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60% White Tiger Roars in Remnant / Chapter 3: Ch. 3 Meeting team [SMKE]

Capítulo 3: Ch. 3 Meeting team [SMKE]

It took a few hours for the group of six to finally be in sight of Shion.

The town was large enough, but to the trained group it was also woefully under protected. It had its own beauty however, as many of trees were left to grow within the city, matching well with the Asian style of architecture Shion utilized.

After returning, the merchant paid team [SMKE] per their contract. Although their client suffered a lost, it was not the team's fault nor had they done anything to breach said contract. The merchant was down over his losses, but he had to do the best with what he had. Such was the life of a merchant. He was one of the more honest ones so he didn't try to cheat those who did successfully safeguard him on this trip.

Team [SMKE] and their new unaware bundle on the other hand, decided to book a room at the town's inn for the night. Being out in the rain all day wasn't pleasant and they could all use a nice warm bath to relax. The current plan being to grab an airship the next day with the help of Liam's huntsman license and head back to their company HQ. There they would figure out what jobs they'll do next and what to do with the kid.

The boss preferred to have the whole crew involved in these kinds of decisions.

Shion's inn wasn't extravagant, but It was enough for the team to relaxe after a less than pleasant day. Like the rest of the town, the inn was built with a Japanese aesthetic and generally followed the ryokan type. Although the bar and restaurant area had two floors, the area with the rooms was all on the ground floor behind it, with a communal bathing area and simple rooms.

At least they had a good bathing set up and the food was decent. Plus they had proper beds for those who preferred it. So at least it wasn't all bad today.

Now, the girls were very adamant about keeping watch over the kid they had picked up... and keeping Liam and his needles away from him by means of many kicks. The slightly overenthusiastic doctor had to give up or risk his face changing in a few negative ways should he persist. So he patched himself up and sulked in the bath for a while.

The boss asked the girls about this since he felt that even if Liam was going a bit overboard, so were the girls right now. The following answers were given:

"Boss, I know you've had your own struggles, but we've been through what the little cub's going to have to go through, and we want to help him through it." Vanta said as she gently patted the sleeping child's hair.

The boss looked at his rabbit eared teammate who simply nodded before saying, "If I see that green twit coming anywhere near the kid with another needle while he's sleeping, I'm shoving it up his dick hole."

Needless to say the message was received after that shiver inducing warning. And not wanting to test the two protective female Faunus, the boss left to retire for the night, but not before passing on Jaz's warning to his friend and teammate. You just don't let that kind of thing happen to a brother.

So with a night of mild nightmares for the guys and the girls enjoying their protective instincts over the small and cute white tiger faunus, they all rested peacefully after a good day's work.

-Change to the white tiger Faunus POV (who's RWBY name shall remain unsaid until I want to.)

'Ugh, I guess the saying be careful what you wish for does have its merits.' I thought as my head continued to protest the very large influx of new information it had experienced.

I'm not even sure how long it has even taken to go through all that, but damn was Ou Ki more of a badass than I thought.

Around late 300 to early 200 bc, he started fighting on the battlefields of the warring states period of China, rose to become one of the greats of his era and even when he was in his late 50's he was kicking everyone's ass like it was nothing. He only died because one of the best strategists of the same era organized the strongest warrior he could, alongside three armies and making all of it an ambush specifically designed to kill Ou Ki, and even then what actually got him killed was a cheap bastard shooting an arrow into him during the honorable duel between generals. Plus they never got his body since his extremely loyal followers managed to get him out before he died.

I also found out just how much of a prodigy of war he was. Not just his immense strength and skill, but his strategic acumen and battle instincts were monstrous too. And then there's his incredible amount of experience both on and off the battlefield. He was brilliant but also knew how to follow his gut, could be a wily as a fox and ferocious as a tiger, manages to skillfully maneuver through the infamous Chinese court culture and gain the trust and admiration of those around him, including rulers of his country.

He was also an incredibly loyal man to both country and those he cared for. So much so that he never engaged in another relationship after his beloved fiancé and fellow general Kyou died at the hands of Hou Ken.

After experiencing his life like I just did, all I can say is that I have a great amount of respect for the man. Even if he was a bit eccentric sometimes, at one point you just earn the right to be.

It made me feel like I should start training as soon as possible to not shame his legacy.

I probably would too, if I didn't find myself in a completely mind boggling situation right now.

To my right was a beautiful teenager with chocolat colored skin, nice full lips which were slightly parted as her steady breathing moved them, delicate eyelashes and loose black hair resting lazily behind her. The bigger problem was that she was barely wearing anything, only the top of a black jinbei apparently, as she had one of her enchanting legs on me and on top of that it looked like her maturing breast were about to pop out of her sleeping wear.

Although younger than I was in my past life, this teenage girl already looked beautiful and was making me slightly regret reincarnating in such a young body.

And then to my left was an even younger teenager with snow white hair, matching fluffy rabbit ears, tanned skin, long eyelashes and the looks of a cute tomboy, somehow reminding me of my naughty cousin when she was younger. She had a different type of beauty budding from her friend as she seemed to have some toned muscles on display from also not wearing much to sleep with, having made the decision to sleep in a white tank top and red shorts.

'She looks bold but lovable while the other one feels more playful. Now if only they weren't holding like a body pillow.' I thought as I tested both girl's grips, but soon found out that getting out without making a fuss was not an option.

I then started looking around the room to try and figure out some details about my situation, because the memories of the kid I am now in certainly didn't have anything about these two teenagers or this place.

Honestly speaking the kid didn't have many memories since he was only three. But even then I was able to get a decent grasp as to his past and general circumstances. It was pretty easy for me since my ability to perfectly control my body also expends to my brain, which I had trained and studied intensively in my past life to achieve control over. I managed to learn how to manipulate various parts of my brain to boost my memory, retention capacity, learning speed, reflexes, motor skills and the efficiency of my organs by doing so. So looking through three years of a child's memories wasn't exactly difficult since they were stored in this brain before mine and ou ki's experience were transferred.

And before anyone freaks out over me taking over a child's body like a body snatcher, I'll let you know that this kid was created for me to inhabit and died of a heart attack after his father went out to fight the Grimms. He apparently had a weak heart which didn't go well with the dense muscles I had wished for, making him anemic and prone to fainting. All the fear and anxiety of the Grimm attack just made everything stop.

I do feel bad, but judging by the memories and general situation of the kid, he would have never lived a full life anyway. I'm not lying either since I can recall his memories much better than the kid himself. Memories like the fact that his white tiger Faunus mother was abducted by slavers he and his father barely escaped from, the fact that his father would always do his best to protect him led to living in that now destroyed village just because it was mostly Faunus, had to take daily medication which his father had to make using the plants near the village, and that he was taught to never got out without hiding his animal features.

He would have lived a life of weakness, fear and ignorance. But now that I took over and with a heart suited for my body and future, it was going to be different. (Yes a bit harsh for a three year old, but I'm trying to make a point. And the heart bit was fixed by his super bosses.)

'All that is well and good, but nothing explains why I am being used as a body pillow by two very good looking teenage girls!' I thought as I wracked my brain for answers.

The last thing the kid remembered was getting stuffed into his father's storage chest and getting a smack on the head because of it. After that nothing.

So best guess is that these two are part of the people who rescued me and are possibly linked to the set up I wished for.

'They look young but they at the very least have well trained bodies. I can't tell if they have auras since I don't know anything about those. But if my eyes aren't deceiving me, the objects nearby should be their weapons. So they should probably be around Signal academy Ruby level if they already have custom weapons and were involved in rescuing me.' I thought as i tried to glean any form of information from my surroundings.

I should still be somewhere in Mistral judging by this place's style. As far as I remembered each of the major kingdoms had their own aesthetics: Vale was European, Vacuo had some Islamic/Mayan/other sand cultures, Atlas was basically colder America, and Mistral was a mix between Greco-Roman and Asian styles with a heavier influence from the latter for most of the country.

'This should hopefully mean everything is on track so far. I can't check my appearance since I'm apparently trapped by two teenage girls, but my ability to control my body is telling me about the enhanced hearing, upgraded sight, night vision and my extra features, so I am definitely a Faunus. My body feels heavier, but also much stronger than I remember being at this age. I have mine and ou ki's knowledge and experience. And finally, I can feel a weird energy in my body which should be my magic or aura, maybe both since it was said Magic mixed with aura when the wielder was alive. So that means until I can confirm my silver eyes and white tiger status officially, I should consider my body to be as I wished.' I thought as I gave myself the best look over I could given my body pillow status.

'Honestly if anyone from the family heard this situation in my past life, I would have become a joke for a long time.' I then wryly thought.

'Now as far as my situational set up, I am at least in Mistral, with two people who are part of or will lead me to my desired caretakers, but I can't tell what year it is without actually meeting a character I know well enough. That's because the damn show didn't give me any years to work with, so I gotta trust Freyja and Ernesh on this one. Which I do.' I summed up with some satisfaction.

'I mean, so far I'm at least not completely hopeless, being hunted down for having silver eyes, lynched by some racist assholes, in one of Atlas' dust mines, stuck in the wild or running from Grimms. I'll count that as a win in my book. And it's not like the immediate situation is anything bad, just slightly inconvenient.' I thought with an inward nod to myself and a quick glance at the two attractive girls beside me. 'Yeah, not bad at all. Too bad I'm 3 though.'

Seeing that i wouldn't be able to get out without waking the girls and that the situation wasn't an unwanted one, I decided to be patient and wait until morning. I would get more answers then I decided as I closed my eyes to rest properly.

I might have been technically 'resting' for an undetermined period of time, but my brain was being put through its paces as it absorbed all the new information. Thus some proper sleep was something I was looking forward to.

-3rd person POV.

"Wake up girls! We have to be ready by 9:30 for the airship! You can take a nap when we're on it!" The boss yelled through the door of their room with way too much energy for the two teenagers after yesterday.

The two girls from team [SMKE] began to awaken, very unwillingly.

Vanta, the black haired cat faunus, was lazily stretching her arms and back, showing a very seductive sight for any man as her growing assets threatened to spill out any moment and her bare thighs were on full display.

The small white tiger Faunus next to her sat up with a sleepy look on his face as he did similar actions, looking almost as if the older girls little brother with his feline ears and tail twitching around.

Jaz on the other hand was grumbling about mornings and mondays, reaching for her morning carrot since she knew these places didn't really offer those with breakfast and they were her favorite food. Much to the amusement of many assholes who lost their teeth afterwards and the slight teasing of her teammates who knew better than to mess with her and carrots.

A moment later the moving person in between the two of them finally computed and they immediately snapped towards him, fully awake.

"Um... hello?" The small boy unsurely said with a wave of his hand.

""You're awake!"" They both yelled at the same time in surprise.

"Yes?" The cub answered with a small head tilt which then made the two teenage girls melt at the cuteness when one of his ears drooped with it and his bright silver eyes looked at them.

His white hair with black highlights was cut moderately short as it reached to the middle of his forehead with mostly white feline ears on top. He had a cute face which had a healthy amount of baby fat to pinch on his cheeks. His bright silver eyes looked at the two with curiosity. One could see the tattoo like marks on his upper arms, shoulder and upper back marking him as a true tiger Faunus if the white and black tail wasn't enough.

But couple all of this with his small size and you get...

''So cute/damn he's cute!'' They thought as they shared a look.

'Why do these two remind me of something?' The child thought as he looked at the teens properly.

He did get a look during the night, but that was limited and he couldn't see their eyes or behavior until now. And their eyes which were golden and red for the cat and rabbit Faunus respectively, made them feel very familiar.

But before the two girls could snap out of it, their door slammed open as their boss burst in with a serious expression on his face.

"Are you two ok? I heard yelling?" The reddish-brown haired man said as he swept the room with his weapon in gun mode.

The young man was wearing a long mahogany zip up hoodie with pouches lining the inside over a red shirt, bleu jeans with a holster and pistol on one side and a magnetic strip on the other for the weapon in his hands, completed by a pair of black combat boots and red headphones he was using.

He then noticed that a small figure with white and black hair was staring at him with curiosity.

"Huh? The kids awake? That's great!" He happily exclaimed.

"Yes it is great boss." Agreed Vanta as she grabbed her nearby weapon, her tone being very cold and not going very well with her words at all and smile at all.

Jaz didn't even say anything as she put on her gauntlets with a cold look on her face and exuding some killing intent.

The boss then noticed something was wrong by the girls actions.

"Girls, why are you looking at me like..." He started asking, feeling a bit hesitant, but he finally noticed the fact that the two teenage girls were ok and that he had barged in on them wearing almost nothing.

Vanta only had the disheveled jinbei which barely covered her breast and a pair of panties, while Jaz only had her tank top and panties on since she managed to take off her shorts in her sleep.

Now, Vanta is quite open about teasing others with her body, but that's only when she is willing. The girl is still surprisingly pure. Jaz on the other hand generally cared less about exposed skin, but that was only during training or battle.

So when their male boss burst in gun at the ready when both were in such states, a death sentence was being handed out.

"Umm girls, we can talk about this. There's no need to get violent. It's all a misunderstanding." The boss said with a cold sweat as he saw the looks in his teammates eyes.

"If you two big sisters are going to chase that uncle, you should probably wear pants. My dad always got upset when I ran around without them." The small child then innocently interjected as he casually broke the momentum of the incoming cliché of 'women who are upset over being seen naked/scantily clothed, run around in such state or with a towel after the one who saw them. Letting a lot more people see them in such state in their anger.'

But the three people who heard him had varying reactions to the boy's words.

'Big sister huh? I like it.' Thought Vanta as he eyes brightened.

'Kid's got a point. Where are my pants? I don't want to have to beat up everyone in the inn because of that overpowered idiot.' Jaz seriously thought as he focus remained solely on her boss' punishment.

'Uncle! Why am I being called an uncle? I'm only 21! I should still be a big brother no? I am a young and handsome badass mercenary captain in the prime of my youth.' The boss desperately thought as his body visibly sagged a bit over his pained heart.

Meanwhile the child was looking at the three very different reactions with some amusement. Mostly because seeing these over the top anime-like reactions in real life was great for a newly great fan.

'Wow, her eyes are actually shining, I can actually see the depression aura on him and a cold glint did flash in the white haired bunny girls eyes.' He thought in admiration while wondering if he would actually be able to have these types of reactions.

"Ha! I found my pants, now get ready to die you bastard!" Jaz suddenly yelled as she pointed her weaponized gauntlets at her boss without any hesitation.

Said boss immediately snapped out of his psychological dilemma and bolted out of the room without any hesitation whatsoever, leaving a slightly stunned trio behind.

Vanta just looked at her female colleague and the shrugged saying "he's all yours Jaz." without much care since her anger was settled by the little cub beside her.

"Get back here you pervert boss! Take your punishment like a man!" Jaz then yelled as she sprinted out of the room in pursuit with great agility one would expect from a rabbit faunus.

"Is this ok bis sister?" The child asked as he decided to enjoy using the innocent shota tropes.

"Oh they'll be fine. That boss of ours is way too good to get hurt from this and it will let Jasmine get her anger out. As long as we are ready by 9 it doesn't really matter." Vanta answered without much care before really focusing on the little boy beside her. "Now let's get you ready."

"Um, big sister? Why are you looking at me like that?" The little faunus cub asked feeling a bit intimidated by the slightly hungry look the beautiful older girl was giving him.

This worked against him since his ears and tail clearly showed how he was feeling, resulting in a wide eyed child with flattened feline ears holding his own fluffy tail looking at someone who's motherly instincts were already exploding.

The damage was critical.

"Don't you worry. It's only 8:15, so big sis is going to help you take a bath and then the both of us will get dressed and grab breakfast. I'll take care of everything." Vanta enthusiastically said as she got up, subtly wiped her nose, checked her scroll and took the adorable child into her arms.

"Uwah!" Was the only thing that came out of the startled child's mouth.

"Fufufu." The amused response came from Vanta as she went over to their stuff to grab spare clothes for the both of them and put on her sleepwear bottoms to get to the bath.

'Although a bit heavy, it feels nice to hold him. He's so soft.' She internally exclaimed.

During the entire time she had a very satisfied smile as the child was forced to stay in her arms and secure himself by holding on to her. Her tail even started swishing about due to her enjoyment.

"Hey you have a tail like me!" The cub exclaimed in surprise since he hadn't been able to notice until now.

"Yes I do. I am black cat faunus. But unlike you little guy, I just have the tail. It's pretty rare to have two parts like you do." She replied with a little humming as she finished gathering what she would need for their bath.

Carrying their supplies and the child, Vanta made her way to the bathing area at the back of the inn. She had used it the night prior to warm up and relax from a day in the rain, and for a Faunus from Atlas like her, the bathing culture in Mistral was heavenly.

Arriving at the baths, there was a clear division between the male and female sides, so the little cub tried to wriggle is way down to go to his respective side. Too bad Vanta had other thoughts as both some mischief and motherly instincts made her decide for the child.

"Big sister, can you let me down? I can wash myself. Dad showed me how already." He hopefully asked as he looked at her with a pleading look.

"No can do little cub. It's dangerous for you to go in there without any supervision. So you'll be taking a bath with this big sister instead." She answered as we dashed the child's hopes. "I'll make sure you're nice and clean~"

The small Faunus knew he had no hope of escaping when his sliver eyes met her golden ones, in which he spotted amusement and an urge to tease. All he could do know is steel his mind and make it through.

With one Faunus humming happily and the other submitting to his fate, the two entered the women's bath.

'Just think about it like it's a high class service. Yeah. I've heard some family members experienced some stuff like this to relieve stress and take care of their sexual needs. So it's not a rare event.

Plus my body is three right now, so it's not like it can get sexually excited. So just treat this like a luxury treatment from a beautiful girl.' The tiger cub thought as he convinced himself that nothing was wrong and this can even be considered a good thing if he can maintain his cool.

'Just be nice, polite and innocent and you'll be fine. It's not like you've never seen a beauty or naked woman before.' He finally concluded as Vanta finished putting away all the stuff they would need after their bath.

"Alright little man, arms up." She ordered with a cheery tone.

The young boy was wearing the pyjamas she was able to find in his room before they left the day prior. These ones were long black pants with little white paw prints running up the leg and a white t-shirt with a cute tiger design on it.

The first time he saw what he was wearing, the boy honestly thought that the RWBY-verse was really enjoying matching clothes to people's appearances and names. But they were comfortable and matched his age, so he just went with the flow.

'At least I wasn't forced to wear those onesies like Jaune was. That I would fight against tooth and nail.' He had thought as he remembered the boy from the show and shivered at the possibility.

But he easily cooperated with his undressing. It was nothing out of the ordinary for him in all honesty. His past life as a powerful family head did have some perks, such as being pampered by family servants and caretakers. Plus it's not like he should be ashamed of his three year old body, it has untold potential, especially with his experience using his body control. Therefore the child boldly stood naked as he took the small white towel he was handed.

What came next however was something he had forgotten was a possibility, the teenage girl started taking off her own clothes.

So to give her some privacy the boy turned around and waited at entrance for the bath.

"Well look who's a little gentleman~ But big sister is a bit sad that you don't look at her~ Am I ugly?" She teased as she put on an exaggerated pout.

The boy turned to see her barely covered chocolate skin on display.

Apart from the bigger towel she held in front of her body, obscuring her growing breast and her nether region, she was giving a very good show of her body. Long smooth legs with just enough balance between looking soft and toned, her curves on display from the sides of the towel telling any on looker that her hips certainly wouldn't lie, her bare ass in the air which looked like one could bounce a quarter off of and that it contained a good amount of power, her long black hair flowed down her smooth back and her arms were placed in a perfect way to support her impressive bust.

'Good thing being in a child's body changed my brain chemistry too or else I would have to use my control to not react to such a sight.' The cub thought with an inward chuckle. 'But this is a new life in which I am 3, so no point in worrying about age when she is now older than me. I can just enjoy the show.'

"Not at all big sister. You look really beautiful. Dad just said it was polite to not look when someone changes, especially a girl." He innocently answered with a smile.

"Well isn't that sweet." She replied with a small smile, but her eyes dimmed slightly for a moment. "Alright then let's get to washing. I'll make your ears and tail as soft and fluffy as mine and Jaz."

'Damn, gotta try to not make him think of his parents for now. But he looks to be suppressing himself from thinking about it subconsciously. I'll have to talk to everyone about that later.' Vanta thought as she carried the cub to the washing area.

She knew it wasn't going to be a pleasant time when everything comes crashing down on the kid, but she hoped to at least make him feel like someone cared until then. So until then she would try to keep his mind distracted and have fun with him.

Vanta of course had no way of knowing about the small Faunus being someone who reincarnated and thought he had psychological traumas from what had happened, but the cub had already guessed that something similar would happen due to his weirdly calm and accepting behavior. This meant he was already planning how to deal with it.

But for now they both went ahead to enjoy a warm bath.

The inn's bath wasn't anything extravagant like an open air onsen, but it had a large communal tub one could soak in and relax after washing yourself at one of the many shower heads on the walls. (Basically a Japanese Sentō)

Inside the child found out just how sensitive his new features truly were that day, as demonstrated by a few satisfied moans while Vanta washed and played with them plenty as she made him sit on her lap in the tub. A worthwhile trade to be able to rest against those soft chocolate pillows.

They were actually joined later by the white rabbit Faunus Jasmine, looking very much frustrated over her apparent failure at punishing her boss.

The teen grumbled as she washed herself and then joined the two in their soak, took the cub from Vanta and started to pet him and play with his ears to calm herself. Without a word to either of them.

Vanta looked both bemused and slightly pouty at having her new little brother/plushie taken from her, whilst said little brother was rebooting from suddenly being yanked from his comfortable position to a new seat with less in headrest department but very good padding.

This was a new experience for him after all. He had never been treated like a cuddle toy.

'Honestly, can't complain. Feels like I'm getting massaged and the mix between her feminine softness and trained muscles makes her thighs even more comfortable than the other girl's.' He had thought as the child just enjoyed himself.

Much to the pouting of his fellow feline Faunus anyway. But she did not blame the innocent, only the one who took it from her.

All in all, the bath was very pleasant for the child as he was pampered in exchange for letting the two girls play with his ears. He just thought that in whatever world you end up, women love soft and cute things. But it was time to get up and go.

The trio dried themselves off and proceeded to get dressed for breakfast.

The feline Faunus Vanta dressed herself in a sleeveless and backless black shirt, skin tight black arm warmers, a white sash around her waist and really form fitting black pants with knee high black leather boots. It was an outfit made to be seductive, comfortable and well matched for her semblance.

She then tied her hair up in her preferred ponytail style and she was ready to go after she grabbed her black combat jacket with the yellow outlines of a mischievous cat on its back.

The rabbit Faunus on the other hand went for simple and practical. A white t-shirt, black leather pants with red accents along the outside of her legs and a black leather jacket with with a white rabbit resting on a crescent blood moon. Her footwear was also her weapon, which wasn't allowed or recommended in the bath, so she would put that on in their room. She also simply lets her hair down, not bothering to tie it up or style it.

And then we had the small tiger cub who was dressed in the clothes Vanta had selected before they headed in. He was dressed in pretty much the same monochromatic colors as the two girls, wearing black overalls with his tail tucked in, a white long sleeve shirt to hide his tiger markings, and a white hoodie with black paw prints along the arms to cover his ears.

The two girls didn't want others to know about the white tiger cub. They knew all too well what humans could do for a 'rarity' such as him. One was from Atlas and the other Kuchinashi. They had both seen what people could do to others for something as simple as some lien.

The Faunus' then stopped by their rooms to put away their old clothes and get everything packed. They would most likely head out after breakfast and wait at the pick up location for the airship. Thus Vanta took care of both hers and the cub's possessions, Jasmine equipped her [Rabbit's Claws] in their inactive form of greaves and braces before packing herself, and in only a few minutes they were off for food.

They reached the restaurant/bar section of the inn and found it rather empty. Not exactly surprising since this isn't the type of town with many visitors and there not being any reasons at the moment for a lot of people to be travelling. But this made it even easier than usual for them to find the head of bright green hair Liam had.

The good doctor took green to a whole new level as his dark green trench-coat covered his forest and emerald green three piece suit, completed by his lime green tie and army green boots. He was ready to fight and operate.

"Well well. Looks like our dear boss wasn't lying when he said my new patient was awake." Liam said as he noticed the child sitting on Vanta's arm as his own were around her neck.

"Why would I lie about that?" The boss exasperatedly said. "Anyway, eat up girls and boys. I want to hopefully be out by 9:15."

"Yes pervert boss." Responded Jaz as she looked through the breakfast options.

"Big sis, that uncle is a pervert? Dad said to stay away from those." The child purposefully said since he found this kind of situation fun.

"Hmm, for now he's a pervert. So just stay with big sis. Now what do you want to eat?" Vanta answered as she had some slight payback for earlier.

"Can I have the omelet and apple juice?" The cub asked as he looked up at her.

"Of course you can." She happily said as the two ignored the saddened boss with his head on the table.

"What did you do to get the girls mad at you boss?" Whispered Liam as he found this situation pitiful for the usually respected man.

"I accidentally saw them half naked when they yelled that the kid was awake. I only heard a yell from their room so I bursted in thinking they were in trouble, then Jasmine tried to beat me up for a while." He answered to his only ally.

"Hm. Then all I can say is persevere my friend. They'll let you off the hook soon enough." The good doctor responded with a supportive pat on the back.

"I know, but I didn't want the kid's first impression of me being a perverted uncle. I am an honorable and upstanding 21 year old damnit." The boss lamented.

"Ah, no cure for that beyond showing off your good points later I'm afraid." Liam said with a wry smile. "Has anyone ascertained his name yet however? I would prefer to refer to him as something other than child, kid or patient."

"Don't think so." He answered as he looked at the three Faunus ordering their food.

The two men had already finished eating while the others were in the bath, so they were just waiting while drinking a few non-alcoholic beverages.

"Hey girls, have you gotten the kid's name yet?" The boss then asked as he at least got their attention.

"I completely forgot. The morning was rather eventful." The slightly embarrassed Vanta answered.

"Its not hard to find out." Replied Jasmine as she just looked at the small child and bluntly spoke, "Hey kid, what's your name?"

"Can't you ask nicely you tomboy?" Liam exasperatedly said in response to her method.

"My name is Nix." The small child confidently answered as he looked at the rabbit who asked.

"See? It works." She then smugly said to Liam as a tick mark appeared for a moment before he sighed.

"Fine yes, it worked." The green haired man admitted before he looked at the child and introduced himself. "My name is Doctor Liam Evergreen. I'm the one who made that bump on your head go away."

"Oh, thank you Doctor Evergreen." Nix sincerely said with a bright smile.

"You are most welcome child." Liam responded with a satisfied smile.

"No fair, this big sis wanted to get his name first." Vanta jokingly complained with a pout to get Nix's attention.

"It's ok big sister, I still want to know your name." The sensible kid said as he rolled with it.

"Good. My name is Vanta Katt. You can just call me big sis Van." She contentedly said.

"Nice to meet you big sis Van." Nix obediently said with a smile.

But before Vanta could hug him for his good answer he was stolen away by the white haired rabbit.

"Jasmine Scarlatina. Call me Jaz or big sis Jaz. If anyone gives you trouble, you tell me." She basically ordered with a serious face, but Nix could tell she was just trying to not be embarrassed because he could see the expectations in her eyes.

"Ok big sis Jaz." He responded without feeling any intimidation.

With a satisfied nod and a small smile, Jasmine placed Nix on her own lap as she officially stole him from Vanta.

This caused the cat faunus to glare at the content rabbit who had stolen her cub, while said cub was treating this like innocent fun.

"*Ahem* Well I guess I'm last." The boss said as he got their attention and broke Vanta's glaring for now. "Anyway, this handsome big brother's name is Son Mahog. I'm the leader of team [SMKE] and another back at base. Aren't I cool kid?"

To the slight disbelief of the three who knew him, their boss was actually posing as he swept his fingers through his hair and sparkles seemed to gather around him.

"Wow, so you aren't just a pervert uncle Mahog?" Nix said as he just crushed the man with complete innocence.

His entire atmosphere seemingly shattered like glass as he slumped into his chair in defeat, this making his teammates tremble as they fought to not burst out laughing.

'I think I actually heard glass shattering this time. I am going to have fun testing out these anime reactions.' Nix thought as looked at the four people around him.

The man was saved as he received a reprieve in the form of breakfast appearing for the Faunus.

This gave the girls something to focus on beyond their boss' crushing loss, stopped Nix from saying anything more destructive and let Liam take a calming breath.

Breakfast wasn't anything special, but it was good. Vanta ordered a traditional set since it had fish, Nix had his omelet and Jasmine enjoyed her assorted fruits with yogurt and toast.

While they ate, to his credit, the man was capable of bouncing back rather quickly as he returned to normal by the time they were done with breakfast.

He then payed for the group's stay and they were able to leave on schedule.

As the group walked to the landing area for the airship, Liam thought it was a good time to do a little check up since his patient was awake now.

"Now Nix, is your head still hurting? Do you feel any dizziness?" He asked as he held a notebook in his hands.

"Nuh huh?" Nix answered with a shake of his head.

"That's good. Do you feel tired or sluggish?" The doctor asked this time as he noted things down.

"No, I feel fine." The cub answered with another shake of his head.

"Have you noticed anything different about yourself? Anything special?" Liam followed up with since his patient might have been told something.

"Umm, dad said I'm strong and have to be careful when playing with other kids." Nix answered as he decided to give a hint to the man.

"Strong?" Liam asked with some surprise.

"Yeah, what do you mean strong? You're just a cub." Questioned Jasmine as she gave the kid in Vanta's arms a look over.

"Yeah, I had to try a lot to stop breaking my forks. Now I don't even hurt the pages in books." Nix answered with a proud look as he did actually completely master his new body unlike the one he had based his wish off of.

From what he dug up on Wakatsuki Takeshi, the man had next to no control over his ever growing strength as a child and his parents agreed to have a pharmaceutical company they had a good familial relationship with try to help him. They were actually very worried that he would have to live his life like a monster who breaks everything he holds. A very understanding worry since he could scrap objects made of titanium when he was 7, but something completely mitigated by my own in-born gift.

"Could you show me?" Liam asked out of pure curiosity.

"But I don't want to break anything." The cub replied since he didn't really see anything around which could demonstrate his point and didn't belong to anyone.

"Don't be a coward kid." Jasmine said as she dug into her bag and threw a round object. "Here doc, try him with this. I'm curious about how 'strong' this cub is."

"An apple?" Liam said with a raised eyebrow and a look towards the white haired teen.

"He said he broke utensils, so an apple should be good to test it out." She answered with a shrug.

"What do you think Nix? Could you show us how strong you are?" Vanta sweetly asked as she too was rather curious about this little cub in her arms.

"Ok big sis. But be careful, I don't want to get juice on you." The child said as he complied.

He then held a hand out towards the doctor, who in turn placed the red apple in it. The apple was a lot bigger than the child's hand so he could only partially cover its surface as he held it.

Nix focused his attention on the apple as he gripped its side, then in one swift action he squeezed it, causing that area of the apple to completely collapse, resulting in the rest of the apple to fall on the ground in pieces, juice squirting at those nearby and some chunks of squeezed apple remaining in the child's hand.

"My word. Simply extraordinary." Softly exclaimed Liam as he witnessed something a child is most certainly not capable of achieving. Only those with aura empowering them should be able to succeed and the child hadn't even awakened his.

"Wow. Aren't you an awesome little brother?" Vanta's said with a surprised but slightly pampering manner, not feeling any worry over the child who apparently had the grip strength to crush an apple around her neck.

Her thought on that was simple, 'He hasn't hurt anyone or broken anything, that means he has control over it. So why worry?'

"Now isn't that interesting. Ever been in a fight?" Jaz asked with an excited grin over her battle maniac thoughts.

'If he's this strong now, how strong will he be when he's older? When he's got some training? Or when his aura gets unlocked? Damn I want to find out.' She excitedly thought as the daydreams of the ultimate sparring partner flashed across her head. 'Gotta get the boss to keep him so I can train him first though.'

"Have you always been able to do things like this?" Liam finally asked.

"Yeah. I have to be careful all the time. I don't want to break things, even more when the things are other people's." Nix seriously answered.

"That means you're a good kid Nix. Big sis is proud that you try hard to not break things." Vanta said as she used positive feedback for good behavior.

"Thanks big sister Van." The little tiger replied happily.

"Simply remarkable. To be this stronger at such a young age and without an aura or semblance helping him. This might have to do with his abnormal weight." Liam excitedly theorized as he went through his mind for possibilities and explanations.

"Alright gang, Airship's coming in soon so let's get to the boarding zone." Boss Mahog announced as he returned from getting an update on their flight, but then he saw a curious scene. "Why is their a destroyed apple on the ground?"

"Oh boss. It turns out our little Nix here is a very strong boy~" Van answered as she booped the kid's nose.

"What?" The boss asked back in confusion.

"Kid can crush an apple with a single hand. Can we keep him?" Jasmine answered quickly before asking what she wanted.

"He is not a pet Jasmine. A child is serious work to raise. However, I too would like to request keeping Nix. Such a fascinating medical case just dropping in front of me. To not seek to understand it would hurt my soul as a doctor." Liam dramatically added as his breathing got heavier.

He got a heel kick onto top of his head by a protective Van as she stood being the now fallen doctor twitching on the floor.

"He is not your medical subject either. But putting aside the reasons of these two weirdos, I would also feel bad just dumping Nix off. Can we keep him? We can teach him to help out." Vanta said as she tried to think of a beneficial for him to stay.

"I can learn!?" Nix excitedly asked as he heard Vanta talk. He desperately wanted to learn more about how everything worked in this world after all.

"You want to learn things?" The slightly surprised cat faunus asked her little hanger on.

"Yeah! I already know all the books dad had. Even though I don't know what all the words in them mean." He answered as he made it sound like he had a great memory, but limited education.

"He probably has a photographic or eidetic memory, something else to verify and test." Liam declared from the ground as one of his hands shot up.

"Quiet." Jasmine said as she gave him a kick as well before turning to their boss. "So can we keep him?"

"I'm not making that decision without the others. This would be a big responsibility." Said boss answered carefully under the impassioned gazes of the two female Faunus.

"I guess we'll just have to convince the others then, won't we Jaz?" Vanta said as she turned to walk to the boarding zone.

"That we will. This idiot will be useful to convince them." Jasmine said as she grabbed one of Liam's legs and began dragging him behind her.

"Girls wait! I have all the tickets!" He called out as he ran after his group.

-Additional Author Notes

Hello there.

So I also wanted to say this to avoid the majority of people harping on the 30 year old acting like a child.

There's actually a reason and that is the incredibly useful disarming factor and that it makes people not suspect them.

He uses his memories of how a child can act and how the body language works to control himself into perfectly replicating it.

So about half of it is for achieving his goals and subtly getting information, and the other half is actually for fun since he's trying to enjoy his life.

And yes I do understand that this hasn't exactly been an action packed chapter, but I'm trying to still make it interesting.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

Yes the liking of Nix may be a bit rushed, but there are reasons for it.

Partially it’s because the two girls have had a rough past and empathize. He’s also 3, so it does make people want to help the newly orphaned boy.

Gradually revealing what he can do also helps show that he’s special and could become very useful in less than a decade, so he’s at least a good investment.

So overall he is using what he can to obtain people he can rely on until he matures more.


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