Aden's and his fur appears to be a pale golden color. He is beautiful and his hazel, green eyes are mesmerizing. I walked up to close the gap between us and reached out to touch his fur. He leaned his head into my hand and said "Hello Ryan, I'm your wolf partner Alex." I smiled while running my fingers through his soft fur and said "Hello Alex, it's nice to finally meet you. I've been looking forward to meeting you ever since I found out that I had the chance to be turned by my…I guess he would be OUR mate now." Alex gave me a wolfy smile and said "Yes, he is OUR mate now. I've been through your memories Ryan and I have to say, you are pretty funny and I love how you let our mate know that he has to submit to us rather than us to him because a true Luna knows they have to tame their Alpha so he doesn't get too full of himself as they tend to." We chatted for what felt like hours until Alex told me I had to wake up not and I heard my mom's worried voice saying "Ryan, please wake up, you have to eat something or drink something. You've been asleep too long."

I blinked my eyes clear and croaked "Mom, how long have I been asleep? She smiled and hugged me tight while telling me I had been asleep for an entire day. She helped me downstairs after I put on some pajama pants but left my shirt off. I noticed my upper body looked a little more toned and bigger but Mr. McGowan told me to expect that so I wasn't surprised. I sat at the dining room table as mom cooked dinner. She handed me the milk jug and a glass and said "Drink as much as you can, you need the nutrients." I poured glass after glass until it was all gone and then mom brought me a mug of coffee and I started drinking slowly this time. I finally said "Guess what." She looked at me and said "What?" I replied "I met my wolf while I was asleep." She smiled excitedly and asked "What's his name?" I smiled and replied "Alex." She then asked "Can I speak to him?" I frowned and was about to say I didn't know how when I heard Alex in my head say "Imagine being in a room with a window, like a drive thru window. Then imagine be there with you in the room. Whenever you want to give me control, all you'll have to do is step back from that window and allow me to step up to it." I took a deep breath and said "Ok mom, here he comes."

I closed my eyes and did as Alex said and was able to watch as he interacted with my mom…or should I say, OUR mom. My eyes turned from my regular hazel to his glowing hazel green eyes and he said "Hi mom, it's nice to finally meet you." She hugged him and said "Same to you Alex. Mom then said "Alex, I just wanted to tell you that I'll love you just as I love Ryan and if you ever need something, you take control and tell me so I can take care of it. Ok?" Alex smiled widely and actually had a tear in his eye as he said "Of course mom. You raised Ryan well so I'm sure he won't annoy me…too much." They both laughed while I was left grumbling in my own head. Suddenly I felt sharp pains through my body and Alex immediately returned control to me as he whimpered at the pain. I was doubled over groaning and mom saw my eyes back to normal and worriedly asked "What's wrong sweetheart?" I grunted out "Bad…stomach…cramps…like…charlie…horses."

After the pain stopped about 30 minutes after it started, I ate and returned to bed with mom's help. I went back to sleep and was on my normal sleep pattern again for the next 3 days. I stayed in bed most of that time. Jodie, Russ and Aden came to visit me each day. When I woke at around 5am on Tuesday, I was in the worst pain of my life. Mom, Aden and his parents were sitting there, in my bedroom watching with sympathetic faces. Aden grabbed my face so I was looking him in the eye and said "Ryan, you have to shift now. Don't fight the shift and you'll feel better soon, I promise." I got up and drug myself downstairs and outside and saw a bunch of people standing around watching. I was so confused until Mrs. McGowan said "Sorry Ryan, they just want to be here for their future Luna during your first shift." I was in nothing but my boxers but I didn't care right now. Aden said "Ok, now, picture yourself changing into Alex in your mind."

I squeezed my eyes shut and Alex was encouraging me and telling me how great I was handling the pain. Suddenly I heard a bunch of cracks and tearing noises and screamed through clenched teeth for a moment before I saw a little girl looking at me terrified and realized she must not have had her first shift yet so I kept my eyes locked on her and silenced myself before smiling at her. People started murmuring and a couple gasped when I was smiling during my first shift. They followed my eyes and looks of realization spread through the crowd that I was trying not to scare the little girl and I heard a few people whisper "He's a TRUE Luna to be thinking of that child's feelings first. I saw people nodding throughout the crowd and suddenly I sprouted fur and before I knew it, I had paws and the pain stopped.

Mom said "Oh my god you're beautiful sweetheart!" Aden stepped in front of me and snapped a picture and then showed it to me. I looked just like Alex in my mind looked. My fur literally looked like it was coated in gold to me and shined in the moonlight. The little girl from earlier walked up to me and asked "Can I pet your fur Luna?" I pushed my head into her hand and she started giggling and running her hands through my fur. Soon I had all of the little children around me doing the same. Aden's dad said "I've never seen golden fur like that before, Ryan, you're more unique than we thought and definitely a worthy successor to my wife if the children's reaction to you and your silence during your first shift was any indication. Now, I need you to pick one of us to take you inside and walk you through shifting back because you'll shift back naked so pick whoever you feel most comfortable with at this moment."

I poked Aden's dad with my nose and Aden looked affronted but his mom said "He's just not ready for you to see him naked son, give it a rest." Aden's dad then walked to the door and opened it for me. I stepped in and went to my bedroom with Mr. McGowan behind me. When we got there he said "Ok, just like when you shifted to your wolf form, now you need to mentally picture yourself turning back into your human form," As I began to shift he saw I was almost finished and turned away. When I finished shifting I grabbed some sweat pants and pulled them on while saying "What a rush and I feel so much better now." He turned back around while laughing and said "Yea, I bet you feel pretty great right now after days of misery." I nodded in agreement. I then said "I guess I should go boost the ego of a certain pouting man before he gets too huffy." We laughed and joked on our way back downstairs. I actually really like both of Aden's parents; they're very down to earth.

When we got back outside I walked over to Aden and wrapped my arms around his neck and said "Hey you! I feel so much better now." Aden gave me a very sweet kiss and hugged me tightly to his chest as I heard a chorus of "Awww" from all around and chuckled. The crowd took turns congratulating me on my first shift and complimenting me and Alex. Eventually I was left with mom to prepare for the day ahead.

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