While we were on our way to U.C.G, we found a guy who claimed to be a professional hunter. Even though he said that, he kept making things up in order to cover the fact that he was lost.
[ Those damn, trees! They keep changing their position every time I hunt around here. ]
The old man groaned as he kept saying random stuff that didn't make sense. His old age really got to him…
[ Well since I let you give me a ride, leave all of the monsters to me. This old man shall deal with them. ]
He held his katana in his hand as he proudly said to us.
How cocky can this old man get when he was the one who jumped in front of the vehicle. Then he suddenly demanded to get inside it with an arrogant tone in his voice.
Since no one bothered to respond to him, Chloe tried talking to that old man.
[ Hm, gramps? ] ( Chloe )
The old man looked at Chloe while keeping the same composure.
[ What is it? ]
The old man kept his head up while looking down on Chloe as if he was looking at someone inferior to him.
[ What exactly were you hunting for? ] ( Chloe )
I'm not sure where Chloe was trying to get by asking that question but I didn't bother with it.
[ If you are that curious to know, then I shall tell you little one. There's been reports on a new kind of monster that has been wandering around this area, so I took this opportunity to test out my skills. ]
A new kind of monster? If I remember correctly, the guild had a lot of information about the monsters that have been found. But until now, there have been barely any monsters around here. The closer we were getting to the underground city, the less I could sense monsters in my rage.
Did that new monster scare them off? That's unlikely since I would have sensed if there was a presence stronger than the others.
[ Well thanks to those new weapon that the guild has received, we hunters barely have any chance to face a monster. ]
The old man looked away in anger as was complaining.
[ New weapons? ] ( Chloe )
[ Yeah, ever since the guild got its hands on a new weapon, they've been exterminating every monster that they'd encounter.
Even someone without a skill could use that gun. It can even kill a black bear in a single shot, that's how dangerous it is. ]
A new gun that can even pierce a black bear without a sweat? Well, that explains why this area has barely any monsters wandering around.
[ That's amazing! To think that they would make such an amazing weapon. ] ( Chloe )
Chloe amazingly reacted to this new weapon.
[ Yeah, apparently it was invented by someone called Lily. Just from selling this gun, they must have earned a ton of cash. ]
Invented by Lily?
Don't tell me that is….
It didn't take too long before we found the entrance of the city. The surroundings had changed a lot ever since I left this place. Instead of a secretive place, they had opened this area up, and a lot of guards were patrolling in case something bad would happen.
Before we could enter inside this place, we were stopped by two of the security guards who seemed to be fully armed.
[ Stop right there! Show identification cards. ]
The security guy got near the window at the driver's seat as he said that.
[ We're here from Sakuru's temporary base, we are currently going through some trouble, Code 616! ] ( Lloyd )
Lloyd gave a piece of paper to the security guard after he explained our situation.
[ I see, make sure all of the civilians in here get a new identification card as soon as they settle in. ]
The security guard said as he opened the gate that led to the underground.
This place has definitely changed in different ways. From expanding the entrance of this gate, and the way it was managed, and shielding this place to its fullest.
It was as if everyone inside the city were on high alert and in order to get protection, they had increased the security of this place.
After reaching the lowest part of the gate, we finally arrived at the main entrance of this city. At the main gate, we were stopped again in order to check the vehicle and identification cards, but they let us through when Lloyd showed them some document papers without checking inside the vehicle.
[ Waaah! I never thought I'd see a city like this in the middle of nowhere.
It feels as if the disaster was just a dream.
Hatsuko, look! They even made a replica of the sky! ] ( Chloe )
Chloe became excited as she was looking through the window.
After a few minutes, we got out of that vehicle near the Civil Status Office building inorder to get new ID cards for Chloe and everyone.
Since they're probably gonna stay here for some time, an ID card would be needed. Getting a new card was just as fast as when I first applied so there weren't any problems. Since they're probably gonna stay here for some time, an ID card would be needed. Getting a new card was just as fast as when I first applied so there weren't any problems. Angela, Demonica, and Shiro managed to get ID cards even though they didn't have one before. But there was one problem, they needed a last name or a family name. When I asked them about it, they both looked at me all confused, that's why I decided on giving them my last name.
[ Uuggh! I'm so jealous… ] ( Chloe )
She started sulking as she was looking at Angela's ID card. She got an ID card as well, so why is she acting like that?
Anyway, I wasn't sure if Hina had my ID card, so I decided on reapplying for a new one. But for some reason, the lady who worked here was shocked when I said my full name. But after calming herself down, she wryly smiled as she handed my new ID card.
After that, we decided on going to my old apartment. If Hina, Akemi and Ichika made it back here, then they should probably have the keys to my room.
Next chapter is the current situation back at Sakuru! 6 chapters are already up in my (P a t r e o n)! Link in sypnosis
At Sakuru's meeting office!
Different supervisors, together with the leader of Sakuru's city, had prepared a meeting for the current conditions of the city.
At the main screen was standing one guy who had prepared a panel for all the plans and rates of every detail of the city. That includes military stuff like guns and necessary supplies for them, food for the refugees, expansion of the city and creating more bases for their plans.
[ Most of the temporarily bases set up by our military has been a success so far and I'm sure if we continue this way, we'll be sure that everything will go as planned. ]
The guy pointed at the graph on the screen as he explained.
[ But now as the number of people increases, will our resources be enough for everyone? We should reconsider and focus on strengthening the military! ]
One of the supervisors responded as he opened some plans for the military.
[ Don't be stupid!
Right now, we are the only country left in the entire world. Doesn't that make us the strongest and only place in the whole world? If we left those refugees in fate's mercy, we would be no different from those monsters. Also you didn't reconsider that we can increase our military if we train those refugees. Even if they don't have an ability, they can use powerful guns. ]
The supervisor of the military looked away in anger as he couldn't respond to the logical argument.
[ Now that you mentioned the military, have there been any improvements? I heard that a new group of special soldiers was formed recently? I think they were from "SHS" ? ]
( Author's note: "SHS" is short for "Sakuru High School" )
[ Yeah, I came into an agreement that our top students would be a significant help in the military. That's why we created a special group of them so they could enhance their abilities even further. ] ( SHS's headmaster )
The headmaster responded to the supervisor's question.
[ Thanks to them, we managed to regain some of the nearest lands around Sakuru. Not only did they show a great increase in their strength but they also helped the military gather a lot of resources. It's like hitting two birds with one stone. So i think you guys should be giving some credit to me as well. ] ( SHS's headmaster )
The atmosphere around the room didn't change at all no matter what kind of topic was brought up.
[ So you're saying that my soldiers didn't contribute anything at all during this kind of disaster? ]
The military's supervisor snapped back at the principal.
[ No, not at all. If it weren't for those soldiers, Sakuru wouldn't be here, so I'm really grateful to them as well. But I wanted to mention that they have it easy ever since they got equipped with new powerful weapons. Isn't that right, Lily? ] ( SHS's headmaster )
The headmaster directed his sight towards Lily Gee, the creator of most weapons for the military.
Right now, Lily was looking at her own laptop without even bothering what was going in this room.
[ This is an important meeting, shouldn't you be showing a bit more respect, Lily? ]
The president of the Sakuru "leader", asked Lily with a calm voice. But Lily didn't seem to care at all about what was being said.
[ Why would I care about this stupid meeting? Everyone else is risking their lives out there, while you grown ass man relax in these high class chairs and discussing who gets to masturbate more. ] ( Lily )
Lily harshly responded to everyone in this room.
One of the supervisors slammed his hand on the table as he got up in anger.
[ You're just a little kid, know your place! ]
He wasn't the only one pissed about this, but everyone in this room as well. But since they were much more mature than Lily, they tried keeping their cool.
[ Yeah whatever you say, cowards. ] ( Lily )
Lily insulted them once again without a care. Sakuru was in a tight spot after the disaster and thanks to Lily, things had become a little easier for them. That was the only reason why they were allowing her to act like that.
[ Geh! How dare you?! You know that we can just kick you out of this group. The only reason you are here, is because you created those weapons! ]
[ And should I consider that a threat? Heh!
Don't make me laugh, you can kick me out, I don't care at all. But you should know that i created those weapons, and you should know that I can shut them down just by pressing one button on my keyboard. ] ( Lily )
[ [ [ … ] ] ]
The room became quiet once again and the only thing that could be heard were Lily's typings on her keyboard.
[ Ahem! Anyway, I received reports regarding one of our temporarily bases near the north district. ] ( The president )
The president tried changing the topic in order to break the ice in this room.
[ Right, I was gonna mention that as well. Some weeks ago, we lost signal of their location and we can't seem to get in touch with them. ]
[ Not only that, but our main satellite was completely destroyed, that's the reason we can't contact them. We can rely on other devices but none of our soldiers possess those. ]
[ I see, where was their last location before our satellite was destroyed? ] ( The president )
[ Based on our digital map, their base should be some kilometres away from the Underground City. ]
[ The Underground City? ] ( The president )
[ Yes, before the disaster, that city was called "Sunny surface city". Their city had made advanced preparations for any kind of disaster. Now their whole city, has been moved into the underground, away from any danger. ]
Another supervisor added to the conversation.
[ We also lost contact with the Underground City now that we lost our satellite. ]
[ This really is troublesome… Three years would be needed if we were to create a new satellite but I'm afraid that don't have enough time based on our current situation. ]
[ I agree. ]
[ Same as well here… ]
All of the supervisors were discussing the communication problem as they were trying to think of a solution.
[ Lily, do you have any ideas about this? ]
When one of the supervisors asked this question, Lily looked over to all of them. Everyone was paying close attention to her since communicating is a important thing in this world.
[ I'm just a brat, so I don't know. You are all a bunch of cocksuckers who call themselves grown men.
Figure this out on your own. ] ( Lily )
She closed her laptop and got out of the room as she said that to everyone.
[ What's her deal? Even though she is a genius, why does she act like a spoiled brat? ]
One of the supervisors wondered.
[ She is an important part of our city, so we can't afford to make her upset. ]
[ That's weird because she was a kind girl when i first saw her at the facility where she used to work. ]
[ Well, apparently she is mad because her brother died during combat training held by SHS. And no one managed to save him, nor was his body found. ]
[ She is angry because of that? More than half of our world's population died because of the disaster, and now is acting like that because of one person? ]
[ Calm down Loki, she is still a young girl after all. We can't blame her… ]
The room became quiet once again as all of the supervisors were thinking of different solutions to their own problems.
While in the hallways was Lily who was walking back to her own room.
*Beep* *Beep*
Suddenly a notification appeared on her phone as she was walking. When she pulled out her phone, a smile appeared on her face.
[ I found you…
Brother… ] ( Lily )
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