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39.74% Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition / Chapter 60: Additional Member and Future Dates

Capítulo 60: Additional Member and Future Dates

Lunch has already ended, and Eleonora is now checking the chat group; she hasn't had the time to do it for the past few days. Of course, she's not forgotten about her friends in that group since she was occupied and busy with matters on this world, especially dealing with a fake god like Ehit later and taking care of her new lovers Eleonora has after stayed for several days in Heiligh; Eleonora even made the queen of Heiligh be her new lover, and she didn't do it intentionally, but the woman herself who came to her and wanted to be one of Eleonora's lovers so, of course, the young chairman accepted it.

As she checked the group's chat history, she found out that a new or somewhat hidden member was revealed because the chat group owner said it's time for her to socialize and introduce herself to all of the members.

Eleonora, of course, was happy about this and join the chat today; after a long time, she wasn't present in the group.

Queen of Sweets: "Long time no see, everyone. How are you girls doing these days? I hope you're fine, and I welcome the new member to our chat group, though… it's not like I am the leader or anything of this chat group."

Pudding Lover: "Noura! You already online?! Hey, hey… I have good news about the machine, you know, and we are doing completely fine! With the help of Kurumin and Aisu, it will be a piece of cake, really! Especially with how smart they are. I am amazed; they learn about it quickly."

The Nightmare: "Fufu, thank you so much for that, Neptune-san and Eleonora-san, welcome back. Yes, we have an additional member, and it's @I Love Onee-sama. Also, we have some things that will be discussed, @Queen of Sweets along with the new member."

Queen of Sweets: "Huh, is that so? Then I am okay with waiting for the celebration, and honestly, I don't think I need it since that would bother all of you. I mean… isn't that hard to set up a party just to celebrate the welcome of us?"

The Nightmare: "Rest assured, @Queen of Sweets, it's okay since all the members except for you and @I Love Onee-sama are the only ones who haven't heard about this. But please, if you disagree and dislike it, then we can cancel our plan, and we are okay with that."

Queen of Sweets: "As I said, it's okay even though it will make all of you busy because of us, and also I am quite curious with what @I Love Onee-sama think about this. I also want to know well about her and make her my new friend."

The Nightmare: "My, my… don't worry about it, we already knew what kind of person is @I Love Onee-sama and believe that she will be your friend too. Also, one of the purposes of this chat group is to form a bond with each other and build a relationship as we have to know each other well."

Queen of Sweets: "I can't wait about it!"

The Florist Succubus: "Hello and welcome back, @Queen of Sweets! Don't worry about it, we are fine and not having any trouble. Right, girls?"

King of Knight: "Indeed. There's no Singularity happens these past days, and it's quite peaceful on Chaldea. Everyone has done something on their own, including me, @Demon Mommy, and @Bloodsucker Black Serpent. I also have some intriguing news on my side."

Demon Mommy: "Fufu, yes. How about you, @Queen of Sweets? I hope you're fine and not doing anything dangerous, or mommy will be sad, you know. It's quite shocking that you haven't been active lately, but everyone is still doing their own jobs."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "All of us is well-behaving and well-conditioned. Though there is some intriguing news like what @King of Knight said just now."

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Welcome back, @Queen of Sweets. You know, lately, I've shown this chat group to my little fox Kunou, and she showed any interest in it. She is even eager to meet with any of the members here. I'll send you the video later about it. Kunou's so adorable at that video, ufufu."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "Welcome back after not showing yourself for several days, @Queen of Sweets. Thanks to the modern world and its people, I have become more accustomed to things here, mainly the culture and technology. I even do a part-time job since I don't want to trouble Kurumi, which is already kind enough to shelter me."

The Nightmare: "It's okay, Esdeath-san. But I'm surprised that you have a part-time job. I hope the AST does not do anything to you since it seems they were wary about you since the act you do is being seen as violence to them, which is actually self-defense."

The Strongest Ice Queen: Nothing can be done unless we can somehow talk to the one in charge about them. Maybe like their leader so we can settle the misunderstanding about this in peace without harming each other like that."

Demon Sword Muramasa: "It's kinda surprising that you have a part-time job, Esdeath."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "Huh, is that so? And looks like we have to call each other real name since already knew each other. Well, I suppose that by calling each other real name, it shows how close we are as friends."

Demon Sword Muramasa: "I suppose."

Sword Princess: "+1 and welcome back, Eleonora. Nep-nep somehow became more well-behaving these days. I'm proud of her."

Pudding Lover: "Nepu! You make me looks like a degenerate person, Aisu! Noura would get a bad and false impression of me if you said that! I am always kind and polite to someone, especially those who are close to me, and I regard them as my friends!"

Titania The Fairy Queen: "Welcome back to the chat group, @Queen of Sweets. We are the same and doing alright. There's no major event or anything in the chat group, though I'm not sure about any event happened in each world of ours."

Queen of Sweets: "Alright everyone, thank you for that, and I'm happy that you warmly greet me like that. And… oh, it seems our new member is about to join. Let her talk first and also give her some warm greets."

I Love Onee-sama: "A-Ah, thank you for that, @Queen of Sweets-san! As for the party, I don't mind at all, and I'd love to meet with everyone here. We can pick the date and day when we can do it. Oh right, about our time differences… is there no sign of it? Is the time in each world somehow rotate at the same time?"

Pudding Lover: "I can answer that, nepu! You know, the owner already told me about it, and I just remember that thing since you brought it up. It turns out that there is no difference in the flow of time in each world here. I don't know how's that possible and when I'm trying to ask about that, the owner just avoiding my question and not answering it! I'm quite pissed, nepu!"

I Love Onee-sama: "I… see. I suppose we can know more if we ask about it again but forcing it will bring us bad results. I hope the owner of this chat group doesn't have any ill motive. Sure the owner may have an ulterior motive, but I hope it's nothing terrible."

Pudding Lover: "Don't worry about it! I knew that guy very well, and so far, he doesn't do anything that harms us. He's bad at talking with others, I think, nepu."

I Love Onee-sama: "That's right, thank you for that, @Pudding Lover-san! And about the matter we discussed the other day, if somehow my onii-sama can get the blueprint and some flaws about the machine, he can help us. Although he still has to consider some unknown factor that may happen regarding the machine since he never handles anything about a machine that can teleport someone to another dimension or even world."

Pudding Lover: "No problem, I'll upload the blueprint and a note that contain the flaws in the machine we have. We can also do video chat on private messages for the time being. With Nep.Jr and your brother work together; I think we can expect the result to be great and faster than the schedule."

I Love Onee-sama: "Much appreciated, @Pudding Lover-san! I'll tell my brother later about it, and I hope we can see the result soon if both my brother and your sister working together. Although I've heard that some of you were a success in teleporting four people in another world, I want the machine to teleport all of us together."

Pudding Lover: "Ehehe, don't worry about it. In the future, we don't need the big one to do that and only need the mini-version of it so people can go to another world as they want as long they wear the mini-version that will have bracelet shape."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "Heyo, how are you, everyone? It's me, and @Pudding lover might already know who I am."

Pudding Lover: "T-That username… it can't be—Yuwe?! Your username is different!"

Eleonora True Soulmate: "Yep, it seems I can freely change it, and I decided to change my username to this. Maybe I should've gone with 'Eleonora True Lover,' right? How about that, Eleonora?"

Queen of Sweets: "That is not a bad username, but we should refrain changes our username frequently so we won't mistake someone and better not using our real name if possible. We don't want to catch any attention of strangers, right?"

Eleonora True Soulmate: "Um, I got that. So, it's like that. I became one of Eleonora's lovers and no longer with Hajime since he seems still has some feelings for Bakaori. Eleonora already sends him and his friends to go home. Simply said, Hajime and I break up."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Oh my… is that okay with you, @Eleonora True Soulmate-san? I thought you love him so much and will be together forever. It's quite… shocking that we heard that directly from you, who seems… fine."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "No problem, it's okay. I'm happy with Eleonora and will always be by her side. She's my true love."

The Nightmare: "Fufufu, very bold of you, Yue-san. I didn't expect that."

Sword Princess: "Nice, Yue. I'm okay with it since Eleonora is a good friend and girl. You will be happy with her."

Demon Sword Muramasa: "Congratulation, and may you be happy forever. When is the wedding? I hope there's a lot of food."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "Hahaha, how amusing is it. Snatching away someone's lover and made that person hers? Truly fascinating and amusing. It makes me eager to meet you, @Queen of Sweets."

The Florist Succubus: "W-Whoa… that's truly incredible. You may be even better than Rito-san, @Queen of Sweets, at picking up any girls to be added on the harem. I wonder what happened when you were in my world…."

King of Knight: "T-That's truly… disrespectful. You haven't used any sort of mind control technique, r-right…? If not, then I… I have to admit that's a fascinating move you did."

Queen of Sweets: "I… don't think that I did that, @King of Knight-san."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "Don't blame Eleonora; it's not her fault."

King of Knight: "My apologies… but I find it amazing. That's mean your former lover didn't love you that much."

Demon Mommy: "That's true, and I hope you will cherish your new love forever and may last long! Mommy will support you!"

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "As long as you give the same and equal treatment to any of your lovers, I think it's okay."

I Love Onee-sama: "O-Ooh… that's quite scandalous and weird. B-But as long @Eleonora True Soulmate-san is happy, we can also accept that and support her with whatever we have!"

Eleonora True Soulmate: "Umh. Thank you for that, everyone. We will be married when Eleonora wants it."


Right now, Eleonora is in a private room together with four people. Shea, Tio, Shizuku, and Liliana, who currently felt tense over their bodies since the atmosphere seems serious and has no place for joke or fun to interrupt it. Shea's rabbit ears became stiff, and she tries her best not to do anything stupid since she was always causing trouble for people around her and is always scolded harshly by Yue.

While Tio looks calm, she hides it with the fan covering her mouth and does not show any obvious sign to Eleonora. Shizuku is also the same as Shea, except she wears a serious look on her face and gulps for a bit. On the other hand, Liliana is just keeping her poker face, one of her magnificent abilities. Although she also felt the serious atmosphere in the room right now, she was nervous mentally. There's even a set of snacks and tea for them to eat in their spare time.

Putting down the cup, Eleonora put on a smile on her face before saying something to them, which makes their whole body tensed than before they see what their crush is about to tell them.

"Everyone, please relax and calm yourself. Don't be so stiff and tense like that."

Hearing that, they then let out relief sighs and try to relax their muscle and body, according to Eleonora said. Seeing they already feel calm and relaxed, Eleonora nods at herself and continues to speak.

"Thank you, and I called all of you here just want to tell you about something."

Curious about that, Shea raised her hand and ask Eleonora.

"What do you want to talk about with us, Eleonora-san?"

"It's about dating you, girls. I knew that all of you loves me in that way and had already seen the jealous look you shows."

Their cheeks suddenly went red in embarrassment when Eleonora mentioned that to them. Although they knew that Eleonora is careful in paying attention to something since she's a sharp person, it still leaves them amazed. They can't hide anything from Eleonora since she would quickly notice it, but they feel relieved also embarrassed at the same time since it was the one who they love and want to marry that saw that; she even bluntly said that to them without the need to waiting about it any longer.

"And with how I'm about focused on developing and improving this kingdom, I think… it will take a long time for us to have a date. But I will try my best to get some free time to spend with any of you, though, so don't worry about that."

They are smiled and nod their heads in understanding what Eleonora said. It's true that they are jealous and want to spend some time alone with Eleonora, but if there's something important and made her busy, they are okay with it and be patient, waiting for their chance.

"It's okay, Eleonora-san! We understand that and won't be forcing you to do that. Isn't that right, girls?"

"Shea-san is right, Eleonora. Honestly… we can have a date when going back to my world or you. Though I think we have to stop by at my home first and visit my parents. They must be apprehensive that their daughter is missing for almost half a year."

Tio and Liliana agreed with Shizuku; they nod their heads in response to that. Keeping the fan away from her mouth, the dragon princess shown her beautiful smile to Eleonora and spoke to the girl she—the princess of the exiled Dragonmen and has gorgeous long black hair that always wears Japanese kimono—loves so much and thinking of marrying her in the future; the same goal that the harem of Eleonora had in their minds.

"That's right, Eleonora-sama. We can wait until the right time comes. The reward will be far greater since we can have a date with you after that. Maybe this will be a good time for us to learn about patience for the time being."

"Yes, Eleonora. Although I'm jealous that my dearest mother is already ahead of me, I must learn to restrain myself and you doing this for the kingdom's good. So I won't let my selfishness get in your way of it. I'm also okay with waiting as long I get it."

"Don't worry about it; all of your patience will be rewarded, and I also ask for your help in improving Heiligh for the time being. Since I will announce myself as the new king of Heiligh in a month, I want all of you to help me with that preparation."

Eleonora said that with a humble and kind tone to them. Honestly, she doesn't want to bother them, but it's better to work together than alone since she always does it alone. More manpower means make the development faster than she was expected.

"If helping Eleonora-san to improve Heiligh means giving some good life and future for any demi-human, then I'll definitely help you! Even my Rabbitmen fellows will get better recognition if that's a success."

Shea said with enthusiasm and hope as she imagined that her race would have a good impression on humans since their race was always looked at as weak demi-human and easy prey to any slave trader or dealers.

"Certainly. The prejudge among demi-human and the likes are quite bad. Some humans, if not all, still have a bad impression towards the demi-human and non-human who yearn for a peaceful life rather than starting a war."

What the black dragon princess said is true in Tortus. Human, which is most likely those influenced by the Holy Church, tends to have a wrong impression towards another race who isn't human. Since the teaching taught by the church to them always told them to look down on non-human beings.

"Alright, then we have to work very hard to change their image and impression towards demi-human and the likes of it. Come on, let's do it together."


As they agreed with that, Eleonora gathered her harem and began to do their jobs to improve the Heiligh kingdom to become more viable for the people living in the kingdom and make their lives easier than before.

Eleonora also has a few ideas to implement some modern technology and culture to the people on Heiligh and, if possible, the whole world of Tortus to make it better than before.


After walking for precisely 25 minutes, Emilia, accompanied by Puck at her side, arrived at the designated place for her meeting. It's a café with a colorful and happy atmosphere, quite crowded and seems in its busy hour and at the moment Emilia stepped inside, she was startled when some girls who wear maid costume welcoming her with cheerful smile and tone; being overwhelmed by this, Emilia return the polite greeting unconsciously and causing the maids to giggle at how cute and innocent their new guest right now. Puck even tried his best not to show his laugh, but he was surprised that these people seem not freaked out or anything to himself since the information he got from Theodore that this world doesn't have any creatures besides humans not too long ago.

'At least that's good. If these people didn't show any fear or prejudge towards us, they can accept someone like Lia and have a peaceful life here rather than back in our world. Should I reconsider living here with Lia?'

Puck thought of that and slightly shook his head.

'Maybe I'll think about it later with Lia. She has the right to have a voice about this. For now, let's go find out about the origin of Lia that Theodore told us about since he makes us go here by ourselves rather than being guided by him.'

After Emilia apologized, that is what makes the maids cooed seeing how adorable and cute the half-elf behavior is. The maids were about to guide Emilia to any available seats before taking out her order when the half-elf opened the menu book on the table.

"Welcome! May I take out your orders?"

One of the maids cheerfully asked Emilia, who was fidgeting as she's a bit nervous seeing how polite she is; although Emilia is also served by two maids in the mansion she lived in her world before, she is still not used yet to it.

"U-Umm… I want strawberry cheesecake and… milkshake?"

She answered with a polite and nervous tone before her eyes landed on Puck. The maid nodded and takes out her note and written down Emilia's order. Puck then spoke out his order to the maid.

"Ah, I will have blueberry chocolate cake and orange juice. Make the portion fits me if possible, please!"

Once again, the maid nods her head and written down the order of Puck and smiled at them before confirming the orders again to Emilia and Puck, which was replied by the nods of their heads. Ensuring that, the maid then leaves the table and goes to the kitchen to prepare the orders.

Emilia sighed in relief and trying to calm her nervousness.

"Fuuuh… that makes me so nervous."

Puck sweatdropped at this.

"Don't exaggerate it, Lia. This is nothing compared to Rem and Ram in the mansion. Let's not forget when you became the queen of Lugnica in the future. This place seems less strict and formal than in royalty."

The half-elf puffed out her cheeks in annoyance at the response she got from her the spirit she contracted with. But what he said is true, and if she isn't used to this kind of treatment, she won't do well in the Royal Election in Lugnica if they could go home.

"You're so mean, Puck."

She said that before sighing again and looked over the café.

"But… it really has a nice atmosphere. I don't hate it."

"Mm. I know that and… where's the person we are supposed to meet here? Still not here?"

"Don't be too hasty, Puck. I'm sure we can meet the person."

After Emilia said that, the sound of the doorbell opened and ringing can be heard, make both Emilia and Puck swift their attention to the person who came. The person who just entered the café somehow fits the description given by Theodore to them.

It's a young woman with brown hair and matching eyes with glasses and a green shirt. She also wears green beanie hats and wears a brown jacket over her shirt. She then looked over and noticed Emilia with Puck; she waved her hands to them with a friendly smile.

"Puck… do you think it's her?"

"I'm pretty sure she is since she was waving her hands to us. Respond it, Lia."

Emilia nodded and looked at the young woman with brown hair and return the waves with her hands. The brown-haired young woman then approached Emilia's table and greeted them with her friendly and cheerful smile.

"Hi, good afternoon! Are you Emilia and Puck?!"

She said that with excitement in her tone.

Emilia and Puck are startled by the sudden surprise they got from the woman's reaction, but they nodded to her nonetheless. There's a sparkle in her eyes, and her smile widened when seeing the response of the half-elf and the spirit.

"Really?! That's awesome and wonderful! You... you really are Emilia and Puck! Oh, I can die in happiness today!"

She said with tears come out of her eyes suddenly and saying something ridiculous that made both the silver-haired half-elf and spirit in confusion. They don't know what response they will give to the woman since they don't know anything about what she said.

"I don't know that what Pendragon-san said is true… Haha, take that, Yuuji! I can meet with some of them ahead of you!"

While Emilia was still confused, Puck just sweatdropped at the crazy antics of the brown-haired woman right now.

"What was that…?"

TetekGede TetekGede


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P.S: For those who came to read and just comment me that they hate this kind of story, please don't bother to comment about your hate towards this story.

P.P.S: I hope my grammar improved from your knowledge, since I'm not good at judging myself. Also, I may take a break for two weeks after giving you two chapters for this week.

Sorry for that, and how you feel if I was wrote new novel? Give me your thought. If you want, maybe I can write another one and just give me the idea; although it won't be updated regulary and won't be in *******.

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