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36.36% The Primeval Beast: Beast of Dreams (FGO fanfic) / Chapter 2: The Girl, The MC and Live in Fuyuki

Capítulo 2: The Girl, The MC and Live in Fuyuki

When opening the door and being blinded by the light coming from it, I found myself in what I can describe as the classic science fiction color tunnel, I could not move my arms or my legs, so I decided to check myself and I could see that my body it looks like a baseball with a tail waving on my head, I think this is the shape of a soul when it goes to enter the world of the living.

Me: Well, nothing else to do but appreciate the view ... it's good that I'm not epileptic

After a while the view changes and at the end of the tunnel I see what I think is planet earth

Me: * Sigh * Finally, let's see where I'm going to end up…!?

Before even entering the planet's atmosphere, I turn to the right and see the moon, but the strange thing is that it is approaching me, and very fast.

Me: But what? … What the hell!?

When the moon is right next to the tunnel, I start to feel like my body is being pulled towards it, coming out of the tunnel, exposed to outer space


The last thing I see before I lose consciousness is the dark side of the moon, and a strange red light coming from it.





Me: …? This happened to me before, right?

I wake up after a while and get up, but when I do it expecting to see the moon surface, what I find surprises me

Me: ... but ... What the hell? ... Where am I?

Currently, I am in a huge field of white shining flowers, on top of that, looking up what I see is the darkness of space, and the earth as well.

Me: Ok, this must definitely be a dream

I now look at myself to notice that my form changed, being the same humanoid form that it had before entering the portal.

I started walking to see what was around me, flowers, flowers, flowers, and more flowers, there is also a lake ... ok this must be a dream because near that lake I see three people, one of them looks like an older man wearing a worn-out suit in a wheelchair, what caught my attention the most about that man was his wooden leg, the second person looks like a woman because of the shape of her body, and I say it like that because she is wearing A suit that looks like an English suit during the revolution, as well as a pirate hat? The only thing that I can see from my position is that she has pale blonde hair tied in a ponytail, and finally the last person is a little girl who wears a white one-piece dress and has the same hair color as the woman, the girl appears to be from preschool or entering elementary school.

When I get close enough, I see that the girl realizes that I am here and turns to see me, following her movement, the man and the woman do the same.

Man: Oh my, we haven't had visitors in a long time, welcome

Woman:… A soul in the process of reincarnation, what are you doing here?

Although the man speaks in a friendly way, the woman looks at me with clear hostility, but for some reason, I don't care and I only see the girl who has not taken her eyes off me

Me: …

Girl: …

Me: …

Girl: …

Me: … Umm, hello

Girl: …

The girl does not look away and does not answer me, she just stares at me while she has a book in her hands, but a while after starting our staring contest, she starts running towards me, when she is in front of me, she shows me her book.

Me: For me?

Girl: … * Nods *

She nods so I take the book and read the title

Me: 'FLORA, FROM THE MOON, FROM THE DREAM' well ~, it sounds interesting, thank-¿?

When I look away from the book, none of the people are there, just me with the book in my hands.

Me: Where did they go? Well let's see what this is about

Since I don't see anyone, I decide to open the book, on the first page there is a message

Me: 'It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, or why you are here, the moon and the dream call you, remember these words, the beast from far away, scared and lonely, protected by the moon and its reflection. Hunters, cowardly insects that only go for their power, will perish, without even knowing why. The fangs will always be there, to help the moon, to protect the lonely creature, and to destroy the true beast. ' Okaaaayyy, it's not a bad start, I think, but now what am I supposed to-!? O, NOT THIS AGAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII-

I begin to feel again a force pulling me, but this time towards the earth, well I think that now I will be reborn ... I hope so.





Man: And there it goes, how curious that you gave that book to that soul, dear

Girl:… did I do something wrong, grandfather?

Man: not at all, what you did is something that relieves me a lot my girl, don´t you think?

Woman: ... I think it is true that you did something very good, with that, that soul may return in the future, but if he goes out of line, I will destroy him

Girl: ... Please don't do anything to him ...

Woman: I can't promise you that dear, it's all for your own good

Girl: … ok…

Man: now, now, there is no reason to be so angry with that soul, besides I think you felt it too, right? That soul reminds me a lot of him.

Woman: … that is precisely why I say it.

Man: HAHAHA, so that's why you are so upset, well you are not the only one, after all, the girl felt very happy to see him right?

Girl: … * Nods * yes grandfather…

Man: I see, well we just have to wait, Tsukiyomi and Kaguya will train him, and when the time comes, he will appear before us with his answer, besides, I think he will meet that soul

Woman: … I'm sorry Grandfather, but if that soul meets him, you'd better prepare yourself.

Man: … Yes, I know…

The three figures see, at the top of a hill near where the soul was, how it is dragged towards the earth, the man looks at him with joy and nostalgia, the woman looks at him with hostility and distrust, and the girl looks at him with longing and hope

Girl: ... please do not take long, come back and call me by my name ...






I am currently in heaven, not heaven as in paradise, but literally in heaven, receiving my first free-fall experience, YAAY, NOOOOOO!

When I look closely, I can tell that I am falling into what I think is a country, although it looks familiar.


I don't know why, but it seems that, although I will reincarnate in Fate, to be reborn in the American continent, in a country that has never been used for an anime, Panama, and if they have used it in an anime, they definitely have not used it for Fate or for the Nasuverse

Me: ... well I think it's better to be reborn here than to be reborn in Fuyuki during the fourth war of the holy grail, maybe I will be reborn in Fate, but I may live a quiet life right-!? ... now that ...

After saying that, my body stops in full fall, and a window appears in front of me


It's to give you my sincere apologies as you were supposed to be reborn on the American continent, to meet Weaver Velvet during his travels, but due to the nature of the chosen world, you will be reborn in a more clichéd place… hold on tight ~ '

Me: Hold on? Hold on to whaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Finishing reading the message, my body (soul) is thrown towards the west, passing the ocean and stopping just above what I know as Japan

Me: it's good that I'm just a soul, otherwise I'd be vomiting like crazy right… now? … I ´m… getting… sleepy

With that I fall into a heavy sleep, not knowing why while I see how I fall again





?: Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Kasugano, it's a boy!

Mr. Kasugano: You did it, my love, look, he is our son

Mrs. Kasugano: Please let me… see him

Me: (Umm? What happened to me?)

Mrs. Kasugano: doctor what's wrong, my baby doesn't react ?!

Doctor: one moment, please

Without waiting and without preparing, he received a spanking, as if to wake me up in pain


Mrs. Kasugano: My baby, don't worry, here I am my boy

Me: (Shit, that hurt, where am I? ... ah, I see, I was just born, shit I can't see anything, I can't make out anything)

Mr. Kasugano: hehe, look he has your eyes, and your hair, even your, face? Come on, he has to have something mine, right?

Mrs. Kasugano: Well, he's a boy, right?

Mr. Kasugano: …

Mrs. Kasugano: hehe, I'm just kidding, let's wait for him to grow up and you'll see

Mr. Kasugano: well, why don't we give you your name?

Mrs. Kasugano: Do ​​you have one?

Mr. Kasugano: …

Mrs. Kasugano: *sigh*, I knew it, well I do have one

Mrs. Kasugano looks at the baby in her hands with affection, wishing from the bottom of her heart that this baby grows up healthy, that she will make sure that he has a happy and safe life

Mrs. Kasugano: Haruka, Haruka Kasugano, that's what your name is from today, my little Haru

Mr. Kasugano: Heh, so Haruka, well, welcome, my son, thank you for bringing him into the world Maki.

Maki Kasugano: You know I couldn't have done it without you Tatsuya-san

Tears, as well as happiness, invaded the pair of parents who embraced their son as what he is, their most precious treasure, and as the most delicate being in the world.

Everyone looked at this event with joy ... well almost everyone

Me (Haruka): wait, Haruka Kasugano? Where ... oh shit

Everyone except him the baby.





17 years later.

Hello everyone, my name is Haruka Kasugano, I am 17 years old, currently a 2nd-year high school student, after the events of my birth, I continued to live like any other child, going through childhood, just like the chaos that is puberty ... I thought I'd only go through that once ... not a good experience anyway.

Well to the important thing, first, since I was reborn, the moment I received my name I thought I was in another world different from fate, that of YOSUGA NO SORA, but at least I can say that I am in fate, as why you ask, well that's because of the city I'm currently living in, can you guess? ... Yes, Fuyuki, I'm in Fuyuki, but I'm in the year 2018, 14 years after the events of fate stay/night, Unlimited Blade Works, or ( Thank heaven) Heaven's feel, or so I thought.

?: Nii-Sama, Shirou-San is here

Haruka: Shirou? Ok thanks Sora

The little girl who just called me is called Sora Kasugano, my little sister.

Now that I'm talking about her, let me tell you a little about myself, first is that although my name is Haruka Kasugano, in addition to the fact that my face is really like that of the Anime version, there are several differences between us, first is that My hair is black, unlike the original, another thing would be that my eyes are dark blue, those colors being our only differences, now with respect to my family, my parents are alive and with us, another big difference It would be Sora, she has the same color of eyes and hair as me, and she is not my twin sister, she is 10 years old, what else should I mention ... well, I do not have a childhood friend, so I did not have the same accident as Haruka Kasugano from the anime.

Well with that out, let's now talk about other details, starting with the fact that both Sora and I were born not in Fuyuki, but in Kawagoe, 7 years ago my parents were transferred to Fuyuki, both she and my Dad are doctors, so We all went to Fuyuki ... is the world screwing with me or what? Why not just being born in Fuyuki, it wasn't necessary to throw away the transfer student shit, It's the oldest cliché in anime history! ... Well, it doesn't matter anymore.

Now, the important thing, and what makes me doubt about this world has to do with the visit in front of my door.

Shirou Emiya

The one who gave us famous messages such as "People die when they are killed"

The protagonist of all versions of Fate Stay Night to date, his existence here complicated things, and not only him but also his family.

I have visited the Emiya family on several occasions, and the family consists of Kiritsugu Emiya, Irisviel von Einzbern, or Irisviel Emiya, Shirou, Illyasviel Emiya and the maids, Sella and Leysritt. With that I thought I was in Kaleid (THANK GOD IT IS NOT HEAVEN'S FEEL!), Another additional thing is that Sora and Illya are classmates in the elementary section of Homuhara academy, while Shirou is my classmate in the high school section, along with other Fate characters, like Sakura Tohsaka, in this universe she was never adopted by the Matou, so no worms for her, there is also (Unfortunately) Shinji Matou, although still the same bastard character from the anime.

The entire cast of Fate is in this world, except Rin who seems to have not arrived yet, but according to Sakura, she does exist.

Haru: Shirou, if this is to help you with something from Shinji, don´t count me in

Shirou: No, it's nothing like that, Reikan-San asked me for help to clean the temple, it seems that they are short of hands, he said that he would pay me if I brought you too, what do you say

Haru: What about Isse?

Shirou: Looks like he had to go take care of something for the student council

Haru: Again, didn't he had to do the same last week?

Shirou: Well ... he is the president

Haru: *sigh* ~ and that's why you came to see me, well, there's money involved so why not

After agreeing with Shirou, I hear Sora's voice behind me

Sora: Nii-Sama, are you going out?

Haru: Just for a bit, it shouldn't take long, hm?

I notice that Sora has my cell phone in her hands

Haru: Did they call?

Sora: Mom and Dad won't be able to come home, they say they're busy

Haru: Wow, now what

Shirou: Don't worry Haru, Sora-chan can stay with Illya while you're gone

Haru: Well I think that does it, what do you say Sora…?

I turn around to ask her but all I see is how she goes quickly to the second floor of the house, after a while I start to hear a commotion, and then Sora comes back again with a bag on her back, and a teddy bear.

Sora: Come on, come on, come on Nii-Sama!

Haru: Haha, it seems like he really wants to go play with Illya right?

Sora: Mhm * Nods *!

Shirou: Well, are we going?


The house of the Emiyas in this universe is the same house that they had in Fate Kalleid, they live right in front of my house, my house is similar to that of the Emiya, two floors, with the kitchen next to the living room, and the rooms on the second floor.

Upon reaching the entrance of the house, Shirou knocks on the door, a while later we hear someone approaching, the door opens and we meet one of the two maids, Leysritt.

Leysritt: hmm? ~ Shirou, you weren't going out for a while ~

Shirou: I just came to drop off Sora-chan, while Haru and I are going to do some errands

Leysritt: hmm? ~, Aa ~, hello Haru, Sora ~

Haru: Sorry for the trouble, Leysritt-San

Leysritt: It's no trouble Haru ~, come on Sora ~

Sora: Thank you, Leysritt-Neesan

Leysritt: * Whisper * Umu, Neesan, Umu ~

Haru: Well we're going, take care Sora and pay attention to Leysritt-San and Sella-San, ok?

Sora: ok, take care Nii-Sama

With Sora now at Shirou's house, the two of us headed towards the Ryudoo temple.





Shirou: Haru, are you really going to leave Japan?

Haru: That's the plan

Shirou: Where were you going?

Haru: Antarctica

We are currently on winter holidays, and from next year it will be the first time that I go outside of Japan, actually now that I think about it, when I received the pamphlet my mother gave me, I finally knew that this world is extremely strange, It can be said that it is a mixture of parallel worlds of Fate, but for now I already know what plot I am going to.

Shirou: You go to that academy right?

I am currently in.

Haru: The Chaldea Academy

Fate grand order

================================================ ==============================

How about people, how are you, well first of all thanks for reading the novel, now the important thing is about the other two souls that I mentioned in the first chapter, I don't want to leave their stories out so what I have are 2 options, One is to integrate their stories into this novel, which I think would be interesting, but then this novel would stop being solely from FGO.

The other option is to make their stories separately in different books but I think that being like this, the chapters that I will send to the novels will be slower, to be honest I also have the idea of ​​putting the three protagonists together at some points in the story, of course not permanently, each one of them has theur own story, besides the idea of ​​having the 3 in the same world would already be an idea for the future, I will continue to do the chapters for this novel but I will upload them next week after seeing your comments to know how to continue with the other two.

I hope you liked these chapters, the novel will be slow so don't expect something like doing a whole arc in 4 or 5 chapters.

With nothing more to say, I'll wait for your opinions, until next time ~

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