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41.02% Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition / Chapter 62: Small Progress

Capítulo 62: Small Progress

Within three days, Eleonora had already done her job managing any towns of Heiligh Kingdom and already traveled to any of them. Of course, she's not alone since she is accompanied by some people; some of them are Luluaria, Liliana, and anyone besides that. At first, Eleonora only went to Ur with Luluaria and Liliana. Then, she went to the next town and city, the Capital City, still with Luluaria and Liliana.

The Capital City, also called the Holy City of Heiligh, is where most nobles live. Of course, this made Eleonora happy since it made it easy for her to eliminate any corrupt and rebel nobles who are devoted to the Holy Church;. However, Eleonora knew some of them didn't know the truth behind it, but they are still responsible for it, as most of them constantly torture and torment anyone with a lower social class than them.

Eleonora's plan regarding improving the civilization of Heiligh rose from 0% to 20%. The number is relatively low since she only began on it three days ago, and given the time, she maybe can ultimately succeed on it before the end of this month, and she can go back before the new year.

It's good that the villager or citizen of any town or city quickly understands what she said and begins to do the plan immediately after being told by her. It's saved her some time to not waste it, and with only a week after three days ago, she already visits any other cities or towns in the Heiligh Kingdom. Its progress rose from 20% to 50%, and it's only been thirteen days since then.

The young bluenette girl already taught them any necessary things or methods to improve any aspect or element they need. Such as in agriculture or increasing the foods production, making better system or anything. Of course, some nobles didn't like it, and not all of them friendly received it, but those are just some nuisance to Eleonora since she will put them on the blacklist and eliminate them; she doesn't need some of the rebels to cause trouble to her plan.

She will deal with them when she has some free time, though for now, she only assigned some assassins to spy on them, notifying Eleonora if there are any suspicious activities done by them. The killers also successfully eliminate Eliheid S. B. Heiligh and they did it stealthly so people around won't easily notice it.

When Eleonora received that message from the assassins, she flashed a satisfied and happy smile, causing the queen of Heiligh to blink and noticed it with curiosity that was currently on her mind. Hence, she asked her new lover about that.

"Dear, what's wrong? You look suddenly happy. Is there anything that made you like that?"

She said that while putting down the cup of tea she currently holds on the table. Eleonora shakes her head and answered it.

"Something trivial. Maybe I'll tell you later about it."

The older blonde woman was pouting cutely when she heard the answer given to her by Eleonora.

Which makes the young bluish girl chuckle seeing the response she got from Luluaria, who already became one of her lovers and stole her from her ex-husband without the man knowing about it.

But the blonde woman didn't give up and begging her.

"Please, dear, tell me about it. I'm curious since it seems involving this kingdom."

"Hmm… okay then, I just teasing you, don't worry about it."

Eleonora said that as she stopped typing on her laptop and faced Luluaria, who perked up as her curiosity raised. Eleonora then took the cup full of tea already prepared by the maid for her and took a sip of it before telling Luluaria about it.

"It's regarding Eliheid-san. He's already dead from the message I've got from the assassins that were assigned to assassinate him."

The bluenette said that calmly causing Luluaria to smile widely, hearing the news from her lover. She doesn't know why but feels happy when hearing that, maybe because she didn't really love that man and feels disgusted by how he treats her. There's no love attached to her, and she didn't feel any remorse when feeling happy and grateful for his death.

In other words, she didn't really care about whether he's dead or alive. But she is delighted that someone who didn't care about her died. So Luluaria can happily live with Eleonora and her daughter together as a family. This also means that Eleonora can have the kingdom as hers, and Luluaria would absolutely support her about that.

"Really, dear? Are you sure about that?"

A simple nod came from Eleonora, causing Luluaria to tremble in excitement and walk closer to the young bluenette and give her a soft kiss on the lips, which surprised Eleonora for a moment before they kissed each other romantically and stopped after a minute.

"I'm happy. Then that's mean you can be the king of Heiligh, dear, and inherit his throne."

Eleonora just smiles wryly about it and laughs weakly.

"…Maybe so, but I didn't expect to be able to run a kingdom. Should I turn this kingdom into a women-only kingdom? What do you think about it, Aria?"

"I don't think it's wise to do that, dear. Yes, there will indeed be some men like my ex-husband and the Holy Churches. And also like those nobles, but there are also some good men unlike them. It's not like we hate men generally, right?"

Eleonora agreed with what she said.

"That's true. I'm not someone who generally hates men. There maybe exist bad women, and maybe I haven't yet met with someone like that. Well, then that's mean we will taking care of the coronation ceremony with my clone disguised as Eliheid-san to make it believable than just a letter."

"Mhm. That's right, and you also remember that improving the kingdom went smoothly without any major problem. Maybe some minor ones like the corrupt ones from nobles and Holy Church. Maybe we will expose of their crimes open in public so the citizen of the kingdom can witness about it directly that they were deceived by them."

"I don't think those corrupt nobles and Holy Church can be categorized as minor problem… especially the church, they were the ones who were pulling the string from behind the scene and hide the truth from the whole world. Let's not forget about Ehit; we are planning to drawn-out his attention so we can summon and completely rout him. Luckily I've been training these past days and not neglecting my training so I can be in perfect shape when the time comes."

"I also want to join the training, but you told me that I shouldn't. Why you do that, dear?"

"Truthfully speaking, you told me that you were never gone in any battle or fight. You also told me that you are essentially just a normal woman, and besides, even if you unlock your magic potential, I don't know that if you want to go down on the battlefield."

The blonde woman sighing tiredly and shake her head in annoyance. She loves Eleonora and not hating the feeling of worried came from her. Still, she doesn't want to be the burden of her lover, despite she also helped her in the non-combat field, but Luluaria also intends to help Eleonora in both field; so she can ease the burden bluenette carry on her shoulders.

"I don't mind it, dear. As long as I can be with you and help you, I don't mind dirtying myself on the battlefield and fight my life on it. I'm ready for that since it's my duty as your wife to help you with anything. I don't want to only watch from the sidelines and not do anything to it. Sure, I also helped you in another aspect, but that's not enough."


"That's why, please train and teach me how to fight. Please unlock my magic potential and anything to help ease your burden. Not only me who will say something like this, anyone who loves you and be your lovers must be thinking of the same. Even my daughter, who will likely be your lover soon, will also have that kind of mindset soon."

Sighing, Eleonora nods her head as she was giving permission to her woman about it, and the blonde woman smiled happily regarding that. She was hugging Eleonora and made her buried on her large breasts, causing the young chairman to suffocate between the soft and bouncy breasts with large sizes. Though she didn't mind it.

"Thank you very much, dear! I will surely bring Liliana too and made her join our training! She always feels helpless and wants to help you with our plan. Since she also loves you and wants to marry you like me. Isn't that good that you get both mother and daughter as your lovers and brides, dear?"

This causing Eleonora to slightly frown from her words. Luluaria just giggles, seeing the reaction given to her by Eleonora since it's pretty cute from her perspective. She knows what she said isn't a joke since both mother and daughter truly fell in love with the young bluenette and wanted to be her brides.

"Do I get a say about this?"

"Of course, if you don't like it, then you can reject that, dear. But you already accept me as your lover, right?"

"Yeah, I'm not that heartless, and yes, I also love Liliana romantically, so much that I want to marry her too. She's quite fun despite being a tomboy and cunning, though she also cute whenever she's flustered and suddenly act girly around me."

Luluaria nodded and let go of the hug she did to Eleonora. She feels happy that her daughter's love is mutual with Eleonora since the young bluenette also shares the same feelings.

"And I'm planning to take the responsibility about it. I'm not someone who just goes with the flow and carelessly accepts it if I don't have what it needs to make someone happy. I'm wealthy enough to be able to take care of many wives, talented to taking care many things like—"

But Eleonora's mouth was stopped when she felt a finger on her lips. It's Luluaria's index finger on her lips and shutting her mouth who was about to say that but cut off by her.

"Sssh, dear. I don't care about it. We don't care if you are wealthy or anything; we don't need a slave or someone to be our bank. We love you because of what you are, not because of what you have. It's the first time I've ever feel something like love at first sight, and it came from you."

Luluaria takes away her index finger as she smiled at Eleonora.

"So don't overthink about it. We won't put any burden on you, and we can also work hard together. Sure, maybe some of your lovers are only devoted to being full-time wives and only do their job on the house, but some want to support you financially. But I think all of us are loves you not because of your wealth or anything, it's because you're the one who made us feel the true love."

This causing Eleonora to chuckle and nod.

"Really…? Well, then I don't have to worry about that. I'm just… saying that it will be hard to manage a harem without proper method and without wealth."

"Fufu, yes. Don't worry about that much, dear. We will do it together, just like what we did right now, to improve Heiligh Kingdom's condition. Yes, I'm sure that if you do it alone, you can do it flawlessly, but that will be pointless without the help of people around you. They don't want to feel useless and only watch from the sidelines. If you do that, you made them think that you just have them as decoration or some sort of doll. That will make us mad, you know."

"Um… yeah, that kind of my bad habit, and I'm planning to improve myself to be a better person than before. Even my parents told them that I have to stop doing anything by myself."

The queen nod as she agreed about what Eleonora said about her parents.

"Oh yes, they are right, and you have to keep that in mind. That will be your lesson for life and don't dare to forget it. Better also to improve yourself, dear."

Eleonora laughing and nodded at Luluaria in a joking manner.

"Yes, yes, I will. Don't worry about it. Alright, let's continue our work and hope all of it is done at the end of the month."

"Oh, is there any reason you want to end it quickly, dear? I mean, there is still a lot of time we have."

She was wondering with the young chairman who suddenly wants to do something quickly, and in a rush, as if there's some important business that girl wants to do, and the young bluenette nodded in response to that with a longing smile.

"Yeah, I want to bring you and others to my world. I also miss them, despite I already call them so they won't be worried about me."

"Oh my, is that so? Then we must finish our deal in here quickly, so you may have a reunion time with your family and friends over there. I am also eager to meet with my mother-in-law, fufu. Since we will be married when going in there."

Eleonora laughs as she was handling the documents related to the kingdom with Luluaria, who sat back on the couch while helping her lover by taking some of the portions for herself to hold.

"Yep, but maybe we have to wait for at least 3 years since in my world, the legal age of marriage for girls is 16 while men should able to marry when they reached age 18 and since I'm willing to obey the laws, despise I also broke some, then we have to wait for 3 years. Is that okay, Aria?"

She stopped for a moment before seeing her married woman lover nod her head with a smile as if she has no problem with what Eleonora said.

"It's okay, dear. As long as you're with me, I can wait for those 3 years and learn more about you in those years. The more I know then, the stronger and deepen our relationship will grow."

Eleonora nodded as she agreed with that and continued to review and type the documents she got to her laptop while sometimes sipping on the tea that was about to cold, but she heated it with her magic and made it warm again.

"That's right, and with the condition on my world, I'm pretty sure things like laws and whatsoever will change drastically. Also given with the leader of my country, then most likely he will changes the law about it later to adapt to the new state of the world."

"…I see. Fufu, then I'm looking forward to it, dear. I just don't want to rob your freedom by marrying you so young. You are as young as my daughter Liliana and still have a lot of time to do whatever you want before thinking about such a thing, dear."

"I know, but I also want it, and you don't have to worry too much about it, Aria. Trust me, and I'm sure all will work out well."

She reassured her older blonde lover about it to make sure she wasn't worried too much since the young chairman can really handle it without too much sweat. Based on her experience, balancing that will be a piece of cake, and with the help of her magic, she most likely can do it more accessible than before. Not only magic but ki and chakra as well, though she uses magic more frequently than ki and chakra since only her magic is superior to those two powers.

But she may have to use ki and chakra more often. She has to train herself on that field and use that in battle, too, since so far she only relies on her magic that has excessive quantity, which is never run out because she has infinite mana on there.

Luluaria showed her a slightly sad smile and shook her head.

"If that what you want, dear, then I have no choice but to accept it. But make sure you enjoy your time when you're still young, okay? Marriage isn't something of the end of life; rather, it's just the start of creating a family and your life with your loved ones."

Eleonora just smiled awkwardly and nodded obediently at Luluaria, who are currently gently scolding her yet with a hint of sad on it.

Since she practically gives up and cannot do anything to her young bluenette's lover since she's so determined about the idea of marrying her. Despite the fact how young Eleonora is and the young girl doesn't mind it that much.

And she agreed with Luluaria's words. Marriage is not the end of life and totally not the beginning of the end, so she doesn't have to fixate on the idea that marriage is like that. That's why sometimes she hated the idea that marriage is the end of life in any fiction she reads or watches. Mostly anime who set the romance as the ultimate goal of the protagonist.

"Yep, that's right. I understand it quite well, and thanks for reminding me about that. I don't know what I will do without any of you around me."

She said jokingly and made Luluaria chuckle hearing that.

"Of course, you can be considered my husband, and I am your wife, so it's the wife's job to remind you about that. Although I still find it weird that you are the husband when you're clearly a woman."

"Nah, my ancestor is a King when she's a woman too, so it's normal to think it like that."

"Is that so? Then I will start to address you as my husband, dear. While I am your wife."

"Of course, I'll be happy to be your husband, my wife."

Both chuckle and laugh at each other when saying that while still engrossed in the works they currently have, they are doing it with a light and joking atmosphere so it won't be tense all over when doing it.


Ehit is furious. He doesn't like what he sees right now on Tortus.

The condition of that world currently leads to the better one and unlike before. Ehit spends a few thousand years to set the world he now rules to what he wants, and it almost entirely changed by a single person; a young girl who became his biggest obstacle who went to disturb his way on his grand plan.

While he spends a few thousand years shaping Tortus to his liking, the young bluenette girl just did it in thirteen days and almost made a kingdom to be changed entirely.

Moreover, one of his devoted followers was dead; let's not forget he cannot find any trace or location of his strongest Apostle, Noint. He was incapable of locating her, but the last trace is that that doll of him made contact with Eleonora; they confront each other.

His influences on Tortus, especially Heiligh Kingdom, are being threatened. His existence is slowly being doubted as he feels the decreases of his follower on Heiligh significantly dropped to 80%. The remaining 20% was from his devoted follower from the church and a few corrupted nobles.

He gritted his teeth in frustration. He doesn't like how this development is going, and it's not according to his way. The majority of people on Heiligh who aren't from church and corrupted nobles do not believe in his existence again; they don't believe in the teaching from his religion.

It's because of a rumor spread across the Heiligh Kingdom. It spread so fast with only three days since the rumor being talked about, and it's already thirteen days since then, the devotion towards him slowly degraded, and the church also went in a panic.

They tried their best to make the people believe in Ehit's teaching and religion again, but it went in vain and they worried if this last long, then by the end of the month, there will be some breakout or rebellion towards the Holy Church.

With this, Ehit's power also slowly weakened since he's a god, and it depends on the amount of believe people have in him.

So when almost all people in Tortus don't believe in him again, he will be in a fragile state and couldn't maintain his divinity for much longer. He will grow weak and can be easily defeated by his enemy if he encounters it.

That is what made him scared. He absolutely has to avoid that and doesn't want it happened to him. His goal is to be immortal and rise on the mortal world again, ruling it forever under his order.

He's afraid to die, and that's why he sought the true type of immortality, so he can live forever and be eternal. It took him thousands of years of effort, and he doesn't want that to just disappear without completing it.

Clicked his tongue in annoyance, Ehit then said something to himself.

"Looks like I have to get rid of that pesky bug by myself…."

His patience was running out, and Eleonora was the one who made him annoyed. He finds her someone who can easily threaten a being like him; even someone like Nagumo Hajime is still not that dangerous from his perspective. She's too intelligent and sharp at noticing, unlike Nagumo Hajime, who is slow at doing that.

She can easily attract many people around her, and they instantly believe what she said. What she said can easily convince them to think of anything that comes from her mouth. He didn't feel any charm magic or similar like that; it's something natural and what makes him more annoyed is that she is doing it without any remorse.

"After that boy leaves, I got someone more dangerous than him…! How can I get something like this?!"

He growled in frustration. It makes him stressed, and he cannot think straight for a moment.

Although he was planning to eliminate Eleonora by himself, Ehit also knows its risk since his devoted follower would question his arrival and most likely the young bluenette girl will weaken the influence that Ehit has later.

It is a high-risk plan, and he can't make any single mistake or it will affect him badly in return.

"Not only that, that useless doll of mine that I send probably can't do anything to her. If she finished her task, she would immediately return to my side, yet she didn't. She is a defect and made me has to do it alone; that's frustrating."

Indeed. Ehit is angry and blames the doll that he has created, not realizing it's his own fault; he has been lazy to do it by himself since he underestimated Eleonora and thinks that she can quickly be dealt with without much effort.

The arrogance of him that never changes, even if he already live for thousands of years. One of the fatal weaknesses that may lead him to his loss.

"I'll come down to the mortal world in a few days and immediately find that pesky bug. After that, I will make her suffer first and then kill her without any hesitation so she will know her place and didn't dare to oppose me."

A maniacal smile creeps on his lips when he is laughing like someone that mad, a wicked laugh that comes from his mouth when thinking of his plan and how he will kill the one who dares to stand in his way.

TetekGede TetekGede


If you want to know about the appearance of some characters, you may go to the ******* page and don't worry, it's free! Or if you want, just google it.

Also, become my patron if you want advanced chapter!

Oh right, I made and for those who don't want to be my patron, you can donate me through that. There is no bare minimum or anything, you can donate as much as you want.

P.S: For those who came to read and just comment me that they hate this kind of story, please don't bother to comment about your hate towards this story.

P.P.S: I hope my grammar improved from your knowledge, since I'm not good at judging myself. Also, how are you doing this past two weeks? I hope you are alright and stay healthy!

Sorry for that, and how you feel if I was wrote new novel? Give me your thought. If you want, maybe I can write another one and just give me the idea; although it won't be updated regulary and won't be in *******.

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