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98.37% Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer / Chapter 121: Chapter 121 The Final Battle of Harry Potter

Capítulo 121: Chapter 121 The Final Battle of Harry Potter

Chapter 121 The Final Battle of Harry Potter

Due to all the debris from the battle vanishing, the only evidence of the fight was the destruction of the land and the presence of Harry's Punching Bag, standing out like an enormous eye-sore in the Malibu sky.

Thankfully, there were some mutants and Heroes with abilities that could fix the broken scenery, and it didn't take long for everything to return, relatively speaking, to normal.

When everyone gathered back around, Tony just directly stated, "You know, let's just finish this up. Something will definitely happen if we reschedule this for another day, so let's just finish up now. What are the odds that something else happens today?"

As if answering his question, a door of light opened again and a single, cloaked figure walked through before the door closed.

Everyone looked at the cloaked figure, then back at Tony. Tony lowered his head and said, "I'll shut up now." But he did look over at the titanous form of Harry's Punching Bag and sent a command to it.

Before the newly arrived figure could reveal his identity or give any sort of monologue, a building-sized foot shining with the unstoppable red energy of Cyttorak's red dimension crashed down with a force that could liquify adamantium and pulverize the hardest diamond to dust.

Tony continued, "So what do you say we get that priest back up here and we can finish this wedding?"

Harry, on the other hand, sighed and stated, "Sorry Tony. You missed."

Tony frowned and looked back over at the giant foot. Something was happening to it. Its hot-rod red paint scheme was breaking off and the metal beneath seemed to be oxidizing at a visible rate. The fact that an alloy made of gold and titanium, neither of which could actually rust, was quickly corroding set off multiple alarms in Tony's head.

The guests watched as the oxidation quickly climbed up the giant mech's leg to its torso, spread down the other leg, went through the arms, and rusted over the head. The sound of creaking warned everyone what was next to come as the statue of liberty-sized robot lost its internal structural integrity and its internal frame cracked and shattered.

Jean, along with a number of others capable of telekinesis, acted when the thing started collapsing on top of them and caught it before setting the whole thing down.

While everyone's attention was upward, a green beam of light shot from nowhere at Tony.

Harry hadn't sensed the magic of the cloaked figure and jumped in the way to block it.

*Ping *

[Instant Death successfully resisted due to Instant Death Immunity.]

Recognizing the Wizard Magic, Harry pulled out a grenade filled with concentrated anti-magic and let it explode in the air. With the exception of pre-existing magic effects, new magic would be incredibly hard to cast.

The cloaked figure was somewhat revealed as the shimmering outline was clearly visible under the anti-magic effect of the area.

Noticing that he was visible, the figure revealed himself to be a tall fellow wearing a cloak and mask.

Harry asked, "Who are you?"

The figure didn't answer, instead he seemed to take a moment to actually admire the anti-magic field that was quickly placed around them.

The guests surrounded the figure, weapons in hand, to prevent any form of escape.

Not seeming to care about his predicament, the figure eventually answered, "I've had a few names in the past. One you might recognize, would be Lord Voldemort."

Harry replied, "You don't feel like Voldemort." And he didn't. There were similarities, but far more differences.

The masked figure's red eyes shone and stated, "I'm not the Lord Voldemort you are familiar with. I'm something, more."

Harry snorted and took out some anti-magic manacles from his inventory and used telekinesis to throw and attach them to the masked figure.

Voldemort didn't even try to evade. "Oh Harry, the time for games is over." The manacles then somehow rusted apart and the elder wand which appeared in the wizard's hand was flicked into the air. The sound of thunder echoed.

Once he saw that this figure apparently had no difficulty casting magic in a field of anti-magic, Harry sent a powerful severing curse that promised to split the man in two.

Once again, the self-declared Voldemort didn't dodge. The spell then somehow fizzled out before it reached it.

Clouds formed in the sky and rumbled with danger. The masked wizard stated smoothly, "You may be a Harry Potter. But you are not the hand I will die at. Fate, as it seems, is on my side."

Harry knew what Voldemort was referencing. It was that stupid prophecy. If Harry Potter and Voldemort were alive, only one would be able to kill the other. But since Voldemort had Horcruxes, his death wouldn't be a real death, so killing him shouldn't count. Even if there was a prophecy like that, Harry could just destroy the body and bind the soul to a statue or toilet or something.

Unless this Voldemort didn't have any Horcruxes. Then his death would be permanent. Did he get wise and somehow remove the one from his Harry's scar, then destroy the others to ensure killing him meant death? Then perhaps he locked away or imprisoned his own Harry Potter to ensure the Prophecy could never be fulfilled.

There was a reason Harry never killed a Voldemort in any of the parallel worlds he traversed through. Fate wasn't a simple thing. The Harry of each specific world had to end their Voldemort, either directly or indirectly. This Harry could assist someone else who had a connection to that world's Harry to do so, but he could not kill Voldemort directly. Fate was not a simple thing.

And this guy somehow weaponized it.

Shadows started falling from the clouded sky, dozens of little ones and four massive ones.

When the shadows reached the ground, they retracted to reveal their contents. The dozens of little ones looked like Dementors but seemed to have physical bodies that looked like zombies. Dementor Liches?

The four larger shadows deposited massive monstrosities upon the area. A massive, building-sized wolf made of fire and darkness. A giant serpent ten times the size of a basilisk that seemed capable of flight as well as turning incorporeal. A five-story tall giant that seemed to be made of millions of shards of obsidian glass. And an eagle three times the size of a thunderbird that seemed to be made of light and lightning.

Voldemort spoke softly, but his voice could be clearly heard through the crackle of the earth and air the new arrivals caused, "Harry Potter, meet my friends."

The observing Heroes didn't bother with decorum anymore and directly attacked Voldemort. Every attack either dispersed or avoided the masked wizard, who leisurely stood there without a care in the world.

Harry directly stated, "Okay, that's bullshit. There is no way the Prophecy can work like that."

Voldemort chuckled and replied, "Oh, how right you are, Harry Potter. But what is fate but the ability to control the lives of all beings? It took me quite some time, but after I gained control over seven billion murdered souls through a sacrificial ritual of my own design, I became the Master of Fate."

Those listening each felt their blood run cold. The abilities this insane creature displayed were apparently the result of billions of sacrificed souls.

Harry understood its meaning with another interpretation. This guy used the EXP from seven billion kills to level himself up. It seemed like Harry really had met his match, a character just as cheat as himself.

Since Magic didn't work, Harry directly ran forward to smash this being's face in.

Somewhat anticlimactically, he still didn't dodge, and Voldemort's head was rendered into meat paste as Harry's fist passed through it.

The body, however, did not fall. The bits and pieces of his flesh dissolved into shadow and returned to his head and reformed. Even the mask was still present.

Voldemort stated, as if it was an afterthought, "Oh, did I mention I was the Master of Death as well? I am not immortal, but I can control my own death. Using both titles together, I decreed that my world's Voldemort could only be killed by my world's Harry Potter, and that my world's Harry Potter could only be killed by my world's Voldemort. Ingenious, don't you think?"

Harry wanted to say that's not how it works, but he was probably even more BS, so that could not be said with a straight face. Instead, he directly asked, "Why are you here?"

Voldemort didn't answer. He gave an appreciative view to the heroes fighting against his 'friends.'

The Fantastic Four were tying up the Void Serpent, though not easily. The Avengers were taking care of the Obsidian Giant and the Hellhound. And the Reds were taking care of the Lightning Eagle. The remaining guests were fighting against the Dementor Liches. Such creatures would slaughter helpless humans, feast upon their souls and raise their bodies into an army, but they didn't do quite as well against an army that already had super powers.

Voldemort then answered, "I was asked to bring you through a door. I am curious who would dare ask anything of Lord Voldemort, but I cannot meet them without going through that door while taking you with me."

It was obvious he had other plans in mind for what he would do when he entered that door, and none of them were good. If Harry thought Voldemort's magic could be used in the TVA, he might even let him take Harry in. But even his Magic would not work there. It was not that magic was sealed, it simply would not work. No amount of power would be able to overcome that. The only things that really worked in the TVA were physical strength, which the TVA Agents boosted to the max, and technology. Though their tech was certainly more advanced than what Harry had access to, so he couldn't Iron Man his way in and get what he wanted. Harry's Punching Bag only destroyed those indestructible gundams because of magic.

Harry stated, "I don't think I'll go with you. If I can't kill you, I'll just seal you."

Without waiting for a reply, Harry cast Stop on the Dark Lord, halting his time. The spell shattered in an instant, so Harry tried Petrification, Memory Erasure, Soul Binding, Time Reversal, Space Locking, Will Tampering, Power Draining, and Phoenix Fire.

Nothing worked. Even with Harry crushing him into paste using pure telekinesis, the paste just turned into a shadow that was completely immune to everything Harry could use and then reform.

Harry stated once more, "Okay, that's complete and utter bullshit."

Voldemort shook his head, "Now, now, Potter, we must mind our language. Do not underestimate the power of Fate. I hold the fate of billions within me, and I am only fated to die by the hand of my world's Harry Potter. Such a fate is quite heavy. Though powerful, you are still mortal. A single mortal cannot overcome the fate of an entire world. Why don't I show you what it means to be the Master of Fate?"

Harry didn't sense anything good was about to happen, so he fired weapons and cast spells and everything he could think of.

Voldemort just stood in place, taking it all in, and said aloud, with crystal clear clarity, "You are all fated to die."

After the words left his mouth, the battle around them all suddenly shifted.

The Void Serpent broke free of the Fantastic Four and badly hurt Johnny and Ben. In their battle with the Avengers, the Hellhound and Obsidian Giant began to gain the upper hand. The Lightning Eagle started attracting lightning to it from the overcast clouds, strengthening and healing it while using that lightning to suppress the Reds. And the Dementor Liches suddenly felt far more powerful and scary, damaging the morale of those who fought them.

Voldemort stated, "You have a choice to make, Harry Potter. You can come with me, or you can stay here and watch everyone die. You could survive the killing curse, but how many of your friends are just as special?"

It seemed that this Voldemort had already judged that Harry was not someone he could kill or easily suppress, so he decided to approach the battle from a different angle. So what if Voldemort couldn't kill this Harry Potter? Was the same true for everyone else? If he knew one thing about Harry Potter, it was that he had a thing for saving people. He didn't cast a single spell at his target because the battle was already won. Not everyone was like Voldemort and capable of using the lives of billions to usurp control over fate itself.

Harry stated, "Even if I can't kill you, I can still destroy your friends."

Voldemort gestured at them, "Feel free to try."

And so he did, Harry cast an overpowered transfiguration spell on the Obsidian Giant. He had to exhaust much of his magic to do so, as Obsidian was actually quite resistant to spells, even before being configured into a mountainous magical golem, but Harry was able to overcome it and turn the massive monster into a mound of sand.

Voldemort gave Harry a slow clap. "Impressive. I do believe I would like to see an encore."

Another giant shadow fell from the overcast sky and slammed into the ground. The shadow retreated into itself and revealed an identical Obsidian Giant.

Many of those watching fell to the ground in disbelief. These things were basically summons. How many could they destroy? How many could Voldemort summon? How strong was the magic of someone who sacrificed seven billion souls for power?

Some could even hear the echoing of the words Voldemort left hanging in the air. "You are all fated to die."

Harry stared at the cloud cover for a few moments before giving a resigned shrug and walking over to Voldemort's side.

He loudly sighed and said, "Just open the fucking door."

"Of course, of course." A door of light appeared in front of them, and Voldemort said, "After you."

Harry walked forward and Voldemort followed, ready for whatever trick he suspected Harry would pull to get out of this.

Harry indeed pulled a trick, but not one Voldemort was suspecting.

Harry created a silver portal directly in front of them and grabbed Voldemort before throwing them both through.

The portal closed and the summoned creatures faded into shadow. No one knew what happened to Harry Potter.

On the other side of the Portal, Voldemort saw a familiar sky. This was his world. He asked, "Impressive, but what do you hope to accomplish by taking me here?"

"I came to get the hand of the one who can kill you."

"Oh, how clever." Voldemort then removed his mask. The face looking back matched Harry's own. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

That caught Harry off guard. Voldemort was Harry Potter? How was the prophecy still in effect? How did this happen?

Not wanting to be caught off guard again, Harry teleported away, leaving Voldemort to himself. The wizard gave a cruel smile and said, "You can run Potter, but you cannot hide. This world is mine."

Harry Potter was not running, though. With this new information, he figured that this Harry had just turned evil and taken over for Voldemort. Voldemort was probably still alive, so he'd just have to ally himself with a dark lord to kill Harry Potter. Easy, right?

Harry used every form of magic available to himself to hide and then started opening windows into the past to learn what happened here and where Voldemort was located.

Most of the past looked like the books, though this world's Dumbledore certainly had a greater good vibe. He even pretended to destroy the philosopher's stone and kept it for himself. Harry viewed the past scene by scene, but overall, everything seemed identical. It was in the summer after this world's Harry's fifth year that everything changed. It was a single difference. Just one difference caused all of this.

The scene Harry found which caused everything, started in the Gaunt Family Shack. Greater Good Dumbledore had just found the Horcrux he was looking for, but upon seeing it was the resurrection stone, fell victim to the compulsion to wear the ring the stone sat upon.

This was where everything went wrong. The only noticeable difference between this world and countless others was the choice of spell Voldemort placed on the ring. It was not an Ancient Egyptian Withering Curse. It was a mind-breaking curse. The moment the ring was placed on Dumbledore's finger, it stayed in place and started breaking Dumbledore's mind. He tried to take it off, but it was stuck to his finger and the damage from the curse prevented him from casting any spells. Dumbledore was helpless as the shack filled with screams for almost an hour before going silent.

Then, Dumbledore got up. But it was not Dumbledore. The Ring was the second Horcrux created by Voldemort and, in this world, had the same purpose as the Diary. Because this was his second attempt, he applied a lot more wisdom in his choice of how to properly ensure his soul possessed whoever dared to wear the ring of the House of Gaunt.

The newly possessed Dumbledore began to reassemble his broken mind and obtain all the information Dumbledore possessed. It was then that a plan was created. A plan that resulted in the complete and utter destruction of this world.

Dumbledore directly approached Voldemort and showed him the ring, informing his other self of what had transpired. Then, he told Voldemort the prophecy and his plan. Either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives.

To Voldemort, who was obsessed with immortality, the loophole behind such a prophecy was perfectly clear. As long as Harry Potter lived, no other could kill him.

Dumbledore had done a great deal of research into Horcruxes due to Voldemort's use of them and knew things about them that even Voldemort did not. Their limitations and flaws, for example. Together, they worked together to overcome these flaws.

A week before the first of September, Dumbledore approached Harry Potter and told him to come with him. Trusting the headmaster, Harry did so without question.

Harry was stunned on arrival and was placed on an altar. The Diadem of Ravenclaw was placed on his head. The Cup of Hufflepuff was placed on his stomach. Slytherin's Locket had been located by Dumbledore in Grimmauld Place and was taken once he recognized it. Here it was placed on Harry Potter's heart. Voldemort gathered his Death Eaters, and they watched as Voldemort, Dumbledore, and even Nagini formed a triangle around the boy-who-lived.

The ritual commenced, and multiple souls and soul pieces were fused into one. The soul shard that had latched onto Harry when he was a baby neatly accepted the remainder of Voldemort's soul, and the soul piece within the ring that merged with the rest took the subdued soul of Dumbledore with it. The fragmented shard within Harry Potter's scar was empowered a thousand-fold and overwhelmed Harry's mind and soul.

Harry Potter screamed and cried out in pain. His eyes bled. Moments later, the screaming ended. Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Nagini had long dropped dead. Something new rose and opened his now blood-red eyes. His cruel smile was recognized by all his followers. The mind and soul of Voldemort, along with the strength of the sacrifice-empowered Boy-Who-Lived and all the knowledge of Dumbledore. Three Half-Bloods to make a whole.

And thus, the end of the world began.

"So what do you think?"

The moment Harry finished viewing the past, he heard a familiar voice behind him and turned to see his own face smiling back.

Harry Paused again. He really wasn't expecting that. So, Voldemort was Harry Potter. Harry Potter was Voldemort. The only one who could kill one was the other. The Fate Spell the man had cast on himself was similar to the invincibility of Achilles. He was invincible to everything, in exchange for a specific weakness. But his weakness was basically that he could only kill himself.

At least this explained the rust thing. Dumbledore was an accomplished Alchemist. He may not have been able to produce a Philosopher's stone and turn iron into gold, but he knew how to turn gold into iron. The Gold-Titanium alloy Harry's Punching Bag was forged from was alchemically converted into a lesser metal, which was then further alchemically corroded.

Since this man had clearly destroyed the muggles, he likely created spells designed to cripple them, and turning all their metal to rust was a quick and effective means to do so.

Still, Harry Potter had faced worse odds.

Harry Unpasued and asked, "Why kill everyone? Is there any point to being the most powerful person in an empty world?"

"Is that all you have to ask? The world is far from empty. I may have been a bit hasty in my pursuit of immortality, but after obtaining it, I have all the time in the world. The only negative is that my current plans require a greater period of time before they can come to fruition."

Harry figured that meant he had another plan that needed sacrifices and he was just waiting for the survivors to repopulate, or that he had another ritual that took a long time to work. Either way, it wasn't any good for anyone.

Harry stated, "Well, time is certainly a good thing. I think I'll get some myself."

And with that, Harry vanished. Voldemort rolled his eyes. There was no place on the planet where Harry Potter could hide. If he returned to his own world, Voldemort would just wait for one of those Light Doors to appear, since they were tracking him. Even if Harry Potter dropped him somewhere and left him there, one of those Light Doors would emerge and allow him to escape.

Upon accessing the system Voldemort used to track everything on the planet, he determined that Harry Potter was gone. That was annoying. He really left this world.

At least that was what Voldemort assumed before Harry Potter returned. "Okay, I'm back. Sorry for the wait."

Voldemort narrowed his eyes and asked, "Where did you go?"

"Not where, when. As for why, that brings us to who. Who I brought back with me."

Voldemort didn't sense anyone, but a moment later, he felt a sharp pain in his back. This wasn't the first time he'd been stabbed in the back with a knife. It was still annoying. A wave of pure magic threw the undetected assassin back, but Harry's telekinesis cushioned the shockwave to protect the attacker and pull him to safety.

Voldemort felt cold. The knife had pierced his heart from behind. How pointless. The philosopher's stone was implanted into his heart, and even if it failed, at the moment of his death, he would return to life. He'd long grown numb to the pain of life and death, so this was just another Tuesday.

Voldemort stated, "What was that for? How pointless."

The cloaked figure then removed the invisibility cloak he wore. "Hello Tom." It was Harry Potter. A middle-aged Harry Potter who looked somewhere between seventy and eighty years old.

At that moment, Voldemort felt the Philosopher's Stone in his chest shatter and turn to dust. The wound on his back was not healing. What was happening?

Due to a lack of blood, Voldemort collapsed to the ground, but was still able to grunt out, "Explain!"

The Harry he had targeted answered back, "Well, I'm very good at time travel. I went into the past and changed that Mind Breaking Curse you put on the Ring of Gaunt into an Ancient Egyptian Withering Curse. Dumbledore was fatally wounded but not possessed. Harry Potter eventually killed you and grew up to become a powerful Auror and later the Head of the DMLE. Changing the past caused a split in the timeline. I then went into the future of that timeline, the present really, and explained everything to this Harry Potter. He agreed to come with me into your timeline and kill you with a cursed dagger. Once you are dead, I can replace your entire timeline with his. Neat, right?"

Voldemort no longer had the energy to speak. All his strength was built upon the weakness that Harry Potter could kill him. He wouldn't even have to try hard. Fate would literally help him, so this Harry Potter could have literally thrown that knife blindfolded and it would have fatally wounded Voldemort. That was the price of his immortality, but it should have been a price that was impossible to pay. Voldemort tried to use the last of his willpower to frown and at least stare hatefully at the man who brought everything to an end, but even the energy to frown was beyond him. The light faded from his eyes and the world started to shake.

A moment later, the world shattered like glass, and the two Harry Potters were in a different world. No, it was the same world. The fixed timeline he picked up the aged Harry Potter had completely overwritten the other. The only catch with this fix was that the Harry who killed Voldemort had to be the same age, which was why he had to bring an old Harry Potter instead of a young one.

The aged Harry returned the bloodied dagger in his hand and said, "I'm getting too old for this."

"I'm sure you'll have lots more adventures."

"No thank you, I think I'd rather just retire. This will be the final battle of Harry Potter."

"Suit yourself. Good luck." With that, he made a portal back to his world. Although Vol-Dumble-Harry was erased from existence, that was only in his own world. His footsteps outside of his world still remained, but that just meant that his attack wasn't forgotten by anyone.

Tony looked relieved when he saw Harry return and asked, "Where'd that evil Wizard go?"

"He was a bit too full of himself, so I showed him that there is always a bigger fish."

Recognizing the Star Wars reference, Tony nodded sagely and stroked his beard. "Wise words. Can we get back to the wedding or will there be a round three?"

Harry replied, "Finish the wedding, I'll take care of them myself."

Tony looked like he wanted to argue, but only for a moment. He patted Harry's shoulder in thanks and started arranging for everyone to return to their seats. He was not going to let one or two apocalypses stop his wedding. He wasn't Reed Richards after all.

Since the TVA couldn't see what he could do, Harry was able to do neat things like get away with re-writing the past of certain timelines, but that didn't mean they would not notice for long. Harry needed to take care of them.


[New Quest: Remove the Threat of the TVA]

He had been wondering where that Quest was. In any case, this meant that even the Living Tribunal approved of their destruction.

Now he just had to destroy them all. No big deal.

First, Harry brought out a crystal rabbit, a crystal chicken, and a crystal squirrel. Before bringing each to life, he edited them to allow them to work in the 2-D space of the TVA. Next, he brought out an Angel Statue. This was a Weeping Angel he created based off the readings he obtained playing with the ones he found during his Quest with the Doctor. Other than following his directions, it had all the properties of a Weeping Angel, including the property that caused anything with the image of an Angel to become an Angel. They could even convert other Statues or humans into more Angels. They could absorb any form of energy and even feed on the Time Displacing energy of the TVA glow sticks.

And last, he brought out a Replicator. He programmed it so that it would never leave 2-D space, so no matter how they spread, they could only harm the TVA which thought they could hide in the Micro-Verse.

Once the chicken, rabbit, and squirrel were edited and activated, Harry opened a portal to 2-D space and tossed everything through it.


[Quest Complete: Remove the Threat of the TVA

Reward: Ownership of the 2nd Dimension.]

Harry smiled. Time would work differently in such a place, so it didn't matter how long it took, as long as it worked, the results were instantly given. As for the reward, he had a few ideas of what to do.

*Author's Note*

The 3 month break was just to write chapters of The Reincarnator's Tavern so I could post some chapters before I finished this story. That and a massive writers' block trying to figure out how to do that. It may not have been the most satisfying, but at least I got it out of the way and we can go onto the next stuff. There shouldn't be any more giant breaks longer than two weeks between chapters until this book is finished.

If you like Reincarnator's Tavern, please leave a review. It doesn't really show up for searches if there are not enough reviews.

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