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26.47% Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 2 / Chapter 27: V16 - Chapter 192 Sadera Darkest Fire

Capítulo 27: V16 - Chapter 192 Sadera Darkest Fire

Note: Warning, some extreme content around page 11


--- Sadera, Royal District ---

Date: May 5th, 2026

Sharpe and the rest of his Rangers engage the Royal Guard. While the bulk of the Guard is fighting at the Akusho District, a large garrison is still guarding the most influential people in the Empire.

With the Rangers is Tyuule's newly created assassin and skirmisher group consisting of extremely agile demi-human militia Warrior Bunnies and Nekos, who are armed exclusively with sharp tekko kagi metal claws. Because there are simply far too many enemies for the Rangers to handle, Sharpe wants them to quickly move around the buildings, harassing and assassinating any Royal Guards they see. Ambushed any imperial legionnaires to enable smooth advancement. Recently, they have to split from Sharpe's group to intercept and take down the large cavalry charges at Sharpe group's position.

Many City-States in Elies Region, Italica, Valtris, and other cities are ending slavery to endorse the new Falmart Economic Trade Agreement. While in Havcristen, Tyuule pointed out that some Bunnies and Neko's are being freed; that is it. Unless it is related to sex or servant jobs, most native merchants and people refuse to hire them because of discrimination.

Because both groups were discriminated against the most, excluding the Darklings, she is afraid that they will seek revenge if they are left on the streets. She decided to take advantages of both race's strength, agility, speed, stealth, and assassination alongs with their hatred toward the Empire to form a skirmish and assassination's support NATO war efforts and enable them to learn skills that will enable them to work in the post-war environment when more Earth businesses be able to start to come to Uros.

Colonel Yang agreed to give her idea a try and granted Sharpe authority to integrate the group. Both saw this operation as an opportunity to test Tyuule's idea.

"Rangers, take cover," Randy orders.

As the Rangers take cover, he sees what Randy saw, archers on the rooftops and behind swordsman's line formation. Arrows raining everywhere.

Knowing it will take a moment for the archers to reload, he points to the Pina, "Knights, Rangers, Shields, and Rifles."

Pina barks orders, and the Rose Knights form a line. They have their ballistic shields and swords out. Suissesse and Elison were armed with compound crossbows. Tuka forms up next to them with her compound bow. All three of them fire explosive arrows at the enemy, destroying the frontal formation and several roof positions.

The Rangers form up behind the Knights. This is a tactic Sharpe had Carlo train the natives, two-line formation. The Knights are upfront, using their shields to protect the Rangers while they pick off targets at range. Together they advance, putting pressure on the enemy position. When the enemy is weak, the Knights attack, clearing out any survivors. Taking strengths from both styles of fighting and combining them.

Randy takes over and orders both units to advance. Just as planned, arrows hit the ballistic shields while the Rangers pick off the enemy. However, two arrows punch through.

As Sharpe watches, he notices the Imperials on the roofs. He sees that some are carrying crossbows and repeater bows—both new inventions within the Empire's arsenal. The Empire is trying to copy NATO-style weapons and tactics with the primitive technology they have.

"Lelei, take care of those crossbowmen. Rory, with me. Once we break ranks, wipe them out."

As ordered, Lelei uses a Wiccan spell she recently learned from Soredin, "Murder of Crows," in which she summons a swarm of ethereal crows to swarm the crossbowmen position disorient them causing them unable to fire at the group.

Rory laughs and follows him behind the Rangers.

Sharpe sees the plan is working. The Royal Guard formed up as expected, but because they could not see a path to attack because of the combined rifle and bow fire, they moved backward. The Royal Guard is stuck in a rock and a hard place. If they rush forward, if they traditionally do, they would be gunned down with ease. However, they are unable to move backwards because of the amount of soldiers behind them trying to advance forward.

Sharpe does not care. He wants the enemy to be picked off, so their numbers are not as big of a threat. Seeing the results he wants, he decides to change tactics, knowing he is on the clock.

"Knights, Rory, break."

After Sharpe ordered, the Knights and Rory charged forward. With Rory, he is not afraid of the melee battle. With the Rangers providing cover, the battle ends quickly. He rallied up the other teams, Captain Bailey of Vanguard-5, Captain Charles from Vanguard-3, and First Lieutenant Johnson from Vanguard-2.

The plan is Vanguard-3 covers the extraction point while Vanguard-2, Vanguard-5, and some of the Knights will follow Vanguard-7 until halfway to the Basson Prison, providing rear guard. Vanguard-7 and the rest of the Knights will find the pro-peace politicians and extract them.

"Everyone knows what to do, let's do this," Sharpe tells everyone.

Sharpe then points to Yao. "Stay with Vanguard-3, find a good place to dig in and provide counter-fire."

"I can do that, master," Yao said and then walked away.

Sharpe hates hearing that. He does not know if Yao is saying that as a joke or believes that for cultural reasons.

Johnson walks up to Sharpe, "Colonel, we are ready."

"Good," Sharpe said.

Pina and Randy walk up.

"Area secured," Randy said.

Sharpe nods and looks at Pina, "I know we have a digital map on the VISOR HUD, but I want your Knights leading point. You know this place inside and out."

"Of course, I was the one who showed you the secret passage we used to sneak out," Pina said.

The first time the Rangers assaulted Sadera was an Air Assault. Very loud, very noticeable. That is why Sharpe used Pina's knowledge of the city to find a way around the defenses.

According to Pina, she and her Knights had to find a way to sneak out at night to enjoy themselves. They never fit the noble standard. Sharpe thought the idea was too risky, but he then remembers all the times he snuck out of the house and this is their city, so he took her recommendation.

Everyone advances, moving through the streets, building by building. Besides facing light resistance and screaming civilians, everything is moving quickly.

Sharpe sees a dark spot on the street next to a newly constructed building as they move. The dark spot is from the AC-130J strike from last raid(1). He finds it strange to be back here, last time saving his people but now to some of the enemy leadership.

"Something on your mind, Colonel?" Pina asked.

Sharpe checks a corner, "It feels weird being back here. How are you feeling?"

"I would be lying if I didn't feel weirded out myself," Pina said. "The last time I was here, it was after your people raided. I left trying to find answers. I never thought then I would have returned to be fighting them."

"At the end of the day, they are your people," Sharpe said. "I know it isn't easy."

"I told you the other day, sir, I am committed," Pina said. "Beefeater, Bozes, Panache, and I know everyone was. We grew up with these people. While I am not taking any of this personally, everyone here has had a chance to stand up against my brother, even the ones we are coming to save."

"Understood," Sharpe replied. "The best way to do this is to remind yourself that you are doing this for your people, not for revenge or payback. The issue with revolutions is that most of the time when they take power, they seek revenge and forget why they fought back in the first place."

Up ahead is a large formation of Royal Guards. To his surprise, there are brown orcs with the Humans, working together—they finish arming the Scorpio.

"Take cover!" Randy yells.

Everyone moves to the sides of the buildings and begins attacking. A large spear passes them all and goes through a wall.

"I cannot believe this," Bozes said. "They allowed Orcs here?"

"You know that the Dark Races formed a union with the Empire?" Johnson said, confused. "Didn't Zorzal marry their queen?"

"You don't understand," Boxes said. "The Empire has worked with the Darklings for generations, singling them for our interests. But this is the capital, the Royal District. Seeing them here, it's a sight I can't understand."

"It isn't normal," Pina added. "It is odd to see a free elf or dwarf here, but you do see it once and awhile. But a Darkling is something none of us ever imagined. Remember, they are considered sacrificial barbarians the Empire used to attack their enemies."

"Look like, things have changed after all," Sharpe comments.

Not wanting to get bogged down in another firefight, Sharpe orders Johnson to take care of this and to hold on to this intersection.

Johnson orders Sergeant Oka Masaru, his team's heavy weapons specialist, to attack. He switches to his M32 grenade launcher. He moves from his cover and fires three grenades at the enemy, destroying the Scorpio and killing some soldiers.

Seeing the enemy position weakened, Sharpe orders an attack, wanting to keep the pressure on. Everyone behind leapfrogging forwards, firing at the enemy.

Sharpe points to Lelei, and she points her index finger at an upcoming troll and fires a concentrated magical energy beam through the forehead of the troll, killing it. Soldiers run away so the falling body does not crush them.

Sharpe then points at Rory; however, Rory is no longer there. "Goddammit! Where the fuck did she go this time!"

Sharpe's VISOR IFF detects someone. He barely had the chance to look before being grabbed and rammed into the wall. He feels as if energy is draining out from his body as he feels the darkness around him.

Looking up, he sees a Succubus, "Jasis…"

"No," the Succubus says calmly. "I am far worse."

While Sharpe never got the best look at Jasis because it was dark(2), he will always remember her attitude. She was bubbly, like a child, easily distracted, or acted like a clingy ex-girlfriend; everything was a game. This Succubus radiates calm, calculated, and more.

Rory busts out from a building and rams the Succubus, "Leave him alone, Famulis."

"That's the Empress?" Sharpe mumbles, shocked.

"Yes," Rory said. "This bitch is mine! Your business is with me!"

Sharpe looks at Famulis as she braces herself. Rory told him about their past relationship. Taylin tricked Rory to take out a possible threat to the east. Rory assassinated Famulis' mother, Nefara. The bad blood between these two goes back four hundred years.

"Leave her to me, Jackson; this needs to end today," Rory says and charges at the Succubus.

Andrew and Lelei rush up, both asking if Sharpe is ok.

Andrew helps Sharpe up, chuckling, "Seems like you are popular with the ladies, sir."

"I say too popular," Lelei replied, not thrilled by the number of women entering Sharpe's life.

"No kidding, I should have remained single," Sharpe replied as he got up. He looks around to see the situation.


Sharpe looks up and sees Taylin landing on a roof.

Without hesitation, Lelei creates and fires a powerful bolt, destroying half of the building.

Taylin dodges in time, landing on the street.

Sharpe and two other Rangers open fire. Masaru fires his M32 at Taylin, but Taylin deflects the grenade in the air with his axe.

"I can handle this, Sharpe," Lelei said.

Sharpe was surprised to hear that from Lelei. She usually does not like going too far from him during battles, "Are you sure about this? It is pretty difficult for even Rory to fight him on her own!."

"I will fight smart Colonel." Lelei said. "Trust me, I can handle him."

As Lelei leaves, Pina and Johnson rush to him.

"What is the plan, sir?" Johnson asked.

"Johnson, Bailey, I want your team to hold the line here with Rory and Lelei," Sharpe orders and then points to Pina. "Princess, keep Bozes and Panache's teams here and support. I want your team on point; find us a way around this."

After rallying Vanguard-7, they began following the Pina team down an alleyway. Sharpe looks around as the battle continues. While he prefers to stay here because of the enemy's heavy hitters, he knows his heavy hitters will help Johnson. He has a job to do. Otherwise, all this is pointless.


Rory sees Vanguard-7 leave with her VISOR. She heard that Lelei is fighting Taylin, which means Sharpe will be safe from him. The only wild card is Jasis.

Right now, Rory cannot think about that when she needs all her focus on Families.

"You finally came out of the shadows," Rory said.

Famulis ignores Rory and employs necromancy.

Rory looks around and sees corpses start to stand up as ghouls. Unlike the fragile zombies and skeletons, ghouls are more ferocious, faster and more durable.

Five of the ghouls attack Rory. She swings her halberd, decapitating all of them.

Rory sees what Famulis' plan is. Famulis put troops in the Ranger's path, knowing they would die. In return, the Ranger created possible ghouls for her to summon.

"You are going to have to-," Rory stops and deflects an attack. "Hey."

"You are not going to come out of here intact, Rory," Famulis said. "I waited a long time for this."

"To sell out to the Empire? You hate them?" Rory asked.

"Things changed," Famulis replied as she powers up her magic.

Seeing an opening, Rory prepares to strike. But she feels daggers enter her from the side. She looks and sees a Warrior Bunny on the roof.

The sight baffles Rory, unable to understand why a Warrior Bunny is helping Famulis and the Empire. That is when she noticed the brainwash amulet around her neck.

Rory jumps, dodging a dark magical blast. She blocks two more daggers and lands on the street.

The Bunny jumps towards Rory but suddenly stops as an arrow misses her.

Tuka swings her tactical machete and tries using her bow to trap the Bunny.

"Be careful, Tuka," Rory yells.

The Bunny dodges but Tuka trips the Bunny up and conjures "circle of fire" spell to trap the bunny

The bunny is then trapped in the circle of flame. "I have been fighting for eight years. I can handle this."

Rory smirks and sees Lelei and Tuka fight. She looks back at Famulis and all the ghouls surrounding her.

--- Basson Prison ---

Guarding the main Gate of the Basson Prison is a large formation of Oprichnina warriors.

They did not last long as Frost fired an M3 MAAWS Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle at them. The blast killed most of the defenders and blew the door apart.

The Rangers then killed all of the remaining Oprichnina guards.

Sharpe orders the Pina team in.

Pina and her knight team walk in, swords and shield at the ready. A few Oprichnina guards charge at them, hoping to ambush them. The Knights cut them down.

Sharpe gives the order to his Rangers to advance behind the Knights. Sofia, Alicia, Andrew, and he stormed in, killing anything that moves.

Sharpe sees a retreating guard. He aims his rifle and kills him. Knowing how dangerous Sadera is, he does not want to take risks.

"Area secured?"

"I think we are."

"Randy, your team, holds this point; everyone else, let's go," Sharpe orders.

As they move through the Oprichnina dungeon, Sharpe does not like what he sees. He sees chains and tables with blood on them. Jail cells that are meant for dogs. The sound of screaming echoing the hallways.

Alicia sweeps the dungeon "This place is worse than a third world prison."

"Let's just say, we don't ask questions about the Oprichnina. I was never allowed to come here because my father thought I would never come out if I never did. Very few people have,", Pina replied.

Sharpe's team moves through the complex. Everything he sees matches the rumors — people in chains, strapped to tables. Blood is everywhere; not all the blood is red.

Once they get to the central holding cell, Andrew sets the charge. The door explodes, and the Knights go in first, then the Rangers.

Sharpe sees many of the prisoners. With the Senators and their families.

There are about a dozen guards there, protecting the Senators.

"Princess, is that you?" someone yells.

"Yes," Pina said. "Oprichnina, let them go, and I promise we will spare you lives."

The Oprichnina raise their swords, cheer, and then attack.

Sharpe, Andrew, Alicia, Sofia, Jerry line up and open fire. Within moments, most of the Oprichnina fell dead. The Knights finish all the rest off.

"Secure the area."

The Rangers move around and check the chamber. Once they look around, they give the thumbs up. Sharpe then gives Pina the ok to help her people.

"I cannot believe you came."

"Help us, please."

"Don't worry, we came to free you," Pina said as she collects some keys.

Elison stabs her sword into a wounded Oprichnina, killing him."Not like they deserve it."


"What?" Elison asked. "I was tortured in this chamber after the Knights were declared traitors by these people. My family had to torture me to save me. That is the only reason I was able to come back to you, Pina."

"I apologize for that, Knight," a badly bruised man says as he walks out of a cell.

"Identify yourself," Sharpe orders, holding his rifle tight. While he is here to save the pro-peace faction, he does not trust them.

"I am Casel El Tiberius."

"It is ok, Colonel," Pina said. "Casel is one of the most respected Senators in the Empire. His House has been in the senate from the founding."

"Respect, don't make me laugh," Sofia comments as she checks the bodies.

"Show some respect to one of the greatest statesmen who ever lived," Gnaeus Dussie said.

"We're ones here saving you," Sharpe said, feeling the tension between the two sides. "I have orders to extract you, but I will drop any of you if you do anything I don't like."

"You are the enemy; how can we trust you not to kill us or use us as a pond for negotiations?", one senator asks

Sharpe takes a frustrated breath. Before he chews the nobles out, he sees an old man walk up to him. Alicia moved between him and this man, protecting him from any potential threats.

The man stops but looks at Sharpe with a panic look. "Please help us Major Sharpe."

"It is Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe," Alicia corrects.

"He is Kaeso Id Tyueli of the Senate," Pina said as she rushed over. "Please don't harm him."

"He should know better than to rush to our commanding officer like that," Alicia stated.

"I just said we are here to help," Sharpe states, annoyed. "Everyone fall in, and let's go."

"Where is your family, Tyueli?" Pina asked.

"That is why I need help," Tyueli said. "Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe, they took my family. They publicly humiliated them in front of all of us and took them away."

"We don't have time to search this place," Sharpe replied. "There is a battle going on outside and-."

Tyueli gets on her knees, "Please. I don't care about the Empire anymore. If you save my family, I will do whatever you ask of me. Whatever your people want, I will do. I will wash and clean your feet if you save my family. Please, they will do the most horrific things to them. The CIA cannot keep their promise to save my family but they assure me that you people will save them."

Sharpe already knows what will happen. He has his orders, and that includes the families if possible. However, the more directions means a more complex mission, the complex always results in something going wrong.

"Of course, we will find them," Pina said.

Sharpe glares at Pina. "You are not in charge, Princess. Remember that."

Pina is surprised to hear that but remembers the chain of command.

After reestablishing who is in charge, all the prisoners look at him. He takes a breath. "Get the Sergeant Major to secure the prisoners. Rangers, Knights, quick sweep, ten minutes."

"Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel," Tyueli said, his eyes showing hope. "They took them upstairs. I don't know where. But please."

Once Randy arrives, Sharpe rallies both teams, and they head upstairs.

"Andrew, give me some idea here."

"What do you mean, boss?"

"Dungeon, fantasy, I don't want to search randomly."

Andrew is the team fantasy expert. Being a fantasy, manga, and anime fan, his knowledge has helped in the past. He explains that in situations like this in the manga, the bad guys would take the prisoners to a large chamber where they could enjoy their victims. If they were peasants, the Oprichnina would victimize them in a small cell; however, they are nobility.

Seeing the logic, Andrew said, Sharpe agrees to focus on Andrew's recommendations, wanting to keep his timetable.

As the Rangers and Knights begin sweeping the first floor, clearing rooms, and killing anyone who gets in the way, Pina walks up. "Thank you for helping him. Tyueli is a good man. Some of the others are too."

"I will have to take your word on it," Sharpe replied as he cleared a room. "But I am not doing this for him. To be honest, there was a debate of letting the pro-senators die."

Pina stands there in shock, "But aren't you the good guys?"

Sharpe stops and looks at her, "Being the good guys doesn't equal being stupid. This is war, and you must know what you can and cannot do. Honestly, we were not sure how helpful these people would be. Keeping them alive to aid in the new government, they might hamper our interest and try and continue the corruption of the Empire. Not to mention they will potentially undo your revolution too, Princess"

"But remember, Tyueli and Tiberius opposed my brother and father," Pina said. "They have always been seen as the wide pain in the ass Senators, clinging to the old ways of the Republic. I think they could be good allies."

"We shall see."

"Over here," Andrew said over NW. The message is staticy from the magical jamming. "I detect heat."

Sharpe sees the large heat signature from Andrew VISOR from a large chamber door. He forms everyone round the door as Sofia places a breach charge on the door.

The door explodes, and the Knights and Rangers storm into the room, forming a line.

"You finally made it; I was beginning to think you wouldn't arrive," Zorzal said with his arrogant laugh.

Sharpe stands there, rifle at the ready. Usually, he and his men would already open fire, killing the enemy; however, there is a complication that forces him to hesitate. In front of him is Zorzal and his Talis Knights. In front of Zorzal are two naked individuals, chained around their necks and handcuffed behind them. There are bruises all around their body, beaten, cut, black eyes. When he first saw Selina naked, the sight remembers him being dragged by those mercenaries(3).

"By the gods," Pina said, horrified. "That is Tyueli's wife and his daughter Sherry. What have you done, brother?"

"Your husband's plan worked," Zorzal said, ignoring Pina.

"I told you they become weak in the sight of a woman.", a woman said

"That is Preator Moon's wife, Politia. The boy next to her is her son, Skotadi. They are both worshipers of Siflis and pretty much like Moon so you wanna stick your weapon out when interacting with them" Pina said.

Sharpe understands the situation now. Zorzal took the lessons hard from their last encounter. During the US wars in the Middle East, terrorists used tactics like using civilians as human shields. US soldiers struggled to fight back because they did not want to kill the civilians, usually resulting in the terrorist blowing himself up, killing the civilians and soldiers. A no-win situation.

Colonel Yang warned Sharpe about this. Like Selina, Noriko, and villagers, the more people he helped, expect the enemy to use them against him. He has been learning that lesson against the Wood Elves and now Zorzal.

"Let's end this," Alicia said. "This time, I won't kick you in the balls; I will remove them."

"Not so fast, you bitch," Zorzal said. "I have been planning for our next encounter. If you try anything, they are dead." He then nods to Politia.

After getting approval from his mother Politia, Skotadi grabs Sherry's chain and pulls her to him.

"Stand fast," Sharpe orders. He is trying to find a clean shot but cannot. Zorzal is keeping that Tyueli wife close.

Sherry screams, getting Sharpe's attention. Skotadi holds her tight, beginning to molest her body, hitting all the sensitive spots aggressively and painfully.

"Good son," Politia said with a motherly smile. "Remember what I taught you, dear son."

In the corner of his eye, he watches Skotadi molest Sherry aggressively. In the back of his head, he can only remember that Selina was destined to live here, that this was supposed to happen to her. Skotadi looks like a high school rapist who molest innocent girls because he can.

"I noticed you are quiet, Sharpe," Zorzal said with a laugh. "You developed a reputation for always having to say. Something quick, distracting, on your feet. Anything to give you an advantage. I do not see you saying anything now."

Sharpe noticed what Zorzal pointed out influenced everyone. He indeed likes to confuse his opponents with some quick comments. Right now, he cannot think of anything because nothing here is humorous. He is rarely even caught with his pants down, usually only against a smarter opponent, never from a dumbass. Zorzal hit all of his weaknesses, and he is struggling to find a solution out of this.

Pina takes a step forward, but Zorzal strangles Tyueli's wife. Sharpe holds out his hand, trying to keep his soldiers calm, "What do you want, Zorzal?"

"Surrender now, and I promise I won't do any more harm to these two, especially to the girl," Zorzal said. "I know you like girls and would do anything for one, based on your reputation and from my own experience from last time. That slave girl, I forget her name. I bet she told you all the fun stories we had. If you don't surrender, I promise you they will be worse, right in front of you."

"Fuck you!" Alicia said.

Zorzal snaps his figure, and Politia orders her son to break Sherry's arm.

Skotadi lets go of Sherry's breast and grabs her arm. He twists it as hard as he can and breaks it. Sherry lets out a sobering scream, begging for her mother.

Sharpe watches, shocked by the cruelty. The moment reminds him of the Mexico mission, where that girl, begging for her mother, father, and him to be saved only to be immolated alive.

He has seen some evil things in his life, but this is cruel. Human shield to prevent him from shooting and molesting a girl, having her scream to demoralize him and his team, making them feel degrading their morale for every second of delay and to prevent him from thinking clearly. The longer he waits, the more punishment the victims get hurt.

He knows he cannot surrender; that is not an option. Besides that it is against military regulations, he and Pina are dead, and everyone else is dead or will become slaves. He has a responsibility to protect his soldiers at all costs, and surrendering here is not an option. There is no way Zorzal would let them retreat, which results in the two girls' death. Engaging would only get both killed. Either way, any order he gives means the two girls would die, or his team would fail.


He looks at the wife as she stands there, crying. He can see her eyes, begging for help. No, he realized he was wrong, to save Sherry. He fully understands, after all the assassination attempts on Selina, he emotionally knows how far a parent is willing to go to protect their child.

"Please warriors from Earth. I know you are a good man, please, please save my daughter. I will pay any price to save her even if it costs my life, she still has a future ahead of her," The wife begs, crying as she pleads for Sherry's life.

Zorzla not liking the wife interfering, he hits her hard in the head, causing blood to scream down. "Shut up."

"Do it Sharpe.", a voice speaks to Sharpe.

Sharpe aims his rifle and aims it at the wife and shoots her in the head, killing her quickly. He then aims at Skotadi, hitting him in the arm to stop his molestation of Sherry, shocking Politia and the Talis Knights. No one, even Zorzal expected him to cross that line.

"You… you killed her?" Zorzal mumbles, shocked by Sharpe's actions.

Sharpe aims at Zorzal and fires twice in the chest. While he saw dents, Zorzal still stands to his horror.

"Attack!" Zorzal yells.

"Rangers!" Sharpe yells.

His Rangers open fire, gunning down the enemy Knights with no mercy. The Rose Knights attack the incoming Knights. Pina charges forward to save Sherry.

For Sharpe, he is forced to dodge Zorzal's attack. Zorzal blade cutting his vest and body armor. He backs away and fires another shot but again deflects.

"You think you can just shoot me?" Zorzal growled. "I planned for our next encounter for a year. You think I wouldn't come prepared?"

Now Sharpe understands, the Empire must have created some specialized or enchanted armor that can deflect bullets. Based on the small dents, it is not perfect but able to stop two 5.56mm shots. With this world enchantment, alchemy, and dwarven forge, the US should have expected them to develop armor to deflect bullets, just like DARPA is trying to create armor to block magic.

"You fucking asshole," Sharpe growled. "One way or another, I will kill you."

Right now, he is happy that the jamming towers are blocking Sarah from seeing through his camera. He has no intention of being merciful right now.

Pina and Balalaika attacked two enemy knights and quickly dispatched them. She sees Skotadi try to draw his knife to kill Sherry out of spite for Sharpe's shooting at him. She rushes in and kicks him, causing him to drop the knife. She raises her sword, wanting to end this boy's life.

"How dare you do that to my precious son!" Polita rushes from behind with a blade but Pina quickly reverses the grip of her sword and impales Plina's through the chest.

"Run son, Run," Polita weakly screams as she falls down and dies but it gives Skotadi enough time to run

Sharpe sees that Pina and Jerry secured Sherry from the Talis Knights, "Princess. Get the girl out of here and-."

A werewolf bursts from the ground. He aims his rifle and shoots at it. Sofia fires her M4 on automatic into the new threat, both killing it. Two more werewolves burst out from the floor.

"Fall back, Rangers," Sharpe orders.

"You are not going anywhere!" Zorzal yells. "I said I waited for a year for this!"

Sharpe turns around and sees Zorzal attack. While his ammo cannot kill Zorzal, his combat training kicks him. He grabs Zorzal's arm and flips and swings him to the hole.

Seeing that Zorzal almost fell into the new hole, he charges forward, hoping to ram him into the hole.

"Just die!" Sharpe yells as he rams Zorzal. However, Zorzal grabs him, and both fall into the hole.



Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

(1)Chapter 46

(2)Chapter 128

(3)Chapter 5



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman







Special thanks to Tomrichman for all the help with Chapter 192 & 193. These two chapters have been the hardest and most complete chapters I ever written.

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Denunciar abuso

Comentários do parágrafo
