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Capítulo 4: 31 (4)

"Look, you all heard that ANBU guy, they're after me, not you. I lead them away while you go after Sasuke."

"There's no way we're going to leave you to face all those guys by yourself" Sakura said.

"Listen, they won't kill me, they want me alive, so I should be fine."

"He's right Ino" Shikamaru said, who knew that to win a game a player must be willing to sacrifice a piece. But even so, this was real-life and it made decisions like this all the harder, especially since it was a friend who was sacrificing himself, and Shikamaru did not like this.

"Then I go with you as well" Ino volunteered as she moved towards Naruto, but was stopped by the spikey haired boy.

"No, it's better if I go alone, my chances of losing them are better if I am alone, besides Sasuke is going to need all the help he can get if he's going against Gaara. I'll catch up with the rest of you as soon as I lose them."

"I agree with Naruto" Pakkun said suddenly, "…if we want to get to Sasuke in time, he will need to lead them away, otherwise they'll just keep coming after us."

Seeing that it was three against two the girls finally relented.

After wishing Naruto good luck, the three Genin and the Ninken quickly made their way down the street.

As they did, Naruto suddenly saw the fake ANBU and the Oto-nins making their way towards him by jumping over the rooftops.

Gaining their attention Naruto then ran down the street hoping to lead them away from Shikamaru and the girls.

"There he is!" said one of the Oto-nins as he pointed to Naruto as he ran down the street.

"Wait!" said the fake ANBU, as he stopped the other Oto-nins. "He's trying lead us away from the others."

"So what, our orders are to capture him, not those kids" said one of the Oto Shinobi.

"Our orders were also to make sure that they did not interfere with Gaara, which is why all of you are to go after them and make sure they don't."

"But what about him?" the same Oto-nin asked.

"Leave Naruto-kun to me" answered the ANBU, which of course made the Oto-nins frown. But none of them dared disobey him and nodded before racing after Shikamaru and the girls, leaving Naruto to the fake ANBU.

After a few minutes of running, Naruto looked back to see if any sign of the Oto Shinobi.

Seeing no sign of the enemy Shinobi, the Senju heir thought about making a Kage Bunshin (Shadown Clone) of himself and using the clone to lead the perusing Shinobi further away. While he hid somewhere and waited for them to pass him by, this would then allow him to catch up Shikamaru and the girls.

But before Naruto could even do this, he suddenly heard the familiar whooshing sounds Kunai flying through the air.

Acting quickly Naruto jumped to his left, narrowly avoiding the projectiles, which stabbed the ground he had been just standing on a moment ago.

As soon as Naruto had avoided the Kunai, he saw the fake ANBU landing directly in front of him, a few meters apart.

"Where are your friends?" Naruto asked, while at the same time glancing around him, making sure that none of the Oto-nins were trying sneak up on him and attack him from different directions.

"Oh, I just sent them after your friends, I decided to deal with you myself" answered the fake ANBU.

Hearing this Naruto silently cursed, since his plan had completely back fired on him and he now need to get back with Shikamaru and the others as quickly as possible.

"Well then I guess I don't have time to waste" Naruto said.

-Enter Naruto OST-Raikiri-

"No…you don't" the ANBU replied before he began to preform several hand-seals

"Those hand-seals, so he knows Iryō Ninjutsu (Medical Ninja Techniques)" Naruto thought as he recognized the hand-seals that the fake ANBU was preforming, which were for Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpels).

Once the fake ANBU had finished the necessary hand-seals, his hands began to glow bright blue, proving what Naruto had already guessed. After which the fake ANBU disappeared into the ground, leaving only a large hole in the spot he had just been standing in.

"Shit, Moguragakure no Jutsu (Hiding like a Mole Technique)!" thought Naruto, realizing what the fake ANBU had just done.

Acting quickly, Naruto jumped up into the air, narrowly avoiding the masked ANBU, who had just appeared out of the ground underneath him.

Wasting no time Naruto struck back using his enhance strength and brought his right fist down on the enemy Shinobi hoping to end the fight with one blow. But instead missed him and hit the ground, as the masked man proved to be quite fast.

Undeterred Naruto chased after the fake ANBU and attempted a powerful right kick, using his inhuman like strength again. But like the last time, the fake ANBU avoided Naruto's attack by ducking under the kick and letting Naruto fly past him. Who smashed right through a wall that was behind the man.

Emerging from the new hole in the wall Naruto tried to attack the fake ANBU again, but before he could reach him. The fake ANBU disappeared in a blur and reappeared behind the blonde. Who tried to avoid him, but was too slow, where the fake ANBU touched his right arm and thigh. After which he then jumped away from the young Senju when he tried to punch him.

After landing a few meters away from Naruto, the fake ANBU was pleased to see Naruto fall to his knees and holding his right arm.

"My arms and leg" the blonde thought, realizing that the fake ANBU had done something.

"As you may have just noticed, I have weakened the muscles in your right bicep and thigh... Just enough to slow your movements down and prevent you from using that incredible strength of yours" the fake ANBU said before continuing.

"After being trained by the foremost expert in Iryō Ninjutsu, you of all people should know how lethal Chakra scalpels are. With it, I could severe an artery or puncture your heart without even breaking the skin."

"Then why don't you?"

"That I am afraid takes careful aim and a long blade, both of which are difficult to accomplish in the heat of battle, as you well know. Although I could probably achieve this, it would go against my orders, which are to capture you alive. So perhaps you could save us both a great deal of time and effort and give up now, that way you can also save yourself a great deal of pain."

"Huh, arrogant bastard" Naruto thought before smirking at the fake ANBU, "Heh, if you think that I will just lay down and give up, you don't know the first thing about me."

"I figured you would say something like that" the masked spy replied with a small sigh before racing towards Naruto with remarkable speed.

With little time to spare, Naruto brought up both his arms to defend himself where he deflected several strikes from the masked man, while he was using his Chakura no Mesu.

After ducking under another strike, Naruto attempted a leg sweep, hoping to catch the masked ANBU off-guard. But instead the fake ANBU avoided the leg swipe by jumping into the air and then placing his hand right on Naruto's chest, causing the spikey haired boy to fall to his knees in pain.

"Agah! Damnit he hit my inner intercostal…heh…can't breathe!" Naruto thought as he struggled to catch his breath, before glancing up at his masked opponent, who was standing over him. "This guy, he's no ordinary Medic-nin, he's faster and more precise than me when using Chakura no Mesu. He might be just as good if not better that Shizune-nee, even Kaa-chan would probably have a hard time with him."

"I have to be careful not to hit anything too vital, if you were to die unexpectedly, Orochimaru-sama would be greatly displeased with me" the fake ANBU said in a mocking tone, as he held up his hand and deactivated his Chakra scalpels. "But still you won't be moving anytime soon."

But no sooner had he said this, Naruto stood up and delivered a devastating left punch to the man's stomach, sending the Oto spy flying through the air and crashing through a stone wall.

-End Naruto OST-Raikiri-

"ACK!" cried the fake ANBU member as he spat out some blood behind his mask. Before it began to crack and shatter when he went through a stone wall. After which he landed hard on the floor in the middle of a large room of the building he crashed into. "Eh…I underestimated him, he shouldn't be able to stand, let alone fight this well given everything he went through today, and the injuries I dealt him. But then again he is the son of one of the Sannin. I guess I cannot afford to play with him anymore; it would be so much easier if I could just kill him. But Orochimaru-sama's orders were clear and I cannot disobey him."

After sending the fake ANBU crashing through the stone wall, Naruo immediately fell to his knees in pain and held his chest.

"Damn it, that was close, I'm lucky that bastard got cocky and let his guard down, now I need to heal the damage he did and get back to Shikamaru and the girls, fast!" Naruto thought as he performed some hand-seals and used a Shōsen Jutsu (Mystical PalmTechnique) to heal his internal injuries.

Just as Naruto healed the damage done to his chest leg and was about to heal his arm, the blonde boy saw movement coming from the hole that the fake ANBU made when he was smashed through it.

"No way…! He couldn't have recovered so quickly after that!" Naruto thought in shock. "I hit him dead on with full force."

Soon enough the Oto spy emerged from the hole in the wall, at little wobbly, but fine otherwise. The only difference being that he no longer had his mask, which allowed Naruto to see his face.

"Kabuto!" Naruto spat out angrily recognising Oto spy's face.

"We meet again Naruto-kun" greeted the grey haired youth with an arrogant smirk.

"I knew there was a reason why I didn't like you" the blonde Senju said angrily.

"Ah yes, with the exception of Sakura-chan you and the others never really trusted me" the bi-spectral Shinobi mocked. "Tell me what was it that gave me away?"

"You were always too eager to help; especially to people you didn't even know. Like when you gave information on other opponents freely to us at the beginning of the exam, without asking for anything in return. Not to mention when you stopped Sakura-chan from opening the scroll and having us disqualified from the exam, which I'm guessing was to make sure that Sasuke and me made it to the finals. You also seemed to be stronger than you let on; at first I thought that was to make people underestimate you in the exam. But after you quit so suddenly in the preliminaries, without even trying, I knew there was something off about you"

"Yes, very good Naruto-kun, and I suppose your right, it seems I did overplay my part when I pretended to be a weak, but friendly participant in the exam" the Oto spy said as he continued to smirk at Naruto.

"Tell me how is it that you were able to recover so quickly?" Naruto asked, "You shouldn't be able to get up after being hit like that."

"Heh you're not the only gifted Shinobi in the world Naruto-kun, like you I have many gifts. One of them being my natural talents for Iryō Ninjutsu, where I developed a technique called In'yu Shōmetsu (Yin Healing Wound Destruction). By anticipating the spot an enemy will attack, I concentrate my chakra to that area and begin a cell recreation process right before the targeted area becomes damaged. So for as long as I have Chakra, I can completely heal any damage that you do to me."

When Kabuto finished Naruto silently swore to himself, since this made this things a whole lot more difficult.

"Crap, as if things weren't hard enough, even if I somehow beat this prick or get away from him. It won't be without some cost and I might not be in any state to help Sasuke and the others if I get to them in time."

Hoping the gain some sort of advantage, Naruto fired several poison tipped Senbon Needles at Kabuto, who easily evaded them. But when he moved away, Naruto threw some smoke bombs that contained a strong knock-out gas that could even render a Shinobi like Kabuto unconscious in moments.

"Inhaling even a bit of this would be dangerous" thought Kabuto, as the smoke enveloped him.

But just when Naruto thought he had won, he felt a pair of hands grab his legs and realized that Kabuto had used the Moguragakure no Jutsu again to escape the gas and tunnel underneath him.

Realizing he needed to do something quickly, Naruto gather as much Chakra as he could into his left fist and slammed it into the ground, pulverising the street and creating a large crater around him.

Once the dust settled, Kabuto, who had someone escape damage emerged from the ground a few feet away from the Senju.

"My, that was rather close" Kabuto commented with his usual arrogant smirk.

"Well let's see you try and dodge this!" Naruto yelled as he performed some hand-seals and shouted "Mokuton: Mōkushōku (Wood Release: Wooden Tentacles)!"

When Naruto shouted this, several dozen wooden tentacles erupted from the ground around Kabuto, forcing the silver haired youth to jump up into the air to avoid them.

After evading all the wooden tentacles, Kabuto then landed on one of the larger tentacles, where he then saw Naruto racing up the wooden tentacle before punching him right in the face.

But just as Naruto had punched him, "Kabuto" reverted into a large wooden log, revealing he had replaced himself at the last second.

Looking around, Naruto soon saw Kabuto standing on the ground below him.

Annoyed by the arrogant smirk of the elder boy, Naruto fired several large wooden spikes from hands, which Kabuto easily dealt with, by cutting them in half with his Chakra scalpels.

This of course surprised Naruto, since the wooden objects he made were very strong and could not be easily cut or destroyed.

After destroying Naruto's wooden spikes, Kabuto watched as the son of Tsunade jumped down from the wooden tentacles he was standing on and face off against him again.

Wanting to end this quickly and get Naruto to a secure location, Kabuto raced towards the blonde boy, but just as he crossed half the distance between them. He was forced to jump back, when he noticed a large hail of Kunai, Shuriken and Senbons Needles falling from the sky towards him.

As soon as he avoided all the projectiles, which now littered the ground in front of him, Kabuto notice that three young girls had now appeared in front of Naruto.

These girls were none other than Nii Yugito of Kumogakure (Hidden Cloud), Yuki Haku of Kirigakure (Hidden Mist) and Hattori Mai of Amegakure (Hidden Rain).

When Kabuto saw the three Kunoichi, he knew things had gotten a lot more difficult, given how skilled each of the girls were.

"Haku-chan, Yugito-chan, Mai-chan, what are you three doing here?" a confused Naruto asked when he saw the three girls appear in front of him, who were all staring at Kabuto careful.

"Heh, what does it look like, we're saving your sorry ass" Yugito replied with a small smirk and glanced back at Naruto, all the while keeping a watch on Kabuto, who had yet to move. "The three of us met up, when we were looking for you and when we saw your Mōkushōku, we headed straight here."

"Not that I don't appreciate the help, but why are you three here?" Naruto asked, "This is my village's fight, it doesn't involve any of your villages."

"It seems that is no longer the case with my village, as the Mizukage has ordered Zabuza-sama and the rest of us to assist your village in this battle" Haku replied, surprising both Naruto and Kabuto at the news.

"Same here" Yugito replied, "Bee-sensei decided that we would help you all out this time. Besides I told you before, if anyone is going to defeat you, it's me, so I won't let you die until I have another rematch."

"You're going to have to get in like Neko-girl, because if anyone is going have a rematch with him it's me!" Mai spoke suddenly before she turned around and grabbed Naruto by the collar and brought him right up to her angry face. "And after what you did to me, you owe me."

"What did I do?" Naruto asked, not sure what the girl meant.

"You damn well know what you did!" the girl shouted angrily, "You help back on our fight, not only do you possess super human strength. But you also have the same kind of affinity for Suiton Ninjutsu as the Nidaime Hokage, not to mention you can use Mokuton. Do you know how humiliating it was to watch your battle with Neko-girl over there and realize how much you had held back on our fight?!"

"Hey, Listen Mai-chan, I can explain, I had a good reason for not using my other abilities" a now nervous Naruto said as he tried to calm the angrily girl down.

"I don't care what your excuses are!" the Ame Kunoichi rounded. "Once this battle is over, you and I are going to have a rematch and this time you're going to use all your abilities. Also don't you dare think I have forgotten what you did after that battle with Neko-girl."

At the mention of the incident, both Naruto and Yugito blush slightly, while an irritated look appeared on Haku's face.

"That was an accident, my body just gave out when I was going to help Yugito-chan up, I swear" Naruto explained.

"Oh, and you just happen to land on her chest when you did?" Mai asked with a disbelieving look.

"It was an accident, I swear" Naruto pleaded who was starting to sweat a little, since Mai was not someone he wanted to piss off.

"Well then, you're going to have to make it up to me, by going out on a date with me" the brunette girl said, causing Naruto and the two girls to look at her in surprise.

"A-A-Ah, date?" repeated Naruto with a slight blush, as he thought about the idea of him and Mai on a date together.


"Are you serious?" Yugito asked as she turned to look at Mai in disbelief at how she just asked Naruto out on a date when they were in a middle of a battlefield.

"Stay out of this Neko-girl; this is between my fiancé and me?" Mai said where she let go of Naruto and turned to Yugito.

"Fiancé, well this is certainly interesting news?" Kabuto thought to himself as he watched the drama in front of him unfold.

"He's not your fiancé" a now very irritated Haku said suddenly, "You just declared yourself his fiancé after he defeated you. His own mother refuses to acknowledge you as his fiancé."

"Tsk, as if she has any say in the matter" Mai scoffed. "Naruto-kun and I are clearly a perfect match for one another, as we are clearly the two strongest fighters in the exam."

"Oh really?" asked Yugito with a sarcastic tone, "And that would explain how you only made it to the preliminaries, before you were knockout."

At the mention of this a large tick formed on Mai's head. "That was only because I was facing Naruto-kun, if you and I had fought then, I would have been the one who fought him in the semi-finals. Unlike you, I relay on my own powers, not another."

After hearing Mai's retort, a large frown appeared on Yugito's face, knowing what the Ame girl meant. "Heh, that's tough talk coming from someone from one of the minor villages."

"You want to go at it?" Mai asked who was angered at how Yugito just insulted her village, before taking out her two new fans and opening them up. "Well I'm more than ready to go at it of you are Neko-girl. Just don't go crying, when I send you back to Kumo with your tail between your legs."

"Heh, I would be more worried about the Kiri girl here, than you. At least she would be a challenge" Yugito sneered which annoyed not only Mai, but also Haku.

"Excuse me?" Haku asked in an annoyed tone, not liking what Yugito was stating in regards to her.

"Stay out of this Ice Princess; this is between Neko-girl and me" Mai stated

"I do not take orders from you Mai-san" Haku replied, where the three girls proceeded to glare at one another.

It got so bad, that Naruto, who was watching the argument from the side-lines, could've swore that he saw Lightning emanating out of the girls eyes as they glared at one another.

"EEEhhh, can I say something?" Naruto asked, in an attempt to calm the situation.

"What?!" rounded the three girls, where they all turned to Naruto with angry looks on their faces.

"Nothing…never mind" Naruto said meekly. Who was intimated by the looks they were giving him and did not want to be caught in the middle of the spat between the three Kunocihi.

Fortunately though, before things could get out of hand, a sudden distraction came in the form of Baki and a dozen Suna Shinobi, who were all clearly Jonin.

During the battle in the stadium, Baki had notice Naruto leaving and realized that the blonde Senju was going after Sasuke and Gaara. Knowing he needed to keep Naruto away from his student, Baki quickly gathered three teams of Suna Shinobi and went after the Senju heir, and eliminate him before he could reach Gaara.

"Kabuto, what's going on here? Why are you playing around with these kids? You need to deal with that boy before he can get to Gaara and use his Mokuton powers" Baki said angrily.

"Ah Baki-san, excellent timing" Kabuto greeted, "I was actually about to capture Naruto-kun, but as you can see, some unexpected complications appeared. So if you would be so kind, perhaps you and your men here could help me deal with them, that way we can finish things off nice and quick without further trouble."

"Great out of the frying pan and into the fire" muttered Naruto when he saw the Suna Shinobi preparing to attack.

"Remember Baki-san, Orochimaru-sama wants Naruto-san alive, and you would do well to remember that" Kabuto warned.

After hearing Kabuto forbidding him from harming the Senju heir, Baki frowned in anger. He was a veteran Shinobi of many years, who had fought in countless battles and was one of Suna's best, and yet he was being ordered about like some underling by a boy half his age, who was from another village.

But despite his anger, the seasoned Jonin knew when to swallow his pride and that the mission came first. So after quickly getting over his annoyance, Baki ordered his men to attack. Who unleashed a hail of Kunai at the four youths.

Before Naruto or the girls could even try to defend themselves, a massive wooden dome appeared in front of them and blocked the hail of Kunai. This was then followed by several dozen wooden spikes that sprung out of the ground and nearly impaled Kabuto and the Suna Shinobi, forcing them to jump back.

Shortly after, the wooden dome around the Genin retreated back into the ground.

"Nice going Naruto-kun" Mai said as she turned to her "fiancé."

"That wasn't me" Naruto replied.

"But then who else could use Mokuton?" Yugito asked in surprise, since last she checked Naruto was the only Mokuton user alive.

"Him" the blonde boy replied, where he then pointed to his sensei Yamato who had appeared in front of the four Genin. "Thanks Yamato-sensei, but what are you doing here?"

"When you and the others left to go after Sasuke-san, I noticed that the fake ANBU Bear and several Oto and Suna Shinobi had gone after you, so I decided to follow you as well to assist."

"Naruto-kun what is going on? How is it that you sensei can perform Mokuton. Is he a member of your Clan?" Haku asked as she turned to her friend in surprise and was joined by both Mai and Yugito, who were just as surprised and confused as she was.

"I wouldn't mind knowing that myself" spoke a new voice.

"That's ditto for me, Yo" said another new voice.

Turning to the direction of the two new voices, the group saw that the two new voices belonged to none other than Zabuza and Killer Bee. Who suddenly appeared next to the four Genin and then joined Yamato in facing against Kabuto and the Suna-nins.

Unsure of the intention of the two Shinobi, Yamato kept his guard up and eyed them carefully.

Seeing how tense Yamato was, the Demon of the Hidden Mist smirked behind his mask as he slung his oversized sword over his shoulder.

"You don't to worry Mokuton boy, I'm not you enemy today, in fact it seems that we are on the same side again. The Mizukage has order me to help you Konoha-nins out, which works out pretty well for me."

"How so" the Mokutin user asked, who was still unsure of the Kiri swordsman.

"Because I owe that brat over there a debt for saving my life and treating my wounds" Zabuza replied as he pointed his thumb back to Naruto. "And I don't like owing debts to anyone, especially to brats like him."

After hearing Zabuza's answer, Yamato just nodded, satisfied with the man's answer, since despite his ruthless reputation. Zabuza had code of honour which would require him to repay his debts to people. It also helped given how Haku was here helping Naruto as well, confirming what Zabuza said about them helping Konoha.

"Excuse me Zabuza-sama, but how did you know I would be here?" asked Haku, who was curious as to how her teacher knew she would be here.

"When Chojuro came back and informed me of that crazy red head's (aka Mei) plan and told me that you took off. I knew that you had gone after the brat here, given how worried you were for him" the masked man answered as he pointed to Naruto again.

When Yugito and Mai heard this, both girls looked at the female ice user, who was blushing slightly at how her sensei mentioned that she was worried for Naruto and did her best to hide her blush from everyone.

Seeing the blush on Haku's face, both Mai and Yugito raised their right eyebrows in suspicion. Naruto on the other hand remained ignorant of the hidden meaning to Zabuza's words and took what he said without any thought.

"And what of you Bee-san, what are your intentions?" Yamato asked as he turned to the Kumo Jonin.

"I'm just being nice, as a friend in need in a friend indeed" Killer Bee rhymed with a cheesy smirk.

"Cut the crap sensei, and stop trying to act all cool" Yugito said with annoyance. "The only reason you decided to help is because you're hoping that by helping Naruto you'll earn some points with his mother."

"WWHHAATT!?" yelled Naruto in anger, before turning to glare at the elder jinchūriki.

"Hey Yo, A Man can dream and be…" said the dark skinned man, only to be stopped in mid-sentence by a murderous glare from Naruto. Who was also leaking a large amount of Killing Intent, so much so, that even Zabuza was impressed by it.

Eventually though Naruto began to calm down and took deep calming breaths, knowing that he had other important matters to deal with first.

"Calm down Naruto, calm down" the blonde boy thought to himself, while he continued to glare at Killer Bee. Who actually looked a little nervous from the murderous stare the spikey haired blonde was giving him. "Now is not the time…FIRST we deal will Gaara and the invasion…THEN! We kill Bee-sensei."

After he had finally calmed down, Naruto suddenly turned to Yugito, as he had been wondering something ever since she appeared to help him. "Not that I don't appreciate the help Yugito-chan, but won't you, Bee-sensei and the others be in trouble for getting involved in this fight."

"I don't think we will have to wonder about that" the blonde girl replied cryptically, making Naruto wonder what she meant.

-In the Stands-

"DDDIIIEEE!" yelled one masked Oto-nin and he tried to stab his opponent. Only to have his opponent sidestep his stab and the grab his face and slam the poor Shinobi head first through a wall, creating a massive hole in it.

"That takes care of another" murmured the Raikage as he dusted his hands off.

"This is crazy" said C suddenly as he stood next to his leader and deflected an incoming Kunai with his own.

Ever since they appeared in the stands, the Shinobi of Oto and Suna had been specifically targeting them, forcing the three Kumo Shinobi to fight back and defend themselves.

"Damn that Orochimaru!" the Raikage shouted angrily as he smashed his large fist into a Suna-nin's face. "He's not only targeting Konoha, but us as well."

"But why?" asked C, who could not understand why the former Sannin forces would attack them as well.

"He's probably hoping to not only destroy Konoha, but also eliminate the Mizukage and me, weakening both our villages. Allowing Suna and the other villages to take advantage of our weaken state and start a war."

"How can you be so sure?" C asked as he blocked yet another Kunai which was flying towards the Raikage.

"It's the only possible explanation as to why they are attacking us" rounded the bulky Kage as kicked an Oto Shinobi away and sent him crashing into a nearby Suna Shinobi.

But what he and the others didn't know was that the reason why the invading Shinobi were attacking them was because of Killer Bee and his team. Who decided to help Naruto and his village out and attack the Oto and Suna forces, making the enemy Shinobi believe that Kumo was siding with Konoha.

"C where are Bee and the others?" A asked, wanting to know where his brother and his team were.

Using his sensory skills, the blonde Kumo Shinobi quickly located the five Shinobi.

"Samui, Omoi and Karui are all currently with the Daimyo-sama and are protecting him. Bee-dono and Yugito-san are currently outside the stadium in the village."

"Damnit, what the hell are those two thinking? They should have stayed here" growled the annoyed Kage.

"What do we do Boss?" Darui asked as he turned to his village leader, after using his large sword to slash at an incoming Oto-nin.

"C! I want you to head to Samui and her team and help protect the Daimyo-sama."

Nodding to the Raikage, the Kumo medic quickly raced off towards the three Genin and the Lightning Daimyo.

"What about me Boss?" Darui asked.

"You stay with me Darui" the Raikage said as he took off his Kage robes and hat, revealing his hulking build. "For now at least, we're fighting with Konoha…if Orochimaru thinks he can eliminate us all in one fell swoop, he is severely underestimating the Shinobi of Kumo."

After saying this, the muscular Kage exploded with Lightning, which covered his entire body and disappeared in a blinding flash, where he preceded to attack every Suna and Oto Shinobi he could see.

-With Samui and the others-

"Shit this is insane, why the hell are we even getting involved?" Karui asked as he deflected an incoming Shuriken with her Katana. But as she did, an Oto Shinobi moved in on her, and tried to stab her in the chest with his short Tanto blade. Only to be stopped by Omoi, who appeared in front of the enemy Shinobi and used the bottom of his sword handle to stop the man's attack. This then allowed Karui to jump over Omoi and attack the enemy Shinobi on his unguarded side, killing him with one swift slash.

"We're getting involved because Bee-sensei told us so" Omoi replied, before leaping into the air and deflecting several incoming Kunai that were coming in on them from different directions. "So I suggest you stop your complaining and focus on the battle at hand."

"What did you say, you lollipop sucking bastard!" an angry Karui yelled as she turned to her team-mate.

"Both of you two need to cool down as this is neither the time nor the place for your bickering" Samui reprimanded, as she kicked away a Suna Shinobi who tried to sneak up on her.

After Samui kicked the enemy Shinobi way, both Karui and Omoi ceased their quarrelling, realizing that they needed to focus on protecting not only the Lightning Daimyo. But also Samui, who had still yet to recover from her battle with Haku.

Although the blonde girl was not in any serious danger from her injuries, she was still far from a hundred percent, which both her team-mates could see. Given how sluggish her movements were and how tried she looked, even though she did her best not show it.

Once they had found their common ground again, both Omoi and Karui used their finely honed teamwork to assist their team-mate in holding back the enemy and protect the Lightning Daimyo.

-With Kakashi and the Others-

As the battle in the stands continued to rage, Kakashi and the other Jonin-sensei were still fighting fiercely against the invading Shinobi.

During the battle, Kakashi and Gai, once again found themselves back to back to one another, using their advance teamwork, which they had developed after all the years they had spent sparing and fighting alongside one another.

After knocking out another Oto-nin with a strong spinning kick, Gai suddenly notice something in one of the other stands.

"Kakashi look!" Gai called as he pointed to the other stands. "If I'm not mistaken, that's the Mizukage-sama and her bodyguard…and they are attacking the enemy."

"You're right and that's not the only weird thing" said Anko, who suddenly appeared next to the two Jonin and pointed to the stands on the opposite side. "Look over there!"

When the two Jonin looked, they were surprised to see the Raikage and his bodyguard Darui, also fighting the Oto and Suna Shinobi.

"What the hell is going on here?" muttered the former student of Orochimaru, "Why are the Mizukage-sama, the Raikage-sama and their people helping us. I would've thought they would have been the first to skip out the moment things went to hell."

"I don't know, but let's not look a gift horse in the mouth" said Kakashi as he lifted up his head band to reveal his Sharingan. "With their help, we can clear out the enemy a lot faster and get to the Hokage-sama and the others sooner."

Nodding to this reasoning, the two other Jonin took off with Kakashi to find more enemies.

-With Naruto and the Others-

At the same time, Kabuto, Baki and the others Suna Shinobi became concerned over the arrival of not only the Raikage's brother, the jinchūriki of the Hachibi (Eight Tails). But also the infamous Kirigakure no Kijin (Demon of the Hidden Mist) Momochi Zabuza and a Konoha Shinobi, who seemly could use Mokuton, just like Naruto.

"Another Mokuton user, what's going on here?" Baki asked out loud. Who was becoming more frustrated over everything that was happening today. It was bad enough that Naruto revealed the ability to use Mokuton. But now it seemed that there was a second person who had the ability, "Is he related to the boy as well?"

"No, he isn't, or at least not in the traditional sense" Kabuto said suddenly with a small frown.

"What do you mean?" Baki asked, not understanding what Kabuto talking about.

"Not long ago, Orochimaru-sama told me a story back when he was still with Konoha. During that time Orochimaru-sama abducted sixty new-born infants to use for an experiment, which involved injecting the Shodai Hokage-sama's DNA into them. In the hope of replicating the Shodai-sama's ability to use Mokuton, allowing him to suppress and control Biju" Kabuto answered. "Sadly though Orochimaru-sama was unable to see the results of his experiment, as the Sandaime Hokage-sama discovered what he had done and forced Orochimaru-sama to flee, leading him to believe that all the infants had died."

"But it seems that is no longer the case, isn't that right Yamato-san" Kabuto said with an arrogant smirk, causing Yamato and the others all to frown angrily at the grey haired youth. "This also certainly explains Naruto-kun's rapid growth and skill in using Mokuton and I'm certain Orochimaru will also find the news interesting as well."

"And people call me a demon" Zabuza thought in revulsion, after hearing what the Snake Sennin had done.

"That's Whack Yo" mutter Killer Bee, who frowned at the news.

"Naruto-kun is this true?" asked Haku as she turned to her blonde friend with a look of shock on horror.

"It's true" Naruto said while glaring angrily at the still smirking Kabuto who seemed quite pleased with himself over digging up Yamato's past.

Seeing this just made the blonde Senju even angrier and wanted nothing more than to smash his fist right into the arrogant Shinobi's face and send him flying again.

"What kind of twisted monster is this Orochimaru?" a disgusted Yugito asked herself.

"Even Sofu would not stand for such acts" an appalled Mai thought.

"Naruto!" Yamato said suddenly while still staring at Kabuto, "You need to get going, find Sabaku no Gaara and make sure he does not release his Biju. If he is allowed to, he will do immeasurable about of damage to the village."

"But what about you sensei?" asked Naruto.

"I will stay here and prevent them from following you."

Not liking the idea of leaving his sensei to fight all these enemy alone, Naruto was about to object. But before he could even say a word, Zabuza suddenly spoke.

"You should do want your sensei says brat and get going, we'll stay here and back him up."

"Besides…" said the smirking Demon, "It been was while since I've been in a good fight."

"We've got your back" said Killer Bee with a smirk and thumbs up, before he took out two of his short swords from his back.

Seeing that Killer Bee and Zabuza were going to help, Naruto's concerns eased and he took off after Sasuke and Gaara, but as soon as he took off, Kabuto and the Suna Shinobi attacked.

Acting quickly Yamto created several more wooden spikes, which erupted from the ground, halted the Suna Shinobi advance. All except for Kabuto, who skilfully maneuvered around them and used his Chakura no Mesu to cut through any wooden spikes that remained in his way, much to Yamato's shock.

After bypassing Yamato, Kabuto quickly raced after Naruto, with the intent of removing the blonde boy from the equation.

Seeing Kabuto moving towards his student, Yamato attempted to intercept the Konoha traitor before he could reach his student. But before he could act, Baki appeared in front of him and attacked him, preventing him from helping the young Senju.

Zabuza and Killer Bee couldn't help either, as like Yamato; they were busy fighting with the twelve other Suna Shinobi who had maneuvered around the wood user's wooden spikes.

After a minute or so Kabuto caught up to Naruto, but before he could even re-engage him. He was suddenly blown back by a large gust of Wind from Mai who appeared in front of Naruto again, along with Haku and Yugito.

After being blown back by Mai's attack, Kabuto quickly channelled some of his Chakra into his feet, allowing him to stick to the ground, preventing him from being blown back any further.

"Naruto-kun, please proceed on, we will deal with Kabuto-san" Haku said, as she stared coldly at the bespectacled teen.

"Are you serious?" a surprised Naruto asked, "Haku-chan, neither you nor Yugito-chan have recovered fully from your battles and are in no shape to fight again."

"Don't worry about us, we can take him" Yugito said confidently.

"You're not listening to me" Naruto rounded, surprising the three girls, with the way he was speaking to them. "Kabuto is a lot stronger than he let on in the preliminaries; I could barely touch the bastard when we fought. He's a combat medic like me, and if I were to guess, I would say he was at Jonin level at least and is as good if not better than my nee-chan, hell even my Kaa-chan would have a hard time with him."

After hearing this, the three girls were left naturally surprised, not expecting to hear this and they could tell that Naruto was telling the truth, since they could hear the concern in his voice.

"Heh, well this certainly makes things interesting" Mai said to herself, with a grin, since it had been a while since she last fought.

"We appreciate the warning Naruto-kun, but we will not change our minds, so please go" Haku said stubbornly, while watching Kabuto careful for any sudden movements.

"But…" Naruto tried to say, before he was interrupted by Yugito.

"Listen Naruto, you need to get going now!" Yugito rounded as she turned to the younger blonde. "You're the only one that can stop that Psychopath and if you stay here to fight, you may not get to your friends in time."

Knowing that Yugito was right, Naruto greeted his teeth in frustration.

"Fine, I leave him to you, but take these, you're going to need them" Naruto said. Before he pulled out a small pill bottle from his utility belt, and took out two pills from it and handed them to Yugito and Haku. "They're food pills, they should help restore you Chakra reserves and allow you both to fight."

Nodding their thanks, both girls quickly took the pills, and within seconds they felt their bodies resurge with Chakra and energy and were ready to fight again.

After giving the girls the food pills, Naruto wished them luck before taking off.

Seeing Naruto leaving, a large frown appeared on Kabuto's face, as he needed to capture Naruto before he met up with Gaara. But his current situation presented him with an unexpected opportunity, namely Haku and Mai. Both girls had proven themselves to be highly skilled and capably Kunoichi, where even Orochimaru praised their skill. If he could capture them along with Naruto, he knew his master would be very pleased with him, even if he had to kill them, their bodies could reveal some valuable data. Especially Haku's, who was the last of the Yuki Clan and wielded their unique Bloodline limit Hyoton (Ice Release).

"My, my, I had heard that Naruto-kun was quite popular with many of the girls here in Konoha. But it seems that he is just as popular with them in other villages as well…In fact, he seems to hang around with quite a lot of cute girls" Kabuto commented with irritating smirk. "I'm a little envious."

None of the girls of course reacted to Kabuto's comments and continued to stare at the grey haired Shinobi, waiting for him to make a move.

"If you don't mind me asking perhaps you could tell me, which of you is his favourite?" the smirking Oto-nin asked.

"Tsk that's a stupid question" Mai replied, "I'm the obvious choice, especially when compared to these two."

"Pardon me?" Haku asked nicely with a kind smile, all the while a dark murderous aura hung over her, where Kabuto could have sworn he saw the image of a demon in it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yugito asked angrily.

"Heh, isn't it obvious, I'm clearly the best choice" Mai said confidently, as she flipped her ponytail into the air and puffed her chest out showing over her ample bosom. "Besides I am his fiancé after all."

"I believe that is debatable Mai-san, since you are the only one who believes that" Haku retorted with an annoyed look, before turning into an evil looking smirk. "Besides I believe Naruto-kun said he prefers someone who is not so showy."

After Haku said this, a large tick appeared on Mai's head, where she quickly turned to glare at the ice user, knowing what she was really saying.

"That's pretty big talk coming from someone like you Ice princess, at least I have something to show, you're barely above a Pettanko."

Blushing angrily at the comment regarding her chest size, Haku glared coldly at Mai, and looked ready to kill the granddaughter of Hanzo. But before anything like that could happen, the two girl's attention suddenly turned to Yugito after she said, "That's the only thing you got going for you."

"You got something to say, Neko-girl" Mai asked angrily as she turned to the Kumo Kunoichi.

"You heard me" retorted the blonde girl coldly, and stared at Mai, unafraid.

"Ha, I knew you had a thing for my Naruto-kun, I just bet you maneuvered yourself on the ground, just so Naruto-kun would land on top of you!" accused Mai.

"I DID NO SUCH THING!" screamed the now red faced Yugito, as the memory and humiliation of what happened at the end of her and Naruto's match was still fresh on her mind.

"Tsk, Like I believe that" scoffed the Ame Kunoichi.

"For once I would have to agree with Mai-san, as you clearly made no effort to avoid him or push him off you when he landed on you" Haku commented as she stared suspiciously at the now red Yugito.

"I'M NOT INTERESTED IN NARUTO-KUN!" yelled the now scarlet Nibi jinchūriki

"Naruto-kun?" said both Haku and Mai said together who now shared the same suspicious look.

"I didn't mean that…it was an accident!" an embarrass Yugito said quickly, as she couldn't believe that she used Kun when she mentioned Naruto. "I don't see him that way, and I couldn't get him off me because I couldn't move my body."

"Well that was convenient" Mai said sarcastically, who didn't believe a word Yugito said.

Standing not far from the girl, an amused Kabuto watched as the three Kunoichi continued to bicker. Soon after the three girls stopped arguing and just glared angrily at one another.

As Kabuto watched the three-way glaring match, he could see a dark menacing aura hovering over the three Kunoichi. He could even have sworn he saw fire emanate from the three girls eyes as they stared angrily at one another.

"Oh, ho, ho…" a grinning Kabuto thought, "Could it be that I landed on the proverbial landmine?"

At that moment, not that far from the four Shinobi, a certain blonde haired Senju, had a sudden bad case of the chills. As if something bad was happening somewhere and he was involved in it in some way.

Deciding to take advantage of the girls' distraction, Kabuto reactivated his Chakra Scapels and quickly raced forward in an attempt to finish the three Kunoichi off quickly.

But just as he reached them, the three girls quickly jumped into the air and avoided him, before landing several feet away from him.

"Hmmm, I guess I was hoping for too much to think that would work" Kabuto muttered to himself.

"Tsk, Sneaky bastard" Mai mumbled before glancing back at her fellow Kunoichi. "You two just stay back, I handle him myself."

"That would be unwise Mai-san" Haku warned. "Naruto-kun said that Kabuto was extremely dangerous and should not be underestimated."

"I can handle him myself, you two would only get in my way" Mai scoffed, before she raised one of her hand size fans and yelled "Futon: Kyōfuu (Wind Style: Strong Wind)!" creating a massive blast of Wind. (2)

When the Wind attack hit him, Kabuto shielded his face with his arms and channelled some of his Chakra to his feet, allowing him to stick to the ground. But even with this, the grey haired Shinobi struggled to hold his ground, due to the strength of the blast, as he was pushed back a few feet and received several cuts on his arms and legs.

After the attack ended and as soon as Kabuto lowered his arms, Mai suddenly appeared kneeling right in front of him and tried to slash his stomach open with the spikes that appeared on the tips of her right hand fan.

Acting fast, Kabuto quickly jumped back and narrowly avoided the deadly slash, where only his shirt was cut, leaving a long horizontal slash across his shirt.

As soon as Kabuto avoided her attack, Mai moved forward and attacked with her two fans, which now both had spikes on their tips and attempted to slash the Konoha traitor again.

But when she tried, Kabuto skilfully avoided her slashes and then kicked her left handed fan out of her hand and jump back a few feet.

Undeterred, Mai continued to go on the offensive and took out and threw two Kunai at the grey haired teen. Who avoided the projectiles before racing up to the Ame Kunoichi and slamming his hand in the middle of the girl's chest with his Chakra no Mesu, disrupting her breathing and pushing her away, as well as causing her to drop her other fan.

As she flew through the air the injured Mai, quickly formed several hand-seals and thought "Katon: Ryū no Hōkō(Fire Style: Dragon's Roar)!" as she expelled a massive stream of fire from her mouth.

Within seconds, the large stream of fire enveloped the Oto spy, who was shocked by how quickly Mai had been able to counterattack after he injured her.

"Heh, He wasn't that tough" the granddaughter of Hanzo thought with a painful smirk, as she was still having some trouble breathing, thanks to Kabuto's attack.

But before she could congratulate herself any further, a pair of glowing arms appeared out of the ground underneath her and grabbed hold of her legs, weakening her muscles.

"Damnit" cursed Mai, as she fell to the ground, realizing she had been duped.

Once Mai hit the ground, a smirking Kabuto quickly appeared out of the ground, and pushed up his glasses.

"I have to say, I'm rather impressed with fighting ability and can see why Orochimaru-sama praises your skill" commented Kabuto. "But still, I'm afraid you are not quite at my level just yet."

Just as the grey haired youth was about to deliver the final blow, he suddenly saw several flaming hairballs flying towards him, forcing him to jump away.

After forcing Kabuto away from Mai, Yugito quickly appeared in front of the Ame girl, acting as a shield between her and Kabuto, who landed not far the two girls. But moments after his feet touched the ground Kabuto suddenly felt a sudden chill in their air.

When he turned around, the grey haired teen saw a large ice mirror appear behind him, which Haku emerged from and stabbed him in his lower back with some Senbon needles.

But as soon as she did this, "Kabuto" turned into a wooden log, revealing that he replaced himself and more than likely did it as soon as he felt the chill in the air.

Realizing that she had missed her opponent, Haku quickly moved over to where Yugito and Mai were, and immediately used her needles to treat the damage that was done to her legs.

At the same time Kabuto reappeared in front of the three girls and began to re-evaluate his situation, while Yugito eyed him careful, to make sure he didn't try anything.

"Heh, so much for handling it yourself" remarked Yugito with slight sneer.

"Shut it, Neko girl!" rounded Mai, who was in no mood to deal Yugito, wanting nothing more than to pay Kabuto back for her humiliation.

"Given Kabuto-san's advance skill level, I believe it would be in all our best interests if we put our difference aside, for now at least, and work together to defeat Kabuto-san…wouldn't you agree Mai-san" asked Haku as she treated Mai's legs.

For a moment Mai said nothing, but eventually after much thought the young Kunoichi spoke. "Fine, we'll work together, but don't blame me if you get in the way and get yourself killed, as I have no intention of holding back."

"Funny I was just about to say the same thing to you" Yugito replied with a confident smirk, which Mai returned.

"Then we are in agreement" said Haku, with a pleased look, even though she wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of working with Mai. She willing to put her problems with the Ame girl aside for now, since she knew she had bigger problems to deal with.

Zabuza had thought her long ago that Shinobi should try not to take things personally, since sometimes your life may depend on working with a former enemy to defeat a common enemy, who is stronger than both of you.

Shortly after Mai was once again back on her feet and together the three girls prepared to take on the right-hand man of Orochimaru, who frowned when he saw them like this.

"It seems things have gotten more problematic" Kabuto thought, knowing that with the three girls now working together, it would make defeating them, that more difficult and time consuming.

Not wanting to waste any more time than he already had, Kabuto quickly raced towards the three teens, who immediately did the same and recommenced their battle.

-With Naruto-

After leaving Kabuto to his three female friends, Naruto made his way through the village hoping to find his friends.

As he jumped across the buildings that were damage from previous fighting, Naruto used a healing jutsu to treat his remaining injuries from his battle with Kabuto.

But once he got over the wall, he found he could not find any tracks or evidence that would tell him where his friends or the Oto-nins went.

Realizing he needed help, Naruto bit his finger and preformed several hand-seals before placing his hand on the ground and yelling "Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)!" causing a large cloud of of smoke to appear.

Once the smoke dissipated, a small orange toad was revealed.

"Yoh Naruto, What's up? Been a while" greeted the small Toad.

"Hey Gamakichi's, look I really need your help" Naruto said quickly, having no time for pleasantries.

"What's up? I thought you summoned me to play, since I haven't been summoned for ages" Gamakichi complained. "I've been stuck looking after Gamatatsu, with no-one else to play with and you don't even bother to give me any snacks."

"Look, I'm sorry Gamakichi, I'll make it up to you later I promise, but I really need your help, it's an emergency."

"What do you need me for?" the small toad asked since he wasn't much of a fighter.

"I need your help in finding my friends, they took off after another friend of mine who is after this crazy Suna Shinobi and they are being chased by a large group of enemy Shinobi."

"Okay fine I'll help, but once this is all over you have to summon me more often and double the amounts of snacks you usually give me."

"Done" Naruto said quickly, knowing that he had no time to argue with the orange toad and needed to get to his friends fast. "So can you find them?"

"Give me a second" replied Gamakichi as he began to sniff the air, since Toad had a strong sense of smell. (3)

"Okay, I got the scent of a large group of people all heading in that direction" Gamakichi said, where he pointed west.

"Great!" said Naruto before he quickly picked up the little toad and placed him on his head so that he could keep up with Naruto and inform him of any change in directions.

-With Sasuke and the others-

For several minutes Sasuke raced through the Konoha forest after the Suna Siblings, in an attempt to prevent them from escaping. Eventually he started to gain ground, given how Temari and Kankuro were slowed down from carrying Gaara.

As he grew closer he met with Temari, who had stayed behind to stall the Uchiha, but was unable to do so for long, as Sasuke proved to be too much for her to handle, especially given her weaken state.

Before Sasuke could finish her off, Kankuro appeared after turning back to help his sister and told her to take Gaara away and threat his injuries while he held Sasuke off. But before their battle could begin, Shino interceded, telling Sasuke to go after Gaara and Temari while he dealt with Kankuro.

Taking the young Aburame's offer, Sasuke maneuvered past Kankuro and continued after Gaara and Temari and eventually caught up with them and faced off with Gaara again who had recovered from his injury.

But before they could recommence with their battle, Gaara began to wither in pain and then transform.

When the transformation ended, Sasuke was horrified to see that the upper right half side of Gaara's body and changed into a demonic form, where the boy barely looked even human anymore.

Recovering from his shock, Sasuke immediately defended himself from the mad boy's attacks. But despite his best efforts, the young Uchiha proved to be no match for the partially transformed Gaara, who easily blocked all the raven haired boy's attacks and forced him to hide.

Even Sasuke's trump card the Chidori, proved to be unable to end crazed jinchūriki, where he was only able to damage him slightly. In fact all it really did was excite the boy and made him become even more bloody thirsty and accelerated his transformation, where he grew a massive tail and attacked.

As the battle continued, Sasuke attacks started to weaken, realizing that he had used the Chidori too much and was running low on Chakra. Sasuke tried to conserve his remaining Chakra and fought using his Kunai and Shuriken. But these soon proved to be useless where Gaara began to taunt Sasuke, stating that his hatred was weak and that he should run away like the coward he was.

When the Uchiha heard this, his boiled began to boil, causing Orochimaru's curse seal to activate, where its markings began to spread throughout his body.

Gathering what Chakra he could, Sasuke channelled it into his left hand and used it to form one last Chidori, which he used it to deal a serious injury to Gaara, causing his right arm to revert back into its normal form. But this victory was short lived as Gaara's left arm quickly changed into the same long demonic arm as the right. Also the effects of using the curse seal and using most of his Chakra finally took its toll on Sasuke, causing him to collapse on the large tree branch he was standing on.

Seeing that his opponent was unable to move, Gaara leapt towards the young Konoha Genin, with the intent of killing the elder boy. But just as he was about to deliver the final blow, he was stopped by and hail of Kunai and Shuriken, forcing him halt his attack and move away to a nearby tree branch.

When Gaara looked towards Sasuke, he was angered to see that the ones who had stopped his attack had been Ino and Sakura. Who had finally reached them in time to save Sasuke and were sitting next to him to see how injured the boy was.

The two girls were also accompanied by Pakkun, but were without Shikamaru. Who had stayed back when they realized that they were still being followed by the Oto Shinobi that had been chasing them earlier.

When the girls finally took full notice of Gaara, like Sasuke they were horrified to see the Suna boy's new form.

Angered by how he was robbed off his prize by such weaklings, Gaara let lose an inhuman roar of rage, which woke the girls up from the frozen state, allowing them to jump in time to safety with Sasuke, when Gaara attack.

For the next few minutes the two girls and the dog spent their time dodging Gaara's enraged attacks, knowing that one hit could be fatal.

With Sakura busy carrying Sasuke, Ino was the only one capable of attacking, but even then there was little she could do, as no matter how many Kunai and Shuriken she threw. The crazed boy would block them all with his demonic arm and fire them right back at them.

She couldn't even use her Shintenshin no Jutsu (Mind Body Switch Technique) as Gaara allowed her no opportunity to even try, with his relentless attacks.

Eventually Ino's luck finally ran out, as Gaara finally managed to hit her with his large demonic arm and sent her crashing into a nearby tree. It was only thanks to the quick reactions of the brave dog Pakkun, who pushed her into a nearby branch as she fell, that saved her from falling to the ground and possibly to her death.

Seeing Gaara take out her friend, Sakura, quickly placed Sasuke down on the branch she was standing on and brought her Kunai up and bravely held her ground to protect Sasuke.

But despite her brave act, she was easily dealt with, where the mad jinchūriki who grabbed hold of her with his long demonic arm and slammed her into the tree behind her, knocking her out and pinning her to the trunk of the tree with one move.

Realizing the danger they were in, Sasuke struggled to get up but his body refused to do so.

"Damnit, where finished!" Sasuke thought angrily, as he couldn't believe that it was all going to end here. "It will take nothing short of a miracle to save us now!"

Now that he had finally dealt with the annoyances, Gaara prepared to finish Sakura off, and planned to deal with Ino and Pakkun next. Leaving Sasuke last, so that could savour killing him, after all the pain he had caused him.

Hidden in the trees, a terrified Temari could only watch in horror, as her younger brother transformed more and more into the monster that had haunted her nightmares for most of her life. Knowing that there was nothing she could do, for as far as she was concerned, the three Genin were as good as dead, no-one could stop Gaara now.

But just as Gaara was about to deliver the fatal blow to Sakura and end her life, a large crescent shape blade of Wind appeared and severed Gaara's demonic hand from the rest of his arm. After which Gaara was sent flying backwards into a large tree several meters away, courteous of a powerful kick to the face from a yellow blur, which suddenly appeared in front of him.

After crashing into the tree, Gaara raised his head to see who had kicked him.

When he looked up, he was surprised to see that the person was none other than Naruto. Who was now standing next to the injured Sasuke and in front of the now knocked out Sakura, with a serious look on his face, (despite having a Toad on his head),as he held his Katana forward.

"Looks like I just made it."


Well that's it for another Chapter, Happy Christmas everyone. I hope that enjoyed my Christmas present to all of you, since this is now officially my longest Chapter out of all my stories. I also hope you all enjoyed the invasion and the various fights.

As you can guess the next Chapter will deal with Gaara and Naruto's fight, which I know many of you are looking forward to. It will also have the continuation of not only the battle of Konoha, but also the battle between the Sandaime, the Sannin and the revived Hokages.

Again I hope you all enjoyed the Chapter and I will try to update another of my stories as soon as I can. Since I'm not sure how long it will take me to finish writing up the Chapter to my next story…So Happy Christmas."

As always please read and review as I like to hear all your opinions on the Chapter or on the story in general. Please note that I will answer all your reviews, (if you're a member of fan fiction), since I believe that authors should reply to their reviewers. Also note that any suggestions for the story are welcome and will be listen to and I will tell you what I think of them.

Now as for my grammar and spelling mistakes, although they may be a problem for people, I'm afraid they cannot be helped and I'm doing the best I can with what I got.

Another thing to note is that flames are not welcome here, as I force no-one to read my stories and if you don't like them then don't read them. Also please note that all flames will be ignored, deleted or the flamers will be flamed back.

Also as I mentioned before, please remember to vote on the polls on my profile page about what will be Naruto third summons, especially now, since the poll will close soon.


"My, my, I had heard that Naruto-kun was quite popular with many of the girls here in Konoha. But it seems that he is just as popular with them in other villages as well…In fact, he seems to hang around with quite a lot of cute girls" Kabuto commented with irritating smirk. "I'm a little envious."

None of the girls of course reacted to Kabuto's comments and continued to stare at the grey haired Shinobi, waiting for him to make a move.

"If you don't mind me asking perhaps you could tell me, which of you is his favourite?" the smirking Oto-nin asked.

"Tsk that's a stupid question" Mai replied, "I'm the obvious choice, especially when compared to these two."

"Pardon me?" Haku asked nicely with a kind smile, all the while a dark murderous aura hung over her, where Kabuto could have sworn he saw the image of a demon in it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yugito asked angrily, after which the three girls erupted in a large argument over which of them Naruto liked more.

Just when it looked like an all-out of Kunoichi brawl was about to erupt between the three girls, a voice suddenly spoke.

"Well ladies if any of you are interested, I'm available?" Kabuto offered, while given what he believed to be a charming smile.

This was of course with a large amount of Killer Intent from the three girls, who all gave him a deadly glare and emanated the same dark murderous aura, making the grey haired teen feel very small as they towered over him.

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" the three girls shouted together. After which Yugito fired a massive blast of fire, Mai created a large blast of Wind and Haku unleashed a hail of Senbon needles.

The three attacks then combined together to create a gigantic flaming vortex, filled with flaming Senbon needles.

Seeing the massive fire attack heading towards him, the bi-spectral Shinobi could only sigh and muttered "Figures" before the attack massive attack enveloped him.

Ah thus ended the life of Yakushi Kabuto, who realized first hand why one should never get in the middle of a fight between three pissed off Kunoichi's.

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