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Good yet bad news... for now

Approximately a week has passed since then. It's not that much time was flies, but it can be considered something, and in the meantime, Eleonora is still observing anything that has occurred inside the group chat rather than joining the conversation. Of course, what she does somehow raises the curiosity of some members in group chat, but they manage to understand what she is thinking without talking to her directly.

The young chairman herself was just surprised by the ability to notice something like that just from seeing. It may not be excessive to say that one of them, especially The Nightmare, notices something like that sharply. Because it lacks details and information to gather, she can conclude and somehow understand it even without that.

Eleonora was amazed by The Nightmare's ability since she's the one who told everyone in the group chat to not press any further and made it hard for her. She was glad, and everyone who saw it then understood as they won't take that any further, especially for someone like Pudding Lover, whose habit always tried to press someone so hard and somehow forced them to tell anything they hide.

And then, at the usual time when she has the time to take a break, she decided to observe the group chat again after spending her entire time at her work.

"Let's see if something is interesting in the group chat… Oh right, it looks like I'm the only member who isn't openly talking to them and not in private chat. But I'm glad that The Nightmare decided to make everyone let it off since I'm not convinced enough about the stuff in there."

That's right. The topic always discussed in the group chat is akin to delusional stuff any delusional people would have. Although, according to her age, she should be the one who suffered delusionally and have that kind of thinking instead of a realistic and adult-like mind.

'I may have to give my thanks to The Nightmare when I decided to join the chat.'

But it is still a long way for her to join in until she is really convinced about it. Fortunately, the group chat activity didn't distract her too much from her work, and she was also very cautious to not let it affect her daily life, or it will be turned bad.

And at this time, she opened the group chat and took a look at it.

"Hm? Oh, there are a lot of unread notifications. It seems this group is really active and… didn't they have some work or stuff instead of chatting with each other…?"

She sweatdropped but shook her head as she reads the chat history. It seems they have discussed something interesting again that might catch Eleonora's interest as the young girl had a curious look that's so obvious on her face.

Pudding Lover: "YAHOOOO! Hey, hey, listen to me. I have a HUGE surprise that might surprise you all!"

Hajime True Soulmate: "I hope it's something important. I don't want to waste my precious free time without Hajime. Our precious time already shortened enough because of those bitches always hanging around him."

Eleonora sweatdropped again when reading the text sent by Hajime True Soulmate. From her understanding, it seems someone like Hajime True Soulmate is a person who didn't want to waste any chance given to her for meaningless things, the opposite of Pudding Lover.

Pudding Lover: "Hey-hey, don't be so mean like that! It's nifty and juicy info that might catch your interest, you know~."

Hajime True Soulmate: "Fine. Just spill it. What is that the information you have?"

Pudding Lover: "That's what I'm talking about, my buddy! Oh hey, anyone who's online can read it too. Please pay attention, or you might have to scroll it up if this information gets buried!"

Hajime True Soulmate: "Just get over with it already."

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Ara-ara, don't be impatient @Hajime True Soulmate. I'm sure @Pudding Lover will explain it to me and everyone else in the group chat. Patience is the key, after all, and people who seem patient always get the best thing."

The young chairman just nodded her head in agreement with the Golden Fox of Kyoto statement. She is always the patient type and tries her best not to rush anything, moreover if it involves herself like her company. It would do no good if she was rushing it.

'Well, that's why I have no worry for something like limited edition or what. Why do I have to wait impatiently when I can wait in peace and get proper rest? My body is always exhausted whenever I'm done with all of my work.'

She kept observing the group chat while sometimes organizing what should be managed. Although the due date is still far from it, the faster she does, the quicker she can have a little vacation or break from her work.

But all of her employees always remind her to not push herself too much with work. One of the reasons is that she's 13 years old and needs to grow healthy to make sure she has good or even decent childhood memories; she can't keep burying herself with adult work after all, despite how much she wants to do the job.

You may call her a workaholic.

Demon Mommy: "Ara? What is this everyone talking about? May I join the conversation?"

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "You may, and it seems today you're not busy that you have the time to go online. Is that okay?"

Demon Mommy: "Yes. Fortunately, Master wants us to take a break for a while, or it will be unhealthy to keep pushing ourselves with work. There's no need to rush this, or if that happens, then it will get worse than we have expected."

Demon Mommy: "That's why our advisor Da Vinci-san gives us this advice, and it looks like Master also agreed to it. As the mother, I also agree and cannot allow Master to do anything rash. Because mother's job is to ensure her child's safety and well-being."

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Huhum. It's true after all, children are the treasure of any parents. But oh, looks like we stay away from the topic. Please continue what you're talking about, @Pudding Lover. Is it related to our group? If that's true, then this might be truly important."

Pudding Lover: "You got that right, @Golden Fox of Kyoto. It's super-duper and amazingly important! Our fate depends on the things I'd talk about to all of you, although I prefer if all of the members online and can read it in one go—but if they can't, then it can't be helped."

Pudding Lover: "┐(︶▽︶)┌."

Pudding Lover: "By the way, I recently learned about this awesome thing: Kaomoji. It's super fun and amazing. I advise all of you to use it when you want it. The dull chat will become better or maybe 1000% better than before! (* ̄▽ ̄)b."

Hajime True Soulmate: "Kaomoji, huh… from what Hajime told me, it is something like expression or emotion made from Japanese characters and grammar punctuations. It is to express emotion in texting or something similar like this."

Hajime True Soulmate: "I'll try to use this if I need it then. (—_—)."

Pudding Lover: "That's the spirit!"

Demon Mommy: "Oh, is that so? Is it that important? But to live up the mood in group chat, I suppose it suffices to say what @Pudding Lover has said are makes sense. Setting up the mood is one of the important things, after all. (^▽^)."

Demon Sword Muramasa: "Mhm. I don't want everyone's mood to become worse. (─‿‿─)."

The Florist Succubus: "Kaomoji? It's interesting! Is that one of the Earthling's things? Earthling sure has a good way to express emotion in something like this, huh. I'm surprised. w(°o°)w."

The Florist Succubus: "Also, I'm sorry if I can't get online the other days! My schedule is packed, and my oldest sister seems missing. Papa and Mama panicked because of that. Even her guardians were sent to find her. m(_ _)m."

King of Knight: "It's fine, @The Florist Succubus. If you have something important out there, you should prioritize it first rather than ignore it. We, on the group chat, will not hate or be angry at you. People is one of thing that's important and determine the quality of king."

The Florist Succubus: "Ah, thank you then, @King of Knight. By the way, excuse my rudeness, but it seems @Demon Mommy, @Bloodsucker Black Serpent, and @King of Knight are at the same place? I'm pretty curious about it."

Demon Mommy: "Yes, it's true. We came from the same place, and, surprisingly, only we can use this group chat in our place. Isn't that right, @King of Knight?"

King of Knight: "Indeed. Even our Master or our comrades cannot use it. Maybe this is one of the forms of Magecraft? But whoever who creates it, certainly it's not someone who can't be underestimated."

Pudding Lover: "Hey-hey! Stop the unnecessary topic! We should discuss what I've found. Don't get distracted by other things! ヽ( `д' *)ノ."

King of Knight: "My apologies, I'm getting distracted. Let's discuss the current topic we hold."

Pudding Lover: "Mumu! Okay. You know that we still haven't welcomed our new member yet, right? Since we can't go to each of our worlds, I have an idea, and Histy already found it! It is still unstable and incomplete, though."

Hajime True Soulmate: "Really? That's good news. But what caused it unstable and incomplete?"

Pudding Lover: "Apparently, she needs the coordinate of each world, and the energy seems not enough. I mean, traveling or transporting every member in here to each world isn't that easy. If we only use the Share Energy combined from four landmasses, then it will only allow up to 4 people, and the maximum time limit would be 3 days."

And the young chairman then stopped reading the chats.

Seeing it made Eleonora shake her head in disbelief since, from what it looks like, things like that are absolutely impossible, and there is no evidence it was true. No science has proven that travel between worlds is possible; moreover, what they discussed is really like come from kids with big imaginations and delusions.

She's not so naïve and immediately believes it, but the topic was quite interesting and made her amused for a while. Another world or dimension topic seems to light up the child's soul of Eleonora since she's literally just 13 years old girl. Things like that always spark children's curiosity; their minds will be full of imagination and delusions, but it will be bad if she is involved too deep into that.

After all, the talk discussed in the group chat was like something that came from fiction. There's no way for it to be real. Magic or whatsoever isn't real and never be since it's something spiritual or considered fantasy. Science is the one that made everything possible.

She was letting out a deep sigh from her mouth as she closed her laptop after shutting it down. It's high time for her to leave the office and rest at home.

'But even if it is just a delusion, it will be nice if that truly happens.'

She thought of that with a small smile adorned her face as she quickly left the building and greeted the rest of the staff that still hadn't left yet. After all, she has many things to do after she leaves the office—also, her work is almost done for today; she still has to review it when going back.

As she left the building, the driver who took her home bowed and greeted her politely as the car door opened and allowed her to enter. She nodded and gave a smile to the driver. While the driver started the engine and drove her home—Eleonora looked at the window with a tired face.

"Quite a lot of work I had today. Maybe I have to let myself loose for a bit. It will be bad if I am somewhat sick and make everyone worried. I have to maintain my health after all. If the leader isn't lead, then the subordinates can't move."


Japan, Kyoto – Yasaka Shrine

A chuckle can be heard; it's not disturbing or anything, but instead, it sounds lovely. The laugh came from a beautiful and voluptuous woman who held a device that helped her communicate with people far away. She is already accustomed to using it and familiar with the device itself because she has already used it for two months. That's a lot of time for someone to learn, and the device it's not that hard to master since she's pretty intelligent. Although at first, she has a hard time using it since she can be considered an old person from the older generation and cannot use such advanced technology.

Her golden nine-tail was swinging in joy as she let out a small chuckle from her mouth every time her eyes directed to the device she held. What she does is chat with her fellow members in a mysterious group chat that appeared two months ago in front of her; not the group chat, but a single handheld phone suddenly appeared before her.

Of course, her mind is filled with confusion and many things, but she gets used to it as soon as she understands it little by little. She's not confused anymore and happily chatting with anyone in the group in the spare of her time.

But what her fellow members said is intriguing her.

Her friend found a way to travel between worlds or dimensions. She is still doubting it since, in her dimension, the only being able to do that is a giant red dragon that constantly guards the place to travel between dimensions. But it's piqued her curiosity.

"Pudding Lover-san said she found the way to travel between dimensions… I hope it's true since we have a new member to welcome. I cannot wait and have to prepare for it until everyone in the group can confirm it."

Her golden nine-tail was swinging quickly. Not only her tail but her ears also twitched happily.

"It's a shame that I have to wait for it, but as I said, patience is the key. There are a lot of other things to do for me. Becoming the leader of Kyoto Youkai isn't that easy after all, and since we agreed to have an alliance with the devil, things become complicated."

She shook her head in tired motion. But her cheeks suddenly go red, albeit it's slightly when something across her mind.

"But… romantical relationship between girls, huh. I don't think of that possibility… Oh my, I have to perish that thought since I have Issei-sama. But that possibility… might be not bad, to have a romantical bond with a girl."

The leader of Kyoto Youkai, a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure and very long blonde hair with matching eyes, has a slight smile adored her beautiful face and her cheeks that goes red but quickly shook her head to remove the thought.

She cannot have such thoughts since Yasaka has Hyoudou Issei as her potential husband. She has taken a liking and is unexpectedly attracted to Red Dragon Emperor's current host after he saves her from the clutch of Hero Faction led by Cao Cao. She and Kunou already mark him as their mate after all.

'It will be considered cheating. Don't let that thought invade your mind, Yasaka.'

The Youkai leader doesn't realize it yet. By liking someone like Hyoudou Issei, she is already cheating on her former husband, whose name isn't even mentioned by her. As if her husband doesn't even exist in the world she is currently living in.

But suppose she likes a girl, committing a girl x girl relationship, especially with someone she knew. In that case, it's not considered cheating at all since an individual known as Hyoudou Issei is actually impotent and barely has the guts to perform a sexual relationship with one of his harem;. However, he's claimed to be an open-minded pervert.

But that's only a matter of time until she realizes it.


Hyperdimension, Gamindustri - Planeptune

Four landmasses are floating around in a world different from Earth, like any fantasy story. The four lands are governed by four being known as a goddess or specifically CPU, the Control Patrol Unit that leads and protects its lands citizen from any threat.

The four goddesses were born from a single goddess, known as the Great Goddess or a goddess that yearned nothing but the destruction of Gamindustri. Since she thinks what she did in the past is a great mistake and planning to rebuild it from scratch; since humans considered a flaw according to her view.

But it's already years since the four goddesses teamed up and defeated the Great Goddess to defend the entire Gamindustri from her threat. This Gamindustri is located within a dimension called Hyperdimension, the same as Earth-666, the base of that world.

Over one of the landmasses, a landmass with a unique goddess exists. She's the leader of the alliance between four goddesses and four continents. Also, she's the one who delivers the final blow to the goddess who tried to harm Gamindustri back then.

People in Planeptune always knew her as a competent and charismatic leader… only by her adult appearance. The truth behind that is very different and can make her believer shocked; she's the opposite of her adult form.

While her adult form is deemed competent, charismatic, gentle, warrior, her actual appearance isn't. She's actually incompetent, uncharismatic, lazy, spoiled, etc. She isn't a hard worker and consistently tries to ignore the work given to her.

"Histyyyyy! Is that true that we can go to another world?! Or another universe, different than this one?"

With a loud excited voice, she said that to the person in front of her. A mini girl sitting in a tome and trying to do something in front of a device resembles a portal. She sighs and turns her way around as she nods her head with a tired face.

"Yes, Neptune. We can go to another universe, different from our universe. All this time, we can only go to another dimension like Superdimension, Hyperdimension, and lastly, Ultradimension. Although I said 'we can,' actually we still missing a few components or things to make it 100% work."

Hearing what she said, Neptune tilts her head in confusion.

"Heh? What is it?"

"We need two things. First, the coordinate of each dimension we will connect or travel. If we don't have it, we can easily travel between the dimension of a different universe. The second and last is the energy. Using only our Share Energy—even if it combined with the other landmasses—only allows up to 4 person with the maximum time limit they can stay is 3 days."

"Eeeeeeh?! Even with all Share Energy from the four landmasses?!"

The one known as Histy nodded her head, which makes Neptune sulk and disappointed when knowing its fact.

"Darn! I can't go anywhere in a different dimension with that many times! Please Histy, what we should do to allow it works 100% or maybe even 1000%!"

"If possible… someone strong enough to be capable travel between dimensions with their own power. Someone who easily uses it as they want without restriction. If there's someone like that, this device probably can work, and I'm 100% sure it will."

"But… where we can find someone with such high-spec? There's none in here!"

"Unfortunately, if you want the portal to stay longer than 3 days, it's the only choice. Or either a special individual who has enough energy that cover it. As far as I know, no one has the energy big enough to cover the actual cost of this device to be able to freely travel between dimensions or worlds in our world."

"How about a certain old vampire who can freely travel between dimensions? I heard from the group chat there's someone like that."

"It's possible, but what we actually need is someone capable enough to transport a group of people. If it only one person, then we don't need to use all four landmasses Share energy, we can only use one Share Energy of one landmass or not even quarter of it."

Neptune smiled when she heard this. Her face is beaming with a happy smile as she can imagine when she can meet with the people from the group chat once the dimension portal or whatever it is done and 100% works. She's indeed lazy and incompetent, she's far away from what idealistic and charismatic person but she isn't the type of person who doesn't want to meet with a new friend; but it's quite the opposite, she likes to meet and have a new friend.

The more friend she has, the more fun she will get.

"Okay, then I'll ask this with the people in the group!"

"Ah, Neptune! You have a—"

Before Histy or Histoire finishes her sentence, Neptune already left her alone, and she just shook her head, but her lips formed a small smile. As if she's happy for her, Neptune can be considered her friend because their relationship grew during Neptune's bizarre adventure.

"Good grief, Neptune. She has not even heard what I'm about to say to her."

Once again, Neptune ditched and dumped her works to Histoire.


Once again, he yawned. His bored eyes and look are so evident as everyone can see. He was sitting and doing nothing except viewing something with his ability. It's an ability to see and travel to parallel worlds. In his world, he's the only one who has it and can perform an action to travel to any different worlds out there.

But there's something that caught his eyes. Something exciting piqued his interest; his mouth suddenly became a smirk. He scratched his beard and nodded when seeing it. He understands what he currently sees, and unfortunately, he can interfere with it directly since there's a strong barrier and only allows some people to interact with it.

For a few minutes, he observes it again and concludes that it seems only females are capable of accessing it. But he still can see it only from afar because he instantly gets rejected when he decides to enter it.

Seeing this only made him interested more.

"Hah! This is interesting. A magecraft that is imbued within such a thing is really good. Whoever did this, I'm pretty sure they are above me. Even surpassing the Wizard Marshal such myself. It's a pity I can't interfere as I want to know more about it."

He shakes his head in frustration. But for a minute, he has an idea.

"Oh right. If I track the coordinate of each people in this thing, maybe I can give some of them a visit? But… it will waste my plana. I mean, most of my plana since whoever did this really does not welcome any males. I also detect it will reduce an insane amount of plana and od that I have."

Indeed. There's a strong barrier that seems to reject any males to interfere. Even someone like him can't do anything about it. Even if he tracks the coordinate and pays them a visit, because of the coordinate linked to the barrier, he will lose an insane amount of his energy.

"Damn. It's interesting but shame I can't join it. If I could join it, maybe I can teach some of them about magecraft. Heck, maybe I even give them a chance to travel to different worlds, free of charge, of course, since this is a good opportunity and worth researching."

But that's just false hope. No matter what he did, he couldn't do anything about it.

"Seriously… what an interesting group chat this [Flower Bed of Lily] is. Interdimensional group chat. It's a crazy idea, and I love the craziness of this."

He smiled slightly as he shook his head.

"Although it's similar to the Chinese novel I've read about somewhere."

TetekGede TetekGede

Heya, long time no see as I haven't update it for a while. Oh right, I have a question to ask to all of you. It's regarding should I turn this into futa or pure yuri.

I made a vote about this. Please visit this link:

The vote will last 7 days from today.

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