"Let me see you counter this…Mōjū no bakufū(raging beast blast)!!"
Boa yells as he let's out another blast of energy at Dan, this one more intense than the last, Boa intent on finishing the fight with the attack.
"Jigoku no tetsu no mon(iron gates of hell)."
Dan claps his hands together and then goes ahead to face his palms outward as an iron shield forms in front of him, making a defense in front of him.
The blast hits the wall in front of Dan with such ferocity that the impact was felt throughout the entire building, Boa continues yelling has the energy blast continues hitting the wall.
Dan is not letting up as he also yells out at the top of his lungs, the resulting explosion blew up the entire ring and shook the entire building to its foundation, with a blinding light following the explosion.
"That was quite an explosion folks, I wonder if any of our fighters survived it."
The commentator says as he strains his eyes to see through the dust cloud.
Dan standing over Boa as he laid on the ground breathing heavily, placing his blade on Boa's throat.
"Do you yield??."
Dan asks calmly.
"What is your name."
Boa asks
"You are a strong opponent, Dan, I acknowledge your power and so I will give you this victory."
Boa replies with a knowing expression on his face.
"I yield."
Boa calls out to the umpire who immediately nods to acknowledge his decision.
"IRONGUARD is the winner."
The umpire announces with the PA system, the announcement makes the crowd go wild as they begin to cheer for him.
Dan removes the blade placed at Boa's neck and stretches out his hand to Boa to help him up, a gesture Boa accepts with a smile on his face, Boa rises to his feet and gives a nod to Dan as he walks out of the ring leaving Dan to the adulation of the crowd.
TIME : 7:25AM
"Here you go."
Dan says as he drops a small bag on the desk before him, looking at Hermit has he does so.
"What is this??"
Hermit asks as he picks up the bag.
"Your money just has you requested, a thousand credits paid in full."
Dan answers with a smirk on his face.
"How did you get this much within such a short period of time??...what exactly are you up to Dan??"
Hermit asks with a concerned look on his face.
"Don't worry old man, you've got your money and that's all that matters."
Dan replies as he turns to leave.
Hermit calls out to which Dan responds by looking back at him.
"You be careful now."
Hermit says to which Dan replies with a nod before he walks out.
Dan goes up a flight of stairs has he makes to get to his room.
On getting there, he locks the door behind him and turns on the light bulb, then walks to a covered up board at the right corner opposite his bed and uncovers it, revealing a board with pictures and old newspaper cut outs, with lines drawn, showing a network of connections between the pictures and cut outs on the board.
"Time to get back to work…I'm coming for you, Governor Cheng, just you wait for me."
Dan says with a hateful expression on his face .
TIME : 10:45AM
Karan and a huge man sit inside an office as they wait patiently for their host to join them.
"He is wasting time and I don't like people that waste my time."
The huge man says as he looks at Karan.
"Calm yourself, Armstrong , let's not get riled up over Negata's lateness."
Karan says rather calmly.
Mr. Negata walks in and greets Karan and Armstrong before taking his seat opposite them. Negata was a known supporter of Cheng's regime as governor due to how much he benefited from it, he considered himself one of Cheng's partners and was always looking for ways to get up higher in Cheng's good books.
"Pardon my timing, I was busy with some investors.. So to what do I owe this surprise visit from Cheng's top dog and his bodyguard??"
Negata asks as he helps himself to a glass of wine while also pouring out for both men in front of him.
"We have been looking for an individual that raided a warehouse belonging to Mr. Cheng and stole a valuable weapon from there, while also roughing up the guards placed there. I have reason to believe that the blade stolen was used yesterday by one of the combatants that performed the night before. So all i came here for is to gain the records of last night so as to track down the individual."
Karan says as he accepts the glass of wine offered to him by Negata.
"I see, but i don't think i can help you with that."
Negata says to which Armstrong raises an eyebrow.
"We have a strict rule of confidence over here so the real identities of our fighters are never actually documented for sake of privacy."
Negata says as he toys with his wine, "I'd still like to go through the records of last night, if you don't mind."
Karan says with a serious expression on his face.
"Of course, I'll call the records keeper to put it out for you."
Negata says as he picks up his phone to call the records keeper with a viable sign of worry in his actions.
"Thank you for your cooperation, we'll be going now."
Karan says as he and Armstrong rise up, leaving Negata quite frightened.
"IRONGUARD and THE BEAST, those are the two fighters that competed last night."
A Middle aged Raza wearing spectacles says as he goes through the ledger before him.
"They didn't sign in with their real names??"
Armstrong asks gruffly.
"Not at all, we follow a strict rule of costumer privacy over here, sir"
The middle aged Raza replies calmly.
"Can you help us with the description of both men that signed in yesterday, we'd really appreciate if you could."
Karan asks softly, trying to put the Raza at ease.
" I wouldn't be able to help you with that but you can ask the bouncers that guarded the entrance to the locker room, I'm sure they'll be able to help out."
The Raza says closing up the ledger he was carrying.
"Alright then, thank you very much for your cooperation"
Karan says.
"That detective and his partner are spying on us."
Armstrong says as he glances opposite the street to see an obscure car parked with no-one in it.
"I thought I told Crow to take care of those two, why does he always have to be so nonchalant with his work."
Karan says in an annoyed tone.
"What are we gonna do about them now??"
Armstrong asks as he and Karan get into their vehicle.
"Call Crow and tell him to go over to the western harbor warehouse with some men, if the detectives won't back off they would end up losing their life" Karan says as he starts up the vehicle and drives off.
"You think they saw us??"
Ilara asks as she rises from the bottom of the vehicle she was hiding in.
"Nah I don't think so, but we might have to follow them"
Sai says as he gets back into the drivers seat.
"You know if you are right and Crow is somehow in cahoots with those guys, that means we can actually get dirt on Governor Cheng which could be just what we need to blow open the lid on his corrupt practices in this city."
Ilara says as they follow Karan subtly trying not to be seen.
"Let's hope we don't hit another dead end."
Sai says with a sigh…
TIME : 1:16PM
Karan and Armstrong park their vehicle outside the warehouse and walk briskly into the building, looking around as they walk in.
"Are we going in after them or we are waiting outside for them?"
Ilara asks as Sai pulls up their vehicle not too far from the warehouse.
"What do you think."
Sai looks at Ilara with a smirk.
As Sai and Ilara sneak into the warehouse through a side window, they look round taking note of the interior of the building and possible escape routes if they were to be caught out…
They walk around for a little while, trying to figure out where Karan and Armstrong might be.
"You think they know that we are following them??"
Ilara asks in a muffled voice.
"Even if they did, at least we would have found them by now, I mean I can't see anyone here apart from us."
Sai replies, still looking around before they are stopped in their tracks by a loud voice.
"I thought I told both of you to stay away from my business, you couldn't do that, could you??"
Sai and Ilara turn round to face Crow alongside four masked men that were armed with bludgeons.
"Oh hey, Crow, long time no see, how you been."
Sai says in a mocking tone.
"Sai, I don't think this is the time or place for your cockiness."
Ilara says, wishing that he would actually be serious with their current predicament
"Relax babe, apart from Crow over there, I'm sure we can take these posers without much hassle."
Sai says with a smile has he looks at Crow.
"The fact that you are here and not the people we followed, proves that you are in cahoots with governor Cheng, so I'm gonna ask you this once out of courtesy.. What are his plans?"
Sai asks while also sizing up the number of opponents he would have to deal with.
"Your bravado impresses me, Sai, you and your partner are the only ones daring enough to go against Governor Cheng and his administration, so for such bravery I promise you a quick death…. Kill them both."
Crow orders the masked men to attack and they immediately set out to surround Sai and Ilara to prevent any means of escape, Sai and Ilara stand back to back ready for a confrontation.
"After we're done here, I'm in charge, got that!!"
Ilara says in a stern voice to which Sai replies.
"Yes ma'am."
Ilara fights off the first attacker albeit with some difficulty, noting the fact that he was not just a street criminal but an actual weaponmaster.
"D- rank, if I'm not mistaken"
She mutters to herself, her attacker keeps up the assault pushing Ilara to a wall.
Ilara bends low and tries to land a blow to which the masked man jumps back and kicks her hand away, Ilara held her hand in pain and stood up with an intense look on her face
"Two against one, shouldn't you guys be ashamed on how you've ganged up against a lady."
Ilara asks in a mocking tone.
"Don't worry by the time we are done with you, you won't be able to snoop around anymore."
The masked men make to attack her, Ilara makes a stance and opens up her mouth, letting a bird cry loud enough to shatter glass and make ears bleed.
The scream echoes across the warehouse, sending her attackers to the ground yelling in pain has they hold their ears.
Sai keeps up with his attackers, showing off his impressive skills as a D+ weaponmaster.
He stays on the defensive blocking their blows and waiting for an opening to strike back.
One of his attackers lunge forward to punch him and he immediately steps out of the way but is immediately met with a heavy blow to the face by the other attacker.
He takes a few steps back and puts his palm to his chin and adjusts it.
"You're gonna pay for that."
Sai says as he forms his hands into a fist and starts bouncing, moving his legs in a rhythmic fashion ( back step, front step) continuously.
The attackers are unfazed by this stance and immediately move forward to overwhelm him with numbers.
The first attacker goes in with a kick to the stomach region to which Sai blocks with his wrist and smashes the leg down with a heavy blow using his elbow.
The attacker steps back in pain holding his knee, Sai is not done with him just yet as he then does a side flip, using his right foot to connect with his opponent's side jaw, sending him spiraling to the ground and knocking him out cold in the process.
The other attacker sees this and goes in a more coordinated fashion, resulting in a few exchanges of excellent foot work between the pair.
Sai gets the upper hand and uses this to his advantage, tripping his opponent and using his knee to crash into his attacker's stomach, effectively knocking the wind out of him.
Sai then finishes him off with a heavy punch to the face rendering his opponent unconscious.
"Never mess with me."
Sai says as he gets up from his opponent's groin and walks out with intent.
"So that was a total waste of time, did you happen to see Crow or the other guys we were following on your way here??"
Sai asks a fuming Ilara.
"This wouldn't have happened if you weren't so hasty to nab Crow's associates, now we have no leads and Crow would be more careful with his works, Cheng has been in power for so long, if we are right and Crow is working with Cheng, don't you think we might be in serious trouble for snooping around."
Ilara looked visibly disappointed at how their investigation had taken a bad turn.
"We should leave here before anyone sees us."
Sai says as he makes to leave, holding Ilara's hand as he moved.
"yeah sure."
Ilara follows Sai and they both leave the warehouse with frustration written all over their faces…
TIME : 3:24PM
"So governor Cheng, elections will be coming up in a few months, how prepared are you for it??"
A Razz'r with legs crossed dressed in a navy blue suit jacket and white shirt with a black skirt and black heels asks the dignitary sitting in front of her.
"Honestly I don't really care much for it, this city's populace will testify to the good works my administration and I have done since I've been in power, and I'm sure they would want more of the same so unless the people want to gamble, I would say why change something when it ain't broke."
Governor Cheng replies to the female reporter as he picks up his coffee to take a sip.
"That is true but people wonder why it is that your competitors always end up suffering harshly when they come up against you in polls and actually look like they are winning, most inquisitive people might say that you actually have a hand in their cruel fates."
"Oh please those are just rumors spread by my enemies to try and soil my good name."
Cheng says with a smile.
"What about the numerous charges made against you and the investigations that have been carried out involving shady activities around the city."
The reporter pries further, trying to faze the statesman.
"As I said, rumors spread by my opponents to destroy my good name in the eyes of the people."
Cheng chuckles as the interview continues with the reporter prying further.
"That went relatively well if you ask me."
Cheng says to his bodyguards as they walk out of the media house
"You have a call from Karan sir."
One of his bodyguard's says to him.
"Give it."
Cheng receives the cell and picks it as he steps into the vehicle waiting for him.
"Yes Karan… why are you calling me??"
Cheng asks over the receiver.
"I'm calling to inform you on recent events, the sword thief is still at large and we have encountered a new problem in the shape of two nosy officers who won't mind their business, I would take care of them but there are other things on my plate so I'd advice you take care of the detectives before they cause extra problems."
Karan says over the phone.
"Alright then, I'll take care of the detectives, forward their info to me so I can do the needful."
Cheng says calmly.
"Alright then, that will be all for now."
Karan says after which he disconnects the call.
"What to do, what to do...one trouble after another."
Cheng mutters to himself as he drops the cell phone….
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