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79.91% I Own a Brothel in Another World / Chapter 191: Love Bite

Capítulo 191: Love Bite

"I'm completely spent…" Mari sighs heavily as I brush my fingers through her short hair.

Both of us lie on the wooden floor, with the sexy tomboy seamstress resting on my chest. We didn't bother picking ourselves off the ground after we were done for the day. Or the night, rather.

Glancing up, I find Shino looking at me from above and she shows a warm smile while grazing my cheek with her slender fingers. It's a little tough focusing on her charming face with that gorgeous, perky chest of hers being in the way and she smirks at me knowingly, puffing herself out even more to emphasise her modest bust. Her soft thighs embrace my head lovingly to complete this heavenly composition.

I don't think there's any need to state the fact that all of us are still completely naked.

"Now that you've fully accepted Sensei, Mari-san, you will tire out much slower," my wise samurai says, capturing our friend's attention. "And that's only one of the many benefits you get from him. I'm sure your work will be much easier now too."

"I've heard from the girls that it's really incredible." Mari glances from me to her before sporting a faint blush. "Thank you."

I chuckle lightly and press a gentle kiss on her cheek. "No, thank you. You knew well that you didn't ever have to take this step if this kind of relationship wasn't what you wanted. I'm really glad I had a chance to spend this precious moment with you."

Shino giggles quietly and taps my forehead a few times. "Sensei can be really dense sometimes, but now you don't have to worry about it anymore."

"I'm not dense, just respectful." I huff at her, trying to playfully bite her fingers as she dangles them in front of my face.

"You still keep forgetting that this isn't our world, Sensei. You aren't going to be reported for showing honest interest in a girl just because she felt offended." She pouts at me adorably. "Rather than that, she might feel like you find her unattractive if you keep your distance so much."

I shake my head, which proves to be a bad move as my face smushes her tender thighs to the amusement of us both. "I know. And trust me, I'm much more aggressive than I would have been out there. Did you already forget how many women I have? Not counting the ladies who like to spend some quality time casually."

"And more than half of them had to take the first step on their own," Shino points out, booping me on the nose. "Who knows how long Mari-san would need to wait too if I didn't step in?"

"Hey. I've been pretty open with her recently, right, Mari? Last time in your workshop?" I take a peek at the brown-haired cutie just to find her sealing her mouth with her hands.

As our gazes meet hers, she seemingly can't take it anymore and bursts out into a giggly laugh, burying her nose in my chest to try and stop it. A moment passes before she raises her eyes back to us and I wipe off a few tears off her plump cheeks.

"I'm really sorry… You just sound like an old married couple when you argue… I didn't mean to laugh…" Mari smiles at us with a tinge of embarrassment staining her face.

I look up to look at Shino and both of us snicker at that. She leans down and places a chaste peck on my lips.

"I've always considered myself Sensei's wife so maybe you aren't wrong, Mari-san," she replies, staying close so that I can reciprocate the kiss with my own.

"You and your fantasies." I smirk at her. "But I can't deny that we hit off rather well right from the start."

For a little while, no one else says anything as the two of us exchange pecks, not wanting to be the last one who ends the sessions as if there is some kind of an unspoken rule that the person who does that loses or even loves the other less. But, our little contest gets resolved peacefully as Mari pulls herself up with the use of my shoulder and inserts herself into the equation, pushing Shino's face away with her own and stealing my lips. My petite lover whines at her but lets the tomboy take over and drag me into another kissing session.

"Careful," I whisper in between our sensual pecks. "You'll get me in the mood again."

"I heard you are always in the mood." Mari sighs into my neck, snuggling her face into the crook of my shoulder.

I laugh openly and land a light smack on her round booty, evoking a surprised gasp from the owner. "Not so shy anymore, huh? Where did my cute and timid tailor girl go?"

Sitting up, I support Mari with my hands on her lower back so that she doesn't fall away and she ends up straddling my waist. We look each other in the eyes briefly before her attention switches lower and her cheeks colour a bit more. A moment later, I feel her delicate touch around my member.

"I… I think I really liked what we did earlier…" she admits a little hesitantly. "If I want to do it more in the future, I need to be bolder, no?"

"See, Sensei? This is exactly what I was talking about." Shino presses herself into me from behind and her fingers join Mari in caressing Al Junior. "Your cute and timid tailor girl wouldn't have gone anywhere if you were more straightforward."

"Give me a break." I groan, though I'm not entirely sure if that's due to their actions or my response to her words. "I've been through this conversation plenty of times already. So what, I can't have normal female friends who like me anymore? Do I really have to walk right into their personal space and shove my cock into their pussy the first chance I get, even as they are in the middle of work?"

Mari's blush deepens heavily as she escapes with her gaze to the side, making the answer to that question rather obvious.

"I'm not going to make any promises," I continue, glancing at Shino's face over my shoulder. "Well, besides the one that I'll definitely visit you often to lend you a hand, Mari."

"Fine." My Japanese lover pinches my cheeks and pulls on them. "Just don't make any new girls that seem like they like you wait too long, Sensei."

I think for a moment as a certain scene from earlier in the evening flashes through my mind. "Sure."

The ever-so-observant beauty doesn't miss that second or two of pondering and scoots to my side to stare at my profile while squinting her enchanting violet eyes. "Is there a new girl, Sensei?"

"I guess so." I sigh again. "You most likely don't know each other that well but might have passed each other on the streets. It's Lyona, my new assistant for the merc business."

"I see. And you must have thought something along the lines of, I won't make a move on her this fast because she doesn't yet know me well," she says.

"Hey, hey, hey. Cut me some slack." I raise my hands in surrender.

"Sensei, you dummy!" Shino pouts with a cute frown and gives me a bit more aggressive tug, making me groan once more.

"Her case is special, alright?" I defend myself against her verbal and physical attacks. "She was affected by something during our meeting and wasn't exactly in the most natural state of mind, which could have influenced her decision-making, possibly pushing her towards a choice she wouldn't have made this easily otherwise."

"What if that something one day turns out to be a cultural matter where the next step during that occurrence is to embrace the one who made them feel like that and you will offend or even break the girl's heart by rejecting it?" My petite girlfriend glares at me firmly. "We are in a world full of magic and monstergirls, Sensei. It functions on its own rules."

"I know that. Nevertheless, it really was a special case. Not to mention that she is a noble lady who seemed like she cared about her family and status greatly," I push back.

"Special how, then?" Shino squints more.

"What do you know about Vampires?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Vampires?" Mari gasps, rejoining the conversation. "You mean those beasts and monsters that feed on blood?"

"We did stumble on a pack once during our travels." My summoned girlfriend assumes a thoughtful expression. "They are really scary-looking but aren't that difficult to defeat. At least for us, of course. As long as you don't give them a chance to draw enough fresh blood. Though the starved ones are the most dangerous."

"No, not these. Think of something… closer to our terms." I smile at her wryly.

That sweet frown returns to her forehead but this time in a show of faint consternation and being deep in thought. As I awkwardly rub my neck, I can literally pinpoint the moment when she realises the implication of my words and her eyes open wide as her brows soar to the top of her head.

She stands up in a blink, spooking Mari a bit, and stares at me with shock. "Sensei got his blood sucked by a real Vampire girl?!"

Before I can react, I'm already tackled to the ground with Shino straddling my stomach, peering down at me with literal sparkles of excitement in her eyes.

"Are they really real? What did she look like? Did it hurt? Did it make you aroused? Why don't I see any marks?" She starts raining relentless questions at me.

I chuckle at her lively expression and put my palms on her narrow waist. "White hair, red eyes, pale skin. She did not sparkle, though. Well, save for her hair under the moonlight."

Shino sighs in relief. "Good. I really hated that part."

"So the legends are true?" Mari asks, crawling to our side and I watch her attractive chest sway enticingly. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am. And I'm not sure how much from the legends you've heard is true. How does it make you feel right now?" I raise myself and the cute samurai lady up.

"I don't know. They are supposed to be scary and dangerous, no?" She looks between the two of us. "In the past, I might have been a bit more terrified, but after spending so much time around you and the women of so many races, I'm not so sure about anything anymore."

"Wait." Shino presses on my shoulders. "You are not turning, are you, Sensei?"

I snicker and grin at her. "No, not in the slightest. She does have a sexy pair of fangs but they don't turn like in our stories. This world's Vampires are more like mosquitoes."

"No way…" She looks me in the eyes with an expression full of wonder, and perhaps maybe hope. "Does that mean I could also…?"

I raise a brow at her at first before figuring out what exactly she means. It doesn't take me that long and I snort to myself. Because of course, that was on her list too. I should have expected that with how many arts representing women getting bitten with expressions of utter ecstasy were on her profile.

"As far as I know, there aren't really any reservations preventing that from happening," I answer and her own face immediately lits up with a mix of emotions. "But don't throw yourself at her at the first opportunity, okay? I learned that she exists literally a few hours ago. There is still a lot about her race and customs that I don't know."

"I swear, I won't, Sensei. But, can I meet her? With you? She is going to be your woman, right? Maybe I can ask after you two get together?" Shino continues her downpour.

"Calm down. Jesus." I roll my eyes lightly. "Nothing is yet set in stone, though she does seem insistent on following me. You can come with us in the morning since we were going to talk anyway."

"Okay! I love you, Sensei!" A lovely giggle escapes her lips as she hugs me tightly, pressing her modest chest into my skin and clearly intentionally rubbing her girly parts all over my thigh.

"We should most likely retire for the night, then," Mari suggests and stands up, starting to walk away. "But we are so sticky a bath is definitely a must."

The sexy tomboy arrives in front of a simple sliding door and places her hands on the handle. We watch as she gives it a strong tug, letting out a gasp of surprise as she almost throws herself onto the floor.

Shino's chuckle echoes through the room. "Silly. Did Sensei fuck your brains out so much that you forgot this is just an imitation of a bathhouse dressing room?"

Maria glances back at us over her shoulder while still holding onto the handle. Her face is beet red with embarrassment, which makes the two of us laugh again. I get up too, separating from my beloved samurai wife, and catch up to the delicious tomboy, cuddling the ashamed girl a little before we head out.

Visiting a real bath this time, we take a moment to wash ourselves and each other up. The pools are pretty much empty since everyone should be resting after the busy night so we can comfortably chat while soaking up in the hot water. It's not that much of a problem for me and Shino, but Mari is definitely not as used to being open with her nudity around a large number of people.

When we are done, she attempts to escape back to her assigned room, but Shino hastily knocks that idea out of her head. Even my intervention doesn't change anything and Mari ends up coming with us to the master suite. I make sure that she isn't too uncomfortable with that, but while a tad shy, she seems happy to be included in our tight family circle.

In the bedroom, I find the full set of my local lovers waiting for us in bed, save for Lianne, of course. Cornelia slips out of it and approaches us with a smirk, wearing a mesmerising, lavender negligee.

"Did that bastard finally sink his claws into you? I knew he wouldn't be able to keep himself away for long," she says, meeting my gaze.

"And this is exactly why you are part of the problem too, Cornelia-san." Shino shakes her head.

"What?" My smart magician looks at her incredulously.

"You being like that is the reason Sensei isn't more aggressive," my petite lover explains.

"Him? Not aggressive enough?" Cornelia snorts, crossing her arms over her bra. "Just look around. What guy who can keep it in his pants can amass this many females of all races as his harem?"

"Yet Mari-san had to rely on my assistance to actually have Sensei make love to her." Shino mirrors the motion, though covering her naked breasts and enticing nipples. "If I remember correctly, you also almost made a blunder because you waited so long. It wouldn't have happened if Sensei was more aggressive with his desire for you, wouldn't it?"

My tsun researcher stands there with her mouth opening and closing repeatedly until Elea shows up by her side and places a hand on her shoulder with a soft chuckle. "Now, now. Let's not argue. I think we all know that there is some truth in what Shino says. Alastair can be a bit too considerate for his own good at times, isn't that right, Sirgia?"

"Do we really have to go back to that time? I was very new to this world, alright?" I show a wry smile. "If you feel like talking so much, I have a more serious topic to discuss, which concerns all of you. Though, a few of you especially."

I roam my gaze over my Human lovers and end on Cornelia. Her eyes widen for some reason and she swallows thickly, directing a slow look at the others. When she turns back to me, a somewhat awkward smile paints her face.

"What do you mean?" she asks anxiously.

"It's a bit of a sensitive topic but one we have to touch upon. I just need to know what your stance is on a certain matter before a specific new presence can join us. It concerns some of you more due to your upbringing, but—"

"I'm really, really sorry. I should have told you sooner instead of leading you on like that. I'm not actually pregnant," Cornelia interrupts me, dropping her eyes to the floor.

"What?" I frown at her.

"What?" She looks up and frowns a little too after seeing my bewildered expression. "You… You are not talking about children?"

"Why would I be?" I tilt my head.

Her skin blooms in the shade of a juicy tomato as she once more faces the floor. The questions which previously seemed like just our usual banter float through my mind once more with a new perspective.

With a new realisation, I step forward. "Is everything alright? Did something happen?"

"No, it's all fine." She briefly meets my eyes before timidly looking away. "Just… Do you remember when we had a lot of fun with you on the ship after the battle?"

"Of course." I nod, waiting for her to continue.

"Well… You felt like you couldn't do a thing… And your skills weren't exactly responding… So…" Her words make my brows rise to my hairline in turn as I catch what she's getting at. "Thankfully, it seems like that specific part of them remained off through all of that so everything is okay."

"Come here…" I pull my lovely wife into a tender hug. "It must have been so stressful for you…"

She embraces me back as I graze my fingers over her spine. "I admit that it was at first but you reassured me a lot. But it was mostly because I didn't want to spring onto you with a kid out of a sudden. Anyway, if this is not what you had in mind, then what is that sensitive topic you mentioned?"

We step away together as I turn to everyone. "Does anyone here have any problems with Vampires? And I don't mean the monstrous ones?"

A few ladies gasp while others exchange curious glances. As expected, the gasps come from the Humans.

"No way! You found a real, past-era Vampire?" Ailish bounces up on the bed from her lying position. "I didn't know any of them still existed!"

"Aren't they evil?" Cornelia asks. "My mother always said that they kidnap naughty kids who run away from their guardians to feed on their blood."

Heh. No matter the world, parents always find a way to turn some kind of fairy tale into a monster story to keep their unruly kids in check. Looks like Vampires might be even more misunderstood than I first thought.

"My gram did that too," Mari agrees.

"What are Vampires?" Astrea opens one eye as she lazes on the edge of the bed, half of her body actually past it.

"The legends say that they are a race closely resembling Humans but sustain themselves on the blood of others," Teffith replies, rubbing her chin. "The only Vampires I stumbled on were the vampiric monsters so I don't think it's about those."

"I don't know anything about them too," Meru chimes in, actually surprising me a little with her presence. "Many aquatic species like blood and flesh but I haven't heard about any that feed solely off the former."

"Why do you ask?" Neira glances my way.

"Because I just discovered at least four or five families of Vampires in the capital." A wave of murmurs rolls through the room. "And one of those individuals is actually working for us now."

That brings out more gasps as such a fact is clearly the more shocking one.

"Are we in danger?" Ria addresses me with mature calmness.

I shake my head. "No. It doesn't look like the stories and legends most of you have grown up on do them any justice. Because of that, they need to remain in hiding amongst the other people, but they are not different from them. How do you feel about that?"

A moment of exchanging glances later, Elea seems to have been chosen for their representative as she captures my attention by walking closer, her massive chest simply demanding all the focus.

"If it's coming from you, everyone here trusts every word that comes out of your mouth. It might be tough to completely get rid of instinctual reactions, but we aren't going to antagonise a different race because of our misinformation," she replies. "And you don't have anything to worry about from us if you are planning to add a female Vampire to your harem. We will welcome her with open arms."

I chuckle while shaking my head. "Always straight to the point. I appreciate it, though."

"Who is it then, Master?" Sirgia directs her caramel eyes my way.

"It's Lyona. I'm kind of surprised none of you had any inkling about that. From those who have met her, of course." I look at Ria, who meets my gaze with a thoughtful expression. "Her kind supposedly emanates some real charisma and charm."

"She did seem somewhat special, but even normal Humans can be with how their Class functions. Perhaps our connection to you protected us from being affected by any auras she could be exuding," my resident MILF responds.

"Well, I'm glad no one has any more serious issues with her race, then. We'll need to fill the others in on this too. I don't want any of the girls to learn Lyona's secret on accident and feel like we've been keeping them in the dark in front of a supposed blood predator. Can I leave it to you ladies?" I roam my gaze over my most reliable aides.

"Consider it done." Cornelia grins at me. "Too bad we didn't know about this before we took over the debriefing after you snuck out to get your stick wet."

"Wait a moment. Who was it that told me to go check out that room?" I squint at her and she snickers mischievously.

"What about Elise?" Ria asks, recapturing my attention.

"Oh, right. I have completely missed how she isn't here. My brain has just automatically assumed that if you are present, she's by your side." I blink a few times while scanning the room. "Gods, good that she's absent. I would have dropped quite the bomb onto her out of the blue considering that they are friends. Where is she, by the way?"

"She should be at Lyona's, actually. They promised each other to meet after the official birthday party. It wouldn't be the first time she stayed overnight. They are good friends. Are you worried about her now?" My accountant raises a concerned brow at me.

"No, I don't think so. While Lyona is definitely buzzed up a bit after our meeting, I don't think she would ever do anything to Elise that could damage their relationship. Well, maybe besides creepily staring at her for the entire night since she told me that it might be impossible to fall asleep with so much raw energy coursing through her veins." I laugh to myself under my nose. "Alright. We can talk about this and lots of other things later. I kept you girls awake long enough. Time to hit the bed for real."

No one voices any objections and we pile up on the giant mattress. I bring Mari with me to the centre, enveloping her in a loving hug from behind while Shino snuggles to my back. That little minx keeps teasing my little friend for a good while, which in turn makes Mari glance over at me with rosy cheeks due to my tip constantly poking her butt. I somehow manage to pacify the horny samurai and all of us fall asleep shortly after.

As I wake up, half of the girls are gone, but that's nothing surprising. Only the lazier ones remain under the sheets like Astrea, Ailish, Shino, and Mari because she didn't want to rouse me from my sleep by wiggling out of my grasp. We get up, put some clothes on, and join everyone in the dining hall for some breakfast. I notice that Lianne is present at our designated table and the nympho queen waves at us happily.

"Al! What took you so long? Did the ladies finally manage to tire you out?" She grins at me slyly.

"I don't think anyone other than Ailish has even a start to you." I snicker while sitting down.

"Perhaps we should host a contest one day to determine the winner." Lianne giggles impishly.

"No, thanks. I want to live for a little longer. Even a god of sex wouldn't be able to handle both of you at once," I instantly shoot her down and the ladies laugh openly.

"You won't be able to run away forever." She winks at me. "Anyway, I'm here to congratulate you on your first successful commission. The client already reported to me that you went above and beyond to assure that his request was fulfilled to the best of your capabilities. They were extremely happy and sang many praises of you and your girls. He is quite the doting father so his daughter must have been very impressed."

"And most likely very biassed." I snort. "It turns out that she is literally our new receptionist at the headquarters."

"What? No way." The Queen looks at me incredulously before exploding into another giggle. "You really know how to make connections. It's honestly unbelievable."

"You tell me." I exchange glances with my lovely mates, and noting that Elise is nowhere in sight, making sure I'm not blind with the use of our connection, I lean forward. "Say, were you aware… who they really are?"

She furrows her brows slightly. "I don't think I understand what you are talking about?"

"I see. For now, forget I said anything. I'll let you know after having a chat with their daughter," I reply.

The Queen scrunches her nose cutely but nods. "Fine. Have it your way. Returning to the topic at hand, you did great and earned yourself a bit of an honest advertisement. With this next job, I have for you, your little team should gain even more recognition."

"You are really handing this to him on a silver platter, aren't you?" Cornelia rolls her eyes.

"Shush, my dear Cornelia. This time I simply want someone reliable whom I can trust for the job." Lianne clicks her tongue at the magician. "A delegation from Ronerulle will be visiting us soon and we offered them our escort. They have been the first to support the new reforms and actively work on reintroducing other races to society. We will be discussing the next steps of this initiative and what we can do together to make sure the change is universally accepted."

"Hold on a moment, isn't that Vanessa-san's family?" Shino perks up, pausing mid-bite of her sandwich.

"The princess that has been travelling with you? Yes, that's right." The Queen nods.

"Um, would it be alright for us to join Sensei on this request? I'm sure Vanessa-san would appreciate the chance to ensure the safety of her parents with her own hands. I know that Sensei's mercenary party is more than enough, but I still would like to ask." My petite girlfriend lowers her head.

"Since she is an adventurer, there shouldn't be any problem with that…" Lianne taps her lips. "I'll see what we can do. No promises, but you can be sure that I'll do my best for my sister-wife."

Shino's cheeks flush a tiny bit at her teasing smirk and I shake my head. "Let me know the details when they are available. We'll need to host a strategy meeting with the girls before departing on such an important task."

We proceed to talk a little about it while continuing to eat, but not in that much detail. One by one, the girls leave to take care of whatever they are up to. Lianne stays the longest and I escort her with Shino to our hidden tunnel. Bidding farewell to the Queen, I bring my samurai and head for the mercenary headquarters. Elise joins us at the entrance, instructed by Ria to wait for us as I want her to be present during this crucial conversation.

A big smile slips onto her radiant face as she waves at Lyona, who sorts some documents behind the reception desk. The white-haired girl spots us quickly and I spot a faint tug of a smile at the corner of her lips, but when our eyes meet, her cheeks grow a little rosier too. Other than that, she keeps that calm, somewhat indifferent expression on without turning into a skittish mess as we reach her.

"Welcome back, Leader, Elise, Shino, if I'm not mistaken." Lyona nods respectfully.

"No one is around so don't be so formal!" Elise chuckles quietly. "You really are so thrilled to work for Alastair. Can you believe that she was up hours before me and doesn't look the least tired? We stayed up so late while chatting about how you crashed her birthday."

The two of us exchange another glance and I barely hold in my laughter. Only we know what is the reason behind that. For now.

"I'll take her professional attitude over the shy one any day." I plop my hand on Elise's hair and ruffle through it gently.

Sparing a glance at Shino since she seems awfully quiet, I snicker mentally. She's literally devouring Lyona with her eyes, her mouth hanging slightly open as the Earth girl takes in the Vampire lady's otherworldly beauty. I bet she is trying her damnest to spot her fangs too.

"Are you busy right now?" I ask the scarlet-eyed dame.

"No, Ma—Sir. If you need anything from me, I'm at your service." She covers her slip-up with a little cough.

"I'll have to steal you for a moment, then. We have an important matter to discuss if you are going to work here." I gesture at Elise with my eyes and Lyona certainly gets the memo.

"Very well. Let us move to your office, Sir." She becomes slightly anxious, but who can really blame her?

It does feel like she drags our trip out a bit but Elise doesn't seem to notice. Soon enough, we arrive at our destination and I guide us to the couches on the side. I sit down on one with Elise and Shino by my sides while she takes the one opposite us.

"Alright. I talked about you with my wives and trusted companions. They are going to inform the girls at the brothel about it so that there aren't any misunderstandings that could be harmful to either side. I hope you can forgive me for sharing this," I begin.

"I trust that you wouldn't have done so without having my best interest in mind so there is no need for any forgiveness since the grudge is missing," she replies calmly, taking a peek at Elise.

"Naturally. As for Elise, she was obviously missing at that time, and it doesn't look like you girls talked about it. So, would you like to do the honours, or should I take this responsibility off your shoulders?" I ask.

"What are you guys talking about?" Our receptionist friend frowns at us. "Is there some problem already? Is it because Lyona is a noble?"

"Thank you, Master, but as you said, this is my responsibility. Both as who I am and as Elise's friend. She deserves to hear it from me." Lyona takes a deep breath and turns to Elise. "First, I need to sincerely apologise. I understand if your opinion of me may change for the worse and it may even influence our friendship. I haven't been honest with you about myself since the very beginning."

"Why are you getting so serious? Lyona?" Elise glances between me and her friend, seemingly sensing the tension in the air.

"I'm not who you think I am. I've been lying to you about my identity. And I would have kept lying to you until you passed away if not for Lord Alastair's arrival. Or actually, my arrival here since you brought me to him," Lyona continues, wavering a bit near the end. "Elise, I… I'm a Vampire…"

"W-What?" Elise stiffens visibly and her hand moves to my thigh, grabbing it firmly. "What do you mean?"

"Remember how we joked about a version of our world where Vampires weren't actually scary humanoid predators but normal people living amongst everyone? And how we came up with tales of them coming out of hiding in our world and what that would mean for the realm? Well, a lot of those were actually very close to the truth." Lyona shows a glimmer of a reminiscent smile. "I'm one of those blood-drinking people hiding in the shadows of other races."

To emphasise her point, Lyona shows her sharp fangs and a gasp reaches my ear. But, surprisingly, it comes out of Shino rather than Elise, who just keeps staring at her friend with a shocked but pensive expression.

"But… Why? Why didn't you tell me? Am I really that untrustworthy?" she asks tensely as I delicately place my palm over hers.

"Mainly for two reasons." Lyona smiles sadly. "First, I can see you shaking. And I can also smell your fear, though I haven't been able to do that so accurately before."

"I'm sorry—"

"Second, I was forbidden," Lyona cuts her off. "It's a safeguarded secret. It's not a matter of trust. I trust you with my life. But I would put you in danger by telling you about our true nature. If my family learned of this, there is a possibility that they would get rid of you to protect our people. Besides, some other Vampire would definitely notice that you started paying attention to them and assume that you know too. I did it to protect you, as much as it pained me."

A brief silence falls over us before she speaks up again since Elise doesn't seem to find it in herself to respond.

"The world isn't safe for us. Many people would react much worse than you to this revelation. If this got out, we could end up being hunted like in the old days. I have a duty to protect my people, my family, my loved ones. I'm really sorry." She bows her head low.

"It's… It's just a lot to take in… I'm sorry I look scared… I really don't want to… You are not a monster… But I can't help it yet…" Elise takes a deep breath. "It's so hard to believe…"

Shino leans into my side, bringing her lips to my very ear. "You were right, Sensei. Her fangs are so sexy."

"Thank you," Lyona says, making us both flinch, a shadow of a flush creeping onto her pale cheeks.

"Do Vampires have super hearing?" Shino chuckles awkwardly.

"I'm not sure. I didn't. At least until last night." The white-haired lady casts a short glance at me.

"Hmmm… Perhaps a little presentation could help?" I look between her and Elise.

Shino bolts up, raising her hand into the air. "I volunteer!"

"For what?" Lyona blinks a few times.

"Lyona-san! Bite me!" The samurai shortie states with strong resolution.

"What?!" Elise squeaks by my other side.

I rub my eyes with a deep sigh. "Pardon her, please. It's one of her kinks."

"Ummm… If you are sure?" Lyona moves her scarlet eyes between the two of us.

Shino's head almost flies off as she shakes it up and down, making me snort. I also give our Vampire friend a nod of confirmation and she slowly stands up. Both of them meet at the side of the coffee table while the slightly stunned receptionist remains seated.

"Alright. What should I do? Do I undress? Turn around? Does it happen from the front? From the back?" Shino starts her overwhelming barrage as excitement boils inside her, drawing out an actual chuckle from the quiet Lyona.

"How do you want it?" she asks.

"Front. I want to see it coming." Shino giggles shyly.

"Okay. Master, will you assist us?" Lyona takes a peek at me and I shrug, moving closer to support Shino's figure from behind. "I'm beginning, then. Thank you for this honour, Hero."

She slowly loosens Shino's collar and exposes more of her smooth neck. Shino's breathing grows quicker as Lyona bares her sharp fangs at her skin and she watches the dazzling Vampire girl sink them in her flesh. A quiet moan escapes her lips and a faint shiver runs down her entire frame.

Shino's subdued whimpers tickle my ears as she rests herself on me. "Sensei…"

I notice her butt rubbing against my crotch and snort mentally. Having a good idea about her needs, I let one of my hands roam down her front and slip into her panties. Shino shudders when my fingers graze over her precious place with no obstruction, which greets me with quite the heat and humidity.

Her breathing grows more and more laboured as she tries to hump my fingers and I assist her in feeling better and better. Soon, moans escape her throat, getting louder and louder, and she makes one last frantic thrust with a strong whimper of need, impaling herself on my digits. A trickle of warm nectar sprinkles my hand and runs down her thighs at the same time as a faint gush of blood escapes Lyona's mouth and the Vampire girl backs off, letting the two holes made by her fangs squirt more scarlet liquid flow down Shino's shoulder.

I keep my petite lover steady as she trembles in post-orgasmic bliss, infusing her wound with my healing spell to close it up faster. Shino lets her head fall back onto my shoulder and directs a silly smile at me.

"That was… Amazing… I came so hard…" She giggles.

"I've never felt such a rush of blood before either. It's like it gushed at me faster than I could drink," Lyona admits.

"Damn. Am I going to get NTR'ed by a gorgeous Vampire girl?" I chuckle.

Shino pulls on my hair to bring my lips to hers and kisses me deeply. "Sensei makes me cum much, much harder…"

"And while this was unexpected, it also wasn't anywhere close to how I felt while drinking your blood, Master," Lyona adds.

I shake my head.

This world's Vampires are simply crazy.

Saileri Saileri

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