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42.67% I Own a Brothel in Another World / Chapter 102: Proper Hospitality

Capítulo 102: Proper Hospitality

In the beginning, we just walk in relative silence while heading towards the meeting place. But, it doesn't stay like that for long. Marcia quite quickly starts pulling everyone into various short conversations, including of course Ghilerie and Teffith.

Even though the majority of our current group consists of people who rarely speak, for whatever reasons, be it due to their shy nature or being silent introverts, for example, she never backs down and exchanges a few words with all of us. And no one seems to be especially bothered. She is really talented at being social and it shows clearly.

I have no doubts that this quite colourful group was able to somehow become friends with each other thanks to her influence. Many of them are visibly different and it's honestly a miracle they managed to stay together for so long without any major conflicts in their ranks.

It also seems that Marcia was an important factor in Kamil at least trying to look at things differently. I honestly wasn't sure if he would ever change even slightly ever, or if he wouldn't at some point dig himself even deeper into that pit of negative emotions.

But, fortunately, things are starting to look a little better now thanks to this truly incredible girl. I hope everything will only keep moving forward just like that, without any more misunderstandings and hostility. This journey together is a great opportunity to be the first step on that new path.

Well… One thing I'm pretty sure everyone can agree with me is the fact that Marcia is very open with herself. I would say… a little bit too open. Open enough to voice her quite indecent thoughts out in the open, in the middle of a crowded street.

Many people turn their heads towards our group when they hear quite vivid descriptions of Marcia's intimate plans with the toys she has received from me, and not only. Pretty much no topic is able to make her embarrassed or ashamed to any extent. What can't be said about the four of us accompanying her.

Finally, after around fifteen minutes, we reach our destination and notice the rest of the party tending to their chosen horses. I must say, each animal looks strong and majestic like from some tale.

Fortunately, the King didn't throw any flashy caparisons on them, aiming to flaunt our affiliation, and the horses wear only the necessary equipment on their backs, like saddles and bags. Now that Shino has a sizable storage ring, they don't need as many of them as previously.

Paul comes to greet us when we get close enough.

"I see that you still like to show up early no matter which world it is, Alastair."

"Old habits die hard. But, I'm not the first one this time. Anyway, you are the leader here, right?"

He nods with a wry smile. "Damn, it still feels awkward calling your teacher by name. But yes, I ended up taking that position. Thanks to my Class, I can observe the others from a distance so it was the best choice. You are fine with that, right?"

I chuckle. "Trust me, it feels as weird to me as it does to you. And yeah, no issues here. I'll fill you in on what I can do after we depart so that you can put me wherever you think will work the best. Don't expect too much from that little show we had a few days ago. There are some limits and restrictions for me to go that far."

"Not to sound rude, but I've already considered that with just your Class's name. Still, that duel was impressive and I'm sure our party will only get stronger and safer with you around."

Marcia leans into me from the side and winks at him. "Our party will certainly get much stronger. Especially the female half." She chuckles while grazing her hand over my chest.

I roll my eyes at that. "I hope you don't expect me to sleep with everyone every three days, forgetting the fact that only one person here has gotten intimate with me before. Teffith and Ghilerie aren't like that."

Shino drops her gaze to the ground and blushes a little, knowing well who I'm talking about. Marcia pouts at me, rubbing herself into my side even more.

"That's not fair~ Shino said you agreed to help us grow stronger~ We can't waste this opportunity after finally reuniting~ Am I not right, Nat?"

Natalie turns her head around as she has been caressing her white horse and rolls her eyes at the redhead. "Do whatever you want but don't casually assume I want to get into Mr Carter's pants as much as you do."

She returns to her previous activity and Marcia leans closer to my ear with a snicker.

"Don't worry, she's just a bit shy. There's nothing more fun than some group intimacy within good friends~"

I sigh and shake my head. Shino slides her petite hand into mine and I glance at her with a soft smile. She reciprocates it with the same as her cheeks turn a bit rosier. It would be too much for me to expect nothing sexual happening during this trip, wouldn't it? I bet Shino's head is already full of countless outdoor plans.

In any way, we move past this slightly awkward conversation and get to finishing the preparations. That's when I notice that something is not right. There are eight of us in total but I can only see seven horses.

Just as I turn around to walk up to Paul again to ask about it, I notice Shino standing behind me while cutely digging her foot in the ground and glancing half to the side, with her hands joined behind her back.

I put mine on my hips and squint my eyes at the adorable shortie. "This is your doing, isn't it?"

Shino doesn't say anything but her fleeting gaze as she attempts to look at me is enough of an answer.

"Ummm… It looks like the King didn't have enough horses to spare… So… I think we have to ride together, Sensei…"

But of course. And I was wondering why this saddle seemed a bit bigger than the other ones. This little sly devil planned this from the very start. I should have expected something like this.

"Seriously… You seem to be perfectly fine with showing our relationship to everyone now. If you have prepared yourself for the consequences of this decision, then I will gladly oblige," I answer with a mysterious smile.

She blushes even harder and nods very faintly, making me chuckle. I brush through her beautiful black hair and we continue tending to our horse together. No one else has any issues during the preparation and we soon bring our valiant steeds out of their temporary shelter, walking with them through the gate.

After the guards bid us farewell, I help Shino up and jump behind her with ease. She immediately leans more into me, giving me a shy glance over her shoulder. This damned adorable thing wants my heart to explode.

We move out in a previously discussed formation. Kamil and Marcia take the front, Paul, Natalie and Ghilerie ride in the middle, and our teacher-student duo closes the back with Teffith, effectively putting our archers and bard in between all of us.

From time to time, when we are riding through big and safe trails, Paul switches with Teffith so that the two of us can talk a bit easier. As promised, I fill him in on my abilities and stats while he shares with me everything useful about all of them and their usual strategies.

Naturally, I do mention all of my stuff so the petite girl sitting right in front of me grows very flustered at least a few times, knowing well that Paul's intelligent enough to connect most if not all of it with what the two of us might have gone through. That's what you get for trying to act sly. Now suffer in shame and my affectionate hugs.

We do have some distance to cover as the supposed location of Ghilerie's settlement is quite far, near the very border of the Human lands. For the most part, we will be moving through simple and comfortable routes with some smaller towns on the path so there shouldn't be many dangers awaiting us.

That is unless our group of isekai protagonists on an escort quest doesn't miraculously stumble on a group of completely oblivious bandits or some kind of a Demon Lord taking a stroll through the Human lands while undercover. I'm low-key expecting something to happen even though I would prefer things to stay normal.

And the highest chance of anything going off the rails is when we will have to travel through a landmark called the Barren Valley. There's a short but wide mountain range on our path that separates us from the almost completely devoid of life desert that looks like a dried-up lake all over.

We could go around it but that would delay us by at least a week or two depending on the circumstances and isn't exactly that much safer either. So, considering our decently strong party, we'll just go straight through. I mean, merchants do that all the time with their escorts so we wouldn't be able to?

Past the Barren Valley, we will be around two-thirds into our journey, arriving semi-close to the border. We'll have to start looking around more at that point, perhaps trying to gather some information from the locals too. Maybe we will be able to track down the bandits that captured Ghilerie. I'm sure she would appreciate an opportunity for payback. And the less scum in this world the better for all those monstergirls.

The first day of our great expedition passes uneventfully. As it starts getting darker, we move off the path and set up a camp for the night. Since we do have quite some cooking equipment and utensils in one of my storage rings, prepared of course by Sirgia, we are able to fix a decent meal instead of relying on travelling supplies.

Marcia and Paul take care of the dish and I quickly learn that they are good cooks. The former boasts about her skills the whole time while preparing the food and the latter lets his actions speak louder than words. They cooperate well together so I assume it's something common.

From what I know, Shino isn't that good at it and I could bet Kamil knows jack shit about cooking. I have no idea about Natalie, but considering how busy her past life should have been, I would assume she didn't have time to study that too. She already was putting a lot of it into the school subjects. Unless it's her secret hobby. Who knows.

Naturally, both of my other companions can handle it by themselves, having plenty of experience surviving in the wilds and just generally on the go. And Marcia notices that. They agree to take turns in preparing food during our journey so that we can cycle between different cuisines. This should be fun.

Today though, we end up with white borscht from the Human duo. Some potatoes, eggs and sausages. A really good one. It tastes like back at home, which is surprising considering that they used ingredients only from this world. They know what they are doing.

After the meal, we spend some time over the maps to discuss what paths to take while moving forward and then head out to our respective tents, deciding on the order of night shifts. There's enough of us to cover them pretty comfortably.

I did suggest taking care of that since staying up a single night is not even worth mentioning for me after all the changes and upgrades, but most of them, especially the girls, didn't want to agree to my offer. Marcia was leading the opposition and I can guess why. That would give her fewer chances to sneak into my tent.

Therefore, I end up taking only the first shift and then getting replaced by Shino after my time ends. For a while longer, I chat with my girls back at the mansion as I relax in my tent. Just some random topics and how both sides are doing.

We agreed to have such brief meetings to talk before I left. Mostly thanks to me noticing that I got proficient enough with Whispers to join us together in the form of something akin to a conference. A very lewd and sensual-sounding conference, but I digress. It's fun.

At some point, I hear footsteps closing onto my location. I sigh to myself while resting on my back with my hands behind my head, waiting to see who is the one going to show up at the entrance. Or if they will announce themselves.

They stop shortly before the front of the material and just wait there for a few moments. I'm not sure if they are hesitating or are trying to figure out if I'm asleep. Well, considering the fact that I haven't yet turned off the small lantern by my side, I guess it's the former, but you can never know. I could have dozed off with it still on.

Finally, after around three minutes, a hand pierces the slit of the entrance, which is held together by magnetic mana flowing through a set of vertical runes, and a familiar face peeks inside. As expected, it's Shino. Who else would be this indecisive? She must have finished her shift just recently.

Our gazes meet and I raise a brow at her. "What brings you to my humble abode at this late hour?"

She smiles shyly, clearly holding back a giggle and blushes a little. I chuckle at her reaction and extend my hand forward, still lying on my back.

"Come in. You don't need an invitation or a specific reason to be here, do you?"

Sino nods and walks inside, closing the entrance properly. She then turns around and just stands there slightly embarrassed like the adorable thing she is.

"Ummm… Do you mind if… we slept together, Sensei?"

I shake my head. "Of course not. I was wondering how long you will last before sneaking into my tent, but I honestly thought it would take a little longer than just a few hours after we departed."

Shino turns a shade redder from my remark. I gesture at her with my still extended hand while smiling warmly. She clutches her shirt for a brief moment and her clothes disappear a few seconds later, leaving her just in underwear. Dark purple this time, huh. It matches her charming eyes perfectly.

She slowly walks closer and uses the help of my hand to lie by my side after I make some space on the comfy mattress. I cover us with a thin blanket and turn towards the lovely little lady, meeting her gaze. Shino stares at me for a second and gently pecks my lips before snuggling closer to me.

I thought that would be all, but after ten minutes, I realize that her heart has no intentions of slowing down its quite raised tempo.

"Say, Sensei…" She finally decides to speak, raising her eyes to meet mine again. "Are you tired?"

I chuckle at her. "Me? Tired? You should know me well enough to understand how good my endurance is. I could get up now and spend hours exercising before having to rest."

Her cheeks grow even more flushed after she realizes that I've seen through her intentions. I move my face a bit closer and we join our lips in a tame kiss.

"Then… My instructors always told me… that if I don't feel spent before going to sleep… I should train more… So…"

"That won't do. You should always listen to the advice of your elders. Should I make sure that you are properly exhausted before we fall asleep then?"

I smirk at her and draw the Hall of Serenity sigil between us, letting Shino watch how it comes to life around us. Recognizing the spell after it activates, she gives me a faint nod and I can sense her slender fingers beginning to brush over my chest.

My hand ventures over her smooth belly too and arrives at the piece of material down below. As expected, my fingers run over a very damp spot quite quickly. She's been thinking about it for a while.

Just as Shino wishes, we spend two hours making sure that she gets completely exhausted, trying out countless exercises in the form of numerous positions. Unfortunately, or fortunately, thanks to the boost from my stats, Shino doesn't tire as easily as before, thus such a long practice time.

Naturally, as her instructor, it would be a shame if I wouldn't be able to match her stamina, but there's nothing to worry about in that aspect. I could train with her for many hours more if the need arises. Although, maybe in a different place. This tent limits our options substantially and we have to be careful not to tear through the material walls by accident.

After around seven rounds of intense exercise, Shino finally tires out enough to peacefully doze off in my embrace with a dreamy smile, snuggled to my chest. I deactivate the sound-cancelling barrier and follow after her shortly, placing a kiss on her forehead.

In the morning, I wake up to a weird sensation that is already familiar enough for me to instantly recognize what is happening.

And, of course, I find Shino under the blanket, bringing me from the dreamland in a quite indecent way. She explains herself by saying that she always wanted to wake me up with a morning blowjob. I wonder what else is on her to-do list. Some tent action can already be crossed out.

We fix each other up, exchange a few good morning kisses, and head out, lured by the scent of already prepared breakfast. As we sit together and enjoy our portions, I catch a few people glancing our way, including my travelling companions and the very ostentatiously pouting Marcia.

「Do they know? I'm pretty sure that I've laid the silencing array down properly. Kamil doesn't look any different, focused on his meal, and Paul's usual, calm nature prevents me from making any accurate guesses.」

Natalie, sitting on my other side, leans closer to me and whispers to my ear.

"I would suggest turning the lamp off for the next time."

「Ah, shit.」

I chuckle inwardly, realizing that we have turned it off after we were done. I can only imagine the shadow theatre that took place last night. Shino shivers a little, managing to hear Natalie's message, starting to grow redder and redder while dropping her gaze.

After breakfast, we continue our ride through the safe trails. A few days pass without much happening. We meet some caravans and other people heading both ways and stop by three small villages. Since we aren't in an extreme rush, we take our time, letting the horses rest properly. We are making good progress nevertheless.

I expected Marcia to try and sneak into my tent next, or at least act a bit more implicative, but she surprisingly doesn't press too much on the case. Maybe it's because Shino keeps sleeping by my side. Marcia's always been very understanding and considerate of others. That or the girls are scheming something.

Because nothing is actually happening on the way to our destination, we don't yet get a chance to practice our cooperation or properly fight together. Due to that, we all agree to check if the next village or town isn't in need of some help. I'm still surprised we haven't stumbled on bandits on the first day. Where are all the cliches when you need them?

Therefore, three days later, we arrive in the decently-sized village of Novum. It's closer to a town but the people living there keep calling it a village so why should we argue with them? The good point is, there's a small Adventurer's Guild branch here and that means there should be some tasks.

We leave our horses at the stables and book a few rooms at the local inn before heading out for some job hunting. Some villagers give our group uncertain looks and I'm pretty sure that's because of Teffith and Ghilerie. I'm glad there's no open hostility. As I've heard, the further from the big cities and capitals, the less friction between the races.

With everything set, we enter the guild's building. There are more people inside than I thought there would be. But, judging by the quest boards, there's not that much work to be done, at least for the lower ranks.

While passing by, I catch a few pieces of papers with ranks above and including C. Guess this bunch either doesn't care about those due to the risk or they are just all low ranks. It's not like this village is specifically on any very crowded travelling routes so the number of higher-ranked adventurers might not be that high.

We stop in front of a free receptionist, a mature woman with long copper hair and amber eyes. She smiles while swiping with her gaze over each of us, most likely trying to pinpoint the leader.

Her eyes remain on Kamil the longest since he wears the most flashy armour out of all of us, but Paul makes a step forward before she addresses him, capturing the woman's attention.

"Welcome to Novum's Adventurer's Guild! Considering that I don't recognize your faces, I assume that it's most likely your first time here. How can I help you today?"

"Hello. We are just passing by and decided to check if there's anything we could help with while taking a rest in the village," Paul replies.

"I'm glad to hear that and I hope you will enjoy your time here. As for work, are you all one big party?" she asks, glancing at the non-human members.

"You could say that we are two parties temporarily working together," I answer. "These five are one while I'm with the Dragonewt and Elf ladies. They aren't adventurers. Is that a problem?"

She quickly shakes her head. "No, of course not. I was just curious after seeing the collar."

Right. Teffith chose to wear hers even though I told her that it isn't really necessary. I remember her usually taking it off while not working in the past, but it seems that she got used to it and started keeping it on most of the time. And well, the fact that it's a spatial storage might be another reason.

"I'm a registered combat slave. This collar was a gift from my master," Teffith surprisingly joins in, glancing my way.

"I see. I honestly think it looks very lovely, like a very well-thought piece of jewellery. But, anyway, there's no problem as long as at least one person in the group is a registered adventurer. The guild has no issues with them employing more help but they have to remember that the reward will be paid out to the person who registered for the quest and we don't have any say in what happens after that."

"That doesn't really concern us since we are all good friends here," Marcia comments, throwing her arms around Paul's and Kamil's necks.

"Then, could I ask about your ranks? I will check if we have anything fitting it. But, I can already tell you that most lower-level tasks are gone so quickly people even make queues and reservations for them."

Paul takes over again. "The five of us are B-rank. We are a party from Evaneheim called The Five Chosen."

Interesting name. Looks like Kamil didn't manage to push through them with something too cringy, which is good. It does hint about them being Heroes but just smartly not enough to be too obvious. I kind of like the sound of it. Wonder who came up with it.

The receptionist moves her gaze to me and that's when I realize that it's our turn.

「Hmmm… We don't have a name... Should I come up with one? Considering that we might be a mercenary force in the future, I guess I should... Oh, I know.」

"I'm an E-rank and the leader of Utopia's First Regiment, Eden Alpha. The Dragonewt lady is my companion and we are escorting this Elf traveller to a certain destination."

Ghilerie nods her head towards the receptionist. "I'm unaffiliated and unregistered."

"And do you plan on taking the quest together? I'm pretty sure we have something for a B-rank if the last subjugation hasn't been withdrawn since no one was able to pick it up, but I don't think it's a good idea to drag an E-rank around, especially with just a single combat slave. I can't stop your party from taking the quest and then doing it together, but I would strongly advise against bringing any unnecessary dead weight to high-ranked tasks," the receptionist says to Paul, giving me a slightly unamused look.

A snicker reaches our ears somewhere from behind. "Looks like we got another leech here, heh."

「Oh boy. Are we finally going to get into the Typical Random Guild Encounter Number Twenty-One? Nah, I know better than to respond to some idiots trash-talking behind our backs. Like I care whatever any of you think. We'll just—」

"Who said that?!" Shino turns around and scans the room with an angry glare. "I dare you to repeat that! Sensei is not a leech! He is stronger than everyone in this hall!"

「Typical Random Guild Encounter Number Twenty-One it is then...」

Some buff, bald dude in leather armour chuckles again. "Yeah? Why is he an E-rank then? Got too stressed during the examination? Or maybe his slave-nanny wasn't allowed to carry him through it?"

A few other people laugh at his words and they certainly don't make Shino happy. I make a quick prayer in my mind, barely squeezing it in before Shino's figure disappears in pure-black shadow and plunges itself into the ground.

A loud crash follows and the guy flies through the window after Shino shows up right in front of him with an already prepared kick, of course, shattering it into pieces.

The guys sitting with him stand up and reach for their weapons. "You bitch—"

As I snap my fingers, ominous purple chains shoot up from the floor in a blink and bind the four men, completely restricting their movements.

"Sit down if you don't want to end up torn into shreds," I say to them after they turn their heads my way, leaking out quite a bit of killing intent, which is just pretty much condensed mana properly aimed at somebody.

The whole hall falls silent from the previous murmuring and I don't see anyone intervening. After squinting my eyes at the four men, they nod nervously and I retract the chains. Surprisingly, they don't follow the Standard Thug Protocol and sit back down instead of throwing themselves at us while shouting expletives.

Shino walks back to us and stops in front of the receptionists. "I demand a reevaluation. I will not let anyone slander Sensei's name."

Under the intense glare of the girl who has just sent a massive man flying, the receptionist sweats a little.

"Uhhh… I'm sorry but our branch is too small to be authorized to hold those… There's no one with their rank high enough to be an instructor…"

"And you still pick on random adventurers of low rank?" Paul sighs while shaking his head.

"This shithole sucks. Should we just go to the next one?" Kamil asks.

"No need." I plop my hand on Shino's hair and ruffle through it. "I don't care about this stuff. Do you have any jobs for them or not?" I ask the receptionist.

"Ah. Yes. Please, give me a moment and I'll check!"

She runs off to the back room and leaves us alone in this silent hall. I glance down at Shino.

"There was no need to do that. Just ignore them. But, thank you. I appreciate you standing up for me."

"I'm sorry… I will try…"

I chuckle seeing her blush with that lowered gaze. The receptionist soon comes back and hands us a B-ranked quest with a wide smile, acting very polite and cooperative, even to me. The task is to subjugate a big group of Kobolds that has made the nearby cavern system their den and is sometimes harassing the village.

From what I know, Kobolds aren't that hard to handle and they should have been able to deal with them if they grouped up even half of the people currently present in this guild, but maybe the number is really too high for that.

The receptionist informs us that the scouts noticed Kobold hunters moving out at five in the evening and strongly suggests striking at that time to assure the highest safety with their forces split.

There are still three hours until that time so we accept the task and walk away to wander through the village a bit to discuss our approach with whatever information we have received. This should be a decent opportunity to practice together and showcase our abilities to each other.

We move out of the village a bit earlier to arrive at the marked spot before the mentioned time to see the Kobolds leaving with our own eyes. Gotta make sure that the info is accurate or if their habits didn't change.

Half an hour before their supposed departure, we arrive at our destination. The bottom of a rocky cliff indeed enters our sight. But, there's one small problem. There's no entrance to any cave anywhere near.

I'm sure we are at the right place. It's impossible to make a mistake with a map and at least three experts at reading it and guiding others through the woods.

"Maybe that chick gave us the wrong map because she got a tad nervous?" Marcia suggests.

"It even has handwritten notes on how to get here on it so that's very unlikely," Paul comments.

I walk closer to Teffith, who is kneeling to the ground on the side. "Found any tracks?"

"Yes, I did. They even look fresh. But… I don't think these belong to Kobolds…"

"I agree," Ghilerie joins in and turns around towards the forest. "There are people around us."

"What? Who?" Kamil asks in confusion.

"Come out! It's pointless to keep hiding anymore!" she shouts into the woods.

Just when Shino opens her mouth to ask something, people start walking out of the trees.

「Ahhhhhhh, fuck.」

I quickly recognize at least a bunch of faces from the Adventurer's Guild. Many adventurers make their way closer, all of them dressed in armour and armed, with their weapons already drawn. There's at least twenty of them, if not more. And the guy with the smashed face is amongst them too, of course.

"What is the meaning of this?" Paul asks as all of us reach for our weapons too.

Some random dude steps forward. "This? This is just our little village showing you guys proper hospitality. We have failed as hosts previously so it's only natural to fix that mistake, isn't it? Hahahaha!"

A few other people laugh with him and I sigh while rubbing my temples. "So, there were no Kobolds from the start, weren't there?"

"Oh, there were. I can see them very well. They are standing right in front of us, aren't they?"

"For fucks sake…"

They laugh again until Kamil interrupts them while pointing his fancy sword at the crowd.

"You fuckers! Why would you even do this?!"

"It's simple. Our village is like one big family. And a family takes good care of its members. We don't take kindly to outsiders who harm our people. Well, we don't take kindly to outsiders in general since they disrupt our workflow and steal our quests, but that's another thing."

"That means it's not just us receiving such hospitality." I look at them with disdain.

"Whoops. We have a perceptive one here. Good thing you guys caused a scene. It made it easier to gather folks for this. They are usually quite lazy." The men around him laugh. "We can't risk some smartypants snooping around our village, can we?"

"Typical Human scum…" Ghilerie curses by my side.

"I can't even refute that..." I sigh again.

"Alright. Enough chit-chatting. Let's get it done. Millie is already preparing a round of beer for our return."

The adventurers cheer and get ready to charge us.

"Are you guys completely retarded?"

But, my question stops them in their tracks before they even make a single step.

"What did you say?!" the man who got himself beaten by Shino responds.

"I asked if you guys are completely retarded. Did I fucking stutter?"

I can spot veins bulging out on the bald guy's head. Some other dudes get a little riled up too.

"These guys on my side are all B-ranks and you know it well. You even saw one of them wreck your guy in a flash. Do you really think a band of lowlifes below C-rank stands a chance against them?"

"Ha! So what? We outnumber you guys three to one. Do you really think there's such a big gap between B and D-rank? It's as close as D is to F-rank. We are all adventurers here. Who do you think your friends that you are using to hide behind their skirts are? Some battlefield heroes?"

「You have no idea...」

"Listen. This is your last chance to reconsider it. You are making a huge mistake." I make one last attempt.

The self-proclaimed leader rubs his chin while tilting his head. "Hmmm… Maybe you are right..."

「There's no way they will back down with just this, right?」

"You have a quite pretty face. Killing you straight away would be a huge waste. Little Willy has been sulking for like two months already. He could use a new boyfriend after the last one kicked the bucket. I'm tired of taking baths with my ass constantly clenched."

I shiver when a wave of killing intent much stronger than what I have emitted earlier washes over me from behind, crashing into them too.

「Aaaaaaaaaaaand they are dead...」

Saileri Saileri

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