TIME : 2:19PM
"Any word on Sai and Ilara's whereabouts??"
Gr'egor asks over the phone.
"No sir, not yet but we did encounter a site that they might have been at."
Jonah says.
"Really…. What did you find there??"
Gr'egor asks with keen interest.
"A decimated forest with carnage spread over a distance of over four hundred yards alongside a dead body, by the look of things the forest was the location for a really big encounter and the body we found was found with several holes in his head, we are sending him down to the precinct to know more about him and how he died."
Jonah replies.
"It's that serious huh, OK then, you guys keep on looking."
Gr'egor says after which he drops the call.
"Where could they be now??"....
TIME : 4:11PM
"Do you hate me for what I did??"
Rani asks as she is surrounded by Sai, Ilara and Dan fully dressed.
"Hate??..... That's a really strong word, but yeah we don't trust you at all."
Sai responds.
"You should be thankful you are not dead, it would have been nice to silence you permanently."
Dan comments as he begins to walk towards her.
"That's enough, Dan…. You'll stay in this room till we get back, try to escape and you'll feel a lot of pain, don't try anything funny in our absence, OK.."
Ilara says after which she leaves the room with Sai and Dan following suit.
TIME : 7:24PM
Gr'egor parks his car and gets out with a worried look on his face. He walks briskly to his front door and knocks briefly but there is no answer, he knocks again but still receives no answer.
He became suspicious and brought out his revolver, he tried turning the knob and the door opened.
As he walks in he is immediately blindsided from behind with a blunt object to the head…
Gr'egor wakes up thirty minutes later tied to a chair alongside his family; a wife and a son.
"Hello chief, what's going on with you lately, collected any bribes recently."
Sai says sarcastically.
"What's all this Sai??.... I am your superior, you cannot treat me like this."
Gr'egor struggles to get free but is unable to.
"You sold your soul for a few thousand and you expect me to respect you??... I believed in you, I trusted you and I looked up to you has a father figure once you told me you were a close friend of my dad, now I wonder how my dad could have been friends with a weakling like you…. Tell me how much did it take for you to sell the soul of the force??"
Sai asks in disgust.
"You have no idea what's going on, do you really think it's that easy, it's so simple and you have figured it out…. I cannot tell you the sacrifices I have had to make for the good of the force, the deals I have had to cut to protect the lives of innocent officers, you should know that this city has and will always be a city of sin and the criminals are the big dogs here, the force are fodder and would never be anything more than that."
Gr'egor says in a demeaning tone.
"What do you mean by this city has always been a city of sin??"
Ilara asks as she comes out of the shadow.
"Release my family and I'll tell you."
Gr'egor pleads.
Sai replies instinctively.
"They are going to remain unconscious and strapped in that chair till we are done asking questions and unfortunately we aren't."
"For God's sake, Sai this is not right, at this point you are behaving like them… let my wife and kid go, please."
Gr'egor pleads again.
"Unfortunately we are not the ones with a say in that matter, he is."
Sai points to the back after which Dan emerges from the darkness.
"It would be best you start talking old man, I don't have a lot of patience."
Dan remarks as he walks towards Gr'egor and stands behind him with his hand to his face.
"Fine… the truth is that ever since I got into the force, we have never actually caught a criminal and we were only directed by the underworld to do the bidding of crime bosses that ruled it… the police force were their watchdogs and only caught those that had gone against the crime bosses or who were not working for them and were deemed to be worthy of arrest… that's how it works, that's the dynamic of the criminal underworld and police force to avoid the deaths of many."
Sai listens with keen interest.
"Wait so what you are saying is that all cases that I and Ilara have solved in our four year career were all commissioned by Cheng and we never really solved those cases on our own."
Gr'egor nods his head in affirmation.
"The both of you are brilliant officers and I always wanted the best for you, that was why I assigned all those missions to boost your résumé so that the D.O.D could see your good works and pry you from this crime ridden city before you were consumed by its greed."
"Is that what you did for my father??"
Sai asks as he comes to crouch in front of Gr'egor.
"Yes, he was supposed to be our trump card and change the system but his career was short lived…. You need to realize that I never collected anything from Cheng and his circle, I only agreed to their whims because I was trying to protect the force from destruction… You don't know what Cheng is capable of and he would do anything to achieve his goals."
Gr'egor remarks as he looks down on Sai.
"Then why the Harlem case, why suspend us when we were getting somewhere, why detain us when you realized we were working under the radar??"
Ilara asks in frustration.
"I handed the Harlem case over to you because I did not realize you'd go so deep into the investigation, when I realized this I knew I couldn't stop you so I had to suspend you at the orders of Cheng, when Cheng realized that you guys were still investigating, he threatened to kill everyone you loved before finally killing the both of you, I had no choice but to have you detained and I was going to release you once the exchange was done."
Gr'egor replies with shame.
"I can't believe it, so all this while I was working for a crook to catch other crooks, I don't even know what to believe anymore."
Sai says as he rises to his feet, looking at Gr'egor, he says.
"You might have been trying to protect the force but that is still not enough reason for you to have sold it's soul so cheaply, you were scared and that's understandable but caving in to that fear is not right, every single person that is a member of the force knew what they were getting into when they signed up for the academy but you robbed them of the chance to actually do some good and they all ended up working for the same people they swore to take down."
"I know I was not right but what did you expect me to do??....i couldn't possibly go against Cheng."
Gr'egor remarks in a sad voice.
"You could actually. You could live up to the oath you took and fight crime till your dying breath because that's what you signed up for.. Unfortunately the force is no longer what I thought it was so I resign and I'll hand in my badge once this case is done."
Sai replies.
"Same here, I didn't spend my time in the academy just to work for criminals, we'll find another way to right the wrongs of this city."
Ilara walks and stands beside Sai in solidarity.
"So touching…. Now if we'll get to the meat of things, Chief Gr'egor could you be a darling has to tell us where and when the exchange is taking place. I'd really like to know if you don't mind."
Dan questions in a sadistic manner.
"It will be taking place at the Royal casino at ten thirty pm tomorrow, you guys should be careful because both thugs and cops will be watching out for the three of you."
Gr'egor replies calmly.
"Don't worry about us, I'm sure we'll be just fine."
Dan says after which he turns to leave.
"Dan wait…"
Ilara says after which she cuts the binds holding Gr'egor and his family.
"Thank you Ilara, I'm sorry for all the lies and deception, I know you expected more."
Gr'egor apologizes in a low tone.
"It's fine, I guess I expected too much but don't worry it won't change who I am, we'll be going now."
Ilara replies as she makes to leave.
"Before you go, check my office in the table cabinet, second drawer, you'll see the files I've compiled on Cheng and his circle, I think you'll need it if you're gonna going up against them."
Gr'egor remarks.
"Thank you, unfortunately we'll have to knock you out now."
Sai says after which he knocks Gr'egor out with a punch.
"Let's get to work."
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
I'm open to constructive criticism always, please point out the errors in my work so I can fix them thereby creating a much better work in the process
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