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48.71% Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition / Chapter 74: Relaxing

Capítulo 74: Relaxing

Discussing or meeting between Eleonora and the four girls already have ended, and the young chairman then returns herself to her lovers from Tortus as they already been on good terms with her parents, which is surprisingly quickly according to her but nonetheless, she happy that thing went smooth without any trouble occurred.

'Well, not like I dislike it, but that went surprisingly fast. But maybe I shouldn't say that because I always make anyone fall in love or gain a crush on me quickly on our first meeting. But Yue-san and others are really charming; they have their own charm despite maybe not so beautiful like me.'

She was fully confident of claiming herself to be beautiful than her lovers, although that's true and anyone around her cannot deny it, what she thought may sound arrogant to someone who has a short mind like Nagumo Hajime or people who hate her.

Some people who hate her are sometimes jealous of her talent, and anything since Eleonora Pendragon is the luckiest and blessed person in the world.

Although she doesn't care so much about that, she always lets people judge her by themselves. Let people believe anything about her and come up with their decision, which turns out most of them find Eleonora likeable rather than hated.

And right now, accompanied by her lovers and her adopted daughter, Eleonora enjoys the moment of free time and relax after doing any hard work while in Tortus. She has Yue, who hugged her right arm while her left arm was hugged by Shea; also, her lap was occupied by her adopted daughter, Myuu.

The other women who saw it were jealous because they had already claimed Eleonora's arms and lap as their own. However, it is unsettling if they are jealous of a little girl like Myuu since she is the adopted daughter of Eleonora Pendragon because Remia is one of her lovers.

Eleonora sighed in relief while she enjoyed the comfortableness she got from her lovers and daughter.

"It's good to be back home. Ah, sorry about that, Shizuku-san."

She realized that what she said was kind of sensitive to the black-haired beauty swordswoman because Shizuku still hadn't gone back to her world, and she just shook her head while giving Eleonora an understanding smile on her face.

"It's okay, Eleonora. I knew that you wanted to have a moment with your family and friends. I can wait a little bit and please call me Shizuku. Calling me with such honorific feels like we are strangers, you know."

Shizuku reassured Eleonora to not worry and felt guilty about her that much. Even if it is true, she is still happy to be able together with someone she loves, and it will pain her if she and Eleonora are separated and cannot meet forever. Good thing that they aren't experienced something cliché like that since the young bluenette herself can prevent that.

The black-haired swordswoman will wait patiently and spend her time deepening the relationship she got with Eleonora. Despite how much she wants to meet with her family and friends again, she most likely wants to be with Eleonora even more; her feeling of love towards Eleonora is much stronger than anything else.

She even doesn't mind abandoning her family and friends just for the sake to live together with Eleonora. But of course, it's not just her who has that kind of mindset. Everyone within the room also has the same idea, especially Luluaria and Liliana; they have already proven that by ignoring Eliheid S. B. Heiligh and Lundel S. B. Heiligh—they are even happy when the former king and former prince of Heiligh are not with them anymore, and they can be together with Eleonora.

The power of love really triumphant everything. Although without proper support, even if they have love, they wouldn't survive in life, Eleonora is a perfect example of someone who can succeed as Harem Queen since she has everything on her hands.

Money, power, women—everything. She has all of it within her hands. Let's not forget her godly luck, appearance, and talents that cannot be described normally since it's absurd. Very absurd and something that shouldn't exist in the whole world. Because she has a perfect life that always goes smooth.

"Alright then. How about we all go out and go sightseeing in my world after this? Especially for someone who isn't from a modern world like Tortus' residents? Since Shizuku and I are actually people from the modern world even though it is completely from different realities."

It took them five minutes to come up with the decision, and they stared at each other while nodding their heads before speaking of whatever they had on their minds. The first one who speaks up is Remia that claps her hands happily.

"Of course. It will be fun to associate with technology and such things in modern times, especially in Eleonora's world. How about that, everyone?"

"Yeah, I'm curious about what this world has offered to us since back in Tortus and Heiligh; Eleonora shows us some advanced technology and similar things."

"Yes, I'm agreed with Yue-san. Dear Eleonora also uses her modern knowledge to improve the civilization of Heiligh and maybe the entire Tortus if she has the time do it."

Shea and Liliana nod their heads agree with that.

"Me too! I want to see anything new in Eleonora-san's world! I heard there's no slavery too."

"That's right, Shea-san! Eleonora also told me a few times about good romance stories that didn't exist in Heiligh. There is also some manga that she shows to me whenever we had the time to spend our time together."

"I don't think the manga is that interesting, Liliana…."

Shizuku sweatdrop when she heard that Liliana was interested in things like manga.

"Fufu, I also have excited to see the outfits that Eleonora's world have since most of the clothes she brought are entirely different than what we had in Tortus, after all. All of it silky and smooth that can be classified as high-class and the prices also most likely will be high that only the rich that afford that."

"Myuu also want to play with everyone-nano!"

Hearing what Myuu said with her cheerful and innocent smile made everyone in the room melt their health because of her adorableness. Eleonora kept stroking her adopted daughter's soft wavy blue hair, which caused the young female dagon to purred like a cat and to feel happy because of what her adopted mother did to her.

"Then, all of us agreed to spend our time having fun, right? I will also invite my other lovers and introduce them to all of you to get to know each other. I just hope you won't feel overly jealous or having unfair competition. I want healthy and fair relationships after all."

This caused her lovers to giggle and nod their heads since they understood what Eleonora meant. They are mature enough to not overly jealous or something like that. Sure they might have felt jealous, but they are not taking it to an extreme level which is unhealthy.

As the queen of Heiligh and the leader of Tortus' harem that Eleonora has, Luluaria spoke of her mind.

"Of course we won't do that, dear. That will give anyone around us, especially strangers or people we just meet a bad impression. We are mature enough to not let ourselves be swayed by silly emotion. Although I understand that young girls such as Liliana, Shizuku-san, and Shea-san may feel jealous, I assure you that they won't be like that. Isn't that right?"

The blonde queen turns around to the three girls who are mentioned by her. They nodded their heads together and spoke.

"Of course not, dear mother. I'm not that silly to do that. We are always being taught to behave properly and have good etiquette. I absolutely won't do something that will bring trouble to Eleonora and her family. That will be a piece of cake if I remember it correctly."

"Certainly. Enduring myself of that would also serve me great training. Also, it's normal to keep our manner and behave properly in any kind of situation."

"Yes! I promise that I won't do anything shameful that affects Eleonora-san and her family. I-I also thought it would bring me some good benefits if I can control my emotion and manners before facing someone to get in any kind of conversation."

Eleonora nodded a few times as she was satisfied with the answers. She knows they won't disappoint her and her family. She is also glad they can be understanding of her.

"Good, good. Thank you for that, everyone. I really appreciate it. Then, we will leave in an hour from now, so let's talk about it during the time to waiting for it."


Sword Princess: "Hello everyone, how are you, girls? I'm fine, and dope in here, after finished working with the bracelet version of the dimensional travel machine and come back."

Queen of Sweets: "Hello too, Ais-san, and thank you for your hard work. Is that… slang I've seen? Who taught you that, by the way?"

Sword Princess: "It's Nep-Nep who taught me that, and I took a liking to it. Maybe I'm going to use it a lot in the future later."

The Nightmare: "Hello too, Ais-san, and yes, I am fine. What we did back in Planeptune is quite fun, and I cannot wait to do that again. It's also such a priceless experience I had."

Pudding Lovers: "Yahallo! I'm super duper not fine because Noura didn't visit my landmass a bit longer! Although I am having fun with Aisu and Kurumin, I also want to spend my time with Noura, nepu!"

Queen of Sweets: "Don't worry, Neptune-san. I will visit Planeptune when we have the chance, and this time maybe I've brought a lot of people in there, so best to prepare yourself for that, okay? For now, I want to spend my longing time with everyone in my world."

Pudding Lover: "Uuguuh… okay, fine! If you said that, then I have no choice but to agree. I'm not heartless since myself is the best and cutest heroine ever!"

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for asking. Currently, I am fine, and well, there is no trouble at the moment, is that right? Then it is good news for everyone in the chat group! We can hold the event again later."

Demon Mommy: "That's certainly good news for our side. @King of Knight, @Bloodsucker Black Serpent Look at what our friends have achieved!"

King of Knight: "Indeed. What good news. With this, we can travel to any worlds of our choice depending on the world coordinate since we basically rely on technology."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Yes, we rely on technology, arithmetic, and a bit magic to it. If we fully rely on magic and such, maybe we don't have to calculate its coordinate. A shame, but we have to be grateful for it for now."

Demon Sword Murasame: "I'll take what I have since this is something incredible, and I have no complaint since I can't do anything helpful to contribute to it."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "Don't lower yourself like that. In a few months, I am certain we can easily travel the worlds or dimensions without coordinating. Although magic or technique related to dimensional travelling is indeed rare or unheard, I assume that we can learn it or inject that forcibly to ourselves."

The Florist Succubus: "Whoa! You three have finished it in only a month?! My Onee-sama would be jealous of you if she heard of it. Ah, maybe she is also eager to see it for herself about the machine, but with this, then it's easier for us to travel between worlds or dimensions."

I Love Onee-sama: "My Onii-sama said that the burden of that bracelet version is greatly reduced than the bigger version. Since @Pudding Lover-san sometimes consults about it to my Onii-sama about the machine, it only took an hour for the bracelet version to be fully recharged than the bigger version that is completed, which takes 3 days only."

Titania The Fairy Queen: "That is quite vast differences… and it's amazing, I can say."

Queen of Sweets: "That's true, and that will be great since we don't have to actually wait too long for it to be fully recharged if we intended to use the bracelet version, but If I can say, it's better to be cautious and not always uses the bracelet and sometimes use the big one."

Sword Princess: "Mhm. You're right, and the numbers of people we can bring if each of us wears the bracelet increases tremendously. If before we could only have four people if using the incomplete machine in the bigger size, now we can have at least eight people, and if we use the bracelet, then we can bring up to eight people for each person who wears it."

King of Knight: "So if we use the big machine, then we can only bring four people in total, but if we use the bracelet, assuming four people about to travel, then we can bring up to thirty-two people? Please correct me if I am wrong."

The Nightmare: "That's not necessary since you're right, @King of Knight-san. Your guess is right, and yes, we can bring more people if we use the bracelet rather than the big one. If we intend to bring a lot of people, then I suggest you use the bracelet."

I Love Onee-sama: "I also think of using the bracelet. It has some advantages over the bigger machine… I think? I haven't seen the entire design of it, forgive me, but I just think it will be better to use something that offers many good benefits for us."

Titania The Fairy Queen: "If I may choose, then I definitely pick the bracelet. Although there's nothing wrong with using the previous one that has already been completed, the newest version really offers us some good things. Despite the size, it has a bigger capability than the one you four used to travel."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "True, I would like to pick the bracelet. Everyone who picks it, please vote."

Demon Mommy: "Me, I'll definitely pick it, but we may save the bigger one as a backup in case something wrong going with the bracelet."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Me too, but I think it's obvious what everyone will choose."

Demon Sword Murasame: "+1."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "It is, and I am agreed with that."

The Florist Succubus: "I second that."

King of Knight: "Me too."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "My choice is obvious."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "Looks like we got the most obvious choice, and that's done. We will always use the bracelet and will use the bigger one as the backup."


Earth Land – Fiore – Magnolia Town - Fairy Tail's First Floor

There is quite a commotion on the first floor of the guild that consists of any mages inside. It is considered one of the strongest mage guilds around the Fiore and has also always been marked as the guild full of trouble makers because some of the members tend to cause people around annoyed at their antics; one of it was when they were doing mission, sometimes it always ended with destruction or many more which always made the Wizard Council often called them because of it.

The commotion is because of the brawls that often happened in the Fairy Tail, and it's regarded as a common occurrence by the members. One of the famous brawls was the famous Salamander which has Fire Dragon Slayer magic, and the Ice Maker, which has ice-based magic; they argue with each other so much and pick a fight because they cannot stand each other, but despite that, they are good friends; which they didn't realize and admit it due to their rivalry.

"You damn ice-stripper! I am stronger than you."

"Hah. In your dream, you burned matchstick. Your tiny flame can be extinguished by my ice, and it's the obvious weakness of your element, you dumbass!"

"Whaddya say?! Your pathetic ice cube is only good for making an iced drink! My flame will burn you within a second before you know."

"Oh yeah? Wanna try it?! I bet I can freeze you 0.1 second before you could finish your lame spell!"

As they got angrier by each other insults, they tend started to punch and kick their opponents as they began the brawls to go even wilder than before. Although so many members are around, they do nothing to separate them and just watch because it's amusing, but someone who could make them terrified suddenly opened the guild's door, causing them to turn around and have their faces pale seeing the person they recognized.

It's a young woman with long, scarlet hair and brown eyes. She has custom-made armor by Heart Kreuz smiths, a blue skirt, black boots, and diamond-shaped silver earrings. The young woman looked around her and could see the commotion and brawls that had happened before suddenly died. The two people who insult each other also suddenly has a big and happy smile on their faces; the same can be said with the majority of the members.

"Good morning, everyone. Looks like Natsu and Gray behaved properly. That's good."

She shows a small smile on her lips. The one she addressed as Natsu and Gray nod their heads quickly because they are scared of the young woman.

"H-Hi Erza. Of course, I am. Gray is my best bud! Isn't that right, Gray?!"

He said that emphasizing tone one the latter makes the person addressed as Gray nodded in agreement.

"Y-Yeah! Why would we not behave properly? We have always been in a good relationship with each other!"

Seeing this, Erza nodded her head and felt a tiny bit of happiness as well relieved. But then someone voice can be heard. It sounds like an insult.

"Heh. A pussy. Salamander of Fairy Tail is a pussy. You soiled the good reputation of Dragon Slayer, Salamander."

The one who said that was none other than Gajeel Redfox. The former S-Class Mage of Phantom Lord was disbanded and came to Fairy Tail to join them. Natsu, who heard that insult with a mocking tone from Gajeel, has a tick mark on his forehead.

"Shut your mouth, you Iron Waste! Say that again, and I'll turn your iron to scrap metal!"

"Heh! That's what I want, Salamander! Bring it on!"

As they are about to settle the scores with each other, Erza, who seems to be being ignored, gets in between their quarrels and says something to them.

"Gajeel, Natsu—please don't cause any ruckus, or I'll deal with both of you personally."

That caused them to gulp in fear as their whole body shuddered because they were scared. Another voice can be heard from the counter, and it sounds friendly.

"Hi Erza, good morning! Want any breakfast?"

The one who greeted Erza was a slim young woman of below-average height. She has long, white hair which curls slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest; her hairstyle's most distinctive trait is a short, upward ponytail obtained by gathering and tying the hair covering her forehead. She has large blue eyes and a curvy, voluptuous body, with large breasts.

Erza smiled at that young woman before politely refusing her.

"Mira, good morning too, and I am sorry, but today I already have breakfast when taking my time before coming here. But can I get Strawberry Sundae?"

"Sure! Please wait a moment."

Saying that the young woman called Mira immediately goes to the kitchen and prepare the order of Erza. The scarlet-haired young woman then takes a seat and waits for her drink to come before another young woman greets her with a cheerful smile.

"Hey, Erza! How are you today?"

"Good morning too, Lucy and I are fine. Tough maybe for today I can go for some missions."

Erza replied that a young woman with brown eyes and shoulder-length blonde hair usually tied by ribbons in a variety of colors in a small ponytail to the right side of her head with the rest of the hair loose.

"Ah. What kind of mission do you want anyway?"

"If possible, nothing that causes me any difficulties and can you go with me? I also want the help of Gray and Natsu if possible."

"As long I can get more money for my rent and anything, then I am okay, but… please protect me if anything dangerous happens to me! I don't want that to happen, though… I knew that was coward of me."

Erza just slightly laughed at Lucy, who was saddened and looked down because of her weakness. She patted Lucy's back and said something nice to comfort her so she would not be depressed anymore and back to her usual cheerful self.

"Don't worry about it, Lucy. You are Celestial Spirit Mage, and most of them tend to rely on their Celestial Spirit that was summoned, so it's understandable to not be skilled in direct combat. But you can always train yourself to keep it up."

"Well… that's right, and maybe I should take my time to train myself about hand-to-hand combat so when I can't use my magic, then I could rely on my own strength. Even if I had whip as my main weapon, it's still not enough to cover it up."

"Good thinking, and I think you're right about that. How about training with me in hand-to-hand combat? I also have a few training methods that easily be understood by anyone, and don't worry about the method; it's not that hard or scary."

Hearing that made Lucy's eyes sparkle with excitement and happiness.

"Really?! Are you really sure about that, Erza?"

"Of course, and it's also giving me some good benefits out of it. By doing so, our combat prowess will increase and let us be strong enough to protect ourselves when in danger or grave situations. We can't always rely on anyone to protect ourselves, but we won't hesitate to help our friends and family if it is needed."

"Yeah, because we are Fairy Tail, and we are family. It's normal to help each other."

Mira suddenly appears at the front of the counter while she brings the order that Erza has and places it on the table where the scarlet armored young woman sits. Erza, who heard that agreed with the statement that Mira gave to both of them.

Lucy was stunned for a moment and nodded, agreeing with them too.

"Yes! Thank you for that, and oh Mira, can I get one orange juice? Seeing Erza's strawberry sundae makes me want to have a drink for myself too."

She said, embarrassed and causing the beautiful waiter to chuckle and nod at the Celestial Spirit Mage as she replied with her usual cheerful tone and smile.

"Coming right up. Please wait a moment."

Saying that Mirajane Strauss then went back to the kitchen in the back and let Lucy wait for it as she spent that talking with Erza. Seeing that, the scarlet armored young woman happily agreed and converse with Lucy's talk as she began enjoying her strawberry sundae with peace.

"So Erza, when we can start the training? I am not that hurried or impatient but slightly curious about it."

"Don't worry, we will do it in three days since I have to prepare for your training method and find anything that suits you. Although you may have to go up early than usual, though."

Lucy already knew that and couldn't help but feel that she had to give her beauty sleep until she was done with the training. Sighing is what Lucy can do, and she nods her head to Erza as she wears determined looks on her face.

"No problem. It's for the sake of myself, and I couldn't help but feel grateful. So during the training, please take good care of me."

Erza just smiled.

"No problem, Lucy."

TetekGede TetekGede


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P.P.S: I hope my grammar improved from your knowledge, since I'm not good at judging myself.

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