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76.15% I Own a Brothel in Another World / Chapter 182: The Dawn of a New Faith

Capítulo 182: The Dawn of a New Faith

"So, how does this exactly work?" Elise asks curiously after Elea manages to get ahold of herself.

The women all glance at me but I just shrug lightly. "Beats me. I'm reading about these skills for the first time alongside you. This is quite a step up from most of my previous abilities, but I bet it's just as instinctual and intuitive."

"Everything will become clear when you invoke the skill, most likely," Shino agrees with me, nodding her head.

"Well. What are we waiting for, then?" Neira smiles at me and Elea, clearly excited about the prospect of her friend and past superior being part of my official followers.

I take a deep breath, refocusing my thoughts, and turn to the beautiful, dark-skinned former Princess still kneeling in front of me. Some visible streaks continue to stain Elea's dazzling visage as evidence of her quite tearful reaction, but they make her no less enchanting. And the reverent yet still most likely doubtful gaze is strongly present in her purplish eyes. It's obvious she finds this entire situation hard to accept as reality.

"Elea. We don't yet know that much about what this entails in its entirety, but would you do me the honour of becoming my first Apostle?" I make it official with a warm smile.

She corrects her posture to add some more dignity and pride to it before lowering her head in acceptance. "My heart, body, and soul exist to serve you, My Lord."

Quickly navigating through the menus, I locate the correct skill and activate it mentally. It shows me a list of people I can send the request to and my eyes briefly linger over the names. The record isn't as big as I expected. There certainly has to be some kind of a requirement applied here, perhaps the strength of one's devotion, or how close we truly are, not just physically.

Of course, Elea's name isn't missing from this list. There would have to be something really wrong with it if that was the case. No doubt, I would instantly file a complaint straight to the developer. I might be just a puny user among possibly millions, but this is a matter of life and death to me. And as if to answer my silent vow, a quiet, delicate chuckle echoes in my mind, with its owner more than obvious.

I choose my Dark Elf wife for the role and her eyes snap up, clearly noticing an incoming prompt. Elea takes her time to read through the message, the beginning of another wave of tears forming in the corners of her eyes once more. But, she fights them off valiantly and taps an invisible button, making her choice.

If there were any doubts about what it is, what happens next completely clears everything up.

First, I begin sensing warmth spreading through my chest. Glancing down, I confirm that it isn't only a physical or spiritual phenomenon as vibrant, pinkish glow lights up my torso, focusing at about the height of my heart. The girls gasp at the sight and scurry a little bit further away from me to give everyone a better angle to watch the show.

Then, the unexpected power surges out of my chest in the form of pink energy resembling trails of fluffy smoke. The tendrils extend forward, starting to coil around Elea's body, wrapping her up in multiple gentle lines. Easy to guess, they also focus on her chest, where her heart is.

She closes her eyes and lets out a delighted hum. Without even trying or intending to, I get a feel of our usual connection. Something is being added to it, in a way that isn't meant to alter or change things but develop them even further. The warmth flows from me to her and I realise that it's perhaps part of my divinity being shared with her.

During this unusual process, Elea's chest starts mirroring mine in terms of the light it releases, though to a slightly lesser extent. If mine were compared to a flame, hers would be more like a spark. But, that's not all. Through her closed eyelids, we all notice a similar glow making itself apparent. From its ring-like shape, it's easy to deduce that it's her irises that emit that light, also pink, naturally.

Finally, one last thing catches our attention. The back of her right hand lights up too. We stare at it all together and observe some kind of symbol or sigil forming in front of our very eyes. In an instant, it reminds me of the very beginning of my adventure in this world. One glance at my otherworldly lover confirms that Shino has exactly the same thoughts, rubbing the skin of her own hand.

As the glowing wisps of energy slowly retract to me, Elea's shining irises flicker out too. Only the symbol on the back of her hand remains bright and steady. Finished forming, it gives us a chance to make out some more details before our dark-skinned friend is done with whatever is happening to her.

There's a heart. A slightly different one this time. I've gotten used to my slave seals or other things depicting cute, round hearts with adorable proportions, so seeing a very slim but elongated one is certainly a surprise. Its length compares to that of a Hero Sigil, judging from memory.

Thankfully, this one doesn't seem to sprout any horns, wings, or tails anywhere around its contour. Honestly, it could end up being a little worrying for the messenger of a god to be branded with somewhat demonic features. Though, I guess plenty of this world's residents have horns and other, devilish appendages, so maybe Naharren wouldn't pay too much attention to that specific aspect.

Nevertheless, the only other thing that shows up, doing so inside the shape, is the letter A in Infernal language. Again, something that has already made an appearance in the past. The fake slave seals I've been placing on the girls to raise their safety included it too. Besides the letter, nothing else pops up, and the sigil fades away a tiny bit, still emitting some faint glow.

All the weird power retracts fully to me, gives a few pulses quite closely aligned with my heartbeat and disappears. We wait for Elea to raise her eyelids and say anything about the flashy event, and she doesn't make us sit there motionlessly for long. Her previously purple eyes are now alight with a pinkish hue as she instantly moves her gaze to the mark on the top of her hand, clearly aware of its creation during whatever has happened.

"Is this it? Did it succeed?" Sirgia asks quietly.

"That sort of looks like our Hero Sigils, doesn't it, Sensei?" Shino glances at me with a spark of excitement in her pretty eyes. "Are you now capable of creating your own Heroes?"

I chuckle at her wryly while shaking my head. "I don't think so. Lumina's system has continuously proved to be mostly straightforward. It would have said so if this is what it was. Perhaps Apostles wear similar marks as Heroes. I'll keep this question in mind for when we pay someone experienced in such matters a visit very soon."

"Alastair is correct," Elea finally chimes in. "One thing I'm certain of is that I've become his Apostle. I don't know what it feels to be a Hero, but I don't think this is it."

"So, are your eyes now permanently like this?" Ailish bites into her bottom lip. "It's kinda hot."

"My eyes?" The dark-skinned lady raises a brow at her.

"They glow slightly pink right now, just like the mark," I explain. "I wonder if you can suppress it just like the Heroes do. This might be somewhat inconvenient at night."

"Or very convenient." Ria snickers softly. "You wouldn't need any light to read books and documents in the dark."

"Of course, that's the first thing that comes to your mind." Elise rolls her eyes at her mature friend.

"There's another, but I don't think we should distract Alastair with such thoughts at this very moment." The MILF accountant smirks at me.

The disappearance of the gentle, pinkish glow recaptures our attention, dragging it away from the squabbling duo. In the next second, Elea's eyes are back to their rightful colour, and the heart on her skin is no more. She smiles at us with a proud expression.

"It looks like I can control it," she announces. "This might be connected to the divinity Alastair shared with me. When I glow, I feel traces of his warmth inside me. Perhaps that's what happens when I try to make use of it or something."

"Good to know." I nod at her. "We'll have to explore that during a free moment. Just don't start going around and brainwashing random people into being our followers by staring into their eyes with yours glowing pink."

The women laugh at my little quip but Elea just sends me a mischievous grin.

"Anyway, that brings up a different issue into the light," I continue with a slight frown.

"What's wrong, Master?" Sirgia runs her petite fingers through my hair in an affectionate manner.

"I bet Lumina has no qualms with this entire situation about my sudden ascension to godhood, things might not be so simple with the people," I respond, brushing my palm over her tender thigh. "There's always been one god, or rather a goddess in this world. To the extent of the current generation's knowledge, at least. Primordials knew of two. But, I don't actually remember reading that much about other religions trying to form around the realm and what might have been their reception. As far as I know, be it Humans or all other races, everyone is under the same belief."

"You are afraid that trying to make use of this new god and follower system might bring us trouble." Cornelia strokes her chin ponderingly. "That it will make some if not a lot of people frown to try and undermine the one and only Goddess."

"Precisely." I snap my fingers at her. "I don't mind keeping this only to our close circles, but I'm afraid of possible backlash towards our girls trying to spread the word about some unknown god and attempting to convert people, even if politely and without insisting. I've learned enough about the history of my own world and its experiences with religions to assure you that these things are capable of bringing the worst out of people. I was very glad to hear that this entire realm is more or less united on this topic."

"Crusades were no joke." Shino shudders lightly.

"I can see what you are saying," Elea herself responds to my concerns. "I've been a devout follower of Goddess Lumina and wouldn't take too kindly to anyone trying to convince me that there's some other, better god that I should be directing my prayers to. Especially considering the fact that we do have plenty of evidence of the Goddess aiding the races with some of their troubles."

I let out a defeated sigh. "Maybe we should keep this a secret. I don't want to endanger any of you to that kind of hate."

"But then you won't be able to grow your divinity, right?" Meru asks calmly, though I can sense her worry about me.

"Maybe not as quickly, but I still will. I'll just have to focus on Devotees rather than normal followers. Quality over quantity, as they say. Many of our girls will definitely be willing to take part in this after we explain things properly to them. Even so, it's still a very sensitive topic so we should make it clear that we aren't suddenly turning our organisation into a heretical one," I reply, correcting her.

"Is the only option of gaining followers to convert people?" Elise asks, tapping her pouty lips.

"What do you mean?" I turn to her.

"Do they have to choose? Can't they just believe in both of you?" She tilts her head adorably. "It's not like either of you is fake. You are both real and exist. I don't think there's a competition of who gets more exclusive believers here, is there?"

A brief silence descends upon my chambers as everyone stares at the sweet receptionist girl until I let out a hearty chuckle, startling a few of the girls.

"Perhaps my thoughts were way too limited. The rules from my old world might have blinded me once more as they did a bunch of times in the past." I smirk to myself wryly. "You are completely right. I don't want or need to steal Lumina's faith. I just need people to believe in me alongside her. In the end, there were plenty of pantheons on Earth in ancient times. Maybe we'll manage to slip an additional god into this one without bringing fire and pitchforks upon ourselves."

"Technically, you are a demigod, so we could continue to portray you as one," Cornelia suggests. "With the fact that you are here, physically walking the realm, it would help in proving that you are real. You could introduce yourself as a subsidiary or an ally of Goddess Lumina, sent here to help people stand against the threat of Abyssals. We could spin it in many ways."

"We'll have to think about it more. I still feel like it might be risky," I say.

"Maybe you can ask the Goddess about it? Ask her to help us make the first step? Dunno, send a prophecy to her high priests or something about another god entering the game and him not being a bad guy?" Ailish ponders out loud.

"Good idea," Teffith agrees fairly quickly. "She did give a word to this kingdom that the Heroes will be arriving. Maybe it won't be that much of a problem to do the same about a new god. You are now her Apostle too. If you don't feel wronged about it, she could introduce you as some kind of a lesser god perhaps?"

"Alastair is in no way lesser!" Elea raises her voice a bit, then her cheeks darken as we look at her. "No offence to the Goddess, of course."

~None taken, fufufu~ Lumina's voice echoes in my head.

"She doesn't seem to mind." I flash my Dark Elf Apostle a kind smile. "And neither do I regarding Teffith's suggestion. My ego isn't as large as to put myself above or equal to an actual goddess. Going by my title, I'm not yet a god anyway. Though, I might be slowly getting closer to that with all the recent changes."

"In the end, it will be best for you to consult Lumina first before we decide on anything. It's going to be pointless to have so many suggestions when she presents you with a solution on a silver platter." Cornelia grins at me. "You are going to meet her about the skills anyway."

I nod and turn to Elea once more. "How are you feeling? Did you notice any changes?"

"I feel better than ever." She graces me with a loving smile. "I never dreamed of something like this. I can't wait to start spreading your name to everyone in the realm. I did a quick check of my status and found a few new skills there. One to gather divinity for you, one to transfer it, and some minor ones that seem to further enhance my body and soul. I'm finally becoming a real Princess, a true link between a god and the world."

"Great. Just try not to go too far." I chuckle at her enthusiasm. "We don't need more people overworking themselves for my sake."

"I swear to abide by your teachings, My Lord." Elea smiles at me impishly, no one missing the undertone in her voice.

"Let's wrap this up, then. As pleasant as it is to just sit around with all of you here and talk about this forever, you are right, it's better to figure things out after gathering as much information as we can." I stretch my arms above my head with a groan. "Besides, we have other things to worry about than just the insignificant fact of my godhood. Mercenaries, headquarters, waterways for aquatic races, accommodations, cosplay and roleplay introduction, and so on. Establishing a church is the least of our priorities."

"Don't forget finally taking Sirgia and Elea out." Cornelia waves a finger at me. "They deserve a moment of your time."

"I know. I know." I rub my forehead. "We are always so fucking busy on the site. After things are a bit more in order, I'm making another sightseeing trip. Hopefully, one that doesn't involve weeks of swaying over a horizon of blue."

They all chuckle at my words. At least the more expressive women do. Hecate remains as silent as always, trailing one of her spider legs over my skin from time to time. I'm starting to understand that it's a gesture of affection and adoration. The sharp tip of her little spears could easily cut through jeans with the slightest nudge, yet they don't leave even a red line on my skin.

"Go and get Eden Beta on board before meeting the Goddess," Teffith suggests. "Some servants might be of use when you are listening to her explanations."

"Will do. But first, don't you girls want to join? I have twenty-five spots. It's more than enough for all of us. Plus, I bet I will be able to promote you to Apostles further along the road so it's all good." I regard all of my currently present women with a steady gaze.

As expected, they quickly agree so we go through a similar process as a moment earlier, this time adding them as my Devotees. There are no glowing eyes or marks on the back of their hands, unfortunately, which results in a few sighs of disappointment. They do confirm receiving the skills to gather and share divinity, plus some minor abilities.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to chat with our warrior maidens." I peck all the cheeks and jump off the bed. "Before you return to your usual activities, Hecate, I suggest you enjoy a pleasant bath. I don't think your light refraction trick is going to work on the little flood still escaping from between your thighs."

Some of the women chuckle at the evidence of our fun and Astrea snuggles closer to the spidergirl. "I'll go with her, Alpha. You can fully focus on your responsibilities."

"Thanks." Thanking her with a nod, I wave at everyone, summon some decency upon myself, and prepare to leave. "I think you might be able to withstand a bit more divinity now that you are my Apostle, Elea, so I'll bring you with me this time. I'll let you know before jumping into my Soul Realm."

Her eyes widen slightly, but she shows a wide smile. "Yes, My Lord. I can't wait to learn more about my new skills. Especially about the blessings and rituals I seem to be able to conduct in your name."

For some reason, my mind pictures Elea wearing a simple robe, wielding a wooden staff, and chanting "Wolololo!" at unsuspecting people, but I quickly shake it off.

Without further ado, I escape from the bedroom and stroll through the mansion. I pass by a number of ladies, pausing to chat just briefly with them. Most girls are already slowly getting ready for the evening as it's going to be a working one. It just shows how excited they are about it and that makes me glad for them. I can feel genuine happiness in their upbeat voices and curious questions about what else is in store for our establishment. They know many ideas come from me, though others are pitching in more and more.

I locate the temporary dorms in a blink. The entrance doesn't look like anything special, just another wooden door in a dark grey wall below the ground. Thanks to yesterday's initiation, I can sense all of the mercenary ladies on the other side. For a moment, I consider barging in like a drill sergeant and seeing how they react to my obnoxious shouting and firm orders, but I dismiss that idea. They deserve much better.

So, I knock lightly, just strong enough to penetrate whatever noise might be filling the room on the other side. In just a moment, someone opens the door a little and I recognize the pure-blood Leopardkin girl in the gap. Various sounds of chatting, laughter, and groans reach my ears from behind her. She must have been close to the door, or no one else bothered answering it and she felt like she had to take it upon herself.

"Hello." I smile at Yuru as her eyes widen in surprise. "May I come in?"

She glances over her shoulder with a bit of panic in her movement, but it's clear that she doesn't really want to go against my wishes. I chuckle lightly as she returns her cute, furry face to me.

"Is right now perhaps not the best moment?" I raise a playful brow at her, trying to peer through the gap.

"Ummmm…" She appears uncertain about what to say.

I lean in to combat our difference in height and reach out to caress her fluffy cheek, aiming to help Yuru relax a little. She sighs softly and starts releasing quiet purrs, rubbing her face into my palm. Additionally, I seize a peek inside and smile to myself. She raises her gaze as I slow down the scratches, and I put a finger against my mouth in a shushing gesture. Catching up immediately, she nods, so I bring myself even closer and leave a peck on her sweet lips.

As quietly as possible, Yuru opens the door for me and I slip inside, now continuing to ruffle through her hair and ears. We enter what looks like a simple rectangular room with two rows of just as simple bunk beds on the sides. Like, military camp simple. Wouldn't surprise me to learn that Shino has her part in it.

All the other girls are gathered in the middle of the room, sitting on the floor in that single, central corridor separating the two rows of beds on the edges. Some of them do hang out over the bunks close to the event they are hosting, which seems to be cards of some sort. Additionally, there's one woman tied up bondage style, hanging off the two frames above their play area. She's naked, of course, upside down, and with one of the microphone-like toys pressed into her exposed flower, buzzing energetically. Perhaps the loser of the previous round or game or whatever.

If not for the gag in her mouth, she might have already warned her teammates about my presence as she is positioned right towards the door. She is wriggling and whining with her eyes wide in terror, but the players below just laugh at her and give her a shove now and then, thinking that she's just struggling from the administered stimulation.

Thus, before anyone else notices, I nudge Yuru to lead the way and we approach her spot, which, as I suspected, is technically the closest to the door. I inconspicuously slip my hands under her armpits and we sit together, with her in my lap, obstructing most of me. The women are so focused on their game and banter that they miss me, somehow. Save for the victim, who wriggles even more, trying to point at me with her head.

I notice that the ladies are in various states of undress, missing pieces of their clothing, which seem partially random, so I assume they are playing strip poker or such. The next round confirms it as the dealer adds Yuru back to the table after her brief absence. She picks the cards up and we hold them together. The entire time, I keep nuzzling my nose into her incredible fur, clearly, to her own enjoyment too.

Finally, it comes to the stakes, and everyone states their bet. When it's our turn, I lean forward and whisper to Yuru's ear. She nods softly and pushes all of her colourful marbles which seem to represent tokens to the centre of the pile. It doesn't attract as much attention as I hoped it would, until…

"All in," I add vocally.

The dealer freezes, and a fraction of a second later, everyone else follows suit. Instant silence descends onto the room, save for the whimpering of the tied-up Tiefling and the buzzing of her vibrator. All the faces snap to Yuru's position and I smirk at them from over her shoulder, nuzzling my cheek into hers.

Not a blink later, all the women spring to their feet, causing a fluttering of cards in the air, and form two rows in front of us, standing at attention, with their lips pressed into thin lines and faces pale as ghosts. Those unobstructed by fur, at least.

I notice a delicate grin on Yuru's muzzle and she hops out of my lap with a complete lack of rush. She trots to the side and takes her spot in the right row just next to me. She tries to act composed and strict like the others, but the tiny smile fails to leave her cute mouth.

And that's exactly why this whole thing was worth it.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I ask, slowly getting up too. "Anyone cares to explain?"

At that very moment, the Tiefling reaches her limit and her muffled cries grow by an octave as her eyes roll to the back of her head. She shudders strongly and a few trickles of nectar burst around the head of the vibrator, raining down on the abandoned cards and trailing over her delicious front.

Perhaps the fact that my movement brought her face-level with my crotch might have had some part in this.

"Get her down," I command with a flick of my head.

Yuru jumps to action first, joined by who I think was Oniri, the half-blood Foxkin with golden hair and fur. They quickly untangle the Tiefling enough to take her off the contraption and put her in an upright position. They still need to support their wobbly friend on their shoulders, but everyone is now effectively in order.

"Now, what am I going to do with you…" I roam my squinted gaze over their faces.

A collective gulp travels through the air.

I smirk at them. "At ease. And thank Yuru. I might have been a bit more angry if she didn't come to answer the door for all of you."

They all relax a little bit and mutter their thanks to the leopardgirl. I reward her with some more ear scratches, enjoying her adorable purrs.

"What brings you here, Boss?" Ressia, the half-blood Wolfkin asks.

"What if I wanted in on your little fun?" I glance over the cards and the nude hostage.

She chuckles wryly, but I catch a few curious and eager glances sent my way.

"Maybe another day." I shake my head with a grin. "I need to talk to you about something. It's a bit sensitive so just understand that I'm not trying to offend you or undermine your beliefs."

"You can tell us anything, Leader. We exist to follow your beliefs," the Orc woman says, and others murmur in agreement.

"I appreciate it. Though, this might be a bit weird." I run my fingers through my hair. "There's one thing you most likely weren't briefed about me during your training. You might have heard that the Goddess favours me, or even that I can communicate with her, but there's one more thing. Technically speaking, I'm a god. Partially, at least."

A wave of gasps echoes through the dorms and they all look between themselves with shock. I try to judge their initial reactions, and I guess it comes as quite simple. The specific Beastkin features imply that they are excited about the reveal. Some other tails wag a bit too.

"This might come as heresy to claim as such to you, so I apologise. But, I can show you my title to prove it. You can say that this is due to the Goddess' will. Anyway, with that on the table, comes one specific feature. As a Demigod of Lust, I can appoint Apostles and Devotees. The former is already taken, but the latter is still open. Your instructors were inclined to think that you would be interested in becoming my representatives in the world, introducing my person to the people you meet on your assignments. It's nothing as serious as trying to convert people to believe in me, but make them aware that there's another entity by the Goddess' side that can hear their prayers and maybe make some wishes come true. Especially regarding the physical aspects of love."

I pause for a moment to let my words sink in.

"So, what do you think?" I ask, just a tiny bit nervous. "Anyone interested?"

Suddenly, the air gets drowned in a chorus of voices as every single person starts talking at once. Their words are a jumbled mess and I quickly raise my hands to calm them down.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. One at a time, girls." I chuckle to myself. "Ressia?"

The wolfgirl steps forward. "I think I speak for everyone here saying that it would be an unspeakable honour to represent you as a god, Boss. We've already felt incredibly proud to be the faces of your mercenary corps, but this is just… insane. We get to serve a… god? Directly? That will make us practically Heroes!"

Other ladies nod enthusiastically.

"Don't you think that this might not be received too well by the people of the realm?" I ask curiously.

"Are you an evil god trying to take over the world and kill the Goddess?" Oniri, the ninja fox asks.

"No." I snort a little. "In fact, it's the opposite. I'm helping her save it."

"Then there should be no problem. Even less if you are able to create some miracles. But, with what we've heard from our instructors, your strength and abilities have already reached that level," she replies with a kind smile.

"I'll be learning about that in a moment." I smile back at her. "Can't promise anything, though."

"The power you gave us is already a miracle," Yuru breaks her silence and adds shyly.

"Yeah! I've never felt so mighty! My abilities are like three times stronger now!" One of the Elves pumps her fist into the air, starting a wave of cheers.

"I don't think I'm going to fuck every single one of my followers to grant them this boon but we'll see." I snicker and they laugh with me.

"Does that make us special, then?" someone else asks.

"Of course." I nod at them. "There might be many females that have currently spent intimate time with me, but I appreciate and trust all of you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have received the choice to become my Partners. Not everyone gets it. And now, you have another choice in front of you. Perhaps of a similar significance."

"We agree," Ressia quickly responds. "We will make you proud, Boss. And well-known too. There will be altars of you everywhere around the realm soon."

I can't help but laugh a bit at their devotion and dedication, finding the same enthusiasm in everyone else. "Very well. Just maybe tone it down with those monuments of faith. Just simple prayers will suffice."

"And what do your prayers look like?" One of the Tieflings raises a hand.

"Uhhhh… Good question!" I snap my fingers at her.

"Maybe something like this?" The Oni girl clears her throat. "Oh Lord Alastair, the embodiment of love and carnal pleasure, I offer you my deepest gratitude for this seed I'm about to welcome into my womb, and dedicate my ardent cries to your benevolent name in hopes that you may choose to bless me with certain fertility and an orgasm equal the divine release brought upon us mortals by your celestial member. I seek only eternal pleasure in your sacred embrace. By your grace."

The girls clap happily while I just stare at her proud smile with a blank expression.

"Well… I'll think about it…" I laugh awkwardly. "For now, let's just formalise your position. Come here. And someone help the poor girl with the ropes."

They snicker together and I slowly accept them as my Devotees, promising to explain more in detail after my talk with the Goddess. Before I leave, though, they talk me into one game with them and I play in tandem with Yuru, who returns to my lap, eager to receive more affection. The other Beastkin girls look at her with envy, but they direct those feelings into their desire to win. As I learn during the game, the main prize is one of the empty vouchers, which belongs to the tied-up loser who was hanging in the air during my entrance.

She really must have lost it damn hard.

After a little bit of fun, I thank them for the company, administer some kisses, rubs, and scratches, and turn to leave. On my way out, I mention that they will soon have proper housing in their new headquarters and that they should be expecting their first mission soon, suggesting that they get accustomed to their new strength as soon as possible. They promise to go after finishing their bets and I wish them luck.

With a quick mental message, I call Elea to me and we meet in my bedroom. She showers me with her own affection and gratitude for the new position I have graced her with earlier, perhaps also somewhat excited about a chance to spend more time with the Goddess without the risk of spiritual explosion.

After fooling around for a few minutes, we dive into our minds and arrive in my Soul Realm. Partially as expected, Ailish greets us in the pink world with a big smile. But, my attention instantly switches to the thing behind her. A massive, ornate castle stands over all of us, its towers suspiciously phallus-shaped and its windows and archways resembling hearts or some other, also suspicious openings.

"And what the fuck is this now?" I swipe a hand down my face as the ladies chuckle in amusement by my side.

Someone has lots of explaining to do.

Saileri Saileri

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