"it's OK, Sinatra."
A familiar voice speaks from behind Sinatra with all five individuals turning to see Boa conscious trying to sit up on the bed.
Sinatra quickly rushes to Boa's side to help him sit up properly with the latter thanking her.
"I'm surprised you came to see me, Dan. Did you really only come here to find out about Han and if he might pose a threat to you if you qualify for the last three?"
Boa asks weakly, trying to chuckle but feels pain from attempting such.
"Boa, you shouldn't really try to talk too much. You need as much rest as possible right now."
Sinatra remarks as she rubs his back softly.
"I watched your match against him. Your actions were somewhat questionable seeing as I have fought you so I know what I am saying."
Dan remarks with Boa shaking his head momentarily.
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