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29.09% Fake Goddess to the True Goddess / Chapter 16: Reunion

Capítulo 16: Reunion

, Su Li returned to her room and put the clothes on the table. Her face is still really red after she remembers the event that happened in the bathroom. Her body is also still very hot that even she felt it herself.

She forced herself to calm down. But whenever she tried to think something else, her mind was somehow forced to remember the embarrassing moment.

She throws herself to the bed and screamed internally, 'Ahh!, so embarrassing!'.

She rolls around the bed and realizes that she still using a towel, she slapped her cheek to wake herself from delusion and looks at the clothes Huang Xue brought her.

It was phoenix patterned white-blue silk clothes with a Light Blue fairy skirt, phoenix hairpin, white socks with a Blue flame pattern, Icy-blue shoes, a white-blue undergarment, and a bright blue veil. She tapped on the clothes and the description of the clothes appear in front of her.

[Frost Phoenix Wings] (Sealed).

Type: Silk Dress.

Requirement: None.

Effect: (Sealed).

[Phoenix Set].

[Quest Item].


[Frost Phoenix Freezing Tail] (Sealed).

Type: Skirt.

Requirement: None.

Effect: (Sealed).

[Phoenix Set].

[Quest Item].


[Frost Phoenix Ice Hairpin] (Sealed).

Type: Head Accessories.

Requirement: None.

Effect: (Sealed).

[Phoenix Set].

[Quest Item].


[Frost Phoenix Claw] (Sealed).

Type: Shoes.

Requirement: None.

Effect: (Sealed).

[Phoenix Set]

[Quest Item]

The veil is just a common light red veil. So is the socks and undergarment.

The word Quest Item grabbed Su Li's attention and couldn't help but thought, 'Is the task Sister Huang wanted to give me is connected to these clothes?'.

"Well, let's just use it first", She took off her towel showing her delicate and tender body, then she put on the clothes.

After using the clothes, she dries her hair first and then looks at the hairpin. She never uses a hairpin before so on second thought, she didn't use it. She let her long black hair falling to her waist.

She looked at herself in the mirror and adjust her appearance. After she was done adjusting her appearance she didn't immediately leave. Instead, she takes her time looking at her appearance in the mirror

"Looking good!, it also really comfortable", She smiled happily and liked the clothes really much.

"That reminds me, the meat on my inventory won't be spoiled if I leave it for too long right?", Su Li opened her inventory and took out one of the meat.

She looked at the meat and smell it a few times and then come to the conclusion, "En, it is still good. I guess the time of space on the inventory stopped flowing?".

She was going to close her inventory but saw a new item in it.

"What is this?", She opened the description on the item.


Type: Necklace.

Requirement: Exclusive to (???).

Effect: ???.

Description: ???.

She saw that its a necklace and tried to use it.

It was a silver necklace with a blue gem embedded in the middle. Weirdly, It looks the same as the necklace her father gave her.

"Is it a coincidence? or is it just my feeling...", She looked at the necklace with a confused expression.

"Anyway, is this the reward from the quest?", Su Li remembers the [Identity] quest that the system gave her and after completing the quest she can open her status and get (???).

"Well, let's keep it, for now, I still don't know what its uses are", She wanted to put the necklace back in her inventory but realize that she cannot take off the necklace.

"Huh? why can't I get it off?", She also tried to take it off manually but it's meaningless. It's sticking to her like glue, even when she used force, it's not damaged in any way.

"...Well, I don't think it's harmless", She decided to give up and let the necklace as it is.

"Hm..., let's leave now", She left her room and goes to find Huang Xue.

------------I am the other places dividing line------------

She remembers that she never asked where is Huang Xue's room were, and was pretty much lost. Su Li wandered around for a while and finally met with Bing Er.

"Sister Fairy!", Bing Er cheerfully called.

"I already said... I am not a fairy...", Su Li helplessly said.

"But sister fairy is a fairy!", Bing Er insists on calling her a fairy.

"I...", She wanted to explain to Bing Er that she was not a fairy but a voice interrupted her.

"It's useless, no matter how you explain to her", Turning to the source of the voice, Su Li saw Huang Xue.

Huang Xue came closer to Bing Er and gently rubbed her head, "This child is really stubborn, whenever she decides something she won't change it".

"Oh, Sister Huang", Su Li greeted her and quickly remember the event that happened in the bathroom. Su Li's face quickly turns red and unconsciously looking down, didn't dare to stare at Huang Xue.

"You didn't like the hairpin?", Huang Xue asked.

"Huh? ah! no... err... I-I don't know how to use it", Su Li was startled and answered with stuttering.

"Oh, I see. Where is the hairpin? I'll help you use it", Huang Xue offered her help.

"Umm... I left it in my room, let me go take it", Su Li left in a hurry.

"...", Huang Xue looked at Su Li back and the corner of her mouth slightly tilted upward.

"Cute", She spits out one word and looked at Bing Er on the side.

"Why are you wandering around here?", Huang Xue asked.

"Bing Er wants to meet sister fairy but didn't know where she stayed".

"I see, then let's go to her room, so you'll remember".

"Okay!", Bing Er jumped happily.

"Alright then", Huang Xue guides Bing Er in the direction of Su Li's room.

------------I am the sister other places dividing line------------

In Su Li's room.

"Where did I put it?", Su Li nervously looked around.

"Ah found it", She looked at the golden phoenix hairpin on the bed.

She picks it up and just as she wanted to leave, a knock sounded from her door.


"Can we come in?", Huang Xue's voice sounded from behind the door.

"Ah, yes!", Su Li answered while opening the door. She saw Huang Xue and Bing Er standing outside.

"Come in!", She gestured for them to come inside.

Bing Er came in first, followed by Huang Xue.

"Why do you both come here?", Su Li wondered.

"Where do you think I will help you use the hairpin?", Huang Xue looked at her strangely.

"I mean...", Su Li didn't know what to answer.

"Err, nevermind... Why Bing Er came here then?", Su Li was embarrassed and wanted to change the topic.

"Oh, She just wanted to meet you".

"But we just met in the hallway just now".

"She probably wants to tell you something", Huang Xue looked at Bing Er admiring eye when looking at Su Li.

Hearing what Huang Xue said, Bing Er nodded vigorously.

"En En! Sister fairy I have something to tell you!", She wanted to use a serious face but seeing it from outside it looks really cute.

"What is it?", Su Li curiously asked.

"Do you know heaven-chosen people?", Bing Er asked.

"Yes, what's with them?".

"They already arrived at the city!", Bing Er said with a gloomy expression.

"Really? but why are you so gloomy about it", Su Li was confused.

"They are bad guys! Shameless people!", Bing Er looked angry.

"Eh?", Su Li was surprised.

"When they see Sister Huang, they surround her like bees! not only that they shamelessly want to touch her here and there, fortunately, there are guards and those people were punished!", Bing Er was fuming.

"Are you mistaken? how can you be sure they were the heaven-chosen?", Su Li felt awkward.

"En, I am sure! They even said it themself!", Bing Er nodded vigorously.

"Er...", Su Li's forehead is full of black lines.

"Anyway Sister Fairy needs to be careful!", Bing Er forewarn her.

"...", Su Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She also a heaven-chosen, does this mean she has to be careful with herself?.

On the side, Huang Xue's expression is strange. Su Li noticed it and couldn't help but ask, "is there a problem Sister Huang?".

"N-no, nothing", Huang Xue said, but Su Li can see the corner of her mouth twitched frequently.

"...", Su Li didn't ask anymore.

She turned to Bing Er and smiled, "Alright, I'll be careful, thank you for reminding me".

"It's okay! Bing Er likes sister Fairy so it's okay!", Bing Er answered with enthusiast.

"Okay, you can go play", Huang Xue rubbed her head and gently tell Bing Er.

"Okay! see you later sister!", Bing Er then left the room.

"Ahem, it's great that she left now", Huang Xue exhaled a breath.

"Why?", Su Li was puzzled.

"It's nothing, where is the hairpin?. I'll help you use it".

"Oh, here...", Su Li gave the light-blue-colored hairpin to Huang Xue.

"Okay, go sit over there, I'll help you use it", Huang Xue pointed at the chair in front of the mirror.

"Okay", Su Li obediently sat on the chair.

"Alright don't move too much", Su Li heard Huang Xue's voice on her back and after that, she felt a soft touch on her hair.

After a while of silence and a good feeling on her hair, Su Li felt the soft touch disappear.

"It's done", Huang Xue said.

Su Li looked at her appearance now and she looked really satisfied.

"Do you like it?"


"Alright then, now that this is done, let's talk about the task I want to give you", Huang Xue's tone became serious.

"En", Hearing that Su Li also becomes serious.

"First of all, I know that you are one of the heaven-chosen rights?".

"Eh?", Su Li takes a while to process it.

"You knew?".

"Of course, if not, there's no way I will give you a task and prefer to let you help me", Huang Xue said with a smile.

"But, why do you trust me? we just met...", Su Li was puzzled on why she trust her so much.

"Hehe, it's a secret. But let's just say, I can see good people", Huang Xue chuckled and say mysteriously.

"Alright, then... what is the task?", Su Li asked.

"It's actually quite simple. Here...", Huang Xue gave her a map.

"A map? what for?".

"Open it".

"Okay...", Su Li opened the map and saw lots of places.

"I need you to go here", Huang Xue pointed at a cave marked with red flame.

"Okay... then?".

"Inside, there should be lots of traps so be careful".

"I need you to go to the end of the cave, in the middle, is a maze so be prepared".

"At the end, there should be a book. I need you to get me that book".

"Oh, what kind of book is it?", Su Li asked.

"I also don't know, it's my grandfather's", Huang Xue simply said.

"Anyway... it's really dangerous, if you don't want to do it, then it's okay", She looked at Su Li with a solemn expression.


*A quest has been given. "Huang Xue wish"*

*Reward: Last piece of the Frost Phoenix Set, Huang Xue affection Max(Won't get down no matter what) and Secret Information."

*Yes* / *No*

"This... I accept!", Su Li contemplating for a second and agreed.

"Really?!", Huang Xue looked surprised for a second and turned to a happy expression.

"Really!", Su Li nodded.

"Thank you so much!", Huang Xue came forward and hug Su Li.

"Ah!?", Su Li was surprised, she can smell refreshing cherry blossom from her, and Su Li's face quickly turned red.

"I-It's nothing, I-I was also looking for a task to do", Su Li said with a stutter.

"You don't need to go now, take your time to do it", Huang Xue released her and smiled.

"Okay, I actually have to meet someone first, then I'll go to the cave together", Su Li nodded.

"I can bring people in the cave right?", Su Li asked.

"Sure, it's just a cave".

"Ah, actually, I have one more thing to say", Huang Xue gently hit her forehead with her palm.

"There is another book on that cave, you can take it yourself".

"It was gold-colored if I'm not mistaken, the book I ask you to get for me would be black-colored".

"No matter what, don't open the black-colored book", Huang Xue said with a solemn expression.

"Got it", She didn't understand but Su Li just nodded anyway.

"Well, that's about it. Tell me when you wanted to leave alright?".


"Although the cave is not far it's not close either, so of course I need to prepare some things for you to eat on the way".

"Oh, but I-", Su Li just wanted to refuse but was interrupted.

"You can't refuse, I'll be angry", Huang Xue put up a stern expression.

"Err, okay", Su Li can only nod.

"Well, I'll at the front if you need me~", Huang Xue walked toward the door but stopped before she crossed it.

"Ah, one more thing", She turned to Su Li with a sly grin.

"It's pretty big~", She then left.

Su Li was dazed for a second, she was confused. But she remembers that Huang Xue hug her just now and two pair of mountains is pressed together.

"...", Su Li's face turned bright red and she covers her face with both of her hands. She really wanted to dig a hole and jumped in, staying inside for a decade.

"Xiao Ling and Li Yun must have been waiting", Su Li calmed herself and left her room.

She arrived at the reception room. She saw Huang Xue is serving a female customer. Su Li is too flashy, Huang Xue noticed her right away. She tells her customer something and came towards Su Li.

"Su Li are you leaving now?", Huang Xue asked.

"No, I'm going to meet my friends", Su Li shook her head, she didn't dare to look at Huang Xue so she always looks down when she talked to her. Afraid that Huang Xue will saw her shy expression.

"I see, well it would be great if you could find help when you go to the cave", Huang Xue saw it anyway but She didn't expose it and just kept a calm expression.

"Well, you should leave now, I have a lot of customers today and they seem to like watching you a lot", Huang Xue scanned many people around her that was dazed and looking at Su Li.

"Okay", Su Li realized that there's a lot of people around her looking at her and couldn't help but turn redder. she then left in a hurry.

At this time, Huang Xue back to the female customer she was half-served just now but the customer was still dazedly watching Su Li hurried back. It was only until Huang Xue gave a cough that the female customer wakes up from her daze.

"Who is that?", The female customer asked.

"Customer secret, let's continue", Huang Xue slightly smiled.

-----------I am the places dividing line----------

Su Li is walking around the city for a while and of course, attracting many eyes around her. Especially 2 pair of eyes looking at her from a restaurant second floor.

"What a beauty! Don't you think so?", a man wearing full green said to the man using full white in front of him.

"...", The man in white didn't talk and just keep watching Su Li.

"Do you want me to invite her here?", The man in green said to the other man.

"...No need", the man in white kept staring for a while and then shook his head.

"Oh...", The man in green didn't ask more.

At this time, Su Li already arrived in the middle of the city in front of a big building called the refiner guild.

"She says, we're gonna meet here", Su Li looked around the entrance.

"Ah, there you guys are", She saw 2 familiar silhouettes in front of the building.

"Xiao Ling! Li Yun!", Su Li walked toward both of them.

"Su Li!", Both exclaimed at the same time.

Then three of them came forward and have a warm hug.

This hug attracts lots of passerby's eyes. Because 3 beauties hugging each other is food to the eyes.

"Err...Let's move somewhere, okay?", Su Li noticed the stare around her and felt uncomfortable.

"Yeah, let's go, I know a good restaurant here", Xiao Ling and Li Yun also noticed, and Xiao Ling suggests a place for them.

"Okay", Su Li nodded.

"I'll lead", Under the eyes of everyone, the three of them walking in the direction Xiao Ling pointed.

TreasurerOfDreams TreasurerOfDreams

So....., I think this novel is not a match for me to be honest...

There are 3 reasons: first, Although I like cultivation novel so much, I don't think my knowledge is enough to write one. Second, I have a hard time thinking about how ancient china people are behaving and the internet has limited info about it.

And lastly, The storyline, I'm thinking that this type of story is too mainstream so... yeah.

I never said I'm gonna drop this novel. I'm just saying that it won't have many episodes since I want to end it quickly and make a new one or I probably can multi-task two novels but I'm too busy with my college for that.

Tho, I do have some ideas but Idk if I will implement them, but I'll try.

P.S. I'm still doing the final exam. So expect a very late update. .....Which I always do actually.

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