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Capítulo 2: 31 (2)

-In the Arena-

"Looks like my punch wasn't as effective as I thought" the Uchiha heir thought, when he saw cracks appear around Gaara's face as he slowly got back onto his feet. Figuring that Gaara also covered his body in sand, to act like armour and protect him from any damage.

-Enter Naruto OST-Beautiful Green Wild Beast-

Seeing that his attack did little damage, Sasuke finally activated his Sharingan and charged head on at Gaara with an impressive burst of speed.

Acting quickly, Gaara brought his sand up to capture the Uchiha, but like earlier, before the sand could reach Sasuke. The Raven haired boy disappeared in a blur and reappeared behind the Suna Genin.

Seeing that Sasuke was now behind him again, Gaara immediately had his remaining sand move towards the Uchiha. Who then maneuvered around it and inside Gaara's safe zone, where he delivered sharp kick to the red haired boy's stomach, sending him flying into the air and crashing onto the ground.

"What's wrong don't tell me that's all you got?" Sasuke asked with a confident smirk as he looked at Gaara, who was getting back onto his feet and glaring at the dark haired boy. "If I have to, I'll tear that armour of your piece by piece."

With another burst of high speed, Sasuke moved toward Gaara and began to circle around him in high speed, making it impossible for Gaara's sand to lock on him.

Realizing that his sand couldn't keep up with Sasuke's new found speed, Gaara had his sand move around him defensive position, so that he could block an attack from any direction. But before his defence could be fully formed, Sasuke once again manuvered past Gaara's sand and inside his safe zone. After which he then dealt a sharp kick to the side of the red head's face, causing him to fall back, but before he could hit the ground. Sasuke grabbed hold of his clothing and pulled him back where he delivered a strong knee to the gut, causing Gaara to fall to knees in pain.

When Gaara feel to his knees, Sasuke quickly jumped back, putting some distance between him and the Suna Genin, where he then began to pant slightly.

-End Naruto Ost-Beautiful Green Wild Beast-

-In the Finalist Box-

"Looks likes the Uchiha is better than I originally believed" thought an impressed Yugito. "But it seems that moving at that speed has taken a good bit out of him."

"Just as I thought" Naruto thought to himself, "Sasuke probably used his Sharingan to mimic Bushy-brow's speed and movements when he watched him fight me. But he can only maintain that level of speed for a short period of time, and even then it takes a lot out of him, since he doesn't have the same level of stamina as Bushy-brow, who trained his body for years to reach that level."

"Hmph, looks like you were wrong about the Uchiha Senju, he's wiping the floor with that Gaara guy" said Karui smugly.

"I'll admit, I underestimated Sasuke a good bit, but that doesn't mean that I am wrong about Gaara. Trust me, we've yet to see his real power" replied Naruto, where he then glanced over at Kankuro and Temari, who both had concern looks on their faces.

"What are you planning to do now Gaara?" Kankuro thought, as he stared down at his younger brother who was now on his knees. "The Suna no Yoroi (Armour of Sand) uses too much Chakra, it won't last much longer."

"Gaara" thought a worried Temari before glancing up at her father, wondering why he hadn't signalled the invasion to begin already.

-In the Audience-

"Not bad" remarked Kurotsuchi with a slightly impressed look.

"I give the Uchiha this, he isn't half bad" thought Mai, who was intrigued with how quickly Sasuke had improved his speed and Taijutsu.

"To think he could achieve that level of speed and mimic Lee's move so well in just one month…it's incredible" thought a surprised Gai.

"Sasuke-san" thought Lee who was just as surprised as his teacher.

"Sasuke-kun is incredible" Sakura yelled ecstatically after seeing the Uchiha kicking Gaara around.

"No kidding" said Choji in awe.

"Yeah, but he's still nowhere near as cool as Naruto-kun" replied Ino, which immediately started a heated argument between her and Sakura, with poor Choji stuck in the middle.

"What kind of training did you make him go through?" Kurenai asked when she turned to Kakashi.

"I wouldn't mind knowing that either, how can Sasuke move with that level of speed after training for only one month?" Asuma asked who was just as surprised as everyone else.

"Sasuke copied Lee's movements and fighting moves with his Sharingan back when he had the little scuffle with Lee before the first exam. I then later trained him in Taijutsu so that he could get use to moving at that level of speed."

"I figured as much" said Kushina suddenly, "Since it's the only possible way he could improve his speed and Taijutsu so quickly. But Taijutsu alone won't be enough to defeat that Gaara kid and his sand."

"I'm well aware of that Kushina-senpai" replied Kakashi with a knowing look.

Seeing this Kushina frowned slightly and thought "What are you up to Kakashi, and what else did you teach Sasuke."

-In the Finalist Box-

As the finalist watched Sasuke and Gaara, they saw Gaara slowly get back onto his feet and form a Tiger seal. After which the sand around him started to hover around him and form a large sphere of Sand.

"What's he up to?" Shikamaru asked.

"Nothing good" Naruto replied with a frown.

"That's Gaara's…"a fearful Kankuro thought as he recognised the sand sphere. "Is he planning on using that technique? Maybe we should get out of here?"

"There's no doubt, he's planning on using that technique" a frightened Temari thought. "This is not good, Damnit Gaara have you completely forgotten the plan, it's too soon!"

-In the Audience-

"This is absurd" Baki thought angrily, "That little idiot Gaara…we don't know when the signal will be given!"

-In the Arena-

When Sasuke saw the sand sphere forming around his opponent, the Uchiha quickly realized he needed to do something before the sphere was completed.

Racing at top speed, Sasuke quickly reached Gaara. But just as he was about to punch the sand sphere, he came to a dead stop, which was just in the nick of time as several sand spears appeared out of the sphere and would have impaled him had he not stopped when he did.

After jumping away from the sand sphere, the sand spears quickly retreated back into the sphere.

At the same time a small eyeball made out of sand formed above the sand sphere and stared directly a Sasuke.

For the next few minutes Sasuke attempted a series of attacks using, Shuriken, Kunai and Taijutsu from multiple different directions. But even with his enhance speed, each and every one of his attacks failed to penetrate the hardened sand sphere and he was forced to move away because of the sand spears that emerged from the sphere.

"Looks like nothing works, none of my attacks can penetrate his defence, he's completely shut himself in" Sasuke thought. "But that could be a good thing for me since he can't attack and that gives me time to prepare my new move, which takes some time and is probably the only thing that can pierce his defence."

Knowing what he needed to do; Sasuke quickly preformed a series of back flips and then made his way up along one of the undamaged sides of the arena wall.

Once he reached the highest point of the wall, he unbuckled some of the straps on his left arm and started to form twelve separate hand-seals.

After he performed the hand-seal he then held his left hand in his right and started to channel his Charka into it.

-Enter Naruto OST-Raikiri-

As the Chakra formed in his hand it turned into Lightning, covering his entire left hand and becoming visible to everyone in the audience.

As the Lightning in Sasuke's hand grew, a loud chirping noise could be heard coming from the Lightning technique.

Once the technique was ready Sasuke raced forward where the excess energy from the Lightning technique tore up the wall as he ran down it and headed straight for Gaara's sand sphere.

-In the Finalist Box-

"What is that?" thought Kankuro, Temari, Shikamaru, Shino and Karui together.

"Is that what I think it is?" Naruto thought in recognition.

"Could that be?" thought Yugito, who like Naruto recognised the technique from stories she had heard from other Kumo Shinobi about the famed Copycat-nin Hatake Kakashi.

-In the Audience-

"I don't believe it!" Gai said in disbelief, "Kakashi actually taught Sasuke that technique."

"Gai-sensei, do you know what that technique is?" Neji asked, as he had never seen a Jutsu like this before in his life.

"Yes I do?" replied the elder man with a large frown and a serious look on his face, which was highly unusual for his students to see. "To think that a boy his age could use such a technique, he's just like the Senju heir; this is the power of the Uchiha Clan."

"That technique it can't be" said a wide eyed Zabuza, who was actually sweating a little.

"It is" replied Haku, who like her sensei knew the technique Sasuke was using, since it was not a technique that either one of them could forget.

"You actually taught him that" technique?" a shocked Yamato asked as he turned to his former ANBU captain.

"I did"

"But why, you know how dangerous that technique is, even more for someone like you."

"I taught him the technique, because he is like me."

"I see now, the reason why you focused so much on his Taijutsu is because you wanted to increase his speed and stamina to the point that he could handle using the technique" said Kushina after realizing what Kakashi had done.

"Correct" the copy-nin replied with an eye-smile, which quickly faded after a glare from Kushina. Who told him that was still not a good enough excuse for being so late and for holding up the exam.

This then made the silver haired Jonin sigh with weariness and thought "I just can't win with her!"

"Amazing…I can see the Chakra clearly with my own eyes" said a stunned Sakura.

"What is it?" Ino asked

"Better yet why is it making all that noise?" Kiba asked as he held his ears in pain, as it was hard on his sensitive hearing.

"It's simply a straight trust" answered Kushina, gaining the Genin's attention.

"It's Kakashi's only original move, a secret technique that is so powerful that it is classified as an A-rank Assassination technique. It relays on the speed and power of the user's trust, as well as the amount of Chakra that they can generate. The technique involves the user channelling a large amount of Chakra into their arm and converting it into Lightning. When you combine all these things it turns the users arm into a sword that can pierce through anything. Also because of the increase speed the user moves at, it makes a loud chirping noise that sounds like a large group of birds, which is what gives the technique its name Chidori (One Thousand Birds)."

After Kushina finish explaining the technique to the Genin, Sasuke final reached Gaara and used his Chidori to pierce through his sand sphere.

-End Naruto OST-Raikiri-

-In the finalist Box-

"N-N-No way!" said a stunned Kankuro who was starting to sweat in fear "Gaara's absolute defence has been…"

"This can be real" said a shocked Temari who still couldn't believe her eyes.

"I can't believe Kakashi-sensei actually taught Sasuke Chidori" Naruto thought in surprise.

"There's no doubt about it that Hatake Kakashi famed Chidori" Yugito thought in disbelief at Sasuke actually using it to pierce Gaara's defence.

"What is that technique?" Karui thought who had never see a Lightning technique like that before.

"Unreal" muttered Shiukamaru.

-In the Audience-

"Impossible" said Baki, who couldn't believe that a mere Konoah Genin could do what no Suna Shinobi had ever done before, pierce Gaara's impenetrable defence

-In the Kage Box-

"That's Hatake Kakashi's technique!" thought both the Hokage and the Raikage together.

"Very good" thought the disguised Orochimaru who was quite pleased with Sasuke's increased skill.

"My" commented the Mizukage in surprise as like the other Kages she recognised Kakashi famed Lightning technique,

"Shit, Kakashi actually though the brat that move" Jiraiya thought with a frown, although at the same time he couldn't fault the copy-nin. Since his student was going up against a psychopathic jinchūriki and he would need something powerful not only to pierce his sand defence, but to survive as well.

Tsunade on the other hand remained silent and just stared down at Gaara and the Uchiha with a large frown on her face.

-In the Audience-

"Alright!" yelled Kiba, "He cut right through that sand ball like a knife through butter!"

"Of course" said Kushina with a small smirk, "Chidori a serious technique and is not something you can take lightly. Kakashi even has a more advance technique called Raikiri (Lightning Cutter), which earned it's named after Kakashi cut through a bolt of Lightning."

"Huh, Cut through Lightning?" Ino thought with a disbelieving look.

"That sounds so fake" Sakura thought.

Choji on the other hand looked over a Kakashi in awe and thought "T-Th-That's Incredible…"

"Yeah right, these old people and their stories" Kiba thought, who like the girls didn't believe the former red headed ANBU captain. "But still I have to admit that is one badass jutsu, Sasuke's got this match in the bag with a technique like that."

-In the Arena-

Sitting inside his sand sphere, Gaara was trying to understand the warm sensation he was feeling from his arm.

It was then, when he suddenly felt a small drop of blood fall on his arm that he finally understood what he was feeling and let out a horrified scream that could be heard throughout the stadium."


When the Temari and Kankuro heard their brother's screams of horror, both became fearful of what would happen next, as nothing like this had ever happened before, Gaara had been wounded.

After hearing Gaara's screams, Sasuke tried to pull his arm from the sand sphere, but found he could not. It was as if something was holding onto it.

Realizing that he needed to do something before he arm was pulled off, Sasuke channelled more Lightning Chakra from his arm into Gaara. This caused the red haired jinchūriki to scream out in pain from the Lightning as it travelled throughout his body.

Eventually Sasuke finally freed his arm, but as soon as he pulled his arm out from the sand sphere, a long yellow demonic looking arm with strange markings on it came out with Sasuke's arm.

-In the Finalist Box-

"Shit is that what I think it is!" Karui yelled in fear.

"It is!" said Yugito was already fearful of what would happen. "If he loses himself to his Biju, he'll destroy the entire arena and kill everyone in it!"

"Damnit, this isn't good" Naruto thought as he was afraid of something like this happening.

"This is worse than I had imagined" thought a fearful Shino, who was now pale white with fear.

"What is he?!" asked a horrified Shikamaru.

"It his arm" thought a frightened Kankuro after seeing the demonic arm emerge from the sand sphere. "Did he change into his complete possession form?"

"I don't know" replied a now very worried Temari. "All we know is that he has been wound…This has never happened before."

-In the Audience-

"This was not what was supposed to happen…!" said a fearful Baki, who was sweating heavily with fear.

"He really is a monster!" Kiba said fearfully after seeing the demonic arm erupt from the sand sphere.

"Kakashi-sensei, what's going on" asked Sakura who was worried for Sasuke's safety.

"Asuma-sensei?" asked both Ino and Choji.

Instead of answer their student's question, the Jonin Shinobi just stared down at the arena with concerned looks on their faces.

"This is the worst possible situation" Yamato thought.

"Fuck, I was afraid this would happen, that Suna brat has lost it, we may have to intervene before he loses controls and destroyed the entire stadium" a worried Kushina thought.

"This is crazy, that brat is a jinchūriki too, what the hell are the Kages thinking letting two jinchūriki compete in the same exam, especially an insane one like him?" Zabuza thought, who knew what this could mean.

"This is bad yo!" mutter Killer Bee.

"Yes I know, I can sense Shukaku's power and bloodlust rising in the boy. If this continues I fear we may have to step in as neither Yugito nor Naruto have the strength to stop him after their battle. If Shukaku is allowed to run free, he will destroy this entire stadium along with everyone in it" said Hachibi.

"Can't ye talk him down yo?" asked Bee.

"I'm afraid not, Shukaku will stop at nothing when he is like this, even if he was willing to talk to me I don't think he would listen to me, since he refuses to speak to any of us Biju for many years."

"Feuds in the family ain't never right" Bee replied

-In the Arena-

After Sasuke freed his arm, the demonic arm quickly retreated back into the sand sphere.

"Shit! What the hell was that, it nearly ripped my arm off!" Sasuke thought as he held his arm and stared into the hole that his Chidori made in the sand sphere.

As he stared into the hole he heard a demonic-like growl from the sphere and then saw something move inside the sphere, something that didn't look human.

When Sasuke peered deeper into the dark hole a cold sweat fell down his face and back. Before he could even comment to himself on what he had just seen. Sasuke suddenly saw a demonic looking yellow eye filled with bloodlust looking straight at him through the hole. After which a large burst of power was felt by everyone in the stadium, causing the majority of people to shiver in fear.

Shortly after, the sand sphere began to crack, before finally reverting into sand, revealing an injured Gaara panting heavily and holding his bleeding shoulder. Soon after Gaara looked up at Sasuke and glared at him with pure hatred for what he had just done.

"What's going on, what were those eyes I just saw a moment ago, what was that power I felt?" Sasuke thought as none of this was making any sense to him.

Before Sasuke could even try, he suddenly saw white feathers falling from the sky.

-In the Finalist Box-

Like Sasuke, Naruto and the other Chunin candidates notice the white feathers falling from the sky and were starting to make them feel drowsy.

"Shit Genjustu" Naruto thought realizing what was happening to him before using the Genjutsu Kai (Illusionary Technique Release) to free himself from the effects of the Genjutsu.

Yugito and the other also quickly followed his example and used the Genjutsu Kai to free themselves from the Genjutsu. After which they looked up to the audience and could see that they weren't the only ones who were being affected by the illusion.

"The operation has begun!" Temari and Kankuro thought together.

-In the Audience-

"Kushina-senpai this is…" said Yamato as he felt the Genjutsu beginning to affect him.

"Yeah I know someone is casting a Genjutsu."

"It's Nehan Shōja no Jutsu (Temple of Nirvana Technique)!" said Kurenai who recognised the powerful Genjutsu Technique.

As soon as they realized that someone was casting a powerful Genjutsu to put everyone in the stadium to sleep. The veteran Shinobi along with all the other Shinobi who realized what was happening used Genjutsu Kai to free themselves from the effects of the illusion.

Even some of the more skilled Genin like Sakura, Hinata, Mai, team nine (aka team Gai), the Kumo and Kiri Genin were able to free themselves from the Genjutsu by dispelling it in time.

"A Genjutsu, is Kabuto finally on the move?" Baki thought when he saw the falling white feathers and dispelled the illusion. "The Invasion has finally begun."

-In the Kage Box-

"Seeing the white feathers falling down on arena the Sankages (Three Kages) and the two Sannin immediately realized that something was amiss. But before any of them could even say anything, the Yondaime Kazekage suddenly spoke, "Let us begin."

As soon as he said this the Kazekage's two guards pulled the pins on two smoke grenades, causing the Kage box to erupt in smoke.

-Outsides the Village-

Currently hidden just outside Konohagakure (Hidden Leaves) a small army made up of hundreds of Suna and Oto Shinobi waited for the signal that would begin their attack.

For the past few hours the small army of Shinobi stayed hidden in the forestry that surrounded Konoha. It had of course not been easy due to the large number of ANBU patrols that nearly discovered some of the Shinobi teams.

It was made even harder due to the long wait as many Shinobi were feeling anxious for the battle to being and could barely stand waiting. Some had even begun to worry that their attack had been found out and that the Konoha Shinobi were ready for them.

But finally after several hours of waiting the signal had appeared and a large explosion erupted from the Chunin stadium.

Upon seeing the smoke from the arena, the two Shinobi forces went into action and moved towards Konoha.

At the same time in a hidden location in the forest, several Suna and Oto Shinobi surrounded several different summoning circles, (which were placed around Konoha), each with a scroll in their hand.

Once they had gathered the necessary amount of Chakra, and had each done the necessary hands-seals. They quickly slammed their hands on the ground and cried out "Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)!" After which an explosion erupted and a large cloud of smoke appeared.

-At Konoha's Outer Wall (Minutes before the signal)-

Currently standing station on one of the lookout towers on the wall, two board looking Chunin stood guard. Every now and again the two Chunin would turn in the direction of the stadium with longing looks, especially whenever they heard the loud cheers of the audience.

The first Chunin was of average height and had short brown shoulder length hair that helped frame his face. He wore the standard green flak jacket and uniform of a typically Konoha-nin and wore his headband around his head like most Shinobi.

The second Chunin was a middle age man, with brown eyes, short, brown spiky hair and beard. Like his counterpart, his attire consisted of the standard Konoha Shinobi uniform.

"Man we've got to be the two unluckiest guys in Konoha to be posted on guard duty today" moaned the younger of the two Chunin. "I really wanted to see the Chunin exam."

"Don't complain there be another one in six months' time" replied the bearded Chunin. "You'll have plenty of other chances to watch them then."

"Yeah but this time Tsunade-sama son Senju Naruto and the last Uchiha, Uchiha Sasuke are participating" answered the first Chunin. "When will I ever get another chance to see a match like that. I've even heard that a member of the Hyuga Clan, who is said to be really gifted is in it, as well as some of the most talented Genin in Kumo, Kiri and Suna."

"Seriously?" asked the bearded man aid in surprise.

"Seriously, and my money is on that the finals will end with the Senju and the Uchiha heirs facing off against one another" said the younger Chunin. "The match of the decade…and I'm missing it, I'm going to regret this for the rest of my life."

-Enter Naruto OST-Heavy Violence-

Before the elder Chunin could even reply to his friend's statement the two Chunin suddenly heard a large explosion coming from the stadium.

"What the…?" said the younger Chunin said in surprise as he turned in the direction of the stadium.

"It came from the stadium, something must be happening" said the bearded Chunin, but before his partner could even respond to this. The two Chunin felt another explosion coming from outside the village.

When the Chunin turned and looked in the direction from where the explosion came from, they saw a large cloud of smoke in the distance.

Seconds later, a giant three headed snake appeared out of the smoke and quickly made it way towards them.

"Giant Snakes!" the younger Chunin shouted in surprise when he saw the three headed summons.

"We need to tell the Hokage-sama what is happening now!" said the older Chunin, but before he or his partner could do anything. The Giant Snake reached them and crushed the watchtower with them inside.

After destroying the watchtower the giant three headed Snake made its way inside the village.

This was of course not the only incident, at the same time at different points around the village; three more three headed Snake summons appeared outside the village and broke through the village outer wall.

Naturally upon seeing the giant Snakes, the other Shinobi guards tried to stop the summons from entering their village. But despite their best efforts the Konoha defenders proved no match for the giant reptiles and were instead pushed back themselves.

As the Konoha Shinobi tried to contain the creatures, they soon found themselves under attack by Suna and Oto Shinobi, who were now entering the village in large numbers through the massive holes that the Snakes made when the broke through the wall.

-In the Stadium Stands-

"Shit the Hokage!" cried Kushina when she and the other Konoha-nins saw the explosion in the Kage Box.

"Leave the Hokage to us Kushina" spoke the ANBU commander as he and his two teams leaped to the Kage Box.

"Right" said Kushina, who knew that it was best to leave the Hokage to the ANBU.

-In the Kage Box-

"Fuck!" yelled Jiraiya as he rubbed his eyes after the flash from the grenades and tried to see through the smoke.

"Sarutobi-sensei!" cried Tsunade as she blindly made her way through the smoke to her former teacher.

"Kazekage-sama what is the meaning of this…?" spoke the Sandaime as he turned to his counterpart from Suna.

At the same time the ANBU commander and his two squads arrived, where the commander quickly order the first team to follow him to help the Hokage, and had the second team go down to the stands below them and protect the Fire Daimyo and other visiting lords.

As soon as the other team left, the ANBU commander and his team came under attack from the Kazekage's guards who appeared out of the smoke.

The guards were of course easily dispatched by the ANBU Commander who skilfully sliced them both in two with his Kunai.

"Hokage-sama!" shouted Raido as he moved next to the old Hokage, but as soon as he did he was stabbed in the chest by two Kunai from an unknown assailant. Before falling unconscious from his injuries, the Tokubetsu told the old Hokage to run.

Seeing what happened to Raido, Jiraiya and Tsunade moved over to their former teacher. But just as they reached him, the Kazekage appeared behind him, holding a Kunai to the old man's throat. He then jumped up into the air with the Hokage and onto the rooftop, causing the two Sannin to follow after him.

Not sure what was happening, the Mizukage, the Raikage and their guards moved out of the smoke, not wanting to get caught in the confusion.

At the same time the ANBU commander and his team saw fours blurs sped right past them, when they turned to look behind them. They saw that the pieces of the two "dead" Suna-nins were gone and all that was left was their empty clothing.

Realizing that they were fakes, the ANBU commander and his team immediately turned to look over at the Hokage and others. Who were now surrounded by four unknown Shinobi.

"Looks like it's finally time" commented a dark skinned man with four arms, who was wearing a Shinobi headband with the symbol of Oto on it.

"I've got a lot of stress to vent because we had to stay in those cramp disguises for so long" said a silver haired youth, who seemly had another head sticking out of his back.

"You all smell like shit" spoke a red headed teen, who was the only women of the group.

"Cut it out, we're all on the same side" scolded a bulky looking youth with a Mohawk shape hairstyle.

"Oto Shinobi" thought the Sandaime and the two Sannin together when they saw their four Shinobi.

"We need to help the Hokage-sama, Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama" said the ANBU commander as he and his team leapt towards the Hokage and the others.

But before they could reach them, the four Oto Shinobi surrounding the Hokage and the others, all formed a single hand seal and yelled "Ninpo: Shishienjin (Ninja art: Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment)!"

As soon as the four Oto Shinobi said this, a large purple squared shape barrier formed around the four Kage level Shinobi.

When one of the ANBU tried to break through the barrier, he was immediately pushed back, after which he then burst into flames.

"Damnit, they've put up a barrier, we can't break through" said the ANBU commander after they were forced to halt their advance.

-End Naruto OST-Heavy Violence-

-In the Stands-

From their position in the stands, Kushina, Kakashi and the others could see the large purple barrier now surrounding the Hokage and the others, preventing the ANBU from helping.

"I don't believe it, they were actually able to stop our ANBU" Yamato said in surprise.

"They are clearly not regular Shinobi" commented Kakashi.

"We need to go help!" spoke Kushina, where she was about to move, only to be stopped by another ANBU.

"Bear, what the hell do you think you're doing? Get out of the way! We need to help the Hokage-sama, he's endanger!" Kushina yelled when she saw the ANBU.

Bear of course did not answer and remained silent, but just as Kushina was about to yell at her former comrade again. Four masked Oto Shinobi appeared out of the audience and flanked him, blocking Kushina and the other's path.

"Well this is certainly a bummer" mutter Kakashi.

"I never expected an enemy agent to be disguised as one of our ANBU members" said Yamato with a frown while he and the other ready themselves for combat.

Kushina surprisingly did not comment, although a low growl could be heard from her as she slowly drew her Katana. Realizing that for the enemy agent to be disguised as Bear, he must have killed him.

"He must have been the one who cast the Nehan Shōja no Jutsu" said Kurenai, since only skilled Shinobi could perform such a large scale version of the technique.

-On the Rooftop-

Currently trapped inside the purple barrier the two Sanin stared off with the Kazekage, who still held their former teacher hostage. Neither one was willing to act yet for fear of what would happen to the Sandaime should they try anything.

"I never expected Suna to betray Konoha like this…tell me why Kazekage-sama?" the Hokage asked, as the Suna Kage continued to hold his Kunai against his neck.

"A treaty is merely camouflage to relax an enemy. But now these little mock battles are at an end and the true one begins now."

"Are you trying to start a war?" Tsunade suddenly spoke, as she and Jiraiya stood in front of the Kazekage and the Hokage, several meters apart.

"Why yes" replied the Kazekage with a small chuckle.

"Kazekage-sama, I beseech you, stop this madness while there is still time, whatever problems there are between us, we can talk them out. There is no need for this to escalate into a war" said the Sandaime, hoping to reason with his fellow Kage.

When the Sandaime finished, the Kazekage began to chuckle, "Clearly you've not only grown old, but become complacent as well, after getting use to peace…Sarutobi-sensei."

Once the Kazekage said this, the Hokage and the two Sannin finally realised that they were not dealing with the Kazekage.

-In the Finalist Box-

"Shit! So that's what they were up! They were planning on attacking us!" shouted Naruto after seeing what happened in the Kage box. "Damnit, I should have realized it sooner, now it makes sense. They were probably planning on having Gaara transform into his Biju state when they were ready, making it easier to destroy us."

"Yugito what the hell is going on?" asked Karui as she turned to her team-mate, since she didn't understand what was going on. Given how last she checked, Suna and Konoha were supposed to be allies.

"Looks like Suna has betrayed Konoha" Yugito replied as she narrowed her eyes, "Crap, looks like we've just been caught in the middle of a war, we need to get to Bee-sensei and the others now!"

"You Bastards!" roared Naruto as glared at Kankuro and Temari and prepared to draw his Katana to attack. But before he could even pull it out half way, Temari opened up her large fan and swung it, creating a massive blast of wind that sent Naruto and the others crashing into the wall behind them.

Once Naruto and the others were dealt with Temari and Kankuro quickly jumped into the arena to aid their wounded brother. Who was on his knees holding his injured shoulder.

-On the Rooftop-

"My, my when Gaara did his thing, I was planning on stealing Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun…" said the fake Kazekage. "But it seems that I cannot have everything go my way."

At the mention of her son, Tsunade began to growl and took a step forward, only to be stopped by Jiraiya who shook his head, telling her not to.

"I see, so I was right, you're after not only Konoha, but Sasuke and Naruto" said the Sandaime calmly.

"Do you actually believe that Konoha is that important?" the imposter Kage asked. "It' a pity Gaara was not able to transform when it was time, you could've all seen something very interesting. But still…it matters little, since your ignorance has finally driven the finally nail into Konoha's coffin and I have won."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that!" Jiraiya retorted angrily.

"Indeed, we do not know the results of something until the very end" added the Sandaime. "I believe taught you that…Orochimaru."

After the Hokage said his named, the former Sannin just smirked behind his mask and used his one free hand to pull of his mask and false face, revealing himself. "So good to see you too, Jiraiya-kun, Tsunade, Sarutobi-sensei."

"I knew it!" thought both Jiraiya and Tsunade together as they both glared at their former team-mate.

"Orochimaru!" gasped the Mizukage in shock, who was standing just outside the purple barrier.

"The infamous Nuke-nin" said Ao in surprise.

"So all this time, it was Orochimaru pretending to be the Kazekage" said the Raikage out loud. "I knew there was something off about him."

"But what happened to the Yondaime Kazekage-sama?" C asked.

"Who knows" replied Darui, knowing that this wasn't going to end well.

"I knew this day one come" said the Sandaime sadly before staring directly into Orochimaru's eyes. "But…just because I have gotten old, doesn't mean that you can take my head so easily.

"You tell him old man!" said Jiraiya as he prepared to fight.

"If you want Sensei's life you'll have to go through us first" said Tsunade with a fiery determination as she too prepared for battle.

"Kukuku, oh I had every intention of doing so my dear Tsunade" replied Orochimaru with sinister smirk, where he then brought up his kunai and licked it with his long tongue. "And no matter how much you resist it will change nothing as you will all die here today…together."

-In the Stands-

"It seems they have quite a number of people" Asuma remarked while at the same time glancing worriedly up at his father who was trapped in the barrier. "Stay safe Dad."

"Tsk, we're careless, they caught us with our pants down" muttered Anko.

"And if that wasn't enough they have the Hokage-sama hostage and Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama are trapped inside the barrier" added Shizune where she then looked up to where her teacher was. When she looked inside the barrier her eyes widen in shock.

"Everyone look up inside their barrier!"

When the senior Shinobi looked up to the rooftop where the Hokage and the others were, they were shocked to see that the Kazekage was in fact Orochimaru in disguise.

"Orochimaru!" Anko hissed furiously as she felt the curse seal on her neck burn with pain.

"Shit!" cursed Kushina, who knew how bad this would make things.

"Hokage-sama" said Yamato in concern for his leader.

"Dad" thought a worried Asuma.

It was then when all the senior Jonin were momentarily distracted by the Kazekage being actually Orochimaru in disguise. That two of Oto Shinobi jumped forward and tried to attack Sakura and Hinata who was still in their seats.

Taken by surprise and unable to do anything, both girls closed in fear of what was to come next. But just as the masked Shinobi were about to pounce down on them, two figures suddenly appeared in front of the girls and slashed both in the chest before pushing them away.

When the two girls opened their eyes, they saw Kakashi and Kushina standing in front of them, and immediately realized they had protected them from the enemy Shinobi.

"Bastards!" hissed Kushina after drawing her Katana from its sheath. The red headed Jonin was already angry over the death of Bear, who had been a friend, and what was happening now. But after seeing the two Oto-nins going after Hinata and Sakura, she was now livid.

The other Shinobi of course notice Kushina's fury, since it was hard not to, given how her bright red hair began to rise up and was moving around like a roaring fire which matched the murderous red aura surrounding her.

"Oh boy, things are going to get messy now" Kakashi thought, as he knew that look all too well. He first saw it on a mission against a large group of Kumo Shinobi, who had ambushed them, and it was after that battle that people began to refer to Kushina as Buraddi Shinku no Ikari (Bloody Crimson Fury).

Kakashi was of course not the only one who knew this look, since Yamato also knew it, and the last time he saw Kushina acted like this, things got rather…bloody.

"Sakura-chan, Hinata-chan, I think its best that you two stay here and not move" Kakashi said as he looked down at the two girls, and gave them one of his friendly eye-smiles, as if there was nothing wrong. "As who knows what will happen now that Kushina-senpai is like this."

-Enter Naruto OST-Raikiri-

After Kushina and Kaskashi saved Hinata and Sakura from the Oto Shinobi, two dozen more Oto and Suna Shinobi appeared out of the audience, and joined the fake ANBU and the remaining other Oto Shinobi.

At the same time several Konoha Shinobi arrived and joined Kushina and the others, where the two sides then faced off with one another.

After a moment or so of staring at one another, the battle began with an angry shout from Kushina who yelled "KILL THEM ALL!"

"I really hate it when she gets like the" said Yamato before they leapt forward.

"Speak for yourself…that's music to my ears" retorted Anko with a bloodthirsty grin as she moved forward,

Within seconds the two sides clashed, battling in the air over the unconscious audience members and between the stands at high speed. The battle was of course not easy for the Konoha Shinobi, who had to watch where they were fighting and had to use their Jutsu wisely, for fear off missing an enemy and hitting a civilian.

But despite the complication of having to fight their enemies and protect the civilians at the same time, the Konoha Shinobi proved to be more than a match for their adversaries.

During the battle Kushina deflected several Shuriken that where throw at her by an Oto-nin with his Katana, while at the same time making sure that they hit no-one.

Once the Shuriken had be dealt with, the red headed Kunoichi swiftly made her way over to the enemy Shinobi before he had time to defend himself and slashed his stomach open.

After dealing with the Oto-nin Kushina glanced behind her and notice another Oto Shinobi, not far from her, standing over a Konoha Chunin preparing to stab him with his Kunai.

Acting fast Kushina quickly raised her left hand up and fired one of her Chakra chains out of the palm of her hand.

The Chain then quickly flew through the air and impaled the Oto Shinobi from the back right when he was about to stab the helpless Konoha-nin.

After impaling the enemy Shinobi with her chain, Kushina then pulled her Chain back, with the now dead Oto-nin still attached. She then swung him around a bit before having him crash into another Oto Shinobi who was moving in on Kushina from her right.

Once the Oto-nins had been dealt with, Kushina looked over to the Konoha-nin, who signalled his thanks to her before re-joining the battle.

But as soon the Konoha-nin left, Kushina found herself surrounded by three more Oto Shinobi, two in front and one behind.

Unafraid Kushina readied her Katana, holding it up with both her hands this time.

Thinking he could catch the woman off guard, the Oto-nin behind Kushina moved forward and went to stab her in the back with his Kunai. But just as he was about to stab her, Kushina brought her Katana down and preformed a backwards stab, impaling the masked Shinobi in the stomach.

After seeing Kushina killing their comrade, the two remaining Sound Shinobi moved on the former ANBU captain.

Seeing this, Kushina immediately pulled her Katana out of the dead Oto-nin's body and with a series of high speed swords slashes and moves, dealt with the remaining Oto-nins. Who fell to the ground dead within seconds.

As soon the two Oto-nins had been dealt with, Kushina looked around for any more enemies and said "Whose next?" before jumping forward to find the fake ANBU or more enemies, which ever she found first.

Not far from Kushina, Asuma was busy battling an Oto-nin and a Suna-nin.

After taking care of the Suna Shinobi, Asuma quickly jumped backwards to avoid a Kunai stab from the Oto-nin he was battling. He then landed on the small railing in front of the stands and preformed three quick hand-seals and fired a short burst of fire from his mouth, hitting the Oto-nins dead on and killing within seconds.

As soon as Asuma had dealt with the Oto-nin, a Suna Kunoichi suddenly appeared above him and threw a Kunai at him.

Before Asuma could do anything, another Kunai appeared and deflected the incoming projectile. After which a third Kunai appeared and hit the Kunoichi in the chest, who then fell to the ground.

When Asuma turned in the direction of the Kunai, he saw that his saviour was none other than Kurenai, who smiled at him after she took out a new Kunai.

"Looks like I own you one Kurenai" Asuma said with a smirk.

"Anytime" the raven haired woman replied with her own smirk before they both of them leapt off to continue battling.

At the same time at another end of the arena, Yamato was busy dealing with several Suna Shinobi.

After dealing with his third opponent, a fourth Shinobi appeared behind him and attempted to stab him in the back. But before the Suna-nin could complete the job, he was hit in the back by several Senbon needles.

When Yamato turned around to look at the now unconscious Shinobi, he suddenly heard someone call out to him.

"Watch your back Yamato-san."

Looking up, Yamato saw Shizune standing not far from him, with her sleeves pulled up, revealing her Wrist-Mounted Senbon Launcher, which she had used to save Yamato.

Nodding his thanks, Yamato was about to say he would, but before he could he and Shizune suddenly heard some manic laughter coming from Yamato's left (and Shizune's right).

When they turned to look, they immediately realized the source of the laughter.

The manic laughter came from none other than the former apprentice of Orochimaru. Who was busy killing any Oto-nin who was foolish enough to confront her.

After dodging several flying Kunai, Anko quickly used her Sen'eijashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands) to launch several Snakes from her selves and fired them at two Oto-nins. Who struggled to get the snakes off them, but could not. As the Snakes wrapped themselves around the Oto-nins arms, legs and faces and bit them, paralyzing the two within seconds, allowing the Snakes to quickly finish them off.

When Anko had dealt with the two Oto-nins, three more appeared and charged forward. Undeterred, Anko jumped forward to meet them, where she manuvered past the first one and stabbed him in the back of the neck with her Kunai, killing him instantly.

Once the first Shinobi was dead, Anko quickly pulled out her Kunai from the dead Shinobi's neck and used it to block a Kunai slash from the second Shinobi.

After blocking the attack, Anko then brought up her right leg and kneed the enemy Shinobi hard in the groin, causing him to buckle over in pain.

Showing no mercy to the "injured" man, the former apprentice of Orochimaru finished him off with a strong kick to the face. Sending him flying out of the stands and down into the arena below. But as soon as she did this, the purple haired Kunoichi was forced to jump back to avoid several projectiles from the third Sound Shinobi.

As soon as she had finished evading all the projectiles Anko quickly counter with her own Kunai and threw it at the masked Shinobi, hitting square in the head a killing him instantly.

"Hmph, Orochimaru really is scrapping off the barrel if he using trash like this to attack Konoha, I'm just warming up" Anko said to herself before taking out another Kunai and going off to find more victims.

"Looks like someone is having fun?" comment Yamato after seeing Anko deal with the Oto-nins.

"Yeah, let's not be left behind" replied Shizune before the two of them took off.

In another part of the stands, Kakashi was busy fighting several Oto Shinobi, while at the same time making sure that Hinata and Sakura came to no harm.

Soon after Kakashi was joined by Gai, who suddenly appeared and assisted the copy-nin with the enemy Shinobi, using his superior Taijutsu skill to knock them out.

"Good to see you Gai" Kakashi said as he and the green suit wearing man stood back to back to one another.

"You too my friend, I've just sent my adorable students to go help Iruka-san and the other teachers in helping protect the students."

"Good thinking, I was just about to go over and help myself" Kushina said as she joined the two men.

"Kushina-senpai I am pleased to see you, before I came here, I spoke to Aoba-san, who told me that the village is under attack by several giant Snakes. Our forces are trying to halt their advance but they are having little effect on the creatures, especially since they also have to deal the large number of Suna and Oto Shinobi who are invading the village."

"Kushina-senpai, I think it would be best if you were to go out and help them with the Snakes, we can handle the enemy here" said Kakashi, knowing that Kushina was the best person to deal with the massive summons.

"Right" replied the red head before taking off.

"Kakashi, I'm worried about the Hokage-sama, but…"

"Let the ANBU deal with that Gai" Kakashi said as he knew they needed to focus on the matter at hand here. "The Hokage-sama won't lose so easily, besides Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama are in there with him, so he should be fine."

"I suppose you right" Gai replied, although he couldn't help but still worry for the old Kage.

-End Naruto OST-Raikiri-

-On the Rooftop-

"Kukukuku…" laughed Orochimaru as he faced off at his former team-mates. "I must say this truly is an auspicious day. How many years has it been since the four of us were together like this?"

"Not long enough!" Tsunade spat angrily.

"Cut the crap Orochimaru, you were never the sentimental type" rounded Jiraiya.

"Ah very true" replied the Snake Sennin, before he stabbed the Kunai he was holding against the Sandaime's neck into his other hand.

This act naturally surprised those watching but before anyone could comment, the Snake Sennin moved away from his former teacher. Who then quickly jumped over to his two other former students and joined them if facing off against the last.

"What is your goal Orochimaru? I know that you are not motivated by simple revenge against Konoha" said the Sandaime.

"How true" replied Orochimaru. "If I were to put by goal into words…I would simply say that I like to see moving things, as they are boring when they don't move."

"What are you getting at?" an irritated Tsunade asked, since Orochimaru loved to drone on about things.

"Impatient as always Tsunade" mocked Orochimaru. "Very well, I want to destroy Konoha, because I am interested to see what happens afterwards."

Naturally after hearing this, the two Sannin and the old Hokage frowned, as the idea of destroying an entire village for such a useless reason appalled them.

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