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75% Ben 10: Earth's Mightiest Heroes / Chapter 21: It's Just Business

Capítulo 21: It's Just Business

Stark Industries Tower


The CEO, Tony Stark, was working on a device in his office while meeting with another CEO. To the visitor's left sat Ben in his green-accented suit. Tony had asked the alien hero to sit in the meeting as a consultant. It seemed that the Iron Avenger was dead set on being the scientist who increased Earth's technology level rating.

In front of Tony, the CEO of Williams Innovations, Sanford Williams, wore a beige business suit and red tie. He got right to the point. "I don't need to tell you that Stark Industries is crushing us. Energy was our main innovation, but we've had nothing to compete ever since you came out with the arc reactor technology."

Ben nodded. "To be fair, cold fusion is a major milestone in energy production. I think the next nuclear advancement after this is a Dyson sphere."

Sanford sighed. "I'm aware of that. But there are still so many other projects and fields in development in my company. I just need more time, but we're going under," Sanford informed, lightly slamming his hands on the table.

Meanwhile, Tony was reviewing a spherical device. The armored Avenger flipped a switch, which got a response from Jarvis. "Security image not found. Error," Jarvis informed Tony, to Tony's hidden frustration.

Ben pinched the bridge of his nose. "Tony, don't you think you should talk to the guy who took the time to set up this meeting with you, which you agreed with?"

Tony took his eyes off his work and looked at Sanford for the first time during the meeting. "Well, yeah. I've been buying company shares while others have sold theirs. They lost faith, but I know you guys have potential. I could have easily bought you guys out entirely, but I didn't. Isn't the extra capital investment helping you guys stay afloat?"

Sanford frowned. "It is, but I can't help but feel control over my own company is slipping through my fingers. We don't know each other, but I came to ask you personally, don't do this." He asked in a slightly pleading tone. "I built Williams Innovations from nothing." He lowered his head a bit somberly. "Not even my sons want to speak with me. It's all I have."

Tony cringed a bit. "Oh... If that's the case, you were a bit too late."

Simmon looked at him in slight alarm and disbelief. "What?"

"I became the majority shareholder about 15 minutes ago," Tony answered.

Simmon stood up in anger. "No… I'm not going to let you do this. You hear me, Stark!" he raised his voice as he turned and began to walk out of the room.

Ben frowned and quickly pulled the man back into his seat. "Hold on, Williams. Why are you saying that? Aren't you still the CEO whether or not Tony holds majority shares?"

Williams simmered. "A major or even a majority shareholder will have more power than a CEO, but their power is limited mostly to shareholder meetings. If they do have a majority, they can exercise this within limits to do things. They can also pressure the board or the CEO to do certain things. I'm not going to let Tony destroy my entire life!"


"You make it sound like Tony was abusing his influence during the meetings." The hero blinked. "Was he?"

Tony rolled his eyes. "No, I was not! I don't even show up to those meetings. Pepper or another assistant does and gives me the TLDR on what's happening."

"Sanford, what exactly are you scared of happening anyways?" asked Ben. "I think we're all on the wrong page about what's happening."

"I just know that Tony is going to conspire with the board and push me out of office only for him to take over."

Tony stared at Simmon with his mouth open. "Why the hell would I do that?! I already got my hands full with Stark Industries and being an Avenger. Why would I add the CEO of your company on top of that?!"

William's emotions seemed to settle down. "You aren't?"

Ben sighed. "Frankly, if the board saw you acting like this, they'd probably do it themselves."

Tony dropped everything to free his hands. "Let me explain. Even as a majority shareholder, business Williams Innovations would continue as usual. I'm trying to save your company, not take it over. You said it yourself that it wasn't going to survive. I know you have brilliant tech in development. I want to work with you to save what you built. All I wanted to do was help."

Ben turned to the visitor. "I'm sorry, Sanford, but Tony sounds pretty hands-off with the investment into your company."

Sanford slumped in his seat. "You're... not going to do anything?"

Tony mimicked the posture. "Sanford, you're overestimating my business prowess. I'm not a tech mogul buying up all the smaller start-ups."

Ben pulled out his phone for a quick web search. "Your public image says otherwise."

"Note to self: Speak with the PR department." Tony groaned. "Sanford, would it make you feel better if I signed something? The lawyers can draft something to ensure my involvement stays strictly financial."

The man perked up, hope in his heart. "You... You mean it?"

Tony pulled out a card and handed it to Sanford. "Speak to my legal department, and we'll square up something this week. I guarantee it."

"I... I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. I guess I got ahead of myself there." He stood up and started walking out of the office. "You won't regret it! Williams Innovations can stand independently; just wait and see!"

"Well, that turned out better than I expected, Tony," Ant-Man spoke out as he climbed up from inside the machine Tony had been working on. "Things would have gone south if Ben didn't encourage you two to talk during the meeting."

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." Tony told the fellow scientist in his usual tone.

Ben rolled his eyes. "I feel so appreciated."

"Is this how most of your meetings with other companies go?" Hank continued. "I would have assumed Pepper would be taking Ben's place as a mediator.

"Pepper was busy with another department contract." Tony changed the topic. "Did you find something on the hard drive or not?"

"You could have crushed that guy, Tony. What kind of man callously disregards another human being like that?" Ant-Man continued to pry on the matter, not liking what he had seen and heard.

"You were acting like kind of a dick, Tony." Ben gestured to the device. "I know whatever this is is important, but come on. This could have been settled in less than five minutes of a sincere business talk. The dude was about to storm out of here."

Tony rubbed his forehead. "Look, I had a plan you guys wouldn't understand."

Hank slumped his shoulders. "I would like to think communication is important in business relations. We aren't psychic. Sanford had all these fears building up because he wasn't in the loop of your plan."

Ben nodded. "This also applies to being an avenger, man. If we save the world, we must be on the same page." He started walking out the door as well. "I need some air. Let me know if something comes up."


Skies over New York

"Come on, they're getting away," Wasp shouted over the air currents blowing around her,

Thor and Wasp chased after a small, sphere-shaped AIM probe. The two patrolled the city that day when they encountered a business deal between the supervillain science organization and an unknown buyer. They immediately intervened since they knew that if AIM was involved, it meant something in the area of weapons, and that led them to where they were now.

"They seem to be of little threat," Thor scoffed as he flew alongside Janet on her left.

As the AIM agents fled, their last desperate shot was a strange black orb that sped toward Thor and Wasp. The orb expanded into a swirling vortex, pulling them in with a force that defied comprehension.

"Thor! What is this thing?" Wasp screamed, her voice strained as she felt herself pulled into the void. "It's like a black hole!"

Thor growled, his voice a deep rumble even through the chaos. He could see Wasp stretched, her body elongating as if she were made of rubber. He, too, could feel the immense forces trying to pull him apart.

Wasp's eyes widened in terror as she experienced spaghettification, her body stretched vertically and compressed horizontally. The pain was excruciating, her every atom feeling the strain of the tidal forces.

Thinking quickly, Thor tightened his grip on Mjolnir. "Hold on, Janet!" he roared. Summoning every ounce of his divine strength, he called forth the storm's power. The sky above them darkened, thunder rolling ominously. With a mighty cry, he directed a lightning bolt toward his hammer.

The magical lightning struck Mjolnir, and Thor felt the power surge coursing through him. He aimed the hammer toward the heart of the vortex, channeling the storm's energy into the black hole. A brilliant flash of light erupted from Mjolnir, the energy bursting outward in a powerful wave.

The black hole shuddered, its pull weakening as the energy disrupted its core. The gravitational forces around them began to waver, and Thor unleashed a massive burst of lightning with one final push. The bolt struck the vortex, causing it to implode in a spectacular explosion of energy.

Wasp felt the pressure easing, her body slowly returning to normal. She gasped for breath, her limbs trembling from the ordeal. Thor, too, felt the release of the immense forces as the vortex disintegrated.

The two Avengers hovered in the air, the storm's remnants crackling around them.

"That's crazier than I was thinking," Wasp commented as she rested her hands on her knees for a minute as she caught her breath.

Thor looked over at Wasp, concern etched on his face. "Are you alright, Janet?" he asked, his voice gentle despite the thunderous power he had just unleashed.

Wasp nodded weakly, a determined smile forming on her lips. "Yeah, I think so. That was... intense. It reminded me of Graviton." Wasp chuckled, her strength returning. "Thanks for the save, Thor."

"Anytime," Thor replied, his eyes twinkling with camaraderie. "Now, let us return the favor to AIM. I tire of these geeks," Thor then scowled. "Should we not call the other Avengers?"

"They'll only slow us down, big guy. Think you can clip their wings?"

"Aye," Thor smirked in excited reply. He then returned his hammer and threw it hard at the AIM ship. It hit dead on and damaged the ship just enough to leave a part of it billowing smoke but still keep on flying.

Thor grabbed his hammer as it returned to his hand. He was about to pursue it when Wasp cut him off, shouting, "Hold up!"

"But they will escape," Thor argued.

"They'll think they're escaping, but they're gonna lead us right to their secret base, where we'll beat them all up," Wasp explained as she indicated the smoke trail the ship was leaving. Thor stared for a moment before his smirk of excitement returned at the prospect of a greater challenge.

Thor grinned. "Verily."

Suddenly, a streak of bright light flashed across the sky, drawing their attention. A figure emerged with wings shimmering with cosmic energy. Its body was slim and aerodynamic, covered in a smooth, dark blue exoskeleton with bright, luminescent green accents that ran along its limbs and torso. His head was elongated and angular, with a prominent beak-like snout and piercing, glowing green eyes. The most distinctive feature was the large, membranous wings extending from his shoulders and laced with bioluminescent veins. It swooped down towards the two Avengers.

Wasp raised a brow at the pterosaur-like being with the familiar hourglass symbol. "Ben? What form is this?"

The alien hero smirked. "Astrodactyl."

Wasp chuckled. "A bit on the nose, but I like it."

"It is good to see you, Ben," regarded Thor. He turned to Wasp. "And you said it would take too long."

"Yeah, I was hard not to notice-" Astrodactyl gestured to the sky. "-the black hole, the massive storm, and all that." He shrugged. "At this point, I see the spontaneous storms and lightning as the Thor signal."

Thor chuckled. "I'm flattered."

Wasp blinked. "That's not a bad idea."

Astrodactyl chuckled. "Thanks. I'm thinking of more for the others. So, what happened here?"

"We were patrolling when we encountered suspicious vagrants." Thor turned Janet. "What was this deal we interrupted? Something about weapons?"

"Yeah, big ones. From what Iron Man told me, these AIM science geeks specialize in making some pretty crazy stuff. You were right about it being a black hole launcher." Wasp, still catching her breath, smiled at Ben. "They tried to trap us, but Thor managed to disrupt it with a powerful lightning strike. We're lucky to be in one piece."

Astrodactyl's eyes widened. "Man, AIM doesn't hold back. Glad you two are okay."

Wasp smirked and started following a smoke trail. "Come on! The three of us shouldn't have any trouble at their base."

Astrodactyl flared his thrusters alongside Thor. "I'm down for that."

Stark Tower

Tony and Hank had moved into the Iron Man armory so that the former could work on his armor, and Hank had taken that moment to broach the topic he was discussing earlier.

"We're not judging you. We're just saying that you need to learn how to connect with people," Hank tried to insist.

"How is that not judging," Tony asked skeptically.

"Because I've been down this road before," Hank retorted solemnly.

"Alright, enough! You've been glaring at me for weeks ever since the Breakout. This isn't about Sanford. This is about Ultron," Tony finally snapped as he stood up to throw his glare at Hank.

"It's part of a bigger problem you have. Ultron was just another example," Hank argued. "Five years ago, you asked me to help you change the world. Your tech with my ideas for mapping a human mind onto a machine."

Tony had to turn away in shame at that memory. "I know what I did, Hank." He was getting close to shouting at the size changer.

"Making weapons was not what I agreed to!" Hank growled. "Were you even going to tell me you were shopping Ultron around to the military?"

"Fine. I should have told you before talking to them. I was wrong. I'm a different person now!"

Hank huffed in skepticism. "Right. You say you've changed, and maybe you're not making weapons anymore, but you're still only thinking about yourself." The man turned away. "You said yourself that you didn't trust SHIELD for being secretive. I thought the same when I saw what was happening to the inmates."

"Hank, if you know what's good for you, you'll shut up right now," Tony growled.

"With your lack of transparency, maybe Iron Man and SHIELD are a good fit."


The sleek, black limousine glided smoothly through the city streets, its tinted windows obscuring the tense scene. Simon Williams sat across from his brother, Eric, the tension palpable in the confined space. The plush leather seats and the soft hum of the engine did little to ease Simon's nerves as he fidgeted. Eric, leaning back, studied his younger brother with a calculating gaze.

The first wore red aviators, boots, and a leather jacket over a black turtleneck and slacks. Simon Williams sighed. "Thanks for meeting up with me, Eric."

The other man sat in the shadows in front of him. "Well, that's what brothers are for. What can I do for the favorite son."

"That's not..." Simon slumped in his seat.

"Drink?" Eric asked, already pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

Simon shook his head, declining the offer. He knew he needed to stay clear-headed for this conversation.

Eric raised an eyebrow but didn't push, settling into his leather seat.

"I need some money," Simon blurted out, unable to find a more tactful way to broach the subject. He saw the glint of amusement in Eric's eyes.

"Straight to the point, as always," Eric said, swirling the amber liquid in his glass.

"You and Dad were right. The acting scene in Hollywood didn't work out. I'm in deep debt, and occasional gigs can't keep me afloat. I'm on my last legs."

"Why not ask Father? He's always been more generous with you."

"I don't want to ask Dad for money. I won't! I need help, Eric."

Simon stiffened, the mention of their father striking a nerve. "You know why, Eric. I can't... I just can't go to him for this. He wasn't fair to you."

'Perhaps they were right.' "Well, what are brothers for?" Eric Williams, aka Grim Reaper, smirked. "Gotta say, I'm surprised to hear from you after all these years since you cut off from the family like I did."

"After what the news stations said about me, I figured you didn't want to associate with people like me. You were always mother's favorite, loving you while I was born bad." He huffed. "Father always had a heavy hand."

"Eric… I know we didn't always see eye to eye growing up. That's why I left. I didn't want to be that kind of man."

Eric's expression softened, but it was a façade. "Alright, Simon, how much do you need?"

Taking a deep breath, Simon forced himself to maintain eye contact. "Twenty thousand. My business—it's on the brink. One good investment and I can turn it around. I just need a little help to get there."

Eric's eyes narrowed. "Twenty grand is a lot of money, little brother. And you want it with no strings? You must think highly of my generosity."

Simon clenched his fists, struggling to keep his composure. "I'm not asking for charity, Eric."

Eric leaned back, his eyes narrowing slightly. "So what's in it for me?"

Simon bristled at the implication. "I'll pay you back, with interest, if you want. This isn't a handout, Eric. Just a loan."

Eric chuckled, a low, menacing sound that sent chills down Simon's spine. "Of course, it's a loan. But I don't need the money, Simon. What I need is... loyalty."

A long silence stretched between them, filled only by the hum of the car and the distant sounds of the city outside.

"What kind?"

Finally, Eric leaned back again, a sly smile curving his lips. "Don't worry. It's nothing personal. I do know people who can help you."

The limo pulled into a warehouse, and Grim Reaper led Simon down an elevator. "These people have a lot of funds, but it won't be for free. You'll have to do something for us."

Simon's heart sank. He knew what Eric was asking. "I don't know," Simon said in uncertainty.

"Trust me. You're in good hands," the Grim Reaper said as they approached a large room with AIM scientists working on various equipment.

"Welcome." A voice said, getting Simon to look to his left.

"GUH!" Simon yelled out, seeing the… man in front of him.

The being had a big head, small arms and legs, brown eyes and hair, and he moved around in a floating chair.

"To AIM."



The helicopter's rotors sliced through the crisp Canadian air, carrying two passengers over the vast, untamed wilderness below. Inside, a young soldier sat nervously across from another man, his features obscured by the shadows cast by his brown Stetson hat. The soldier glanced repeatedly at the imposing figure, finally gathering the courage to speak.

"Sir, I-I know I'm not supposed to ask questions... but who are you?" His voice wavered with unease.

The man lifted his head slightly, revealing piercing eyes beneath the brim of his hat. "No one you wanna know, kid," he replied, his tone gruff and dismissive.

Minutes later, the helicopter descended over a small town, smoke curling up from several buildings. As the chopper touched down, the scene of devastation became clear: emergency services swarmed the area, fires still being extinguished.

The stranger stepped out, revealing brown leather boots, blue jeans, a black leather jacket over a yellow undershirt, and a brown duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Logan took in the scene with a critical eye, his face stern. "Looks like someone had a bad day," he muttered.

Nearby, an officer spoke into their radio. "Copy. About 95% of the population has been accounted for."

A general in a green uniform approached Logan, motioning for him to walk. The two made their way through the chaotic streets. "It happened about 4 hours ago, just before noon," the general began. "A creature was sighted crossing the US-Canadian border. This is what happened when it reached civilization."

Logan raised an eyebrow. "Creature?"

The general nodded. "The Americans call it the Wendigo. Intel is sketchy. Department H thinks the US military is covering up their major breakout earlier this month."

Logan sniffed the air, his keen senses picking up more than just smoke. In his mind's eye, he saw a monstrous figure roaring and attacking a car. "He smells unnatural. Gunpowder, too." He moved a piece of rubble, uncovering a sign that read, "Welcome to Elkford," among a pile of spent bullet casings. "Well... someone tried to fight back."

The general continued, "The survivors reported that a group of individuals followed the creature into their town, where they confronted it. When asked about their descriptions, the townsfolk were too scared and focused on the creature to care and ran for their lives. The monster and the gunmen came and went like a storm."

Logan surveyed the damage. "Not as many casualties as I expected."

"We were told that a young man intervened and did what he could to evacuate the people to safety. Damn, good job if you ask me."

Logan's eyes narrowed. "Any word from him about the attack?"

The general shook his head. "The people said that as soon as he got everyone to safety, he set out to chase them down."

Logan smirked. "Ballsy son of a bitch."

The general's expression turned serious. "Department H wants you to find these possible mercenaries and stop the Wendigo before he reaches another town or city. And if you can't stop it, kill it!"

Logan's smirk widened into a grin. "Sounds like fun."

Omnitrix DNA Entry:

Name: Astrodactyl

Species: Pturbosaurian

Home World: Terradino

Powers and Abilities:

Astrodactyl can fly with his 'jetpack,' and his retractable wings prove stability for this ability. He can create a propulsion blast from his jetpack using internalized star power to enhance his flight. Astrodactyl's star power can be used to create different weapons, the most common being energy whips. Astrodactyl can use his star power to fire an energy beam from his mouth. Astrodactyl possesses enhanced strength, strong enough to carry and lift a Cerebrocrustacean with his prehensile feet. Astrodactyl can survive in the vacuum of space.


A/N: Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, and Seana!

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