Dan clicks his tongue as he tightens his fist and moves up on Urch just as he gets to his feet.
He throws a feint with Urch reacting to it instinctively but then he stops mid way and motions with his finger after which a blade hits Urch from behind and pierces his skin, drawing blood in the process.
Before Urch can reach the blade to pull it out, Dan lands two quick fire jabs in his torso before landing successive hits on his jaw to disorient him as much as possible.
Urch begins to feel the brunt of Dan's attack as he begins to step back with each successive strike to his jaw.
Dan lands the last jab with immense force before finally performing a spin kick that pushed Urch a few meters back before coming to a stop.
"Did that do some damage??"
Dan mutters hopefully expecting a positive result for his efforts.
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