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44.23% Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition / Chapter 67: Rabbit girl in Heat

Capítulo 67: Rabbit girl in Heat

A knocking sound came from the door. Hearing that, the room owner then stopped what she did and went to the door with curiosity while responding when trying to reach the door.

"Yeeeees? Who is—Oh, Eleonora-san!"

"Pardon my intrusion but are you free for today, Shea-san?"

Shea's bunny ears perked up for a moment before she tilted her head in confusion but nonetheless, she simply nodded at the young bluenette who was asking her about that. Seeing her response, Eleonora smiled before the light blue hair rabbitmen also asked the young girl in front of her.

"Yes…? I'm currently free for today, Eleonora-san. Is there anything you want me to do?"

"You're not wrong, but… I wonder if you want to go out on a date with me today?"

When Eleonora said that, Shea's face was changed from her usual carefree and curious smile widely with a beamed face and a shed of blush on her cheeks. She was bobbing her head quickly as if she agreed about the offer Eleonora gave to her.

"Yes, yes, yes! I want to go on a date with you, Eleonora-san!"

Seeing the young rabbitmen girl full of enthusiasm after hearing that from Eleonora only made the bluenette giggle and nod at her while saying something to Shea; she can even see her long ears moving excitedly just because of that.

"Thank you for accepting, and if so, I'll be waiting for you at the front gate after getting changed."

"A-Ah! Change, yes! I have to change my clothes! Please wait for me then, Eleonora-san! It won't take a long!"

"Don't worry, just take your time slowly and don't rush anything. Bye, Shea-san."

Shea snapped and nodded at Eleonora, who left the bunny girl back at her own business and trying to change her clothes since what she currently wears isn't suited for things like a date. She wants to impress Eleonora since she wants to get a compliment from the young bluenette girl.

Deep in her heart, Shea feels happy since someone she loves finally takes her out on a date, unlike when she is still with Hajime since that young man only cares for Yue more when it comes to romantic things. It will be lying if she's not jealous and mad that only that blonde-haired vampire princess who always gets the attention of someone she loves but cannot do anything about it, and her only option is to be patient to wait for her turn.

"I get to date with Eleonora-san~."

She said that while hummed happily and trying to pick any clothes that would suit her for today date with Eleonora. She wants to wear something that will leave a big impact and be memorable on her first date, Shea doesn't want something plain and make herself forget by someone she loves, but she also doesn't want it to be something too flashy or weird.

A simple yet good clothes that will look great on her.

"Where is it? Hm~ I swear it's around here… or there?"

She asked herself and trying to find the clothes she wanted. The bunny girl doesn't want to keep her date any longer, but she also wants to look fashionable. Eleonora also told her not to hurry about it and take her time slowly to decide what kind of clothes she would wear.

That's why just now, she decided to follow what Eleonora said and take her time choosing any clothes for her first date. Shea cannot help but smile all-time when picking any clothes she has. Some of them are from the young bluenette who will be her date today, which is modern clothes that would be hard to produce if not according to what the new king of Heiligh said.

Since she basically provides the technology and other things to advance the level of her kingdom civilization to the furthest level, making people outside the kingdom interested and may come to the kingdom and decide to live here.

The light blue-haired rabbit girl still can't help but is amazed by the feats Eleonora did to the whole kingdom. She even brought the changes towards the three primary races of Tortus, which made those three races agree to help each other and sign a peace treaty pact agreement that actually involves the whole races in the world; not only humans, demons, or beastmen.

She was smiling and feel happy when Eleonora did that. Shea loves the young bluenette's growth even more than before and doesn't want to be separated from Eleonora as she wants to stay with her forever if possible.

She doubts it since Eleonora is a human and doesn't have a long life, but since witnessing what that young girl does, the rabbit girl doesn't have that kind of thinking and believes that someone like Eleonora will have the solution for that.


Shea smiles lovingly and muttering that while clutches one of the clothes she currently holds. There's small dust of pink on her cheeks right now when her mind was thinking about the beloved young girl with lovely long blue hair that braided ponytail and blue eyes while having a confident smile on her gentle face that make any girls melt instantly; including Shea herself.


It has been at least thirty minutes long after Eleonora told Shea about the date. The young bluenette patiently waiting for the bunny girl since Eleonora is the one who tells her to not rushing it and carefully pick the clothes that she thinks look good on her.

She knew the hurdle of choosing the clothes that suited her and sometimes had to rethink it many times before finding the right one.

Eleonora also had a hard time with that and decided to wear one clothes that looked good in her eyes. The young bluenette right now wears a white shirt dress with long sleeves and red pants. The way she leans back at the wall beside the gate and the gentle breeze that whistle through her will make anyone who sees her pass out due to the remarkable scene they will witness, since the way she poses enhances her beauty further more than before.

She was just sighing.

"Being beautiful is really hard, huh…."

She mutters that and smiling awkward before she hears someone voice.

"Ah, Eleonora-san! Sorry for making you waiting!"

As the voice she heard sounds familiar, Eleonora turned her head and looking at her date for today. She is a beautiful young girl with rabbit ears, long light blue hair and blue eyes. Shea is currently wearing a white round hat that surprisingly enables her to make her long rabbit ears popped out of the hat and a small blue bow on the side of her forehead.

She also has a black long-sleeved sweater covered by her blue coat with three stripes motif, a blue high-waist skirt with white buttons on it, and a black stocking with brown shoes.

Eleonora, who sees it, become amazed while the bunny girl runs towards her and waves her hands to the young bluenette with a smile on her lips.

"Shea-san. It's okay; I don't mind waiting for you."

The words she said successfully made the young bunny girl blush because of how smooth she said that without missing a beat and perfectly as if she was not embarrassed. Eleonora, who noticed then, just let out a small chuckle, took Shea's right hand and kissed the palm.

"You're beautiful as always."

Shea blushes even more when she hears the lovely compliment from Eleonora.

"Ready for our date, Shea-san?"

Eleonora asked that while she held Shea's hand as the light blue-haired young girl nodded meekly to her date and giving permission to Eleonora, which she take it gratefully. She also can feel the grip of their hands tighten by Shea as if she doesn't want to be separated from the one she loves.

Without saying anything, Shea just went quiet and saw this; Eleonora then took the initiative to act quickly since it seems the young bunny girl was not saying anything. Because her whole mind is quite a mess for now since Eleonora did that to her, which is unexpected.

"Alright then, let's have our date and have fun while on it."


Shea answered in a shy manner, which made Eleonora smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go."

With both of them holding hands together, their date began, and they went on many places. The happy face shown by Shea; that genuine and cheerful smile of her is maybe one of many things that made Eleonora feel proud and at ease; also, she feels happy that her rabbit girl lover didn't feel sad or some of that.

Eleonora also sometimes checked and trying to maintain good talk with Shea. She monitors if anything changes when both are talking with each other during their date, but it's not like the young bluenette not enjoying her date; in fact, she's really enjoying it and tries not to be serious all the time. That way she can have fun too.

As they went to many places on their date, Eleonora, the new king of Heiligh also greeted by her citizen, who gave her warm greets and smiles whenever they spotted the bluenette along on their ways. Some of them even pray for her relationship with her lovers to last long and goes forever, giving her a lot of good luck.

The stall owners they passing are giving the couple some of their goods for free, which is rejected by Eleonora and Shea at first. Those sellers won't receive any profit if the couple takes it, but the stall owner insists that they have no choice but to accept it. But they won't accept if they just take all of the goods they sell for free, only a few and not that much.

The cheerful laugh that came from Shea really soothed the atmosphere of the date they had. She also feels lovely today, and this is the feeling she never had before with Hajime. Maybe even more fantastic than with him since the person she loves now genuinely cares about her, unlike the young man; he mostly ignored her due to his attention directed towards Yue.

'I have fun. Really, really fun. Eleonora-san is also romantic and gentleman… should it be a gentlewoman? I don't know and don't really care, but I want this to last forever. I want this never going to end.'

She thought of that while do a quick glance at Eleonora with a tint of faint blush on her cheeks when Eleonora did that. Of course, she was spotted by Eleonora and being asked by her.

"Hm? Shea-san, what's wrong?"

Panicked a bit, Shea then looking for an excuse to that question.

"A-Ah! Nothing, Eleonora-san! I just dozed off a bit. Yeah, that's right!"

Deep inside her heart and mind, she feels idiot to say that as her excuse and screaming internally, but Eleonora just let out a small laugh and pretended to buy Shea's excuse about that.

"Really? Then please pay more attention, or you will miss any single fun of our date."

"Y-Yes! Please forgive me for that. I won't do that again!"

"It's okay, Shea-san. Let's continue our date."

Shea nodded at Eleonora with a big smile on her face. The grip on their hands is tightening, which is a good sign since both couples enjoy their time together. It's not a hard or firm grip but a soft and gentle one that makes Eleonora and Shea comfortable holding each other's hands.

"Yes, Eleonora-san! I want to go to many places with you."

"Haha. The same with me, Shea-san."

With that, they then continued their fun and happy date until the sun went down and replaced the day with night as the sky became darker than before. It's a sign that their date for today might come to an end until the final part of it, which made the light blue-haired girl fluttering and has faint blush on her cheeks right now.

They are currently in an inn and sat on the edge of the bedroom included in the room. Shea's face is obvious as she keeps looking down with a huge embarrassment since her whole body is so nervous about what they would do; although she always tells herself to keep herself together and be brave, she can't.

All the words she told to her former love interest until now feel like lies. She keeps saying that she wants to make out with Nagumo Hajime, yet when it happens, she doesn't dare to say anything about it and just sat there quiet while making her current and true love interest waiting for her.

Eleonora then secretly cast a [Barrier], [Concealment], [Soundproof], and [Time Manipulation] to manipulate the flow of time so that one second outside the barrier is equal to an hour, and she also makes it so no one can't easily break the spells she cast.

After a few minutes, which is approximately eight minutes, Shea's nervousness slowly wears out. She feels normal and back to herself again before turning her face to Eleonora and bravely ask Eleonora about it while stuttering a bit.

"E-E-Eleonora-san! I… I want to… have sex with you!"

She said that aloud and made Eleonora nod her head before she brought her lips closer to Shea's and kissed her with a gentle touch, making the rabbit girl widen in surprise before closing her eyes and kissing her back. She then wraps her arms to Eleonora's neck and hugging it tightly while the aqua-haired girl feels the bluenette's hands on her waist; Eleonora pushes her waist and lets both lips engage in a passionate and loving kiss.

Their lips stayed like that for a while before Eleonora had her tongue slipped inside Shea's mouth and asked for her permission, which the young rabbit girl granted and let Eleonora's tongue enter Shea's mouth more freely.

While her tongue moved freely inside the mouth, she felt another tongue and touched each other before both collided, pleasing each other tongues by licking and sucking it passionately. Not only is Eleonora smooching Shea, but she also undressing the rabbit girl's clothes slowly without the girl being aware of it. While removing the clothes and skirt, Eleonora still leaves Shea in her underwear.

Eleonora then used her finger and slid down over Shea's body until it reached her nether region. Eleonora rubbed her finger on the entrance of Shea's nether region with gentle move, focusing on her clitoris to make the girl wet easily. Shea felt that and broke the kiss as her arousal slowly increased each time she felt her clitoris being rubbed by the young bluenette.

After they broke the kiss, which lasted for 12 minutes, Shea had a dazed look on her face and heavy panting because of the sudden increase of her arousal within her body. Her sensitivity also increased, so she squirted and released her love juice while letting Eleonora's fingers covered on it in a short time.

"How's that, Shea-san?"

Trying to catch her breath, Shea, who was still weak since her body suddenly became heavier and tired, nodded weakly and told Eleonora something.

"E-Eleonora… -san. I also want to… make you feel good…."

She said while panting between her breathes. Trying her best to said her intention to her love interest and lover since she wants to please the young bluenette because she doesn't want to be the one who feels good from it.

A simple nod is what Eleonora did before they changed their position. Eleonora sat at the edge of the bed with Shea, who sat on the floor and in front of her was a huge, fully erect dick that was causing the aqua haired girl amazed while drooling a little when seeing it.

She gulped down a bit while still stared at the futanari dick of her lover. After a while, she then began to bring her lips close to the glans and licking it carefully while her large breasts burying the fifteen-inches dick on her cleavage. It can't bury all of it and makes the large meatpole sticking out so prominently like that, but this makes Shea's job easier than she has expected.

Not only she was moving her tongue, but the rabbit girl also began licking each part of the dick back and forth from the bottom to the above. Shea also used her breasts and began rubbing them on Eleonora's dick in a slow-paced way, so the young bluenette could feel the softness and bounciness of the breasts that occupy her large dick.

Eleonora was also feeling good from the slimy and warm sensation from Shea's mouth that just now began to take her dick inside it.

Eleonora was letting out delightful moans each time she felt good from the services she got from her rabbit girl lover. Each time she felt the warm and wet mouth of Shea that had her dick inside of it, Eleonora's arousal went increased, and so was when she receives the sensation that came from Shea's titsjob right now.

Despite being a virgin, Shea was good at doing this to her, and it didn't take long before Eleonora twitched and felt something rising within her futanari dick as it was about to release something out of it. When she noticed it, Shea sped up her movement and wanted to make her futanari lover feel good even more.

As Eleonora could not hold it anymore, she screamed out, and Shea, who noticed it, then sucked out Eleonora's dick inside her mouth harder than before and let the bluenette's dick spewing out her futanari cum. It's so thick, and the amount was so much as if it's enough to fill a small pool. Since Shea wasn't pulling out the dick, her whole mouth was filled with the futanari semen, causing her to squirt once more while she tried to drink and swallows all of the semen inside her swelling mouth.

After Shea drinks and swallows the cum of Eleonora's, she takes for a few minutes before both continuing their sexual activity and taking it far from what they did right now. They looked at each other's eyes and nods as if they knew what was on each mind as Shea climbed on the bed and lay down while spreading her whole body to her beloved Eleonora.

"Eleonora-san, please… take my first time."

What she said causing Eleonora aroused even more and give the nod to her before her current position on top of Shea. At the same time, the rabbit girl on the bottom was hugged Eleonora's neck with both her arms and gave the young bluenette a warm and romantic kiss, which is returned by the young Pendragon girl before the tip of her dick touches Shea's pussy entrance.

They break the kiss for a second as Eleonora take a good look at Shea.

"Shea-san, I'll take away your virginity."

"Mhm. Take it, Eleonora-san. I want it. I am yours and will always be like that."

Instead of answering, Eleonora locked the sweet and captivated lips with hers while she slowly let her futanari dick enter the inside of Shea's pussy. It is really tight, and she has difficulty putting it inches by inches; she noticed a slight change on Shea's face; the rabbit girl winced but knowing that Eleonora kissed her deeper, so she won't feel the pain that much.

After deepening the kiss and confirming that the light blue-haired young girl's expression remains normal, Eleonora pushes her hips deeper even more and make her way inside Shea's pussy, who currently has her hymen broken by Eleonora's dick. Still, instead of pain, she feels pleasure from it.

She's not a masochist or sadist, but she did feel good and did not feel any pain.

While Eleonora was trying to push her entire dick inside her lover's wet and sticky pussy that also warmed her, she felt her tongue is intertwined with the girl currently in her embrace and since she liked it, her tongue trying to suck Shea's. At the same time, she buried deep her entire dick on the young rabbit girl's pussy and left it like that for a while before moving her hips again.

The sounds of tongues clashing together and the sticky sounds of their saliva mixed inside it somehow aroused the couple even more, and their tongues plays became more passionate. After a few minutes, they let go of the kisses, and both have their cheeks flushed so hard while trying to recover any oxygen that is depleted just from the kissing they did.


"Eleonora-san… please, you can start it. If possible, I want it… gentle and… not too fast."

The light blue-haired young girl said that meekly and Eleonora nodded at her understanding of what she wants. Of course, she doesn't want to make her lover uncomfortable in anything, even in the bed when they are having sex and Shea wants to have lovey-dovey and gentle sex with her beloved Eleonora.

Trying to fulfil Shea's request, Eleonora moves her hips slowly and gently as she tries not to force herself to be rough. She want to make her lover feel good and not hurt when they do it; the young bluenette also feels the same with Shea since she also feels good from the tightness of the pussy.

While Shea moaning so hard and loud, Eleonora just let out small moans since she already experienced and still feels the pleasure from the inside of pussy she currently pounds. She can't get enough of this feeling and is never bored of it; in fact, she loves it, but she is trying to restrain herself from turning into a sex maniac and thinking about sex all the time.

Every time the tip of Eleonora's dick hit the womb Shea have, the rabbit girl receive a tremendous pleasure and warmth from it that makes her entire pussy wetter than before, and it begins throbbing so much since the pleasure is extreme.

Even though Eleonora does it at a slow and gentle pace, it's not stopping Shea from moaning so loud and feeling great pleasure from it alone. The fifteen-inches dick of Eleonora also began throbbing and about to release a massive amount of semen inside Shea's womb.

The light blue-haired girl felt her womb tighten when Eleonora's dick was throbbing. After a few good thrusts, the futanari dick pouring her hot and sticky semen inside Shea's womb in a large amount that made her pregnant easily like that, which also causing the rabbit girl to squirted so hard at the moment the tip of that dick touched her womb.

Shea went into ecstasy when feeling it. Her eyes closed tightly, with her tongue protruding as she enjoyed the sensation that went through her body. She becomes like that from the slow and gentle sex of Eleonora, which makes the young chairman confused for a moment but decides to ignore it for now.

As Eleonora falls on top of Shea's body, they are heavily panting and stare at each other with a satisfied smile on their faces. Shea also shows a rare expression; she somehow has the mother aura around her for a moment before it disappears.

"Eleonora-san, thank you for makes me your lover and maybe your wife in the future."

Eleonora just let out a small chuckle and pressed her forehead to Shea's and gave the rabbit girl a light kiss on her lips, making the rabbitmen blush even more.

"Don't be stupid; you're going to be my wife, and I won't abandon you. Don't worry about it, Shea-san."

TetekGede TetekGede


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P.S: For those who came to read and just comment me that they hate this kind of story, please don't bother to comment about your hate towards this story.

P.P.S: I hope my grammar improved from your knowledge, since I'm not good at judging myself. Also, how are you doing this past two weeks? I hope you are alright and stay healthy!

Also, if anyone interested, I have just created a discord channel. You can join in by clicking this link:

Eleonora's Date Outfit:

Shea's Date Outfit:

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