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64% A Girl For Her / Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Capítulo 16: Chapter 16

Scarlett was so happy to hear the news that Jana was going back to where she came from, so she called her mother up saying,

"Mom, guess what?"

Andrea sighed replying,

"What Scarlett?"

Scarlett giggled with jittery responding,

"Jana is going back to Kansas with those kids of hers. I have won Angel over even by making her Annabel."

Andrea just sighed again replying,

"Good to hear baby girl."

Scarlett felt frustrated that her mother didn't feel the same excitement as she responded,

"Are you happy mom? I got Angel just like I wanted many years ago."

Andrea let out a frustrated sigh replying,

"No, I'm not happy with you Scarlett. You have taken a young woman's identity and changed her into something she's not also forced her to be with you when she was already in love with another woman. This will now follow me to my grave because you destroyed Angel of the nice woman she was."

Scarlett wanted to hang up on her mother but she couldn't so she replied,

"Mom, it is my choice of life on how I deal with Angel and she is Annabel always will be. I see no point in keeping her as Angel when all she complain about is wanting to be with Jana and Jana isn't worth it for her."

Andrea just took a deep breath responding,

"Scarlett, I will never understand why you are this way but you are it is your life not mine."

Scarlett laughed as Annabel came in from work replying to her mom,

"Sorry mom, gotta go Annabel just came home and I have to get ready for work I'll call tomorrow, love you bunches."

Scarlett hung up as she placed her phone down then ran over to Annabel giving her a big hug and kiss saying,

"Welcome home my love, how was work today?"

Annabel shook her head no replying,

"It wasn't easy today and I'm very sore everywhere, I'm going to get a bath to relax for the evening."

Scarlett smacked her ass responding,

"Go ahead babe, I have to get out the door again before work calls to make it in for some meeting, I'm not sure when I'll be home."

Annabel kissed Scarlett then headed to the shower as she replied,

"Have a great evening at work because I'm probably going to crash once I get out of the bath."

Scarlett nodded then got herself dressed in a work suit that was blue and came with a skirt also wore a blue bow around her neck and a white undershirt. Scarlett called out to Annabel saying,

"I am leaving, love you baby and get some good rest, I will see you in the morning."

Angel shouted back,

"Alright babe, love you too!"

Scarlett left with a weight on her shoulder knowing she will most likely have to have sex with Jerry Huffington at Murphy Business & Financial Corporation she hated when he called late at night just for it but she had to keep her job.

Scarlett had arrived at her job in a hour within that time Jerry was five feet ten inches,two hundred forty pounds,dirty blonde hair,hair cut neatly with gel,white skin, and green eyes. Jerry waved Scarlett over saying,

"Don't you look lovely Mrs. Thomas, hope your wife knows you will be "working" late? Because we are going to have fun again."

Scarlett sighed replying,

"My wife knows I won't be home until morning."

Jerry nodded in agreement responding,

"Let's get to our hotel room downtown, so you can be close to your home in case your wife calls."

Scarlett let Jerry place his hand on the small of her back knowing she hated where this is going as they left the business. They arrived at the hotel within thirty minutes then got the room within ten minutes with Jerry signing the room. They reached the room as Jerry unlocked the room then Scarlett walked in the room sashaying her ass as she sat down on the bed.

When he leaned in close kissing her lips with passion as Jerry worked achingly slow he trailed kiss after kiss down her neck and onto her chest. His hot moist lips circled her right nipple latching on as his right hand tweaked and twisted her left nipple. With a load moan Scarlett leaned back against the bed frame.

"Oh god Jerry don't stop that whatever you do!" she cried out. Switching to her left nipple in his mouth and her right nipple in his and he gave the other just as much attention. But Jerry had other plans than just teasing her breasts. With a little whimper from her throat he moved away from those seductive alveolars and started kissing down the center of her belly. Stopping for a moment to lick into her cute little belly button before he continued on his quest. As he approached her nether region he stopped just above her clit kneeling down to get a better look. Her head tilted forward to see why he had stopped. Jerry looked into her eye and began to kiss along her inner thigh swirling his tongue in circles and blowing on his saliva sending shivers through her. He moved inward but just before reaching her lower lips he veered off and repeated along her other leg. Still locked with her eyes he reached the center again opening his jaw wide and placed the flat of his tongue on her smooth outer lips. Scarlett's body shivered a little from the small stimulation. Jerry kept it there and slowly began working the tip of his tongue into her soft soaking opening.

Scarlett's head laid flat on the pillow again as Jerry worked his tongue in and up inside her sweet little snatch. Soon Scarlett was moaning quietly until Jerry lifted up to her clit electing a small squeak of pleasure form her. With his tip flicking back and forth across her tiny love button he slipped his index finger into her saliva lubed hole. Jerry pushed it in as far as it would but soon came against an obstruction.

With that she rose up onto he knees and with her right hand she reached back grabbing Jerry's prick. Scarlett rubbed the tip of his cock around her labia spreading his precum over her shaved lips. She pressed his tip against her clit and with a little pressure slid it back between her lower lips. Once she reached her opening she held it there for a second seemingly mentally preparing herself for what was to come. Scarlett lowered herself over his shaft slowly until she reached her maidenhead. Jerry the whole while looking on in awe as she slowly teased him. With a decisive thrust down Scarlett forced Jerry's manhood through her hymen. Scarlett bit down hard on her lower lip.

He had given each nipple a tweak. Scarlett grabbed his wrists forcing his hands harder into her tits. Scarlett began lifting up along his shaft and slowly back down. Jerry's eyes were fixed on her tits but noticed the new sensation on his cock and looked between them for the show. He watched as his cock would disappear into her hot little box and then she would lift up again and see it reappear all but the tip. This was a million times better than Jerry had imagined, her pussy was so tight it felt like a boa constrictor was swallowing it whole. He was so glad she had given him that blowjob earlier because without it he would have blown his load the moment she had fully taken him in.

All she could do to answer was moan loudly rocking up and down. After a few minutes Scarlett learned that if she rocked back and forth instead of up and down the sensation was good if not better and she wasn't exerting herself as much. Jerry laid back and enjoyed the ride while working her tits like a concert pianist. The twos moans got faster and louder as they fell into a rhythm of her riding and he thrusting upward. As their synchronized movements came closer and closer Jerry felt that familiar tingle begin to grow in his balls.

Scarlett's orgasm sent Jerry over the top as her quaking cunt contracted hard on his cock milking rope after rope of his hot seed into her. Scarlett felt it spray into her womb coating her insides with his warmth. The years of adult angst and desire for the two finally fulfilled in a moments of mutual bliss.

"Fuck!" Jerry exclaimed removing his hands from her docile tits to sweep around her back. Jerry sat up pulling her into another embrace holding her body to his. Their lips met once more sealing themselves to each other as the heights of their orgasms faded.

Scarlett looked over at the clock seeing that she needed to get home but needed a shower before heading home as she texted Annabel saying,

"I will be home soon, just got to get us milk, I love you."

Scarlett turned over to see Jerry passed out so she went to the shower clean off quickly then left in silence hating that this happened every time especially when he had a wife so now she had to get home to her own wife before it got to much later.

Jana sat at home in silence trying to figure out how to move on from Angel completely since she has now been in love with her wife for so long now. As Avery came up saying,

"Mom, what is going on?"

Jana looked up at her beautiful daughter replying,

"Well, looks like once I get enough money, we will be heading back to Kansas your Momma has made up her mind and unfortunately it is never going to be the same again. I will be the only one to claim you both along with dating again."

Avery shook her head as Jonathan came up behind her responding,

"Mom, we said that we weren't going to give up on getting Momma back, this is giving up...I don't want another Momma when you two are perfect for each other."

Jana just shook her head no replying,

"Jonathan, your Momma has lost her mind a long time ago and we are too late, it looks like you two will just have me and any other woman that is willing to put up with a single mom."

Jonathan held his fist at his sides as he scooted Avery to the side then left the hotel room in silence as Avery responded,

"Mom, I can't believe you are giving up after three months. The last time she was here you were so happy and felt complete obviously since she isn't Angel you have completely changed on who your future wife is supposed to be."

Jana looked at the floor wringing her fingers together replying,

"Avery, when you have someone you love deeply, got used to their ways is hard to imagine them any different. Your Momma was my best friend before Scarlett gave her no choice."

Avery's mouth went dry as she responded,

"I guess it would be time for you to move on Mom, I'm just going to miss Momma Angel she means everything to me and Jonathan."

Jana hugged Avery knowing that it was best to go back to Kansas for her and the kids sake they need their friends for support too. Maybe Jana can make amends with Martha and get her job back. Just saving up money had been a challenge with making sure they ate,had new clothes and everything else it seems they were stuck.

That was when she heard a knock at the door Jana sighed as she went to answer she looked through the peephole to see that it was to dark to see the figure so she opened it up as the person spoke softly,

"Here is the money for you to go back to Kansas, I appreciate you staying around to take care of my wife but we are okay and found happiness with each other. Annabel sends her love and graces to you, we will see you in Kansas future-wise for many meetings. Have a safe trip Miss Jana Johnson."

Jana took the money then saw that Avery was near her the whole time as she silently closed the door then Jonathan came back saying,

"Mom, who was that?"

Jana shook her head in disbelief replying,

"That was Scarlett gave us money to go back to Kansas which is nice of her since we are scraping money as it is."

Jonathan and Avery looked at one another with a heavy sigh as they shook their heads then Jonathan replied,

"Mom, I just started liking living off the grid with doing homework here as a home base and not a public school, do we really have to leave?"

Jana stood up pacing back and forth as Jonathan always made things more complicated than they needed to be as she responded,

"Jonathan, you have to be in public school with the friends you've made I'm sure they miss you and your teachers too. So you and Avery pack your bags we are going to see Martha and everyone else, time for us to move on officially, once we leave maybe Angel will come back I have no clue as of right now I'm tired of chasing her and convincing a woman who won't believe who she was beforehand. I give up!"

Jonathan just sighed heavily grabbing his luggage along with Avery's as they both put everything they needed in their truck stuffing almost four years left of stuff in the truck as Jana called her mother Mary waiting three rings as her mother answered,

"Hey baby girl, how are you? Did you get Angel back yet?"

Jana took a deep breath replying,

"Mom, I can't chase her anymore I'm coming home to be with Martha this fight has become unreal to win the love of my life back when she's in denial of who she is. She wanted me to be in love with Annabel not Angel it is more than a mess me and the children deserve"

Mary dropped the phone than picked it up responding,

"Sorry, what darling? You can't just give up on Angel especially being a different woman than she was, you and the kids need to stay there, don't come home just yet until you get Angel and Martha already has a husband why would you want to be with her?"

Jana forgot about that with Martha that she already had a husband but she needed a partner someone other than Annabel and she needed to be back in her hometown to find that woman. As she replied to her mother,

"Mom, I'm coming back, I need to get me and the kids back on track plus start dating again this time women not men."

Jana knew she couldn't convince her daughter as she responded,

"Alright sweet pea I'll be waiting for you guys, send my grand-babies loves."

Jana hung up with her mom as she packed everything she had including electronic devices. Jana had completely lost faith in Angel and knew that it was up to her to decide fate as the one and only Annabel Ann Thomas, so she shoved everything in the truck as the kids waited on her to return the hotel key and get her receipt as she saw her history with Angel faded, she got into the truck then veered on the highway without looking back as both kids sat in silent the whole way back to Kansas.

Scarlett arrived home to find her wife Annabel peacefully working on a book with tears streaming down her face as Scarlett came up behind her saying,

"Baby, why are you crying?"

Annabel turned around from her computer looking at Scarlett replying,

"I...I am not sure who you are or even who I am. Jana is gone, you are working late every evening. We move a lot never stay in one place. This life is beyond my measurements."

Scarlett kneel down on one knee to look up at Annabel responding,

"You are Annabel, my sweet loving wife, and I am Scarlett, your beautiful wife. We move because of my job not due to anything else. I know Jana is gone but it is for the better, she's cause too much chaos trying to find Angel."

Annabel got up out of the chair pushing Scarlett down to the ground pacing back and forth in the living room replying,

"That's what I don't get, she is assuming I'm Angel Knight and I keep having these daydreams that I'm her also that I had a life with her and you would sexually abuse me. So, tell me Scarlett who am I really?"

Scarlett love this charade game when Annabel would assume she is Angel it was the best time to take much needed measures to keep Annabel around as she decided responding would be best,

"Babe, you are only have those daydreams because you have no memory of anything else, we have been the best couple since high school. We were crowned King and Queen at our Prom everyone loved us when they found out after graduation that we were going to be married it excited everyone including your friends."

Annabel had no recall of this whatsoever it had disturbed her badly that Scarlett kept this going with a long tale but she had no memory of Angel most the time either, she'd go days without a pop up of a memory. So she replied,

"Hmm...okay darling, it must be my depression over my book of "Making A Memory" that book has been eating my thought process and just carrying on for days on end I'm only halfway through on top of it."

Scarlett kissed her with passion then released replying,

"It's all okay darling just take a break you're emotions are way out of whack today let me go get you some medication and you can rest."

Annabel nodded just taking whatever Scarlett was going to give her just so she'd be calm and relax though that still doesn't explain her memories of being with Jana she so badly wanted to text Jana but then remembered she deleted the number due to Jana not wanting her since she wasn't Angel.

Scarlett came back with some weird medication she took it anyways then went to lay down as Scarlett helped her to bed.

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